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本文以金融安全与国家利益为视角,首先,根据外汇储备需求理论,将外汇储备划分为金融安全储备和国家利益储备.其次,尝试性地引入安全第一准则,构建基于金融安全的外汇储备优化配置模型.再次,通过对理论模型求解和数值模拟,测算出外汇储备的金融安全规模和国家利益规模,并对其进行优化配置.研究表明,当前我国可将65%左右外汇储备用于满足金融安全,而其余35%左右可用于实现国家利益.本文认为,外汇储备作为国家金融资产,应主要用于维护国家金融安全和实现国家战略利益及经济利益.外汇储备可通过对接"一带一路"战略、支持人民币国际化和支持企业"走出去",以及促进对外直接投资等国家战略,实现国家利益的最大化,同时在这个过程中自动"冲消"过多的外汇储备.因此,当前外汇储备管理中,外汇储备过多过少的问题已不是讨论的重点,管理部门也不用主动抑制外汇储备增长,而更应关注如何提高其使用效率.  相似文献   

本文以金融安全与国家利益为视角,首先,根据外汇储备需求理论,将外汇储备划分为金融安全储备和国家利益储备. 其次,尝试性地引入安全第一准则,构建基于金融安全的外汇储备优化配置模型. 再次,通过对理论模型求解和数值模拟,测算出外汇储备的金融安全规模和国家利益规模,并对其进行优化配置. 研究表明,当前我国可将65% 左右外汇储备用于满足金融安全,而其余35%左右可用于实现国家利益. 本文认为,外汇储备作为国家金融资产,应主要用于维护国家金融安全和实现国家战略利益及经济利益. 外汇储备可通过对接“一带一路”战略、支持人民币国际化和支持企业“走出去”,以及促进对外直接投资等国家战略,实现国家利益的最大化,同时在这个过程中自动“冲消”过多的外汇储备. 因此,当前外汇储备管理中,外汇储备过多过少的问题已不是讨论的重点,管理部门也不用主动抑制外汇储备增长,而更应关注如何提高其使用效率.  相似文献   

超额外汇储备对中国货币政策的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张一  刘阳 《决策探索》2010,(10):52-53
进入21世纪以来,由于贸易顺差、外商直接投资、汇率体制、人民币升值预期等因素的共同作用,中国的外汇储备进入了一个高速增长期。截至2009年年底,中国的官方外汇储备已高达23991.52亿美元。外汇储备应当有一个适度的储备规模,当外汇储备规模超出适度规模时,就会通过外汇占款等方式对中央银行的货币政策产生冲击,进而对整个国民经济运行造成不良影响。  相似文献   

对我国外汇储备的规模,学者们从不同角度运用不同方式进行了分析,这些方式包括描述法、比例法、成本——收益法、货币需求决定法和储备需求函数法。不同角度的分析达成了统一的认识,即我国外汇储备规模已经远远超出了适度规模。运用博弈论对我国外汇储备规模改变的可行性进行分析,找出我国外汇储备总量改变的难处。从金融安全和巩固投资信心等角度提供支持外汇储备规模的依据。并对外汇储备结构的调整提出建议。  相似文献   

随着金砖国家的崛起,外汇储备迅猛增长,年均增长率高达27.2%,这给中国、俄罗斯、巴西等新兴国家带来了困扰。因此如何管理外汇储备,多大规模的外汇储备是适度的,这些问题开始变得尤为重要,本文基于一国持有外汇储备的四个需求动机出发,构建模型,对金砖国家外汇储备的适度规模进行测度,并提出了一定的参考建议。  相似文献   

国家外汇储备的政府干预有两层含义:一是被动的政府干预,主要指受制于固定汇率制的约束.一国中央银行被动地入市买卖外汇,以稳定本币汇率,其直接的负面影响是丧失货币政策的独立性,并且当本国汇率面临升值压力时,将导致国内通货膨胀压力.二是主动的政府干预,指政府调整本国外汇的规模和结构的一系列政策措施.我国目前针对外汇储备的干预目标主要是改变其规模过大、增长过快和结构过于单一的状况.2001年时我国外汇储备只有2121亿美元,到2006年底已达10663亿美元.从资产结构上看,我国的外汇储备资产一直以国外证券(主要是美国国债)、存款为主要形式,以美元为主要币种,美元储备在外汇储备中占据70%左右的绝对比重.  相似文献   

中国人民银行2008年7月14日公布的本年度上半年金融运行情况报告显示:截至6月末,国家外汇储备余额为18088亿美元;前6个月外汇储备增速达35.73%,月均增长约468亿美元;虽然6月份外汇储备增长明显放缓,但从上半年情况看,月均增速远远超过去年同期水平。外汇储备规模巨大、速度增长过快,给宏观调控、货币政策和控制通货膨胀等带来较大挑战。  相似文献   

