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Baby factories are new systematic abuse structures that are promoting infant trafficking, neo‐slavery and the exploitation of young women with unwanted pregnancies in Nigeria. Since this practice was first described in 2006, it has been growing rather than abating. This paper reviews the scientific literature, along with media reports, and critiques this phenomenon from a children's rights' perspective. Children born into baby factories are denied various civil rights. They also suffer abuse in the baby factories and as a consequence of being born in such places. This abuse can be classified into immediate and long term. Immediate abuse includes inadequate care and its repercussions, denial of birth registration, illegal adoption and murder. Long‐term or delayed abuse that they may be exposed to includes health‐related consequences, neglect, death, child labour, prostitution and other sexual abuse, organ trafficking and recruitment as child soldiers. Various factors are thought to drive the baby factory phenomenon which include poverty, high infertility rates and the profitability of local and inter‐country adoptions. Programmes directed at addressing the root cause of the problem are needed in order to eliminate infant trafficking. Also, clear laws that delineate inter‐country adoption and infant trafficking need to be enacted. Most importantly, baby factories need to be recognised as child trafficking routes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
‘New systematic abuse structures that are promoting infant trafficking, neo‐slavery and the exploitation of young women’
Key Practitioner Messages:
  • A new type of child abuse and human trafficking that targets infants has emerged in Nigeria in what are described as ‘baby factories’.
  • Baby factories are criminal entities that exploit young girls with unwanted pregnancies and the practice is growing.
  • Children born in baby factories suffer a range of immediate abuses and are exposed to long-term abuses.
  • Baby factories violate several articles in the Convention on the Rights of a Child.
‘Criminal entities that exploit young girls with unwanted pregnancies’
Citing Literature

Number of times cited: 5

  • Olga B. A. van den Akker , Cross-Border Surrogacy , Surrogate Motherhood Families , 10.1007/978-3-319-60453-4_8 , (199-230) , (2017) . Crossref
  • Olusesan Ayodeji Makinde, Clifford Obby Odimegwu and Stella O. Babalola , Reasons for Infertile Couples Not to Patronize Baby Factories , Health & Social Work , 42 , 1 , (57) , (2017) . Crossref
  • Peter Sidebotham , Kneeling on Mung Beans , Child Abuse Review , 25 , 6 , (405-409) , (2017) . Wiley Online Library
  • Olusesan Ayodeji Makinde, Olufunmbi Olukemi Makinde, Olalekan Olaleye, Brandon Brown and Clifford O. Odimegwu , Baby factories taint surrogacy in Nigeria , Reproductive BioMedicine Online , 32 , 1 , (6) , (2016) . Crossref
  • Olusesan Makinde, Bolanle Olapeju, Osondu Ogbuoji and Stella Babalola , Trends in the completeness of birth registration in Nigeria: 2002-2010 , Demographic Research , 35 , (315) , (2016) . Crossref

Volume 25 , Issue 6 November/December 2016

Pages 433-443  相似文献   

The religious consequences of child sexual abuse in adulthood remain relatively unexamined in the research literature, especially where abusers are not clergy. Some studies suggest child sexual abuse survivors may rely on religion as a source of support, though the majority document a decrease in religiosity. Given the propensity for psychological challenges among adult survivors with diminished spiritual coping, we are calling for increased research attention to religion in the context of child sexual abuse. The objectives of this article were to review the literature on intersections between child sexual abuse (perpetrated by nonclergy) and religiosity in adults and set forth relevant research approaches for future investigation. Findings revealed a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and theoretically informed approach to research may be needed.  相似文献   

Parental distress often places young children in grave danger of physical abuse. In this paper a family therapy approach is used with a single parent family with young children where physical abuse is a distinct possibility. The paper outlines some of the basic concepts used in the therapy and focuses on the effective use of relabelling as a means to diffuse anger and open the way for constructive change within the family system.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that Democrats and Republicansare divided along religious lines–98) confirm that thelink between religiosity and Republican Party identificationis stronger among younger than older voters.  相似文献   

在生育政策与社会发展的转型中,儿童照料局面呈现出了一个新的矛盾局面。本文引入布迪厄的场域—惯习理论框架,研究父亲在儿童照料中的参与,发现了传统性别角色差异转变,为当代男性在儿童照料中的父职参与提供了角色转换的可能,在这背后也有一整套关于这样性别转变的逻辑。在儿童照料场域中,从传统的密集母职照料到父职参与过程中,行动者作为主体发生了一系列的转变:从观念到行动,再到具体的选择,并最终通过经验积累和自我再生产进而形成了新的惯习。  相似文献   

Emerging research suggests that normative variation in parenting quality relates to children's brain development. However, although the young brain is presumed to be especially sensitive to environmental influence, to our knowledge only two studies have examined parenting quality with infants as it relates to indicators of brain development, and both were cross‐sectional. This longitudinal study investigated whether different components of maternal sensitivity in infancy predicted the volume of two brain structures presumed to be particularly sensitive to early experience, namely the amygdala and the hippocampus. Three dimensions of sensitivity (Cooperation/Attunement, Positivity, Accessibility/Availability) were observed in 33 mother–infant dyads at 1 year of age and children underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging at age 10. Higher maternal Accessibility/Availability during mother–infant interactions was found to be predictive of smaller right amygdala volume, while greater maternal positivity was predictive of smaller bilateral hippocampal volumes. These longitudinal findings extend those of previous cross‐sectional studies and suggest that a multidimensional approach to maternal behavior could be a fruitful way to further advance research in this area, given that different facets of parenting might be differentially predictive of distinct aspects of neurodevelopment.  相似文献   


