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Local likelihood has been mainly developed from an asymptotic point of view, with little attention to finite sample size issues. The present paper provides simulation evidence of how likelihood density estimation practically performs from two points of view. First, we explore the impact of the normalization step of the final estimate, second we show the effectiveness of higher order fits in identifying modes present in the population when small sample sizes are available. We refer to circular data, nevertheless it is easily seen that our findings straightforwardly extend to the Euclidean setting, where they appear to be somehow new.  相似文献   

This paper presents a full Bayesian analysis of circular data, paying special attention to the von Mises distribution. We obtain samples from the posterior distribution using the Gibbs sampler which, after the introduction of strategic latent variables, has all full conditional distributions of known type.  相似文献   

A nonparametric test for circular symmetry about 0 in a continuous bivariate distribution is proposed. The test is of the von Mises type, based on the empirical cdf of the sample, expressed in polar co-ordinates. However, the test is independent of the choice of the polar axis. The asymptotic form of the test statistic is obtained by considering the weak convergence of the empirical process to a limiting Gaussian process. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is found explicitly, both under the null hypothesis and under simple alternatives. The test is shown to be consistent against all alternatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider using a local linear (LL) smoothing method to estimate a class of discontinuous regression functions. We establish the asymptotic normality of the integrated square error (ISE) of a LL-type estimator and show that the ISE has an asymptotic rate of convergence as good as for smooth functions, and the asymptotic rate of convergence of the ISE of the LL estimator is better than that of the Nadaraya-Watson (NW) and the Gasser-Miiller (GM) estimators.  相似文献   

Estimators of derivatives of a density function based on polynomial multiples of kernels are compared with those based on differentiated kernels.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two multimodal circular distributions which are suitable for modeling circular data sets with two or more modes. Both distributions belong to the regular exponential family of distributions and are considered as extensions of the von Mises distribution. Hence, they possess the highly desirable properties, such as the existence of non-trivial sufficient statistics and optimal inferences for their parameters. Fine particulates (PM2.5) are generally emitted from activities such as industrial and residential combustion and from vehicle exhaust. We illustrate the utility of our proposed models using a real data set consisting of fine particulates (PM2.5) pollutant levels in Houston region during Fall season in 2019. Our results provide a strong evidence that its diurnal pattern exhibits four modes; two peaks during morning and evening rush hours and two peaks in between.  相似文献   

This article focuses on estimating an autoregressive regression model for circular time series data. Simulation studies have shown the difficulties involved in obtaining good estimates from low concentration data or from small samples. It presents an application using real data.  相似文献   

Modelling volatility in the form of conditional variance function has been a popular method mainly due to its application in financial risk management. Among others, we distinguish the parametric GARCH models and the nonparametric local polynomial approximation using weighted least squares or gaussian likelihood function. We introduce an alternative likelihood estimate of conditional variance and we show that substitution of the error density with its estimate yields similar asymptotic properties, that is, the proposed estimate is adaptive to the error distribution. Theoretical comparison with existing estimates reveals substantial gains in efficiency, especially if error distribution has fatter tails than Gaussian distribution. Simulated data confirm the theoretical findings while an empirical example demonstrates the gains of the proposed estimate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new nonparametric estimation procedure of the conditional density of a scalar response variable given a random variable taking values in a semi-metric space. Under some general conditions, we establish both the pointwise and the uniform almost-complete consistencies with convergence rates of the conditional density estimator related to this estimation procedure. Moreover, we give some particular cases of our results which can also be considered as novel in the finite-dimensional setting. Notice also that the results of this paper are used to derive some asymptotic properties of the local linear estimator of the conditional mode.  相似文献   

An overview is given of methodology for testing goodness of fit of parametric models using nonparametric function estimation techniques. The ideas are illustrated in two settings: the classical one-sample goodness-of-fit scenario and testing the goodness of fit of a polynomial regression model.  相似文献   

