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This paper challenges the assumption that technological change is beneficial because it results in efficient resource allocation. The introduction of technology in a period of low economic growth will merely distribute income to a decreasing number of people in jobs. As recent history has shown, this situation is worsened if the employed are not prepared to share their gains with the unemployed.  相似文献   

在中国20世纪文学进程中,鲁迅一直是一个独特的、充满争议的存在,其中焦点之一就是鲁迅的时代精神及其历史意义,鲁迅会不会因为历史的变迁失去其价值和意义,阿Q时代是否已经死去,再一次在新世纪引起关注,这无疑为如何评价20世纪以来中国文学的基本状况及其走向提供了新的话题。  相似文献   

In eighteen months, one man with a second-hand utility, two worn lawn mowers, community and employer support, resulted in over sixty-eight ‘unemployable’ youth entering the workforce on a permanent basis. Clive's program is unique to Australia. (It was considered that anonymity should be maintained because adverse publicity resulted in youth programs in the area being closely scrutinized regarding participants ‘working’ and earning money.—Ed.)  相似文献   

Summary The results of a survey of employment facilities and socialservices available to 50 paraplegics living in Glasgow or thesurrounding counties are reported. The degree of unemployment in the group (74%) was far greaterthan has been reported in other surveys and although the generalunemployment level in the area is high, services to help thedisabled gain employment were only partially utilized. Liaison between social workers was not always successful. Someparaplegics were visited at home by both a medical social workerand a local authority social worker, while others were not supportedby either. There was no apparent attempt by local authoritiesto identify the disabled as is required in England under Section1 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act (1970) andseveral paraplegics lacked facilities which are covered by Section2 of the Act. It appeared that the exclusion of Scotland fromSections 1 and 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled PersonsAct might widen the differences between the two countries asthe Scottish legislation is less specific. (This work led to the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons(Scotland) Act, 1972; see note, p. 37.)  相似文献   

袁浩 《社会》2011,31(1):159-182
本文从社会结构的角度出发,以“2008年中国家庭动态调查(上海卷)”的数据为基础,考察了心理健康在社会各阶层间的分布以及这些分布在年龄组间的变化。结果显示,教育、收入、职业地位、社会地位与心理健康正面相关,而经济困难和不公正待遇则与心理健康负面相关。年龄和心理健康的关系呈现出“∩”型发展趋势;职业类型及教育程度对心理健康的作用在不同年龄组中出现了不同程度的变化。失业者较好的心理状态及青年技术人员较差的心理健康状况则需要做进一步的研究。  相似文献   

城市农民工就业排斥问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对长沙市农民工就业状况的实证研究发现,农民工在就业中遭受多重排斥,即:起点排斥,过程排斥,结果排斥。研究表明农民工社会资本的拥有量和他们在就业中所遭受到的排斥存在显著相关性。笔者认为为农民工建立顺畅的城市网络融入机制,提供完备的就业信息服务网络,引导农民工的继续社会化是解决这一问题的关键。  相似文献   

Major theoretical and empirical studies of the bereavement process and its outcomes are reviewed within a framework of therapeutic intervention. Findings on the impact of bereavement and variables associated with successful and unsuccessful coping are examined for bereaved elderly. Research needs in this area, based on the limitations of previous studies, are also discussed.  相似文献   

There is currently a debate about the future funding of long-term care for old people. Welcome as it is, there is a risk that the focus on finance will obscure equally important questions about who should provide the care and what models of care should be chosen. Many years of research and innovation in the care of the elderly have shown that the effective and efficient provision of simple care services is very difficult to achieve. Social care is at once everyday and peculiarly complex. Some essential characteristics of social care are described which make it unlikely that a solution to the funding problem will improve either the allocation or the outcomes of long-term care.  相似文献   

一般认为,WTO的综合效应将会拉动中国经济一个百分点以上的增长率;WTO对经济结构的影响是加大中国劳动密集性行业的竞争优势,加快中国经济转型的步伐,这意味着就业弹性将会有所提高。目前的就业弹性为0.1左右。就业弹性每增加10%,意味着要增加近50万个就业机会(假定7%的经济增长率和7亿从业人员的就业存量)。如果就业弹性能增加一倍达到0.2,则意味着经济增长率保持不变的情况下,就业机会可增加500万。  相似文献   

后单位制时代的大学生就业   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张建富  王志强 《社会》2004,(6):8-10
大学生就业是当前的一个社会热点。从 “统包统分”到一定范围内的“双向选择” 再到目前的“自主择业”,大学生的就业制度越来越灵活,择业自主权也越来越大。但直到现在,人们往往还是把大学生的就业过程称之为“找单位”。究其原因,主要是计划经济时代中国传统的“单位制”对社会的全面控制造成的。然而随着市场经济的开展和改革开放的深入,传统的“单位制”发生了怎样的变化?对当前的大学生就业又会产生怎样的影响呢?  相似文献   


