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This paper extends the work of Russell (1976). Proof Is given that, for many parameter sets, all O:XB designs belonging to the set are connected. It is shown how an (M,S)-optinal design nay be selected from the M-optimal designs of a given parameter set. The efficiencies of these (M,S)-optimal designs are displayed, and it is concluded that the (M,S)-optimality criterion is useful for selecting designs of high efficiency.  相似文献   

The randomized response (RR) technique with two decks of cards proposed by Odumade and Singh (2009) can always be made more efficient than the RR techniques proposed by Warner (1965), Mangat and Singh (1990), and Mangat (1994) by adjusting the proportion of cards in the decks. Arnab et al. (2012) generalized Odumade and Singh strategy (2009) for complex survey designs and wider class of estimators. In this paper improvement of Arnab et al. (2012) estimator has been made by using maximum likelihood method.  相似文献   

Tail estimates are developed for power law probability distributions with exponential tempering, using a conditional maximum likelihood approach based on the upper-order statistics. Tempered power law distributions are intermediate between heavy power-law tails and Laplace or exponential tails, and are sometimes called “semi-heavy” tailed distributions. The estimation method is demonstrated on simulated data from a tempered stable distribution, and for several data sets from geophysics and finance that show a power law probability tail with some tempering.  相似文献   

In the present article, we consider the calibration procedure for the Warner's and Mangat–Singh's (:M–S) randomized response survey estimators using auxiliary information associated with the variable of interest. In the calibration procedure, we can use auxiliary information such as age, gender, and income for the respondents of RR questions from an external source, and then the classical RR estimators can be improved with respect to the problems of noncoverage or nonresponse. From the efficiency comparison study, we show that the calibration estimators are more efficient than those of Warner's and Mangat-Singh's when the known population cell and marginal counts of auxiliary information are used for the calibration procedure.  相似文献   

The performance of the sampling strategy used in the Botswana Aids Impact Survey II (BAISII) has been studied in detail under a randomized response technique. We have shown that alternative strategies based on the Rao–Harley–Cochran (RHC) sampling scheme for the selection of first stage units perform much better than other strategies. In particular, the combination RHC for the selection of first stage units (fsu's) and systematic sampling for the selection of second stage units (ssu's) perform the best when the sample size is small where as the RHC and SRSWOR perform the best when the sample size is large. In view of the present findings it is recommended that the BAISII survey should be studied in more detail incorporating more indicators and increased sample sizes. This is because the BAISII survey design is extensively in use for large scales surveys in Southern African countries.  相似文献   

This article presents the calibration procedure of the two-phase randomized response (RR) technique for surveying the sensitive characteristic. When the sampling scheme is two-phase or double sampling, auxiliary information known from the entire population can be used, but the auxiliary information should be information available from both the first and second phases of the sample. If there is auxiliary information available from both the first and second phases, then we can improve the ordinary two-phase RR estimator by incorporating this information in the estimation procedure. In this article, we used the new two-step Newton's method for computing unknown constants in the calibration procedure and compared the efficiency of the proposed estimator through some numerical study.  相似文献   

Two-phase optional randomized response (TORR) technique has been proposed. The proposed randomized response (RR) performs much better in general than the existing RR techniques. Theoretical and numerical illustrations identified conditions of superiority of the proposed TORR over the existing comparable optional randomized response (ORR) techniques.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the block total response method proposed by Raghavarao and Federer for providing accurate estimates of the base rates of sensitive characteristics during surveys. It determines the best balanced incomplete block design to use to estimate the base rates for three, four, five and six sensitive attributes respectively, given a maximum total number of 13 questions. The estimates obtained from this method have smaller variance than estimates obtained using the similar, but more popular, unmatched count technique.  相似文献   

In this article, two new improved randomized response models have been proposed. The proposed models are found to be more efficient than the recent randomized response model studied by Bar-Lev et al. (2004 Bar-Lev , S. K. , Bobovitch , E. , Boukai , B. ( 2004 ). A note on randomized response models for quantitative data . Metrika 60 : 255260 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The relative efficiency of the proposed models has been studied with respect to the Bar-Lev et al. (2004 Bar-Lev , S. K. , Bobovitch , E. , Boukai , B. ( 2004 ). A note on randomized response models for quantitative data . Metrika 60 : 255260 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) model under different situations.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology is widely used for developing, improving, and optimizing processes in various fields. In this article, we present a method for constructing three-level designs in order to explore and optimize response surfaces combining orthogonal arrays and covering arrays in a particular manner. The produced designs achieve the properties of rotatability, predictive performance and efficiency for the estimation of a second-order model.  相似文献   

The Bayesian design approach accounts for uncertainty of the parameter values on which optimal design depends, but Bayesian designs themselves depend on the choice of a prior distribution for the parameter values. This article investigates Bayesian D-optimal designs for two-parameter logistic models, using numerical search. We show three things: (1) a prior with large variance leads to a design that remains highly efficient under other priors, (2) uniform and normal priors lead to equally efficient designs, and (3) designs with four or five equidistant equally weighted design points are highly efficient relative to the Bayesian D-optimal designs.  相似文献   