This paper discusses participatory research with young people who are leaving public care in Finland to begin independent lives. The aim of the research, organised by SOS Children's Villages International, was to bring about change in alternative care arrangements, particularly those involving young people's transition to independence. The project used a participatory research design based on employing care-leaving peers as co-researchers. This paper adheres to the methodological principles of empowerment in analysing the personal experiences of young people leaving alternative care with the goal of informing good practice. The findings suggest that the peer research method can be an effective means of empowering young people to develop research skills and to be involved in knowledge production, as well as serving as a means of promoting improved services for “care-leavers”, those young people who are leaving either foster care or institutional care. The participatory and peer research method challenges the traditional understandings of expertise and knowledge production. Although the hierarchy between adult researchers and young people as co-researchers is still evident, the method provides possibilities for better understanding the social- and health-service systems and their challenges and pitfalls from a user's perspective.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):117-133
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Leslie B. Cohen 《Infancy》2004,5(2):127-130
Research on infant categorization has made remarkable progress since the first studies were reported in the late 1970s (e.g., Cohen & Caputo, 1978; Cohen & Strauss, 1977; Strauss, 1979). This progress is evident in a recent volume on early categorization and concept acquisition (Rakison & Oakes, 2003), the first half of which is devoted entirely to theory and research on infant categorization. Even in the early days of such research an important distinction was made between demonstration‐oriented studies and process‐oriented studies (Cohen & Younger, 1983; Younger & Cohen, 1985). Demonstration studies simply presented infants with established category items (by adult standards) such as pictures of stuffed animals, faces, dogs, cats, animals, or vehicles and examined whether infants would generalize their responding to novel members of the same category. Process studies, on the other hand, presented infants with novel categories and manipulated feature values of category items to examine the mechanisms underlying infant category acquisition.  相似文献   

The functions of an American Sign Language response were experimentally evaluated with a young boy diagnosed with autism. A functional analysis procedure based on that reported by Lerman et al. (2005) was used to evaluate whether the target sign response would occur under mand, tact, mimetic, or control conditions. The target sign was observed most often in the mand and mimetic test conditions, very seldom in the tact test condition, and never in the control condition. These results support those reported by Lerman et al. and extend previous research by evaluating a non-vocal verbal response using a brief multi-element arrangement with a single control condition. The implications for language assessment and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The “Body Safety Training Program” is an education program aimed at ensuring children are informed about their body and acquire self-protection skills. In this study, a total of 83 preschoolers were divided into experimental and control groups; based on a power analysis, 40 children comprised the experimental group, while 43 children comprised the control group. The “Body Safety Training Programme” was translated into Turkish and content validity was determined regarding the language and cultural appropriateness. The “What If Situations Test” (WIST) was administered to both groups before and after the training. Mann–Whitney U Test, Kruskal–Wallis Variance Analysis, and the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test were used to compare between the groups and the Spearman correlation analysis was used to determine the strength of the relationship between the dependent and independent variable. The differences between the pretest and posttest scores for the subscales (appropriate recognition, inappropriate recognition, say, do, tell, and reporting skills), and the personal safety questionnaire (PSQ) score means for the children in the experimental group were found to be statistically significant (p < .001). The posttest–pretest difference score means of the experimental group children for WIST saying, doing, telling and reporting, total skills, and PSQ were found to be statistically significant as compared to that of the control group (p < .05). The “Body Safety Training programme” is effective in increasing the child sexual abuse prevention and self-protection skills in Turkish young children.  相似文献   

青年群体是贫困地区长远发展的重要力量,也是贫困地区产业发展的新型市场主体。随着精准扶贫进入脱贫攻坚关键期,激发青年创业活力成为完成脱贫攻坚的重点问题。对湖北广水市陈家村调查显示,贫困地区青年产业发展既面临供需不匹配、产能过剩等典型问题,也存在着探索发展新动力的制约,贫困地区青年产业发展内生动力不足。因此,要重新整合贫困地区产品、市场、产业等资源要素,形成促进青年产业创新推动机制,充分发挥精准扶贫和各类公共服务政策优势,形成良好的贫困地区青年产业管理促进机制。  相似文献   

Three young persons who gave evidence about child sexual exploitation in criminal court using various testimonial supports were interviewed about their testimony experiences. The witnesses reported that they felt extreme pressure to remember events accurately and cared greatly about being believed. None reported their own coping strategies to alleviate stress and took comfort breaks only after they cried on the stand. Defense attorney questions were reportedly repetitive, rapid, confusing, and focused on secondary content rather than the central criminal acts. The witnesses mentioned dissatisfaction in having supportive social workers whom they trusted leave the case and be replaced.  相似文献   

This article provides a substantial review of the empirical data that have steered the work of child custody experts for the last 30 years. Child custody evaluators who are designated the responsibility of designing parenting plans postseparation for children exposed to family breakdown must be capable of sifting through the literature to select valid and reliable data to support their recommendations and plans. This article provides a review of this literature and discusses the methodological impairments in this body of knowledge.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the collective labor supply choices of dual-earner parents and take into account child care expenditures. For this purpose we use data of the Flemish Families and Care Survey (FFCS, 2004–2005). The main findings are, firstly, that the supply of paid labor is hardly affected by changes in the prices of child care services. Secondly, child care price effects on the individual labor supplies are much smaller than the wage effects. Thirdly, we find that additional earnings due to an increase in household non-labor income minus the child care expenditures are mainly transferred to the wife.  相似文献   

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