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We present some lower bounds for the probability of zero for the class of count distributions having a log‐convex probability generating function, which includes compound and mixed‐Poisson distributions. These lower bounds allow the construction of new non‐parametric estimators of the number of unobserved zeros, which are useful for capture‐recapture models, or in areas like epidemiology and literary style analysis. Some of these bounds also lead to the well‐known Chao's and Turing's estimators. Several examples of application are analysed and discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we have suggested two estimators of variance of a normal population developed from the estimators of u2 suggested by Govindarajulu and Sahai and Das. These have been shown to be more efficient than the usual estimator s2.  相似文献   

Let л1 and л2 denote two independent gamma populations G(α1, p) and G(α2, p) respectively. Assume α(i=1,2)are unknown and the common shape parameter p is a known positive integer. Let Yi denote the sample mean based on a random sample of size n from the i-th population. For selecting the population with the larger mean, we consider, the natural rule according to which the population corresponding to the larger Yi is selected. We consider? in this paper, the estimation of M, the mean of the selected population. It is shown that the natural estimator is positively biased. We obtain the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator(UMVE) of M. We also consider certain subclasses of estikmators of the form c1x(1) +c1x(2) and derive admissible estimators in these classes. The minimazity of certain estimators of interest is investigated. Itis shown that p(p+1)-1x(1) is minimax and dominates the UMVUE. Also UMVUE is not minimax.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated in the literature that local polynomial models may be used to estimate the size of an open population using capture–recapture data. However, very little is known about their properties. Here we develop a setting in which the properties of nonparametric estimators of the size of an open population using capture–recapture data can be examined and establish conditions under which expressions for the bias and variance may be determined.  相似文献   

Assuming a super-population model the expected variance of the generalized difference estimator (Basu,1971) based on the nearest proportional to size sampling design introduced by Gabler(1987) is shown to be less than that of the same estimator based on an arbitrary sampling design from which the former design is realized. The former strategy is also shown to fare better than an unbiased ratio-cum-generalized difference estimator based on the nearest proportional to size sampling design in the sense of having less expected design variance under the same model.  相似文献   

Consideration of coverage yields a new class of estimators of population size for the standard mark-recapture model which permits heterogeneity of capture probabilities. Real data and simulation studies are used to assess these coverage-adjusted estimators. The simulations highlight the need for estimators that perform well for a wide range of values of the mean and coefficient of variation of the capture probabilities. When judged for this type of robustness, the simulations provide good grounds for preferring the new estimators to earlier ones for this model, except when the number of sampling occasions is large. A bootstrapping approach is used to estimate the standard errors of the new estimators, and to obtain confidence intervals for the population size.  相似文献   

Summary.  The paper discusses the estimation of an unknown population size n . Suppose that an identification mechanism can identify n obs cases. The Horvitz–Thompson estimator of n adjusts this number by the inverse of 1− p 0, where the latter is the probability of not identifying a case. When repeated counts of identifying the same case are available, we can use the counting distribution for estimating p 0 to solve the problem. Frequently, the Poisson distribution is used and, more recently, mixtures of Poisson distributions. Maximum likelihood estimation is discussed by means of the EM algorithm. For truncated Poisson mixtures, a nested EM algorithm is suggested and illustrated for several application cases. The algorithmic principles are used to show an inequality, stating that the Horvitz–Thompson estimator of n by using the mixed Poisson model is always at least as large as the estimator by using a homogeneous Poisson model. In turn, if the homogeneous Poisson model is misspecified it will, potentially strongly, underestimate the true population size. Examples from various areas illustrate this finding.  相似文献   

Optimal sampling strategies which minimise the expected mean square error for a linear design as well as model-design unbiased estimators for a finite population total for two-stage and stratified sampling are obtained under different superpopu1ation models  相似文献   

With respect to random sampling from finite population, when the correlation between the auxiliary and the main characteristics is negative, the product estimator is often used to estimate the population mean. The product estimator, however, would have a large mean-squared-error (MSE) if the coefficients of variations for these two characteristics were large and the absolute value of the correlation between them was small. In this paper, we propose a general family of modified product estimators, that include the product estimator as a special case. We provide a discussion on the reduction of the MSE by using the optimal modified product estimator that has the minimal MSE in the proposed family. In certain situations, these reductions of the MSE can be significant.  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of a fixed population size through capture-mark-recapture method that gives rise to hypergeometric distribution. There are a few well-known and popular point estimators available in the literature, but no good comprehensive comparison is available about their merits. Apart from the available estimators, an empirical Bayes (EB) estimator of the population size is proposed. We compare all the point estimators in terms of relative bias and relative mean squared error. Next, two new interval estimators – (a) an EB highest posterior distribution interval and (b) a frequentist interval estimator based on a parametric bootstrap method, are proposed. The comparison is then carried among the two proposed interval estimators and interval estimators derived from the currently available estimators in terms of coverage probability and average length (AL). Based on comprehensive numerical results, we rank and recommend the point estimators as well as interval estimators for practical use. Finally, a real-life data set for a green treefrog population is used as a demonstration for all the methods discussed.  相似文献   

