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预期后悔与体验后悔在消费者动态选择过程中的作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在一个动态购买场景下考察了预期后悔与体验后悔之间的交互作用及其对购买意愿和满意度的影响.通过一个计算机程序控制的购买决策制定实验,作者发现,在购买之前消费者的预期后悔越高,在购买决策后实际体验到后悔时消费者对相同选项的再购买意愿下降得越大.同时,有关发现还支持了后悔情境下的"向前看"视角,即体验后悔对再购买意愿的影响部分是通过调整对未来的预期后悔传递的,部分是通过影响满意度传递的.  相似文献   

基于框架效应理论,考察了时间压力和消费者调节聚焦对促销框架与消费者反应之间关系的调节作用。实证研究结果表明:促销框架对消费者感知价值和预期后悔的影响受到时间压力的调节作用,具体而言,在促销时间限制紧迫下,减少损失型促销比获得收益型促销带来更高感知价值和预期后悔;而在促销时间限制宽松下,这两种促销框架的影响差异消失;同时,促销框架对消费者感知价值和预期后悔的影响受到消费者调节聚焦的调节作用,具体而言:针对促进型调节聚焦的消费者,获得收益型促销比减少损失型促销带来更高感知价值和预期后悔,而针对防御型调节聚焦的消费者,减少损失型促销比获得收益型促销带来更高感知价值和预期后悔;最后研究还证实了感知价值和预期后悔在促销框架影响购买意愿过程中起到中介作用。  相似文献   

孙洪杰  周庭锐  孙焱 《管理学报》2015,12(3):417-423
情境效应的机理研究揭示了情境效应是一个多因素驱动的过程,属性趋同效应作为一种新发现的情境效应形式,其内在机理需要进一步探索。研究从情绪角度揭示了预期后悔对属性趋同效应影响的内在机理,揭示了属性同异对消费者预期后悔的显著影响,验证了属性趋同产品的数量对消费者选择属性趋异产品的预期后悔存在着显著的影响,并且验证了感知风险和信息处理模式在该过程中的调节作用。  相似文献   

章璇  景奉杰 《管理科学》2012,25(3):69-77
从在线销售商品在配送环节上的差别以及商品的享乐性角度探索性地研究消费者对不同类型网络商品在线冲动性购买的差异。在实验室环境下采用2(虚拟商品vs.实体商品)×2(享乐品vs.实用品)组间实验检验消费者对4类在线销售商品购买意愿的差异,验证商品与消费者间时间距离的影响及其与商品享乐属性的交互作用。为增加实验室实验研究结论的外部有效性,采用3个在线模拟网上购物的现场实验,以被试的在线订单数据而非自我报告的购买意愿验证实验室实验的研究结论。自变量的操纵是在网络商店中设置不同类型的商品,分别以消费者自我汇报的购买意愿和模拟网店中的订单数据为结果变量进行测量,实验室实验和在线网络购物模拟实验的共同使用增加了研究结果的内部和外部有效性。研究结果表明,总体而言消费者在线购买虚拟商品的意愿和冲动性购买比例要高于在线购买实体商品的意愿和冲动性购买比例,消费者对享乐性虚拟产品的购买意愿和冲动性购买比例最高,虚拟的享乐品购买意愿和冲动性购买比例差异显著高于虚拟的实用品,实体享乐品与实体实用品的购买意意和冲动性购买比例差异不太显著。该结论对在线零售商针对不同产品类别进行销售和采用相适应的促销手段有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

邝云娟  傅科 《管理科学》2021,24(4):69-85
消费者预期后悔对在线零售商的决策有显著影响.在考虑消费者预期后悔、需求不确定性以及是否提供退货的情况下,构建了零售商定价和库存优化模型.研究发现,当零售商不提供退货时,消费者的保留价格、零售商的最优价格、最优订货量和期望利润均随着迟疑后悔强度的减弱或购买后悔强度的增加而减小.零售商提供全额退款提高消费者的保留价格,并使得零售商在一定条件下不受消费者预期后悔的影响.零售商是否提供全额退款受到消费者预期后悔、消费者退货成本、产品边际成本和回收残值的综合影响:当退货成本较小且预期后悔满足一定条件时,提供退货是有利的;否则,提供全额退款会降低零售商的期望利润.研究强调在制定退货决策时考虑消费者预期后悔和退货成本的重要性.  相似文献   