<正>中国高达1万亿美元的外汇储备,既引起了世界各国的普遍关注,也引发了国内关于外汇储备的激烈争论。近年来,中国的外汇储备呈指数递增趋势。特别是2003年以来,外汇储备平均年均增加2000亿美元,到2005年底总额达到了8189亿美元。距离当今世界第一储备  相似文献   

最近几年,我国的外汇储备增长迅猛。2005年底达到8189亿美元,居全球第二位(仅次于日本);2006年2月超过日本,达到8536亿美元,成为世界第一大外储国。一般来说,一国外汇储备的迅速增长可增强国家的综合国力,有利于维护国家和企业的对外信誉;有利于拓展国际贸易,吸引外商投资,降低国内企业的融资成本;有利于应对突发事件,防范金融风险,维护国家经济安全。不过,这并不是说外汇储备越多越好,其实过多的外汇储备会产生一些负面影响。世界上主要发达国家(除日本外),其外汇储备一般不多。美国的外汇储备只有五六百亿美元,仅相当于美国半个月的进口额…  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国由外汇缺乏国家变为最大外资投资输入国,贸易盈余巨大、外汇储备更是位居世界第一.但我国巨额外汇储备结构不合理,大部分是以美元形式储备,极易受美元波动影响.近年采,美国经济状况一直不好,贸易赤字很多,对我国的巨额美元储备造成极大的贬值风险.应采取何种有效措施采保证我国外汇储备的增值,是我国外汇管理机构必须要解决的难题.  相似文献   

This guest editorial is a summary of the NCSU/USDA Workshop on Sensitivity Analysis held June 11–12, 2001 at North Carolina State University and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Office of Risk Assessment and Cost Benefit Analysis. The objective of the workshop was to learn across disciplines in identifying, evaluating, and recommending sensitivity analysis methods and practices for application to food‐safety process risk models. The workshop included presentations regarding the Hazard Assessment and Critical Control Points (HACCP) framework used in food‐safety risk assessment, a survey of sensitivity analysis methods, invited white papers on sensitivity analysis, and invited case studies regarding risk assessment of microbial pathogens in food. Based on the sharing of interdisciplinary information represented by the presentations, the workshop participants, divided into breakout sessions, responded to three trigger questions: What are the key criteria for sensitivity analysis methods applied to food‐safety risk assessment? What sensitivity analysis methods are most promising for application to food safety and risk assessment? and What are the key needs for implementation and demonstration of such methods? The workshop produced agreement regarding key criteria for sensitivity analysis methods and the need to use two or more methods to try to obtain robust insights. Recommendations were made regarding a guideline document to assist practitioners in selecting, applying, interpreting, and reporting the results of sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

Problems in studying occupational stress within the police service are identified and the paucity of work on operational duties as potential stressors are discussed. The present study reports the results of a factor analysis of operational stressors (N = 601 serving British police officers) that revealed three factors: exposure to death and disaster; violence and injury; sexual crime. These were demonstrated to be reliable scales and were included in logistic regression models together with a range of demographic and psychological variables. Models were applied to men and women separately, which showed there to be different predictors of the likelihood of suffering distress (measured by the General Health Questionnaire, GHQ) in terms of the officer's gender and operational role. Overall the model for women officers was better at predicting psychological distress than that for men. These findings are related to aspects of the police occupational culture. Further discussion is offered that conceptualizes police operational stressors as traumatic, routine and vicarious. Finally, some implications are drawn for the provision of stress intervention in the light of this differentiation.  相似文献   

Logistic objectives constitute a compromise between having short leadtimes and a low volume of work in progress on the one hand and a high resource loading and due date obligation on the other. Miscellaneous production planning approaches offered today provide different combinations of logistic objectives for satisfying a manufacturing strategy. To combine the strength of the various approaches into a unified system, a new approach based on a dynamic and distributed production planning methodology is proposed. To customize the approach, various analyses and specifications have to be made and for that reason some important characteristics and criteria for analysing production control philosophies will be given.  相似文献   

Penny Dick 《Work and stress》2000,14(3):226-244
The police profession is one in which acute stressors are encountered more frequently than in other occupations. Using the personal accounts of 35 police officers attending an in-house stress counselling clinic, the aim of the present study was to provide a qualitative examination of how the institutional context of policing influenced the ways in which acute stressors signified to individual police officers experiencing felt distress. Using the framework of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy as an analytical tool, it is argued that beliefs contributing to the experience of felt distress are related to the way in which policing as both an identity and an activity is constructed through the police organizational culture. Not only do these constructions influence the ways in which officers perceive themselves and their environments, but they also operate at the collective level to 'normalize' some emotional responses and to 'pathologize' others which, it is argued, could impact upon the outcomes of interventions such as stress counselling.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether social support is a boundary-determining criterion in the job strain model of Karasek (1979). The particular focus is the extent to which different sources of social support, work overload and task control influence job satisfaction, depersonalization and supervisor assessments of work performance. Hypotheses are tested using prospective survey data from 80 clerical staff in a university setting. Results revealed 3-way interactions among levels of support (supervisor, co-worker, non-work), perceived task control and work overload on levels of work performance and employee adjustment (self-report). After controlling for levels of negative affect in all analyses, there was evidence that high levels of supervisor support mitigated against the negative effects of high strain jobs on levels of job satisfaction and reduced reported levels of depersonalization. Moreover, high levels of non-work support and co-worker support also mitigated against the negative effects of high strain jobs on levels of work performance. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of social support networks both at, and beyond, the work context.  相似文献   