In this article, we present an alternative test of discordancy in samples of univariate circular data. The new technique is based on the effect of existence of an outlier on the summation of circular distances of the point of interest to all other points. The percentage points are calculated and the performance is examined. We compare the performance of the test in detecting an outlier with other tests and show that the new approach performs relatively better than other known tests. As an illustration a practical example is presented.  相似文献   

It is indicated to what extent the conditional normality of the distribution of one comnonent of a bivariate random vector given the value of the other component together with a restricted type of conditional normality or the marginal normality for the other component is equivalent to the bivariate normality of this random vector.  相似文献   

The authors present a consistent lack‐of‐fit test in nonlinear regression models. The proposed procedure possesses some nice properties of Zheng's test such as the consistency, the ability to detect any local alternatives approaching the null at rates slower than the parametric rate. What's more, for a predetermined kernel function, the proposed test is more powerful than Zheng's test and the validity of these findings is confirmed by the simulation studies and a real data example. In addition, the authors find out a close connection between the choices of normal kernel functions and the bandwidths. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 108–125; 2011 © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this note the problem of nonparametric regression function estimation in a random design regression model with Gaussian errors is considered from the Bayesian perspective. It is assumed that the regression function belongs to a class of functions with a known degree of smoothness. A prior distribution on the given class can be induced by a prior on the coefficients in a series expansion of the regression function through an orthonormal system. The rate of convergence of the resulting posterior distribution is employed to provide a measure of the accuracy of the Bayesian estimation procedure defined by the posterior expected regression function. We show that the Bayes’ estimator achieves the optimal minimax rate of convergence under mean integrated squared error over the involved class of regression functions, thus being comparable to other popular frequentist regression estimators.  相似文献   

This article provides alternative circular smoothing methods in nonparametric estimation of periodic functions. By treating the data as ‘circular’, we solve the “boundary issue” in the nonparametric estimation treating the data as ‘linear’. By redefining the distance metric and signed distance, we modify many estimators used in the situations involving periodic patterns. In the perspective of ‘nonparametric estimation of periodic functions’, we present the examples in nonparametric estimation of (1) a periodic function, (2) multiple periodic functions, (3) an evolving function, (4) a periodically varying-coefficient model and (5) a generalized linear model with periodically varying coefficient. In the perspective of ‘circular statistics’, we provide alternative approaches to calculate the weighted average and evaluate the ‘linear/circular–linear/circular’ association and regression. Simulation studies and an empirical study of electricity price index have been conducted to illustrate and compare our methods with other methods in the literature.  相似文献   

The standard approach to non-parametric bivariate density estimation is to use a kernel density estimator. Practical performance of this estimator is hindered by the fact that the estimator is not adaptive (in the sense that the level of smoothing is not sensitive to local properties of the density). In this paper a simple, automatic and adaptive bivariate density estimator is proposed based on the estimation of marginal and conditional densities. Asymptotic properties of the estimator are examined, and guidance to practical application of the method is given. Application to two examples illustrates the usefulness of the estimator as an exploratory tool, particularly in situations where the local behaviour of the density varies widely. The proposed estimator is also appropriate for use as a pilot estimate for an adaptive kernel estimate, since it is relatively inexpensive to calculate.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new estimator of the conditional density and mode when the co-variables are of functional kind. This estimator is a combination of both, the k-Nearest Neighbours procedure and the functional local linear estimation. Then, for each statistical parameter (conditional density or mode), results concerning the strong consistency and rate of convergence of the estimators are presented. Finally, their performances, for finite sample sizes, are illustrated by using simulated data.  相似文献   


In this work, we propose and investigate a family of non parametric quantile regression estimates. The proposed estimates combine local linear fitting and double kernel approaches. More precisely, we use a Beta kernel when covariate’s support is compact and Gamma kernel for left-bounded supports. Finite sample properties together with asymptotic behavior of the proposed estimators are presented. It is also shown that these estimates enjoy the property of having finite variance and resistance to sparse design.  相似文献   

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