刘意 《经营与管理》2022,(11):49-56
基于框架效应理论、情绪动机理论和自我控制资源模型,以动机视角构建价格促销框架对消费者在线冲动性购买行为的影响模型,考察时间压力和自我控制资源水平在此过程中的调节作用。实证结果表明:价格促销显著促进消费者的趋近动机和在线冲动性购买行为,不同促销方式对消费者选择产生了框架效应;同等让利水平下,消费者更倾向于选择价格折扣促销。时间压力显著增强了价格促销对在线冲动性购买行为的影响;自我控制资源水平显著削弱了消费者趋近动机对在线冲动性购买行为的影响。  相似文献   

促销是利用时间压力引诱消费者作出购买决策的营销手段,而虚假促销则是商家利用促销原理设计的带有欺骗性质的促销活动.在虚假促销活动中,消费者是否作出购买决策,与消费者决策理性、时间压力感知以及是否过度自信密切相关.依据经典文献,本文将时间压力分为“个人时间约束、促销时间限制及机会成本感知”三个维度,将虚假促销决策中的过度自信分为“夸大感知利得和忽略感知风险”两个维度.在此基础上,本文通过实证调研获得的数据对所构建的虚假促销购买决策认知机制模型进行了检验和分析.数据分析结果表明,在虚假促销活动中,消费者购买决策中的时间压力与决策自信程度有着显著的正相关关系,而过度自信又对购买意愿有着显著的影响.因此,将过度自信看作虚假促销活动诱致的“热”心理状态,很好地解释了消费者上当受骗的认知机制.从各变量的具体维度来看,促销时间压力比个人时间约束更易引起过度自信,且机会成本感知更易导致夸大感知利得.此外,过度自信中的夸大感知利得比风险意识缺失对购买意愿的影响更大.  相似文献   

O2O外卖行业如何通过差异化促销策略提升用户体验、提高购买意愿,是O2O外卖平台和餐饮商家十分关注的问题。O2O外卖常见的价格促销方式有13种,本文将其梳理归纳为三类促销策略:优惠券类、折扣类和附加服务费优惠类。基于刺激-机体-反应模型(SOR模型),引入感知促销价值因素,建立O2O外卖价格促销策略对消费者购买意愿影响机制的理论模型;通过问卷星在线收集567份样本数据并进行结构方程模型分析,针对不同价格促销策略对潜在消费者购买意愿的影响路径和作用机制进行实证检验,并验证感知促销利益和感知促销成本的中介效应。研究结果表明,在三类价格促销策略中,优惠券类促销策略对潜在消费者购买意愿的影响最大;附加服务费优惠类促销策略对于O2O外卖消费者的购买意愿影响不大;与优惠券类促销策略直接促使消费者做出购买决策不同,折扣类促销策略下消费者需要对感知促销成本和感知促销利益进行权衡后做出最终购买决策。研究结论为O2O外卖平台和餐饮商家改进现有促销策略提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

基于联合会员现有的商业实践,结合会员制理论、后悔心理理论丰富改进UTAUT模型,旨在研究影响消费者联合会员购买意愿的现实因素。通过SPSS软件进行实证统计分析,得出后悔程度是关键影响因素,绩效期望、努力期望、社会影响和促进因素均有一定的显著正向影响,而感知成本对消费意愿影响不显著。  相似文献   

本文在假设投资者风险厌恶、且其风险厌恶程度受其情绪影响的条件下,以投资者效用最大化为决策目标,建立基于投资者情绪的投资组合模型从理论上研究投资者情绪对投资组合结构及其收益-风险关系的影响。研究结果表明,当投资者过度乐观时,其将通过银行借贷融资等方式购买超额风险资产;当投资者情绪处于相对理性状态时,其将合理分配无风险资产和风险资产的投资比例;当投资者情绪处于悲观状态时,其将卖空风险资产。当投资者情绪处于过度乐观和相对理性状态时,投资组合预期超额收益与风险正相关;当投资者情绪处于悲观状态时,投资组合预期超额收益与风险负相关。论文研究结果修正了前人的相关研究结论,是对传统投资组合理论的深化和发展。  相似文献   

