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This paper provides a critical comparison of two leading exponents of the relationship between morality and selfhood: Charles Taylor and George Herbert Mead. Specifically, it seeks to provide an assessment of the contribution each approach is able to make to a social theory of morality that has the self at its heart. Ultimately, it is argued that Taylor's phenomenological account neglects the significance of interaction and social relations in his conceptualisation of the relationship between morality and self, which undermines the capacity of his framework to explain how moral understandings and dialogic moral subjectivity develop in a world of shared meaning. I then argue that Mead's pragmatist interactionist approach overcomes many of the flaws in Taylor's framework, and offers a grounded conceptualisation of the relationship between self and morality that is able to provide a basis for a properly social account of moral subjectivity.  相似文献   

Constructing social work identity based on the reflexive self   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In this article, the social work identity is conceptualizedbased on concepts of the self (Benjamin, 1995; Foucault, 1988),rather than concepts associated with ego psychology. Socialwork students, teachers and practitioners have historicallyattempted to gain a sense of ego mastery and control by theacquisition of theory to enhance skill-based practice expertise(Austin, 1952; Zetzel, 1953; Bandler, 1960; Memmot and Brennan,1998). In so doing, they have attempted to manage anxiety asa means to enhance learning. Traditional social work functionssuch as acceptance, non-judgemental attitudes, and empathy (Biestek,1957; Woods and Hollis, 1990) have been utilized to encouragepractitioners to manage their feelings related to difference.We argue, however, that the social work identity is enrichedwhen social workers allow their selves to be in a state of disassemblyin the presence of the other (Smith, 1997). When social workersexperience their selves as complex and dialogical, they aremore open to the influence of the other (Bakhtin, 1993). Wemake the case for practitioners to work on a reflexive selfrather than attempting to achieve ego control through the managementof anxiety.  相似文献   

We study the formation of a communication network under perfect foresight. We show the existence of a non-monotonic relationship between the cost of link formation and the total number of links created in stable networks. This result enhances a dilemma between stable and efficient networks.  相似文献   

贺中  李莎 《青岛画报》2011,(7):28-32,53,71
90多年前,青年毛泽东在湘江之畔激扬文字,挥斥方遒,"天下者我们的天下;国家者我们的国家;社会者我们的社会……",如今,我们一路追寻,脚步不息;穿越时空,心灵震撼;缅怀往事,激励奋进。"红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。"没有时间的概念,只有公里数,车队壮观如同一条长龙,在祖国的版图上划出了一条蜿蜒的曲线。  相似文献   

为了加强国际间脆弱儿童救助保护政策的研讨与交流,展示中国儿童福利事业发展成果,民政部、国务院防治艾滋病工作委员会办公室、河南省政府及联合国儿童基金会共同举办的"受艾滋病影响儿童救助安置政策国际研讨会"于2007年9月7日在郑州隆重召开.  相似文献   

《Social Development》2018,27(1):154-171
Children's developing views of self and in‐groups inevitably conflict at points during childhood (e.g., a girl who thinks of herself as strong encounters the gender stereotype that girls are weak). How are self and group views reconciled in such cases? To test hypotheses based on Greenwald et al.'s model of self, group, and attribute relations, children (N = 107; ages 7–12; M = 9 years, 6 months) were assigned to novel social groups, denoted by red and blue t‐shirts, in their classrooms. Across 3 weeks, children completed three novel tasks and received false feedback on personal and group task performance, producing a between‐subjects experimental design in which children received either consistent or inconsistent self and group feedback. Immediately after receiving feedback, children answered questions about the particular task. Finally, upon completion of all three manipulations, children completed measures of views of the self and novel groups. As predicted, children's views of the tasks, self, and groups were influenced by feedback. Unexpectedly, children viewed themselves as more similar to the in‐group than out‐group irrespective of feedback consistency. Furthermore, children developed in‐group biased attitudes, but these biases were largely unrelated to feedback.  相似文献   

The self is conceptualized in a multitude of ways in different scholarly fields; at the same time moral agency appears to presuppose a unitary conception of the self. This paper explores this tension by introducing ‘moral senses’ which inform the normative evaluations of a person. The moral senses are featured as innate dispositions, but they inevitably recruit discursive categorizations in order to function. These senses forward both an ‘individual self’, by experiencing a unitary body, mind and character, and a ‘social self’, that is similarly experienced as a body, a mind, and a character. This social self is enabled by the capacity to internalize other people's feelings and intentions and the need to have otherworldly explanations for observable reality. This integrative framework of moral senses provides an understanding that helps to address the challenge of moral heterogeneity and plurality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the process of culturally adapting group curriculum modules for Spanish speaking clients in a Driving Under the Influence Program as well as to test the acceptability of these modules. Using the Group Topics Evaluation Scale (English and Spanish version), 90 clients rated six modules that were presented in 30 different group sessions. Spanish speaking clients were significantly more likely to rate all six modules much higher than their English speaking counterparts, indicating acceptability. This is important as driving-under-the-influence programs may provide access to Latino clients not seen elsewhere. Possible further research is discussed.  相似文献   

