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Comprehensive e-resource reviews often happen in response to financial crises. Data are collected, and faculty are consulted about reductions. After the review, the data are forgotten or lost until the next crisis. Librarians at one public institution were initially motivated by a financial crisis to review their e-resources. But, they also wanted to use this crisis as a means to develop persistent review criteria and a longitudinal review process. This article will summarize how they identified the principal stakeholders, review criteria, essential data, workflows, and management application to support a process that would transcend a single crisis.  相似文献   

采用“亲社会倾向量表”(PTM)和“学生生活应激量表”(SLSI)随机抽样大学生552人,通过SPSS拟合线性回归模型和AMOS拟合结构方程模型,探索大学生亲社会行为对其心理危机的干预效应.探索性线性回归模型显示,亲社会行为及其交互因子(利他亲社会行为、依从亲社会行为、情绪亲社会行为、公开亲社会行为、紧急亲社会行为、匿名亲社会行为)均对生活应激和心理危机产生显著负效应;验证性结构方程模型显示,亲社会行为对生活应激产生显著干预效应,并对心理危机产生显著干预效应,亲社会行为使生活应激对心理危机的诱发效应衰减.研究结果说明,大学生亲社会行为具有缓解生活应激(前因)和干预心理危机(后效)的双重中介效应,大学生亲社会行为是预防心理危机和维护心理健康的积极力量和潜在心理资本.研究结果可以为大学生危机干预管理提供实证参考和指导.  相似文献   

企业盈余信息的质量受公司治理程度影响较大,债权治理则是公司治理中的一个重要组成部分。以债权治理的信号传递效应和积极监督效应为基础,分析债权治理对盈余质量的影响;利用修正的琼斯模型对盈余质量进行计量,以上市公司的资本结构衡量债权治理的效果,据此来研究两者之间的关系;研究表明:债务融资会促使管理层对上市公司盈余的操纵,即债务融资的增加反而降低了上市公司的盈余质量。  相似文献   

1997年7月爆发的东南亚金融危机,1998年7月出现的俄罗斯金融危机,以及最近于今年1月13日巴西货币雷亚尔的大幅贬值,都已经或者正在冲击着整个世界经济,特别是亚洲金融危机已对我国经济产生了巨大影响。金融危机犹如洪水猛兽到处横冲直撞,导致整个世界动...  相似文献   


Efforts to address a reproducibility crisis have generated several valid proposals for improving the quality of scientific research. We argue there is also need to address the separate but related issues of relevance and responsiveness. To address relevance, researchers must produce what decision makers actually need to inform investments and public policy—that is, the probability that a claim is true or the probability distribution of an effect size given the data. The term responsiveness refers to the irregularity and delay in which issues about the quality of research are brought to light. Instead of relying on the good fortune that some motivated researchers will periodically conduct efforts to reveal potential shortcomings of published research, we could establish a continuous quality-control process for scientific research itself. Quality metrics could be designed through the application of this statistical process control for the research enterprise. We argue that one quality control metric—the probability that a research hypothesis is true—is required to address at least relevance and may also be part of the solution for improving responsiveness and reproducibility. This article proposes a “straw man” solution which could be the basis of implementing these improvements. As part of this solution, we propose one way to “bootstrap” priors. The processes required for improving reproducibility and relevance can also be part of a comprehensive statistical quality control for science itself by making continuously monitored metrics about the scientific performance of a field of research.  相似文献   

This article develops a Markov chain model for the management quality of Chinese A share listed companies. We use the data from years 1998–2003 to estimate the parameters of this model and forecast the management quality of Chinese A share listed companies in the future. We also put forward some policy suggestions based on our results.  相似文献   

胡帆 《统计研究》2010,27(11):53-56
本文借鉴全面质量管理体系的概念,综合分析贯穿统计工作整个流程的统计调查数据质量管理的要素及作用。本文重点讨论了全面质量管理的流程和重点工作的布局;结合统计信息化的建设,特别讨论了相关工作规范、应用软件的作用,以及数据资源的建设和利用。  相似文献   

由金融危机三阶段视角透视跨国投资组合供需动态变化过程中金融危机的传染特性。以跨国投资者投资决策与投资业绩互动为突破点,剖析在金融危机三阶段内调整跨国资产组合配置的微观交易行为所引致的金融危机传染性。经由9个国家金融危机期间基金交易数据的计量检验得出:金融危机中跨国投资者资产组合再分配是金融危机重要的传染渠道;与金融危机发源国分享风险偏好型跨国投资者的国家最容易被危机感染;金融危机三阶段传染效应的强度呈动态变化;金融市场上投资者的信息搜集在化解市场风险方面具有重要作用。  相似文献   

 内容提要:在统计“入世”与市场化改革双重背景之下,统计数据质量研究凸显其重要之处。本文选取政府统计数据质量内涵为研究对象,基于国际统计数据质量标准和各国统计部门成功实践经验的双重视角,对其发展历程中所形成的“传统与现代”、“狭义与广义”、“绝对与相对”、“一般与特殊”四组范畴进行梳理,进而总结出政府统计数据质量管理工作的若干要点,并就此对进一步提高中国统计数据质量管理水平提出些许思考。  相似文献   