Due to current economic circumstances (e.g., stagnating wages, increasing material aspirations, mounting student debt), an increasing number of employees are prone to experiencing economic scarcity, defined here as the perception that one has fewer financial resources than one's needs require. In this paper, we focus primarily on an under-studied population in the organizational sciences: The working poor—employees who hold jobs but do not earn enough to sustain a reasonable standard of living for themselves and their dependents. Taking into account recent research suggesting that scarcity can have profound psychological consequences, we argue that organizations have a vested interest in reducing feelings of financial deprivation among its employees because the psychology of scarcity has the potential to spill over into organizational functioning. Furthermore, we assert that most organizations’ approaches to managing low-wage work are not only ineffective at reducing the spillover effects of scarcity on organizational outcomes, but also increase their endurance because they do not account for the behavioral consequences of financial deprivation. As such, we present more sustainable initiatives through which organizations can reduce scarcity among its employees. Finally, we discuss ways in which organizational researchers can become more involved in relevant public policy debates.  相似文献   

Swartjes  Frank A. 《Risk analysis》1999,19(6):1235-1249
To assess soil and groundwater quality two generic (i.e. multifunctional) risk-based standards, Target and Intervention Value, have been developed, in the framework of the Dutch Soil Protection Act. These standards allow soil and groundwater to be classified as clean, slightly contaminated or seriously contaminated. The Target Value is based on potential risks to ecosystems, while the Intervention Value is based on potential risks to humans and ecosystems. In the case of serious soil contamination the site has, in principle, to be remediated, making it necessary to determine the remediation urgency on the basis of actual (i.e. site-specific) risks to humans and ecosystems and, besides, actual risks due to contaminant migration.  相似文献   

用户抵制是信息系统领域的一个热点话题。采用问卷调查方法收集12家企业266份信息系统终端用户及其直接主管配对样本,运用SPSS 19.0和AMOS 17.0等软件以及多元层级回归等方法,以压力-情绪理论和情感事件理论为基础,探讨工作不安全感对用户抵制信息系统实施的影响,重点分析积极情绪和消极情绪的中介作用以及不确定性规避的调节作用。研究结果表明,工作不安全感对用户抵制有显著正向影响,积极情绪和消极情绪在工作不安全感与用户抵制之间起完全中介作用,不确定性规避负向调节工作不安全感与积极情绪之间的关系,用户不确定性规避越高,工作不安全感与积极情绪的负向关联越强;不确定性规避正向调节工作不安全感与用户抵制的关系,用户不确定性规避越高,工作不安全感与用户抵制的正向关联越强;不确定性规避正向调节工作不安全感通过积极情绪对用户抵制的间接效应。研究结果为用户抵制研究提供了新的视角,对管理实践具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

We study the scheduling of multiple tasks under varying processing costs and derive a priority rule for optimal scheduling policies. Each task has a due date, and a non‐completion penalty cost is incurred if the task is not completely processed before its due date. We assume that the task arrival process is stochastic and the processing rate is capacitated. Our work is motivated by both traditional and emerging application domains, such as construction industry and freelance consulting industry. We establish the optimality of Shorter Slack time and Longer remaining Processing time (SSLP) principle that determines the priority among active tasks. Based on the derived structural properties, we also propose an effective cost‐balancing heuristic policy and demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed policy through extensive numerical experiments. We believe our results provide operators/managers valuable insights on how to devise effective service scheduling policies under varying costs.  相似文献   

We investigate retailers’ dynamic pricing decisions in a stylized two‐period setting with possible supply constraints and demand from both myopic and strategic consumers. We present an analytical model and then test its predictions in a behavioral experiment in which human subjects played the role of pricing managers. We find that the fraction of strategic consumers in the market systematically moderates the optimal pricing structure. When this fraction exceeds a certain threshold, the retailer offers relatively small late season markdowns to discourage strategic consumers from waiting and to incentivize them to buy during the early season; otherwise, the retailer offers relatively large markdowns to divert all strategic consumers to the late season, where the majority of revenue is made. Our model analyses suggest that the latter policy is optimal under fairly broad conditions. Our experiment shows that after some significant learning, aggregate behavior is able to approximate the key qualitative predictions from our model analysis, with one notable deviation: in the presence of a mixture of myopic and strategic consumers, subjects act somewhat myopically – they underprice and oversell in the main selling season, which significantly limits their ability to generate revenue in the markdown season.  相似文献   

