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张莉 《社科纵横》2007,22(3):54-56
世界列强的发展史表明,国家富强的重要原因在于依重强大的海上力量;中华古代文明的式微,同样与国家海洋政策息息相关;面对新世纪的挑战,开发海洋仍然是我们实现社会主义现代化的必然选择。  相似文献   

Reorganization of the NHS in 1974 sped up the process of professionalization of the leadership of the Community Dental Health Services. Since that event public dental officers have gained status through recognition of the need for specialists in community dental health. Nevertheless, by the beginning of 1982 no trainees had yet been appointed to begin the special training programme, thus far failing the efforts of those area dental officers who have striven since 1974 to raise the standards of their successors.  相似文献   

The Israeli unemployment insurance (UI) programme was adopted in 1972 but, in the three decades since, it has undergone major changes. As a result of these changes, the programme is currently far less accessible and less generous than it was in its original form. This article documents the policy process that led to retrenchment of UI in Israel. This process was justified by a professed desire on the part of decision-makers to deal with the problem of the unemployment trap caused by UI and was facilitated by a legislative manoeuvre that enabled the State to overcome institutional obstacles to change within the Parliament.  相似文献   

1930年代,曾发行一套奉天32景的明信片,与后来的盛京8景相比较,少了几许意境、几许诗情画意,只是简单的街路,但细说起来,其实也不简单.让我们追溯时间,聊聊这奉天32景之一的、我们沈阳人再熟悉不过的太原街.  相似文献   

论曲江池的兴衰   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许正文 《唐都学刊》2002,18(3):36-38
曲江池位于唐长安城东南部 ,在这里巧用自然地势布设风景区的设施 ,开始于秦代。隋代以前池中的水源主要依靠池内西侧的汉武泉 ,唐代时池中之水的来源又增加了一条从大峪口引氵水入池的黄渠。秦汉时这里已为名胜游览区 ,唐代时达到鼎盛 ,宋时因长安废不为都 ,黄渠断流 ,泉眼堵塞 ,池水逐渐干涸  相似文献   

始于三皇五帝的中国皇权观念在春秋战固时期得到儒、法两家的理论支持,并在秦汉两代臻于完善.与以君主为政治目的的法家不同,儒家在理论上将皇权置于礼教的完整体系之内.通过一套系统的礼仪规则,儒家在维护皇权的同时,试图对皇权加以柔性的制约,明初建立的服饰制度就是这种思想的体现.这套制度在明朝前期收到了稳定统治的功效.然而,由于缺少有力的维护机制.以服制为代表的明初礼制在明中期以后就失去了约束力.明代服制的兴衰既反映了程朱以来儒家思想在制约皇权上的积极性,也反映了其固有的局限性.  相似文献   

王威孚  王智 《学术交流》2004,7(1):120-125
技术革命与文化革命思想是中国共产党探索社会主义先进文化建设的重要内容,二者分别有其自身的内涵,它们的提出与实施并不完全同步,但最终被作为一个总体战略付诸实施。技术革命与文化革命是经济文化十分落后的中国进行社会主义建设的必要选择。这一思想在实践中发挥了积极的作用,但是后来“由扬而抑”,渐被偏离,文化革命更被导入“文化大革命”的歧途。尽管技术革命与文化革命的思想曾经被误读,但因此所获得的历史经验却为1978年后的“自抑又扬”创造了条件。  相似文献   

The Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC), introduced in 1998/9, was regarded as the most important and easily the most redistributive measure introduced by the New Labour administration elected in 1997. WFTC is, however, scheduled to end, and to be replaced by another tax credit in 2003. This paper reviews the birth, brief life and "death" of WFTC in the period 1998–2000 and examines the structure of eligibility for WFTC in one UK region.  相似文献   

孙叔林 《日本学刊》2005,3(4):120-132
20世纪上半期日本与俄国(苏联)之间的五次战争或武装冲突(1904—1905年的日俄战争、1918—1922年的日本武装干涉苏俄、1938年张鼓峰事件、1939年诺门坎事件、1945年苏联红军参加对日作战),反映了日本军国主义在对外侵略扩张中由兴而衰进而被反法西斯的正义战争埋葬的必然性,揭示了军国主义是一条绝路,任何复活日本军国主义的企图永远不会得逞的历史规律。  相似文献   

本文提出了地缘政治学的三种研究路径:地理要素、权力政治、战略分析。针对1868年明治维新至1941年的太平洋战争这段时期,日本的海权崛起为何逐渐走向失控这个议题,提出的自变量解释是体系变革,它涵盖权力结构、地理因素与攻防平衡交互影响等;国家的战略塑造能力是中介变量,包括:战略对手的塑造、国内共识的形成、地缘学说的吸收和运用、联盟战略构成等。结合海军与陆军部门的竞争关系、国内政治与外部战略环境的交互影响、地理与历史的基础性作用、对马汉、豪斯浩弗等地缘学者的历史影响考察,以及近代日本先后针对中国、俄国(苏联)和美国进行的战略调整优劣进行评估。最后得出结论:国家的海权发展应有大战略思维,片面追求军国主义和穷兵黩武不利于国家的长远利益。  相似文献   

高中 《太平洋学报》2009,(12):18-30
近年,通过各种方式揭露、抨击、讽刺政府官员不端行为,引发了由警方以涉嫌诽谤政府罪立案侦查、检察院提起公诉的十余起言说者陷入牢狱之灾的案件。此类所谓“毁谤政府罪”现象所凸现的地方政府官员政治不宽容举动并非纯法律问题,滋生它的社会、政治生态环境起着极其重要的作用。摆脱“就法论法”进路,以史鉴今,把世界上言论自由保障程度最高的美国和近代西方民主发源地英国诽谤罪兴衰史作为参照对象,比较其与中国历史和当代诽谤罪现象之共性,揭示政治不宽容的成因,并从物质基础、制度建设、民意基础、政治认知等诸方面探索政治宽容的生成条件,有利于更为客观、理性地看待诽谤罪之兴衰与政治宽容之间的内在联系。  相似文献   

This article suggests a discourse analysis suitable for multi‐dimensional processes. The exemplar in focus is a single narrative that travelled a long way through an English criminal pre‐trial to the finalising Crown Court‐hearing. The following case study asks how this story was mobilised by the defence to challenge the prosecution's case. The resulting sequential analysis of the story's career profits a good deal from Laboratory Studies. Like ethnographies in Science and Technology Studies, the analysis involves an extended production process—and the productivities of the artefacts produced. It shows, furthermore, how the mobilisation of the alibi is at some points threatened by emerging potentialities to undermine it. All in all, the resulting micro‐history on the story's career hinges on as well as exceeds common preferences in social constructivism: for collaborative and local accomplishments, for structural and antagonistic oppositions, and for success stories.  相似文献   

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