This article examines the importance and feasibility of immediate employment for homeless individuals from perspectives of stakeholders in a community partnership. Using grounded theory and an editing-style approach, in-depth interviews were analyzed with service recipients (n= 13) and providers (n= 9). Stakeholders viewed employment services differently. While recipients were optimistic that short-term employment services could yield immediate employment despite their barriers, providers articulated the importance of providing individualized case management with realistic expectations for homeless individuals to secure long-term, dependable employment rather than low-wage, short-term jobs. Future studies should examine discrepancies in perspectives to strengthen findings presented here and better determine employment services to meet provider and recipient expectations and goals.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the boundary between public and private responsibility in old‐age pension provisions has been redrawn throughout Europe. A new, public–private mix has emerged, not only in pension policy, but also in pension administration. The purpose of this article is to map and conduct a comparative analysis of the administrative design of public–private partnerships (PPPs) in European pension regimes, with a specific focus on how accountabilities are institutionally enforced within the PPP design. Previous literature has recognized accountability as an important factor in promoting trust in mandated pension schemes. However, as the literature on PPPs suggests, institutional arrangements of accountability are more complex in the case of PPPs than has been suggested by previous studies on pension administration. Thus, there is a need for further elaboration of existing comparative models. This study's analysis examines 19 old‐age pension schemes that existed in 18 European countries at the beginning of 2013. The findings suggest that significant variations in accountability structures exist, even among schemes that are similar in terms of their pension policy targets. It is concluded that various schemes suffer from ineffective accountability structures that may compromise the legitimacy and sustainability of PPP‐type pension schemes.  相似文献   

宋明  范桂萍  王燕 《学术交流》2012,(5):103-106
中小企业创业成长,是我国改革开放之后经济发展最具活力的主力军,是增加就业岗位、解决我国就业压力的有效途径。以政府为主导的中小企业创业基地,是有效解决企业初创阶段普遍存在的规模偏小、布局分散、产业层次低、用地难等问题的重要平台,各级主管部门要以超前理念、创新活力和现代化的服务,为创业者提供良好的发展空间。同时,以信用评价体系为基础、以信用担保体系为手段、以中小企业顺利融资为目的开展工作,破解中小企业融资难题。  相似文献   

组织嵌入性与求职以高校毕业生就业为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯龙龙  李锋亮 《社会》2006,26(6):62-62
新经济社会学自格兰诺维特的开创性研究以来已经取得了巨大的进步。很多实证研究关注了劳动力市场上的工作找寻行为。然而,这些研究的分析单位通常放在个体之间的强关系或弱关系这样的联系上。布莱顿和卡瑞亚的研究扩展了已有的分析框架,提出了组织嵌入性的求职方式。使用这种求职方式的人通常隶属于某个组织或机构,而该组织或机构同用人单位具有某种联系。我们把组织嵌入性应用于中国高校毕业生的求职上,研究了不同的招工渠道对工作的影响,主要分析了组织嵌入性求职方式与受教育水平、高校声誉和学生表现,以及毕业生的起薪等因素之间的关系。  相似文献   

Policies that encourage the aspirations of disabled people for mainstream employment might be an effective way to increase their workforce participation rate. This study aims to determine which people in sheltered employment aspire to a job beyond their current sheltered employment job. We asked 64 people with sheltered employment jobs about their workplace and job fit, their intentions to stay in their current job and their future job aspirations. The key finding is that perceptions of fit indirectly and adversely affect aspirations via intention to stay. Participants who felt they fitted planned to keep working at their sheltered workplace, but a stronger intention to stay made it less likely that they could identify an alternative to sheltered employment. These results were not influenced by age or the time spent in sheltered employment. Policy should therefore support people in sheltered employment to develop realistic job aspirations. Helping disabled people to identify opportunities beyond sheltered employment can avoid complacency and free up sheltered job opportunities for other disabled people. But policy changes are required to leverage sheltered employment as a first step for disabled people to develop mainstream job aspirations and facilitate transitioning beyond sheltered employment job options.  相似文献   

我国的工业化进程面临着巨大的就业压力。扩大就业增加收入,既是实现工业化的前提,又是推进工业化的条件。新型工业化道路蕴藏着扩大就业的巨大潜力:以信息技术为先导的高新技术产业的发展,可以创造出众多的就业机会:用高新技术改造传统工业,带动工业化发展,将吸纳大量的劳动力就业:新型工业化道路并不排斥劳动密集型产业的存在和发展。在推进工业化的过程中,应贯彻"以人为本、发展优先"的原则,通过一系列的政策安排着力解决就业问题。  相似文献   

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