Research on firm search stresses the need for firms to adapt and align concurrently with their environment to optimize the ability to sense and seize opportunities for sustained performance. We postulate resource scarcity as an important contingency factor for the search-performance relationship, and assess its joint influence with high and low dynamism. Using a dataset spanning 23 years, we examine the performance implications of combinations of internal and external exploratory and exploitative search in resource-scarce environments, under conditions of high and low dynamism. We find that resource scarcity is an important condition for performance stemming from exploratory and exploitative search: even under conditions that involve low dynamism, but joined with resource scarcity, firms may benefit from pursuing exploratory and exploitative knowledge simultaneously.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(4):102144
Emotion in strategic management has attracted increasing scholarly interest during the past twenty-five years. Researchers have demonstrated the nature and significance of emotion in strategic management from a broad range of perspectives across different levels of analysis. Given the expanding research on the topic, the time is ripe to synthesize this diverse and multifaceted body of knowledge. In a thematic synthesis of the literature, we address the following questions: how does emotion influence strategic management, and how can the field be further developed? We review emotion constructs used in the extant literature and identify three themes related to how emotions influence strategic management: the nonconscious influence of emotions, emotion regulation, and collective emotions. Based on these themes and our analysis, we propose three areas of future research to inspire the field to develop further: (1) scope conditions of emotion research in strategic management; (2) capturing emotion in strategic management; and (3) the ethics, power and politics of emotions in strategic management.  相似文献   


New technologies at work broaden the scope of bullying behaviours to the online context, creating opportunities for a new form of bullying to arise – workplace cyberbullying. So far, knowledge on the factors contributing to workplace cyberbullying has been lacking. Within this emerging research line, the Emotion Reaction model, specifically focused on workplace cyberbullying, was put forward. In this study, we test the model’s main proposition regarding exposure to workplace cyberbullying; namely, that stressors evoked emotions predict exposure to cyberbullying and that this relation is moderated by emotion regulation strategies. The model was tested in two steps. First, the model as a whole was tested cross-sectionally. Next, the direction of causality between fear and sadness and exposure to cyberbullying was tested using a cross-lagged panel design. The results provide support for the central role of fear and sadness in the relationship between work stressors and cyberbullying exposure and the moderating role of reappraisal. No moderating effect of suppression was observed. In addition, support is found for the causal claim that fear and sadness predict cyberbullying exposure. The results and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A quantitative microbiological risk assessment model describes the transmission of Campylobacter through the broiler meat production chain and at home, from entering the processing plant until consumption of a chicken breast fillet meal. The exposure model is linked to a dose-response model to allow estimation of the incidence of human campylobacteriosis. The ultimate objective of the model is to serve as a tool to assess the effects of interventions to reduce campylobacteriosis in the Netherlands. The model describes some basic mechanistics of processing, including the nonlinear effects of cross-contamination between carcasses and their leaking feces. Model input is based on the output of an accompanying farm model and Dutch count data of Campylobacters on the birds' exterior and in the feces. When processing data are lacking, expert judgment is used for model parameter estimation. The model shows that to accurately assess of the effects of interventions, numbers of Campylobacter have to be explicitly incorporated in the model in addition to the prevalence of contamination. Also, as count data usually vary by several orders of magnitude, variability in numbers within and especially between flocks has to be accounted for. Flocks with high concentrations of Campylobacter in the feces that leak from the carcasses during industrial processing seem to have a dominant impact on the human incidence. The uncertainty in the final risk estimate is large, due to a large uncertainty at several stages of the chain. Among others, more quantitative count data at several stages of the production chain are needed to decrease this uncertainty. However, this uncertainty is smaller when relative risks of interventions are calculated with the model. Hence, the model can be effectively used by risk management in deciding on strategies to reduce human campylobacteriosis.  相似文献   

王旭坪  张珺  马骏 《管理科学》2014,27(6):103-113
在电子商务在线订单拣选系统中,订单到达时间和订购商品等信息未知。针对拣选设备容量、员工人数等资源有限约束情况,研究在何时、对多少订单进行分批优化,以保证在订单完成期限前以最短的时间拣出最多的订单。构建考虑订单完成期限的在线订单分批混合整数规划模型,以最小化平均有效订单服务时间,采用改进的固定时间窗订单分批启发式规则求解模型,定义剩余操作时间在[前置时间,配送准备时间]内的订单为紧急订单,构建综合考虑紧急程度和相似度因素的在线订单分批算法。采用某配送中心14:00~18:00时间段内以泊松分布(λ=17)随机生成的订单进行数据实验,将实验结果与传统固定时间窗在线订单分批算法进行比较。研究结果表明,考虑完成期限时,系统拣选配送的订单数量更多,总服务时间和平均有效订单服务时间更短,且出现延迟订单的数量更少,延迟时间更短。拣选员工人数的增多在不同程度上提高配送率,且考虑完成期限时,配送率提高幅度要大于传统算法;但随着人数的增加,配送率的提高幅度呈降低趋势。  相似文献   

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