Let πi(i=1,2,…K) be independent U(0,?i) populations. Let Yi denote the largest observation based on a random sample of size n from the i-th population. for selecting the best populaton, that is the one associated with the largest ?i, we consider the natural selection rule, according to which the population corresponding to the largest Yi is selected. In this paper, the estimation of M. the mean of the selected population is considered. The natural estimator is positively biased. The UMVUE (uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator) of M is derived using the (U,V)-method of Robbins (1987) and its asymptotic distribution is found. We obtain a minimax estimator of M for K≤4 and a class of admissible estimators among those of the form cYmax. For the case K = 2, the UMVUE is improved using the Brewster-Zidek (1974) Technique with respect to the squared error loss function L1 and the scale-invariant loss function L2. For the case K = 2, the MSE'S of all the estimators are compared for selected values of n and ρ=?1/(?1+?2).  相似文献   

g of the population correlation coefficient has been suggested in case of probability proportional to size with replacement sampling. The asymptotic bias, variance and the estimate of the variance of the estimator rg have been obtained. A comparison of this estimator has been made with the estimator r given by Gupta et al (1993) and usual estimator r1 for PPSWR sampling. The proposed estimator rg satisfies the condition −1≤rg≤1 which the estimator r does not satisfy. Received: September 1, 1999; revised version: May 29, 2001  相似文献   

Use of ranks in unequal probability sampling is examined for sample selection, stratification as well as determining the strata boundaries. A few sampling schemes are proposed and investigated, For samples of size two, two sampling schemes and their 1PPS versions are discussed, An extension of these schemes to general sample sizes is outlined. Nonnegative unbiased variance estimators are proposed in each case, An empirical comparison is included.  相似文献   

We introduce the problem of estimation of the parameters of a dynamically selected population in an infinite sequence of random variables and provide its application in the statistical inference based on record values from a non stationary scheme. We develop unbiased estimation of the parameters of the dynamically selected population and evaluate the risk of the estimators. We provide comparisons with natural estimators and obtain asymptotic results. Finally, we illustrate the applicability of the results using real data.  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach for calculating sample size for population pharmacokinetic experiments that involve hypothesis testing based on multi‐group comparison detecting the difference in parameters between groups under mixed‐effects modelling. This approach extends what has been described for generalized linear models and nonlinear population pharmacokinetic models that involve only binary covariates to more complex nonlinear population pharmacokinetic models. The structural nonlinear model is linearized around the random effects to obtain the marginal model and the hypothesis testing involving model parameters is based on Wald's test. This approach provides an efficient and fast method for calculating sample size for hypothesis testing in population pharmacokinetic models. The approach can also handle different design problems such as unequal allocation of subjects to groups and unbalanced sampling times between and within groups. The results obtained following application to a one compartment intravenous bolus dose model that involved three different hypotheses under different scenarios showed good agreement between the power obtained from NONMEM simulations and nominal power. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A preliminary test estimator of variance in the bivariate normal distribution is proposed after the Pitman–Morgan test of homogeneity of two variances. The bias and mean square error of the estimator are derived. The relative efficiency (RE) of the preliminary test estimator is studied. Computations and 3D graphs of RE for different parameters are analyzed. In order to get the maximum RE, recommendations of the significance level for the preliminary test are given for various sample sizes by using the max–min criterion.  相似文献   

Yo Sheena † 《Statistics》2013,47(5):371-379
We consider the estimation of Σ of the p-dimensional normal distribution Np (0, Σ) when Σ?=?θ0 Ip ?+?θ1 aa′, where a is an unknown p-dimensional normalized vector and θ0?>?0, θ1?≥?0 are also unknown. First, we derive the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimator. Second, we propose a new estimator, which dominates the REML estimator with respect to Stein's loss function. Finally, we carry out Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the magnitude of the new estimator's superiority.  相似文献   

Exact expressions for the distribution of the sample variance in exponential sampling are obtained for samples of size 2, 3, and 4. Moments and order of magnitude of the density are considered  相似文献   

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