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Greenwich and Jahr-Schaffrath (1995) introduced a new index C pp a simple transformation of the index C pm , which provides an uncontaminated separation between information concerning process accuracy and process precision. Under the assumption of normality, we first show that the estimators of C pp proposed by Greenwich and Jahr-Schaffrath (1995) are UMVU estimators. We also show that for the inaccuracy index, the variance of the unbiased estimator is smaller than the mean squared error (MSE) of the natural (biased) estimator for n > 3. In addition, we obtain the r-th moment and the probability density function of these estimators.  相似文献   

This study aims to provide a reliable confidence interval for assessing the process incapability index [Cpp]. The concept of the generalized pivotal quantities is utilized for constructing the generalized confidence interval for [Cpp]. And, simulations are performed for demonstrating our proposed method and one existent method. The results show that the empirical confidences of these two methods are significantly affected by the degree of process departure. Therefore, we suggest the practitioners to select proper one for capability testing purpose based on the information of degree of process departure.  相似文献   

Simulation has been a very important and widely used method in the study of misspecification or order determination in time series analysis. Mean square error of forecasting (MSEF) has been a major criterion for comparing the performance of different models. In simulation studies, standard deviations of MSEF's are calculated from the computed values of the MSEF's, In this note, the distribution of MSEF from simulation studies is established. Exact variance of the MSEF can be obtained from the prespecified values of the model selected for simulation. This variance should be a more appropriate criterion for evaluating the performance between models.  相似文献   

In survey research, it is assumed that reported response by the individual is correct. However, given the issues of prestige bias, self-respect, respondent's reported data often produces estimated values which are highly deviated from the true values. This causes measurement error (ME) to be present in the sample estimates. In this article, the estimation of population mean in the presence of measurement error using information on a single auxiliary variable is studied. A generalized estimator of population mean is proposed. The class of estimators is obtained by using some conventional and non-conventional measures. Simulation and numerical study is also conducted to assess the performance of estimators in the presence and absence of measurement error.  相似文献   

Small area estimation is studied under a nested error linear regression model with area level covariate subject to measurement error. Ghosh and Sinha (2007) obtained a pseudo-Bayes (PB) predictor of a small area mean and a corresponding pseudo-empirical Bayes (PEB) predictor, using the sample means of the observed covariate values to estimate the true covariate values. In this paper, we first derive an efficient PB predictor by using all the available data to estimate true covariate values. We then obtain a corresponding PEB predictor and show that it is asymptotically “optimal”. In addition, we employ a jackknife method to estimate the mean squared prediction error (MSPE) of the PEB predictor. Finally, we report the results of a simulation study on the performance of our PEB predictor and associated jackknife MSPE estimator. Our results show that the proposed PEB predictor can lead to significant gain in efficiency over the previously proposed PEB predictor. Area level models are also studied.  相似文献   

In the field of education, it is often of great interest to estimate the percentage of students who start out in the top test quantile at time 1 and who remain there at time 2, which is termed as “persistence rate,” to measure the students’ academic growth. One common difficulty is that students’ performance may be subject to measurement errors. We therefore considered a correlation calibration method and the simulation–extrapolation (SIMEX) method for correcting the measurement errors. Simulation studies are presented to compare various measurement error correction methods in estimating the persistence rate.  相似文献   

Sedentary behavior has already been associated with mortality, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Questionnaires are an affordable tool for measuring sedentary behavior in large epidemiological studies. Here, we introduce and evaluate two statistical methods for quantifying measurement error in questionnaires. Accurate estimates are needed for assessing questionnaire quality. The two methods would be applied to validation studies that measure a sedentary behavior by both questionnaire and accelerometer on multiple days. The first method fits a reduced model by assuming the accelerometer is without error, while the second method fits a more complete model that allows both measures to have error. Because accelerometers tend to be highly accurate, we show that ignoring the accelerometer's measurement error, can result in more accurate estimates of measurement error in some scenarios. In this article, we derive asymptotic approximations for the mean-squared error of the estimated parameters from both methods, evaluate their dependence on study design and behavior characteristics, and offer an R package so investigators can make an informed choice between the two methods. We demonstrate the difference between the two methods in a recent validation study comparing previous day recalls to an accelerometer-based ActivPal.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the estimation of the parameters of measurement error (ME) models when the multicollinearity exists. To remedy the problem of multicollinearity in ME models, we consider the Liu estimation approach. We define Liu and restricted Liu estimators and also examine the asymptotic properties of proposed estimators in ME models. Moreover, we conduct a Monte Carlo simulation study and a numerical example to investigate the performances of the proposed estimators by the scalar mean squared error criterion.  相似文献   

We consider measurement error models within the time series unobserved component framework. A variable of interest is observed with some measurement error and modelled as an unobserved component. The forecast and the prediction of this variable given the observed values is given by the Kalman filter and smoother along with their conditional variances. By expressing the forecasts and predictions as weighted averages of the observed values, we investigate the effect of estimation error in the measurement and observation noise variances. We also develop corrected standard errors for prediction and forecasting accounting for the fact that the measurement and observation error variances are estimated by the same sample that is used for forecasting and prediction purposes. We apply the theory to the Yellowstone grizzly bears and US index of production datasets.  相似文献   

