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在企业多周期连续促销背景下,假设需求受上下游企业促销努力水平、产品商誉和消费者支付意愿的共同影响,考虑产品商誉和消费者支付意愿的动态变化,构建双渠道模式制造商和零售商线上线下联合促销的四种微分博弈模型,以解决供应链上企业的促销决策问题。结果表明,两阶段补偿契约提高了零售商促销的积极性,实现上下游企业利润的帕累托改进,在买方抗衡势力的作用下,制造商将进一步提高促销成本分担比例使得零售商达到集中决策下的最优促销努力水平,但该契约对制造商促销努力激励不足。为此,进一步设计两阶段成本分担契约以实现同时激励上下游企业的促销努力,无论买方抗衡势力如何变化该契约都不会造成上下游企业的决策偏离,实现供应链完美协调。 相似文献
在纵向关联市场中,买方势力和资产专用性是影响企业技术创新的重要因素。本文以我国汽车工业2000-2008年统计数据为样本,利用面板数据模型对买方市场势力、资产专用性与技术创新的关系进行了实证检验,研究结果表明:技术创新行为不仅取决于企业自身所处的市场条件,还与作为买方的下游行业市场竞争状况有关,买方市场势力的增强有利于上游企业技术创新活动的开展;下游企业的资产专用性对上游企业技术创新具有显著的负效应,固定资产比例越高,研发投入越少。此外,较快的市场需求增长率和买方技术能力对技术创新具有积极影响,上下游行业之间较为对等的市场势力会阻碍技术创新。 相似文献
与以往研究关注产业链内部因素不同,对于厂商利用消费者偏好因素的买方抗衡势力形成机理和影响的研究考虑了市场环境因素作用的买方抗衡势力理论研究新视角。将消费者偏好的市场差异建模为同一产品在不同市场中消费者效用差异,基于外部选择博弈和Hotelling博弈的基本原理,构建综合反映上、下游厂商纵向关系和市场内厂商间横向关系的博弈模型。对下游厂商跨市场并购前后均衡结果的变化进行考察,得到下游厂商利用消费者偏好特征形成自身买方抗衡势力的机理以及该行为对厂商本身和竞争对手谈判势力、收益水平和规模带来的影响。研究结果表明,存在消费者偏好差异的市场间厂商并购行为不仅可以提升合并厂商自身买方抗衡势力和收益,也不会对竞争对手造成负面影响,甚至可以提高部分竞争对手的买方抗衡势力、收益和规模,产生与水岸效应相反的结果。同时,对均衡结果进行福利分析,表明下游厂商的并购行为将提高总产业利润,但会降低消费者剩余和社会福利。 相似文献
近年来,B2C平台为阻止商家多归属而提出的"二选一"行为受到业界广泛关注.从理论层面看,平台"二选一"行为折射出双边市场结构下独占交易行为的效应问题.本文以Hotelling模型为基本框架,从平台与商家谈判博弈的角度出发,引入纳什讨价还价模型,探究平台独占交易行为效应.研究发现:商家相对于平台的议价能力是决定商家和平台达成独占交易的重要因素.当商家的议价能力居中或较弱时,平台要求商家签订独占交易协议的动机较强.从竞争效应角度看,独占交易行为会打破"竞争瓶颈",抑制市场竞争,削减竞争平台的市场份额以及利润水平.从福利效应角度看,当消费者搜索成本较低时,随着交叉网络外部性参数以及平台价格补贴的递增,独占交易并非总是降低消费者福利以及社会总福利.基于上述分析结论,结合B2C平台独占交易案例,提出了相应反垄断规制建议. 相似文献
就买卖合同而言.从平衡保护合同当事人双方的合法权益出发,既然出卖人有交付标的物的义务,那么买受人就应负有受领标的物的义务.买方违约不收取货物主要有两种表现:拒绝受领和迟延受领. 相似文献
针对双边平台的独占交易行为可能引发的反竞争效应,从平台与商家谈判博弈的角度出发,将独占交易行为按独家战略合作协议与强制性独占交易合约进行分类,探究平台实施独占交易行为的前提条件及产生的效应影响。研究发现:(1)在一定均衡条件下,平台提供非独占交易合约是对双方均有利的决策;(2)不同类型独占交易合约的签订取决于平台之间谈判能力的差异以及专有内容量的差异;(3)独家战略合作协议的签订不会对市场竞争造成负面影响,而强制性独占交易合约的签订会弱化横向平台间的市场竞争,限制纵向商家的归属并降低商家的利润。 相似文献
2月12日,中国铝业(以下简称中铝)与力拓集团发布合作公告,中铝将向力拓注入高达195亿美元的投资,其中约72亿美元用于认购力拓发行的可转债,约123亿美元获得力拓有关铁矿、铜矿和铝资产的部分股权,并分别成立合资公司。此项合作最终达成,将是中国企业在金融危机中对优质而廉价资产的一次最大抄底。 相似文献
Yang and Wee (Economic ordering policy of deteriorated item for vendor and buyer: an integrated approach. Prod. Plan. & Cont., 2000, 11(5), 474–480) proposed an ordering policy for a vendor--buyer integrated model. This note examines the cost component of Yang and Wee's model and gives some insight on the derivation of the holding cost function. We have discovered that their model violates the positive holding cost characteristic and the total quantity-equality characteristic. A proposal to eradicate the problem is given. 相似文献
Bruno Ribon 《Long Range Planning》1981,14(4):65-75
It has been found that for a wide range of industrial products the unit prices and costs decrease by a constant percentage when production volume doubles—this is called the experience effect. This unit price behaviour is also observed for certain classes of basic agricultural products. As international market competition increases, price behaviour differences among countries may lead farmers, their organizations and governments to better understand what are the causes of the differences so that they can maintain and improve their competitive position internationally. 相似文献
逢低买入与固定价格机制比较研究 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
研究了一种新型的基于Internet 的动态价格机制———逢低买入(group-buying auction) . 利
定价格机制进行了比较. 通过数值分析,给出了逢低买入优于固定价格机制的条件,指出逢低
买入的适用环境. 相似文献
本文基于资本市场主体关系网络的研究视角,检验了询价对象间关系网络作用于IPO定价的机理和后果,结果表明询价对象间关系网络的强度和性质通过影响询价对象个体报价行为显著作用于IPO定价.研究发现,询价对象个体间关联程度越高,协同低报价行为越严重;询价对象整体关联程度越高,IPO定价越低;QFII参与询价没有弱化反而强化了询价对象间关系网络强度对询价对象协同低报价行为和IPO低定价的作用效果.本文研究发现IPO定价会受到询价对象间关系网络的影响,拓展了资本市场关系网络研究范围,也为尝试利用市场机制而不是仅依靠行政力量解决我国IPO市场潜在的高定价问题提供理论依据. 相似文献