Humans construct coherence and meaning in their lives through reminiscing with and about others. The four articles in this Social Development Quartet focus on how reminiscing about emotionally and morally challenging personal experiences is a critical mechanism for integration and differentiation across development, both within the individual and within sociocultural interactions. Examining linguistic forms, emotional disclosure, expressions of perspective, and personal growth, these studies demonstrate that the ways in which we reminisce about our personal past with others matter for developmental outcome. Both the ways in which individuals differentiate between self and other, and between different types of events, and the ways in which individuals integrate perspectives across different types of events is related to emotional well‐being.  相似文献   

中国社会科学院2007年度工作会议于2月8日至9日举行。这次工作会议的主要任务是:深入学习贯彻党的十六大和十六届六中全会、中央经济工作会议和全国宣传部长会议精神,全面落实科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会的重大战略思想,按照“5·19”中央政治  相似文献   

德行成本与道德自律的社会机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
庄三舵 《社科纵横》2004,19(6):107-109
伦理学史上有两种不同的自律观 ,一种是以康德为代表的自律观 ,认为自律与“异己意志”、“感性世界”等任何外在因素无关 ,一种是马克思主义自律观 ,认为自律与感性世界、世俗利益、经济关系有关。从马克思主义自律观出发 ,我们认为公众自律素质的生成与德行的产生 ,并不全是个人理性的简单追求和狭义的道德教育的功劳 ,而应充分考虑到德行背后的利益动因和道德成本  相似文献   

Past research on care leavers has, understandably, tended to focus on those who are in their mid‐ to late‐teens or early 20s. This reflects the profound impact of central and local government policy on those young people. It also reflects their prominence in contemporary analyses of most of the indicators of social exclusion among young people in the UK – unemployment, homelessness and lack of educational qualifications among them. However, some issues affecting adults who grew up in care apply across the life course. One such issue is the access that former care adults have to their child care files. Indeed, as we shall see, this issue has particular importance for many older adults (in their 30s and upwards). Policy and practice in this field has changed significantly during the past 20 years and there is a growing awareness of the needs of former care adults in this area. Access to such files can be a significant element in the process of seeking to address identity concerns centring around family and childhood experiences. This paper explores some of these identity concerns and analyses how access to care files both reflects such concerns and attempts to address them.  相似文献   

建立和谐社区是构建和谐社会的重要基础,引起了政府及各种组织的高度重视,包括一些社会工作机构也积极的在社区层面提供专业服务,做出很多有益的探索。本文尝试以生态系统理论为视角,探究和谐社区的意涵,进一步探讨以专业的社区工作促进和谐社区构建。  相似文献   

随着全球化与现代化进程加快,族际间的互动正变得十分频繁。作为宁夏的工业开发区,宁东地区的族群关系有其突出的特点。以宁夏回族自治区灵武市宁东镇的回汉关系为个案,对族群关系进行调查研究,旨在了解该地族际互动下的族群关系。从民族社会学角度看,研究族际互动下的族群关系,就不得不提到族际通婚、族际迁移、族际冲突等诸多问题。  相似文献   

社会工作实践需要理论的指导,而理论同样在实践中不断发展。为推动我国社会工作理论研究,本刊下半月拟从2007年12期开始,开辟"理论前沿"专栏,发表有关理论研诠释学是一门有关"理解"的古老学科,其"双向理解"的观点,对个案社工实务有着重要的影响。在诠释架构下从事个案工作实践,其强调社工的价值介入,在辅导过程,社会工作者与案主的关系是平等的,社工要不断的反思自己的视角,与案主的理解角度进行调和,遵循一种灵活性辅导方式。  相似文献   

国家宏观调控下主要由市场形成价格的机制已经成为我国的基本价格制度,但在充分发挥价格机制的作用,与国际价格接轨等方面尚存不是.应进一步解放思想,转变观念,坚持市场经济体制改革方向,进一步深化价格改革.要加强调查研究、分析预测,转变价格工作职能,改进价格工作方式方法,加快与国际市场接轨的步伐.  相似文献   

张丽 《学术交流》2001,(3):32-34
现实表明,在新的形势下,腐败病毒迅速在党内外发作起来,甚至造成了党和国家机体的溃烂,已成为我党生死存亡的大问题.惩治腐败不能孤立地进行,而需综合治理,标本兼治.包括思想教育,全面提高党员干部的政治素质是防止和克服腐败的有效途径;加强反腐败立法工作,健全防范机制和舆论监督等是消除腐败的重要保证;从严治党、依法治理腐败是根本大计.  相似文献   

教育具有分层作用,因而成为一种资源。在城市中,距离决定着获得教育资源的机会,因此,教育引发人们的迁居,使具有共同教育需要的人聚集居住,加速特定居住区的空间流动与重组,从而丰富了城市居住空间结构,维持了居住空间的稳定,同时教育资源的优劣也使居住区的价值发生了变化,导致不同阶层群体的居住分异。  相似文献   

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