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Nearly 40 Percent A recent survey on the Chinese website www.163.com shows that Chinese women netizens greatly value independence,individualism and wisdom.The results indicate that 39.5 percent of the 3,042 respondents believe it is important to be economically independent, and 10.7 percent want to enjoy their spare time on their  相似文献   

“Only 7 Percent of womensmoke”said Professor Zhang Yifang,secretary general of the ChineseSmoking and Health Association,“which is low compared to 61 percentof men.Most Chinese women do notsmoke,an advantage that can be usedin promoting their role in the fight to  相似文献   

IN any society, the degree to which women receive education is always linked with their social status. Up to the first half of the 20th century Chinese women were still not able to attend school. In the old China, 90 percent of women were illiterate, and the enrollment rate for girls was only 20 percent. After the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, the government established that women legally enjoyed equal rights with men in politics, the economy and education. After 45 years, women have considerably improved  相似文献   

IN the early years of the Republic of China (1912-1949), a great upsurge to promote industry and commerce spread across the country. Women, who were used to doing spinning and weaving, became involved in this industrialization. In early 1912 women intellectuals wrote newspaper editorials advocating women to initiate industrial and commercial enterprises. They said that women were not suited to work in industries such as the railways, mines, and navigation, but were suited for work in spinning and textile mills, breeding silkworms, raising tea, and working in handicrafts factories. They hoped that women would pool their funds to set up business organizations, improve their lives and become economically independent.  相似文献   

SINCE more and more rural women have become involved in commercial production, they have become more and more eager to learn about scientific technology. The Women's Federation of Beijing had long been looking for a direct and effective way to help them. Luo Xiaolu, vicedirector of the Federation, found in her investigation of the present conditions of intellectual women in Beijing that women students were also eager to get in touch with society. Then she had an idea that women students in universities and colleges should go to the countryside. Thus, an activity developed called "women college students and rural women, hand in hand."  相似文献   

13 and 17 Women Delegates Xinhua News Agency,China's national news- wire organization,recently reported that among the 204 members of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,13 were women,an increase of eight over the last session.Meanwhile,there were 24 women alternate members,two more than during the last session.Of the 127 members of the Central Commission: for Discipline Inspection,17 were women,three more compared with the last session  相似文献   

11.79 Percent The Institute of Population and Labor Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences recently issued the Studies on the Changes to the Beijing-born Population. The report indicated Beijing's childbirth rate has been low for many years.The percentage of women above  相似文献   

In the early 1900s, when Western women were just starting to fight for their rights to participate in government and political affairs, China's women, who had just broken away from a feudal monarchy, also claimed that they wanted to participate in government and political affairs.In 1912, the Revolution of 1911, led by Sun Yat-sen-pioneer of China's democratic revolution-overthrew the last feudal monarchy and the bourgeois Republic of China was founded. The women following sun Yat-sen were to put into action their demand to participate in government and political affairs.  相似文献   

CURRENTLY there are more thar 50 million Chinese women over the age of 60, making up nine percent of the total female population. This number is increasing at the rate of about 2.8 percent per year. It is estimate that by the end of this century, one of every 10 women will be over the age of 60. This group of older women, with its own characteristics and demands, needs the attention and help of society. Over half a century ago when these women were born, China was still an  相似文献   

Directing Lives     
YANG Yang is he director of China Television PlayCenter.Before the arrival of the series Holding Hands,she filmed television plays reflecting women and marriage.Examples of her work include Niu Yuqin and Her Trees and theMidnight Trolley.The artistry and sympathy towards women inthese programmes make it obvious that they were directed by awoman.Holding Hands especially cements this connection.  相似文献   

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