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徐飞 《管理科学》2019,22(5):12-14
结合管理学的主流研究范式, 对“问题导向”中的“问题”进行探究和梳理, 指出管理学理论研究需要透过表象问题不断追问深层次问题直至最本质最深刻的“元问题”。同时指出, 研究者尚未建立起强烈的问题意识, 本土研究者在现代管理学学术话语权的弱势以及程式化结构化实证科学研究方法的大行其道, 是“问题导向”仍然还成为问题的主要原因。再则, 除“问题导向”外, “逻辑导向”、“理论导向”的研究方法亦值得重视。  相似文献   

尤建新 《管理科学》2019,22(5):15-17
围绕着盛昭瀚“问题导向:管理理论发展的推动力”一文对管理理论发展提出的问题导向之说, 作者认为, 问题导向有助于管理理论发展脚踏实地, 从容面对复杂问题的挑战, 还原管理问题数学化的初衷, 以及打破学科壁垒、实现理论突破.对于管理理论发展的“跨学科”问题, 作者认为应该消除认知上的误区和学科壁垒.对于问题导向可能带来的理论研究“工具化”、对“自由探索”的局限以及管理学派形成的模式化等, 作者提出了管理理论发展亟需进一步思考的问题.  相似文献   

新时代大学生德育教育的根本目的就是"回归"——回归教育之本。"立德树人"是大学的正道,是每一位德育工作者的天职。在以"立德树人"为根本任务的导向下,"立什么样的人,树什么样的德"才能使新时代青年大学生更好地适应世界、国家、民族发展的需要,值得深思。  相似文献   

盛昭瀚 《管理科学》2019,22(4):1-10
管理理论的时代性是理论对管理的时代特征和重大问题的深度关切与回应,管理理论的时代化是管理理论能够随时代发展而与时俱进的能力属性. 时代性是管理理论的生命表征,时代化则是管理理论的鲜活度,时代性与时代化的统一构成了管理理论的基本品格. 管理理论的时代化和中国化是管理学在中国实践与发展中的两种基本形式. 时代化是普遍原理,中国化是时代化在中国的具体形态,是管理理论在中国发展的现实道路. 时代化通过中国化走向中国管理实践; 中国管理实践与理论的发展又促进和推动了理论的时代化,并以此融入人类先进的管理理论文明之中,这既是中国管理的基本现实,又是中国管理理论的发展道路.  相似文献   

正企业在经营管理中,永远都会存在问题。企业管理本质上就是问题管理。胜利油田采油矿运用问题管理的基本理论,实施问题导向策略,通过搭建信息化问题管理平台,进一步激活系统部室、基层队和员工发现问题解决问题的能力,把生产经营各个环节中的问题挖掘出来,加以系统解决,形成挖掘问题、表述问题、分析问题、解决问题的高效机制。  相似文献   

和合管理:探索具有中国特色的管理理论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄如金 《管理学报》2007,4(2):135-140,143
在管理学对于经济社会发展的重要程度越来越大的今天,创新发展有中国特色的管理学便成为具有重大历史意义和现实意义的课题。“和合管理”就是立足于中华民族5000年的历史文化扬弃,以中国和合哲学思想为基本指导原则,以中国传统的和合管理为历史借鉴,贯彻“古为今用”和“洋为中用”的原则,结合今天中国改革开放和市场经济深入发展的实际,同时吸收西方管理理论和管理实践中的有益内容,从而探索具有中国特色的管理理论。  相似文献   

《管理观察》主要发表管理方面具有一定理论见解和研究水平的学术论文.调查报告和典型案例,以推动创新研究、促进学术交流。本刊设有学术观察.公共管理、企业管理、高教管理、综合管理等常设栏目,欢迎大家赐稿。一本刊要求作者有严谨的学风和朴实的文风,提倡互相尊重和自由讨论。凡采用他人学说,必须加注说明。二不要超过10000字  相似文献   

正党的十八大以来,习近平总书记发表系列重要讲话,深刻回答了新的历史条件下党和国家发展面临的一系列重大理论和现实问题,贯穿着强烈的问题意识、鲜明的问题导向,体现了共产党人求真务实的科学态度,展现了马克思主义者的坚定信仰和责任担当。在新形势下全面深化改革、开创事业发展新局面,领导干部必须有发现问题的敏锐、正视问题的清醒、解决问题的自觉。一、树立问题意识、坚持问题导向,是新的时代条件下开创事业发展新局面的必然要求人类认识世界、改造世界的过程,就是一个发现问题、解决问题的过程。实践发展永无止境,矛盾运动永无止境,旧的问题解决了,又会产生新的问  相似文献   

