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Summary To express the degree of hunger during both of feeding and unfeeding periods of spiders, equations for the amount of ingestion and food disappearance from the gut were presented using three components: capacity of gut, rate of ingestion and rate of food disappearance. The degree of hunger was expressed by the rate of unfilled capacity of gut to the capacity of gut based on these equations. The rates of ingestion and food disappearance were estimated from the results of experiment with a wolf spider,Pardosa laura. The equations obtained well applied to the experimental result. By changing values of these rates, it was revealed that the ratio of rates of ingestion to food disappearance determine the amount of ingestion.  相似文献   

Summary Functional responses of the wolf spider,Pardosa pseudoannulata (Boesenberg et Strand) attacking the rice brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens (St?l.), and the mirid predatorCyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter were both those of Holling Type II. The attack rate was higher and handling time lower forC. lividipennis. However, when caged with the two prey, the wolf spider showed a significant preference forN. lugens at a lower prey proportion. Proportions of prey attacked were significantly different from the expected ratios of prey available as well as from the predicted preferences derived from the functional response parameters. As proportions ofN. lugens attacked changed from greater to less than expected as the proportions ofN. lugens available increased, a “reverse switch” behaviour seems to be evident.  相似文献   

Summary To elucidate the basic food requirement of spiders, the important polyphagous predators of rice-plant insect pests, an attempt was made to measure the respiratory energy loss of fasting spiders,Lycosa pseudoannulata. Relationship between fresh (y) and dry (x) weights of spiders inhabiting the bottom layer of the rice-plant community was represented by the following allometric equation:y=0.428x 0.872. The carbon dioxide production by previously fed and unfed females under the dark at 29°C 100% R. H. was measured by a titration technique. The relationship between fresh body weight and CO2 production by unfed animals could be represented by the equationM=aW b, M being the CO2 output per individual per day andW the fresh body weight. The constantb, which determines the slope of curve, was 0.808. Respiration of the adult female with 100 mg fresh weight was 1.155±0.250 mg CO2/100 g fresh weight/day or 48.69 mg CO2/g dry weight/day. This value corresponds to 35.81 cal/g fresh weight/day or 150.94 cal/g dry weight/day. Supposing the calorific content of spiders to be 5820 cal/g dry weight, rate of the respiratory energy loss to total energy of the body was estimated to be 2.60%. This rate did not strongly contradict with the loss of fresh body weight before and after the measurement. The metabolic rate showed remarkable fluctuation with changing food supply. The CO2 production of starved individuals decreased to 83.63±16.34% as compared with individuals which were fed before the measurement.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of starvation on the suryival period and the respiratory rate in adults of a wolf spider,Pardosa astrigera (L. Koch), were investigated. The spiders used were divided into four groups: well-fed, starved and two limited food groups; in the latter two, each spider was supplied with one leafhopper every second or third day. Adult males and females ofP. astrigera could survive for a long time; 28.8±2.7 days and 54.4±18.9 days, respectively, without any food. The longevities shown here were 73.8% for males and 78.6% for females of those of well-fed spiders, indicating thatP. astrigera adults have a strong tolerance to starvation. The respiratory rate of well-fed adults showed no tendency to increase or decrease with their aging; the mean respiratory rates were 4.86×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w. (fresh body weight)/hr for males and 3.80×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w./hr for females. The respiratory rates of starved spiders increased during the first two days of starvation but decreased markedly from the third to the twelfth day, and thereafter retained an almost constant level for each sex. The mean respiratory rates after the twelfth day of starvation were 2.49×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w./hr for males and 2.76×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w./hr for females; these values were respectively 48.4% and 63.0% of those prior to starvation. The fresh body weight of starved spiders decreased linearly with time but the rate was small. The respiratory rates of the limited food groups tended to decline with time and thereby their weight losses were minimized. The decrease in the respiratory rate under starvation was considered not to be due to spider exhaustion or senescence but due to an intrinsic change in behaviour and/or metabolism, because when the spiders were supplied with ample food for five days after starvation, the respiratory rate and the body weight rapidly recovered to near the levels prior to starvation. It is suggested that starved spiders use a higher ratio of fat as catabolic substrate than normally