We review the new and growing body of work on power in teams and use this review to develop an emergent theory of how power impacts team outcomes. Our paper offers three primary contributions. First, our review highlights potentially incorrect assumptions that have arisen around the topic of power in teams and documents the areas and findings that appear most robust in explaining the effects of power on teams. Second, we contrast the findings of this review with what is known about the effects of power on individuals and highlight the directionally oppositional effects of power that emerge across different levels of analysis. Third, we integrate findings across levels of analysis into an emergent theory which explains why and when the benefits of power for individuals may paradoxically explain the potentially negative effects of power on team outcomes. We elaborate on how individual social comparisons within teams where at least one member has power increase intra-team power sensitivity, which we define as a state in which team members are excessively perceptive of, affected by, and responsive to resources. We theorize that when power-sensitized teams experience resource threats (either stemming from external threats or personal threats within the team), these threats will ignite internal power sensitivities and set into play performance-detracting intra-team power struggles. This conflict account of power in teams integrates and organizes past findings in this area to explain why and when power negatively affects team-level outcomes, and opens the door for future research to better understand why and when power may benefit team outcomes when power’s dark side for teams is removed. 相似文献
党中央在全面考察国际环境和国内形势的基础上,总结十多年来我国经济社会大发展的经验,提出了“以人为本、全面协调可持续发展”的科学发展观,要求用科学发展观统领全局,更快更好地推进全面建设小康社会的大业。这是一项至关重要的战略决策。本文试图从决策学的视角来研究科学发展观,阐明此项重大决策的产生及其意义。一、意义非凡的再决策现代决策学告诉我们,一切决策活动都不是零起点的,它总是面对着过去决策的既成结果。从这个意义上说,人类所有的决策,都是“再决策”。现代决策学还告诉我们,“再决策”是有不同类型的。第一种类型是“追… 相似文献
在政府主导的公私合作制(PPP)项目建设运营中,考虑将PPP项目中私人部门生者剩余的部分比例纳入社会总福利水平的计算,分别从高需求、中等需求和低需求3种不同的市场需求状态出发研究公共品供给市场上的定价机制,通过分析由于政府价格规制区间而导致的公私部门之间定价权配置的差异,公私不同主体追求不同的效益最大化,得到不同市场需... 相似文献
The recent financial crisis brought upon a period of increased information uncertainty for firms and market agents and in the context of mergers and acquisitions, increased information asymmetry between bidders and targets. This led to an overall increase in average acquisition premiums. However, the final realized premium can be moderated through CEO characteristics in dealing with such issues as uncertainty and asymmetry. Bidder CEOs can reduce these premiums through their expertise, networks and control: powerful CEOs will tend to pay smaller premiums than weaker CEOs because they are better equipped to deal with the increased information uncertainty and asymmetry, either through risk-averse behavior or better assessment of target quality. Our results based on a six-year sample of S&P500 firms engaged in M&A activity, and centered on the onset of the recent financial crisis, largely support our predictions. While earlier research suggested that CEO power could lead to higher premiums, our study points to the opposite conclusion: during times of financial crisis, CEO power effectively constrains premiums. This extends our understanding of why bidder CEOs overpay beyond the role of bidder anchoring bias, hubris, and target resistance by considering the role of macro-environmental conditions and power. 相似文献