This article documents macroeconomic forecasting during the global financial crisis by two key central banks: the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The article is the result of a collaborative effort between staff at the two institutions, allowing us to study the time-stamped forecasts as they were made throughout the crisis. The analysis does not exclusively focus on point forecast performance. It also examines methodological contributions, including how financial market data could have been incorporated into the forecasting process.  相似文献   

文章基于平均策略,使用BP神经网络对贝叶斯判别、费歇尔线性判别和logistic回归判别财务危机的输出新变量进行加权平均再判别,并和单一方法判别的效果比较。应用双层分类器做了一次财务危机判别的新尝试。  相似文献   

以2008年现金到期债务比指标小于0为依据,选取沪深两市中233家公司为样本并进行配对,利用公司治理信息来构建财务危机模型。研究结果表明:公司治理对财务危机影响的主要因素是外部董事比例、董事持股比例和股权集中度;综合模型判别准确率达到71.9%。  相似文献   

区域核心竞争力是国家整体竞争力的动力源。在新一轮西部大开发中,为避免产业同质竞争而引致的低效,在区域发展的主导产业定位上,需要打造具有核心竞争力的产业体系。运用投入产出测度方法,通过对现代服务业效率的比较,探讨适合于浐灞生态区核心竞争力形成的可行模式与经济发展可持续的有效路径。  相似文献   


This article will briefly examine a few XML-based standards that have been developed by the Library of Congress (with input and help from various interested partners). These standards attempt to take traditional library concepts and frameworks and give them expression using modern technology. The standards that will be examined are MODS, METS, MADS, and MIX. Some of the text has been taken from the various Library of Congress Web pages for the standards being described. The Web page URLs are noted at the end of each section.  相似文献   

中国上市银行特许权价值和银行稳健性关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
特许权价值等于银行在未来持续从事经营活动所得到的超额利润的现值,它的自律效应能够促进银行的稳健经营。在对特许权价值和银行稳健性关系的形成机理进行分析的基础上,构建特许权价值和银行稳健性的计量经济模型,并采用14家上市银行2000-2010年的非平衡面板数据进行实证检验。研究发现,银行的特许权价值越高,对银行的稳健性的促进作用越明显;隐性保险制度削弱了特许权价值对银行稳健的影响;银行规模越大稳健性越好;次贷危机影响了银行的稳健性。  相似文献   


Electronic journals are being added to library collections at exponential rates. Recent developments in e-journal management systems offer libraries a variety of solutions for enhancing the visibility and flexibility of their electronic journals. This article examines and compares Serials Solutions, JournalWebCite, TDNet, and Serials Cybrarian, four current e-journal management programs that create and integrate multiple lists of journal titles, regardless of format, into a single list. These systems can reduce or even eliminate common serials control problems for librarians. Readers will gain insights that will enable them to better understand and consider the value of an e-journal management system. Serials Review 2002; 28:176–194.  相似文献   

We use extreme value theory methods to infer conventionally unobservable connections between financial institutions from joint extreme movements in credit default swap spreads and equity returns. Estimated pairwise co-crash probabilities identify significant connections among up to 186 financial institutions prior to the crisis of 2007/2008. Financial institutions that were very central prior to the crisis were more likely to be bailed out during the crisis or receive the status of systemically important institutions. This result remains intact also after controlling for indicators of too-big-to-fail concerns, systemic, systematic, and idiosyncratic risks. Both credit default swap (CDS)-based and equity-based connections are significant predictors of bailouts. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

建立基于银行目标导向的理财产品费率模型,通过对不同目标下银行行为的讨论,得出理财产品费率调整的一个分析框架。研究发现:存在使银行的经济效益和社会效益综合提升程度最大的最优理财产品费率;最优费率不是固定值,而是一个动态概念;单纯考虑经济效益时,银行将调高理财产品费率;银行调高理财产品费率,将提升自身综合目标的实现程度;银行调低理财产品费率,并不改变银行的综合目标。  相似文献   

金融危机后中国西部地区FDI流入势头强劲,但依然面对诸多挑战。由于东盟国家资源禀赋、市场潜力、劳动力成本和工业发展阶段都与西部地区相似,东盟国家成为中国西部地区承接国际产业转移的竞争对手。将危机后两者FDI流入进行对比,并利用修正后的产业级差模型分析了各地在承接FDI的竞争地位。结果表明,仅从产业层面比较东盟五国与中国西部省份,后者更有优势。同时构建了多元线性回归模型,探讨了新形势下西部吸引FDI的影响因素。研究表明,经济发展水平、产业集聚、地区生活水平、市场开放程度等是影响西部地区FDI区位选择的最主要因素。  相似文献   

居高的营销人员流失已经成为非公有制企业发展的一个瓶颈问题,研究营销人员流失控制策略对于非公有制企业健康发展尤为重要。针对非公有制企业营销人员流失因素,采用因子分析法对营销人员流失原因进行深入分析,实证研究显示:非公有制企业管理者个人素质、任职者个人成长以及任职者能力发展空间、企业管理水平、工作保障因素是造成营销人员流失的重要因素;重构企业法人治理结构,实施经营权与所有权分离、引进职业经理人、提高企业管理水平及营销人员个人成长能力、为其创建发挥潜能的平台、改善工作环境并完善各种保障制度,是非公有制企业营销人员流失控制的有效策略。  相似文献   

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