吕力 《管理学报》2013,10(2):191-198
在经济学中,实证理论被认为是一种"科学",而规范理论是一种"艺术"。管理实证理论解释与预测管理现象,它回答管理科学问题;管理规范理论是为达到目标而提出的行动规则,它解决管理现实问题。规范理论因为要在各种复杂的条件下选择一种"可行"的方案,在很多情况下逼迫人们放弃"科学的方法"。仅有实证理论,管理学的框架就是支离破碎的,无法直接用于解决管理的现实问题,因此,管理规范研究和规范理论有其独立存在的价值。中国本土管理实践中的现实问题与矛盾的解决需要"规范研究",在实证至上的情境下谈理论与实践的脱节本身就是一个伪问题。由于实证研究以探索普遍规律为目的,因此实证研究也绝不可能产生中国本土管理学。中国本土管理理论一定是规范理论。  相似文献   

Discussions in journals and at conferences often nurture the dream of the ultimate method which may be applied successfully to all situations. Yet everybody knows that ‘it all depends’ and that situational factors determine which methods and systems are appropriate. This paper sets forth to outline a practical theory of a situational approach to production management. Any improvement of production management is seen as a dialogue between identification of the production management task, on the one hand, and specifying a solution system, on the other. A few concepts are introduced to provide practical methods for carrying out an improvement process; in particular, the nature of the production management task is addressed. The implications of the situational theory to be presented are discussed for three levels of application, respectively, the general level, the industry level, and the level of an individual industrial enterprise. It is further argued that the three levels are interdependent and that their joint application may stimulate both the theoretical and practical development of production management.  相似文献   

Advocates of TOC believe that bottleneck resource restricts an operation's ability to make money, and the best way to maximise income is to fully exploit the bottleneck resource. Almost all TOC literature focuses on situations where 100% bottleneck utilisation is applied. Based on the implementation experience, the finding is that the optimal level of bottleneck utilisation should be less than 100% and any attempt to increase utilisation beyond the optimal level brings disastrous results for a door manufacturing plant. In order to improve and maintain the performance of the plant effective bottleneck management is critical. The experience provides a deeper understanding of how to design such plants, which could be beneficial for practising managers and academics working with TOC concepts.  相似文献   

While uncertainty is generally recognized as an aversive contextual condition, several research studies confirm that market-oriented firms deliver a better new product performance in uncertain environments. However, we still know little about organizational factors that enable firms to reap benefits out of uncertainty through marketing activities. The present study introduces effectuation and its corporate-level notion of effectuation orientation (EffO) as a moderator of the relationship between market orientation (MO) and new product performance in uncertain markets. The theoretically derived research model is empirically validated using survey data from 190 SMEs. Our empirical findings show that dimensions of EffO (except for affordable loss orientation) strengthen the MO–new product performance relationship in uncertain markets.  相似文献   

The term ‘end-to-end’ process management is now commonplace in the language and practice of operations. Managers are encouraged to migrate from functional process management to end-to-end process management to realise a range of performance improvements. However, these improvements are often elusive; the specific challenges associated with such a migration are under-researched. This paper uses a cross-sector study to identify the challenges of end-to-end process management and to generate practical managerial guidance. Three areas are identified that demand particular managerial attention: the need to move beyond process mapping, the role of IT in process management and maintaining the process infrastructure as a strategic asset. More significantly, the findings highlight the need for greater conceptual clarity regarding the end-to-end concept itself. The existing literature suggests that scope is the primary differentiator of the end-to-end process – the requirement to manage an extended boundary from customer order through to customer fulfilment. However, this research suggests that the end-to-end concept is more complex, comprising of three core constructs with seven dimensions: scope (boundary conditions, sequence/flow and controls); scale (resources and input/output transformation) and complexity (interrelationships and orientation). End-to-end process management involves much more than an extended boundary. It requires a systemic perspective and clarity regarding controls and transforming resources.  相似文献   

The Japanese management theory jungle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many competing hypotheses have been advanced to account for the apparent effectiveness of Japanese management practices. The present review of some of the leading theories attempts to classify and clarify the state of knowledge of Japanese management. Although each theory may be correct as a partial explanation of Japan's success, no single conceptualization has captured the complexity of Japan's managerial achievement. Further development of integrated, internally consistent models is needed.  相似文献   

群体思维理论的发展及其实证研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对群体思维理论的发展过程进行了简要回顾. 重点对其自1971 年提出以来的实证研 究,包括案例分析和实验检验,进行了比较详尽的总结和评述. 并对这两种研究的方法、内容和 结果进行了比较. 最后提出了群体思维理论研究下一步应该关注的问题  相似文献   

This article reviews definitions of 'Human Capital Theory' by leading economists and HRD scholars. The origin of the term 'capital' is explained, and the link between Human Capital Theory and HRD is discussed. It is argued in the article that HRD scholars and practitioners should explore further the link between human capital, HRD and development at individual, organizational, community and international levels.  相似文献   

The only way in our opinion to account for this striving for justice and truth is by the analysis of the whole history of man, socially and individually. We find then that for everybody who is powerless, justice and truth are the most important weapons in the fight for his freedom and growth (Fromm, 1942/2002, p. 248).  相似文献   

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