This paper presents research on the relationships between the work-related stressor of perceived job insecurity and various indicators of occupational strain, taking into account employees' personality dispositions (trait negative and positive affectivity) and coping resources. Respondents were 222 Australian public servants surveyed during organizational restructuring that involved downsizing and threat to job certainty. The research was formulated within an adaptation of Osipow, Doty, and Spokane's (1985) framework of stress-strain-coping that included the possible direct as well as moderating effects of personality dispositions in reporting occupational strain (Parkes, 1990). Findings from hierarchical regression analyses indicate consistent significant independent effects of personality dispositions, coping resources and perceived job insecurity on various indicators of strain. There was also support for the moderating roles of negative affectivity and self-care in the relation between perceived job insecurity and physical strain. Implications for the role of dispositional factors, especially negative affectivity, and the utility of various coping resources in accounting for occupational strain in times of threatened job security are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the antecedents of job strain (emotional exhaustion, health complaints) and withdrawal behaviour (e.g. lowered organizational commitment) among a cross-sectional sample of 131 academic staff members of the law department of a large Dutch university. Conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989) provided the theoretical background for this study. Strains and withdrawal behaviours were expected to be most prominent among those who reported having few resources and/or who reported high job demands. Structural equation modelling revealed that this was indeed the case. As predicted, differential patterns of effects emerged for job demands and job resources. Analysis of the effects of four job-specific stressors revealed that especially the structural aspects of a staff member's teaching task (e.g. the number of students in their classes) contributed strongly to perceived job demands. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Organizational change and restructuring is often perceived as leading to increased occupational stress, impacting negatively on the psychological well-being of employees. This pragmatic study investigates the role of social support and dispositional affect as moderators of role stress post-restructuring for employees in a public utility company. A total of 176 employees, including 37 managers, 60 graded staff and 78 industrial staff completed a self-report questionnaire, approximately 1 year postrestructuring, retrospectively assessing role conflict, ambiguity, overload and positive and negative feedback pre- and post-restructuring. Results suggested that overall role stress increased for managers/ senior officers and graded staff, but not for industrial staff. Social support was linked with lower role stress, more positive feedback and less negative feedback at post-restructuring. For certain role stressors this impact was moderated by dispositional affect, but the effect was not consistent across occupational groups. Positive affect enhanced the effect of manager support in reducing role conflict for graded staff, and the effect of co-worker support in increasing positive feedback and reducing negative feedback for industrial staff. Findings suggest that managers should pay particular attention to support and feedback for employees during periods of chronic occupational stress following organizational restructuring.  相似文献   

The aim of this cross-sectional study was to explore the main, mediating and moderating role of sense of coherence (SOC) on stress symptoms and on the association between perceived psychosocial work environment and stress symptoms. The sample includes 2053 Danish employees from 52 workplaces. Hierarchical regression models were applied for each measure of stress. The results strongly supported the presence of a main effect for SOC. People with high levels of SOC experienced fewer stress symptoms. A mediating effect of SOC was also supported. Thus, SOC in part explained the association between work environment and stress symptoms. In addition, some support for a moderating effect of SOC was found, suggesting that people with higher SOC coped more efficiently with work environmental strain that people with lower SOC. Taken together the regression models explained 11-32% of the variance in stress symptoms. The results suggest that measures of individual factors such as SOC should be included in analyses of the effects of work environmental factors on stress and well-being.  相似文献   

During the last two decades two potent groups of predictors for work-related musculoskeletal problems have been identified: physical work load and poor psychosocial working conditions. However, little is known about their combined effects. In this study the buffering effect of control at work with respect to the negative effects of psychological demands and physical work load on musculoskeletal problems is examined. All study variables were sampled from 431 people working in geriatric nursing homes in Germany by means of questionnaires. Main effects and interactions were tested with multiple regression analysis. The results showed that control buffered the effects of high psychological demands, but not of high physical work load; the buffering effect of control was observed only when physical work load was low. The combined effects of demands and physical work load were over-additive. Thus, the power of different predictors for musculoskeletal symptoms depended on the level of other predictors. This suggests that the efficiency of certain strategies for the prevention of musculoskeletal problems is likely to depend on the level of risk factors, with different strategies being appropriate for different levels of risk.  相似文献   

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