Censored quantile regression serves as an important supplement to the Cox proportional hazards model in survival analysis. In addition to being exposed to censoring, some covariates may subject to measurement error. This leads to substantially biased estimate without taking this error into account. The SIMulation-EXtrapolation (SIMEX) method is an effective tool to handle the measurement error issue. We extend the SIMEX approach to the censored quantile regression with covariate measurement error. The algorithm is assessed via extensive simulations. A lung cancer study is analyzed to verify the validation of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce mixed Liu estimator (MLE) for the vector of parameters in linear measurement error models by unifying the sample and the prior information. The MLE is a generalization of the mixed estimator (ME) and Liu estimator (LE). In particular, asymptotic normality properties of the estimators are discussed, and the performance of the MLE over the LE and ME are compared based on mean squared error matrix (MSEM). Finally, a Monte Carlo simulation and a numerical example are also presented for analysis.  相似文献   

In this article, we studied the identification of significant predictors in partially linear model in which some regressors are contaminated with random errors. Moreover, the dimension of parametric component is divergent and the regression coefficients are sparse. We applied difference technique to remove the nonparametric component for circumventing the selection of bandwidth, and constructed a bias-corrected shrinking estimator for the coefficient by using smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty. Then, we derived the estimating and selecting consistency and established the asymptotic distribution for the identified significant estimators. Finally, Monte Carlo studies illustrate the performance of our approach.  相似文献   

Most of the research work in the theory of survey sampling only deals with the sampling errors under the assumptions: (i) there is a complete response and (ii) recorded information from individuals is correct but in practice it is not always true. Non-sampling errors like non-response and measurement errors (MEs) mostly creep into the survey and become more influential for estimators than sampling errors. Considering this practical situation of non-response and MEs jointly, we proposed an optimum class of estimators for population mean under simple random sampling using conventional and non-conventional measures. Bias and mean square error of the proposed estimators are derived up to first degree of approximation. Moreover, a simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of new estimators which proves that proposed estimators are more efficient than the traditional Hansen and Hurwitz estimator and other competing estimators.  相似文献   

The prediction of the one-step-ahead observation of the first-order autoregressive process in the presence of outliers is considered. The mean square of the prediction error is obtained based on the median estimator of the model parameter for a stationary process. Monte Carlo simulation methods are employed to investigate the performance of the proposed estimator as well as the conventional ordinary least squares estimators proposed by Zhang and Shaman (1995 Zhang , P. , Shaman , P. ( 1995 ). Assessing prediction error in autoregressive models . Trans. Amer. Mathemat. Soc. 347 : 627637 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Kabaila and He (1999 Kabaila , P. , He , Z. ( 1999 ). On assessing prediction error in autoregressive models . J. Time Ser. Anal. 20 : 663670 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) for a process without outliers. The results show that the proposed method outperforms the conventional method. These conclusions are substantiated with results from actual datasets.  相似文献   

A fast method of calculating the two-parameter maximum-likelihood estimates of the beta distribution is given which does not require starting values and is generally free from convergence problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a method to jointly incorporate measurement error and non response in the estimators of population mean using auxiliary information in simple random sampling. We have not only studied some available estimators but also suggested three new estimators in the presence of two types of non sampling errors occurring jointly: the measurement error and the non response. The expressions for the bias and mean square errors of proposed estimator have been derived. A comparative study is made among the proposed estimators, the Hansen and Hurwitz (1946 Hansen, M.H., Hurwitz, W.N. (1946). The problem of non-response in sample surveys. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 41:517529.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) estimator, the Cochran's (1977 Cochran, W.G. (1977). Sampling Techniques, 3rd Edn. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, Inc. [Google Scholar]) estimator, and the Singh and Kumar (2008 Singh, H.P., Karpe, N. (2008). Estimation of population variance using auxiliary information in the presence of measurement errors. Stat. Trans. New Ser. 9(3):443470. [Google Scholar]) estimator.  相似文献   

Control charts play a vital role to enhance the efficiency of the manufacturing process. In many situations, the quality characteristic of interest to be monitored follows a non-normal distribution. In this article, we propose a new control chart using the process capability index when the quality characteristic follows the exponential distribution. The performance of the proposed chart is evaluated using the Monte Carlo simulation. Tables are presented for various values of specified average run length and sample size. The use of the proposed control chart is discussed with the help of an example.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the stochastic approach to Laspeyres price index number with the assumption of serial correlation of orders 1 and 2. The first round of estimation provides the estimates of Laspeyres index numbers in the presence of serial correlation assuming that variance is independent of time. In the second round of estimation, we use the weighted least square approach to derive the standard errors of Laspeyres index number assuming variance is dependent on time. These standard errors are linked to the variability of relative prices and are simple to evaluate. It shows that the larger index numbers are expected to estimate with less degree of precision. The results are illustrated with price data of Pakistan.  相似文献   

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