Gupta et al. and Huang considered optional randomized response techniques where the probability of choosing the randomized (or direct) response is fixed for all the respondents. In this paper the assumption of the constant probability of choosing the option has been relaxed by dividing respondents into two groups: one group provides direct response and the second a randomized response. The method of estimation of the population mean and variances under the modified assumption are obtained. Relative efficiencies of the proposed techniques are compared theoretically and empirically.  相似文献   

This article considers response surface designs in which the number of levels of some of the factors are constrained. Two general types of designs are examined: CUBE designs and STAR designs. The specific factor levels are chosen to give variance contours with a high level of sphericity, thus providing designs that are close to rotatable.  相似文献   

Optimal designs for logistic models generally require prior information about the values of the regression parameters. However, experimenters usually do not have full knowledge of these parameters. We propose a design that is D-optimal on a restricted design region. This design assigns an equal weight to design points that contain more information and ignores those design points that contain less information about the regression parameters. The design can be constructed in practice by means of the rank order of the outcome variances. A numerical study compares the proposed design with the D-optimal and completely balanced designs in terms of efficiency.  相似文献   

A new estimator for estimating the proportion of a potentially sensitive attribute in survey sampling has been introduced by solving a linear equation. The proposed estimator has been compared with the estimator proposed by Odumade and Singh (2009) with equal protection to all of the respondents. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator are investigated through exact numerical illustrations for different choices of parameters. A non randomized response approach has been suggested. A scope for further research has also been pointed out.  相似文献   

Design of experiments is considered for the situation where estimation of the slopes of a response surface is the main interest. Under the D-minimax criterion, the objective is to minimize the generalized variance of the estimated axial slopes at a point maximized over all points in the region of interest in the factor space. For the third-order model over spherical regions, the D-minimax designs are derived in two and three dimensions. The efficiencies of some two- and three-dimensional designs available in the literature are also investigated.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of estimating the population proportion when the study variable is sensitive in nature. Two implicit unrelated question procedures are proposed, in which the unrelated character used can be chosen arbitrarily. In addition to unbiasedly estimating population proportion and variance, an empirical study is also carried out to examine the relative efficiency aspect of the proposed procedures. The new procedures are shown to be more efficient than the usual randomized response procedures.  相似文献   


In this article we revisit Warner's (Warner, S. L. (1965 Warner, S. L. 1965. Randomized Response: a survey technique for elimination evasive answer bias. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 60: 6369. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Randomized response: a survey technique for elimination evasive answer bias. Journal of the American Statistical Association 60:63–69) randomize response model for estimating the proportion of “sensitive” attributed in a population and propose a two-stage sequential sampling procedure for it. We show that the new procedure can potentially reduce, on the average, the number of interviewees surveyed in the study while allowing instances with smaller error of estimation. The properties and some of the attractive features of the randomized response two-stage sequential sampling estimation procedure is discussed as illustrated.  相似文献   

There have been many alternative strategies for implementing sampling survey on quantitative characteristic of sensitive issues by using randomized response (RR) technique. The efficiency of most of those strategies has been improved by choosing the suitable design parameters of model. However, the two different procedures with pre-assigned design parameter values cannot ensure that they possess the same protection degree to the respondents. Some earlier comparisons of those strategies are inadequate (as in Eichhorn and Hayre, 1983 Eichhorn , B. H. , Hayre , L. S. ( 1983 ). Scrambled randomized response methods for obtaining sensitive quantitative data . J. Statist. Plann. Infer. 7 : 307316 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Gupta et al., 2002 Gupta , S. , Gupta , B. , Singh , S. ( 2002 ). Estimation of sensitivity level of personal interview survey questions . J. Statist. Plann. Infer. 100 ( 2 ): 239247 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Some literature contains a more comprehensive comparison based on efficiency and protection degree to the respondents among the qualitative characteristic RR techniques (see Bhargava and Singh, 2002 Bhargava , M. , Singh , R. ( 2002 ). On the efficiency comparison of certain randomized response strategies . Metrika 55 : 191197 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Nayak, 1994 Nayak , T. K. ( 1994 ). On randomized response surveys for estimating a proportion . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 23 ( 11 ): 33033321 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Zaizai and Zankan, 2004 Zaizai , Y. , Zankan , N. ( 2004 ). A fair comparison of the randomized response strategies . Acta Mathematica Scientia 24A ( 3 ): 362368 . [Google Scholar]). As far as the comparisons are concerned that are based on efficiency and protection degree to the respondents among the quantitative characteristic RR techniques, very few related studies have been found so far. The purpose of this article is to give a more adequate comparison among those earlier quantitative characteristic RR strategies. It is found that several important differences between the results obtained in this article and some known results exist. Therefore, these earlier RR strategies should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

The linear discriminant function (LDF) is known to be optimal in the sense of achieving an optimal error rate when sampling from multivariate normal populations with equal covariance matrices. Use of the LDF in nonnormal situations is known to lead to some strange results. This paper will focus on an evaluation of misclassification probabilities when the power transformation could have been used to achieve at least approximate normality and equal covariance matrices in the sampled populations for the distribution of the observed random variables. Attention is restricted to the two-population case with bivariate distributions.  相似文献   

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