fed or satiated ones. Feeding strategies of poikilo-therm predators are discussed. This work was partially supported by the Nippon Life Insurance Foundation Research Fund and Grant-in-Aid (No. 56480039) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary There are 4 species belonging to the wolf spiderPardosa amentata species group in Hokkaido. The 4 species have separately occurred in Hokkaido in general, but a few species have sometimes occurred together at the same sites. Their biology at the coexisting sites, with special reference to partitioning of space was studied.P. agraria mainly inhabited fields and occurred widely in Hokkaido.P. hokkaido, P. brebivulva andP. lugubris inhabited the vicinity of forests and occurred in southern Hokkaido and on the side of the Sea of Japan in Hokkaido, all over Hokkaido excent the side of the Sea of Japan in central Hokkaido, and the lowlands and highlands in northern and eastern Hokkaido and mainly the highlands in other regions, respectively. In eastern Hokkaido whereP. brevivulva andP. lugubris have coexisted, as the number of spiders detected and the number of localities of the former were less than those of the latter, it was concluded that the former occurred mainly in southern Hokkaido and the Hidaka region. In southern Hokkaido whereP. hokkaido andP. brevivulva have coexisted, few individuals of both species were collected together at the same sites, and they were distributed allotopically. In short, the partitioning of space among theP. amentata species group occurring in Hokkaido was clear. From investigations on the coexisting sites and some other reports, it was considered that food, life cycle and diel activity periodicity amongPardosa occurring in Hokkaido were similar to one another. This may be one of the causes of the clear space partitioning amongPardosa. SincePardosa is a raptorial predator that does not weave but wanders on the ground and uses space horizontally, available prey resource forPardosa would be limited. It was therefore conjectured that the spider would be prone to space segregation, even if the spider could segregate the other niche dimensions. The partitioning of space betweenP. agraria andP. hokkaido inhabiting distinct habitats was loose when it was compared with that between species inhabiting similar habitats. As most of the spiders observed in the overlapping areas were females with egg cocoons, which required little food, the reduced feeding was considered to have allowed the loose partitioning.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments are described showing the long-term dynamics of two species of bruchid beetles (Callosobruchus chinensis andC. maculatus) in arenas in which the resource of 50 black-eyed beans is divided between 5, 10 or 50 ‘patches’. Both species of adult beetles exhibit clumped distributions between patches. Within a patch there is a tendency for a density dependent reduction in (1) eggs laid per female, (2) the proportion of eggs hatching per bean (C. chinensis only) and (3) larval survival which is strongly overcompensating (particularly inC. maculatus). A discrete generation model is used as a framework to draw these results together and show how the different factors affecting natality and mortality can influence the population dynamics. Finally, the importance of the resource renewal interval in influencing the period of the population cycles is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Utilization of patchy habitats by adult populations of threePieris butterflies,P. rapae, P. melete andP. napi was studied throughout the flight season in an area of their coexistence, about 3×1.5 km, in a farm village in the mountains in Inabu, Aichi Prefecture. Field study was by the mark-recapture method. Results were analyzed by dispersal distances and recapture duration decay curves for adults of different age-classes estimated on the basis of physical condition of their wings, together with supplementary information of daliy egg-laying rate of females, obtained in field cages. Sexually immature, mated femals ofP. rapae after teneral stage showed a migratory flight. On the other hand, reproductive females and all males ofP. rapae were strongly resident within suitable habitats, and reproductive females begun to lay eggs abundantly at sunny places of newly suitable areas within a short period.P. melete seemed to disperse gradually from emerged stites and females of this species continued to lay some constant numbers of eggs for more than ten days over a wider area.P. napi appeared more likeP. melete thanP. rapae. The habitats of the three species can be characterized as follows:P. rapae, temporary, continued for pre-reproductive females but localized for reproductive females and all males, and unstable;P. melete, permanent, widespread, and stable;P. napi, permanent, localized, and stable. The numbers of generations ofP. rapae, P. melete andP. napi were estimated to be about six, three and three, respectively. Seasonal fluctuations in the number of adults were influenced by the stability of their habitats, i. e., the population size fluctuated sharply inP. rapae, but it was much more stable inP. melete andP. napi. In view of these results, it can be said thatP. rapae fits the general characteristics of a r-strategist whereasP. melete andP. napi are more K-strategic thanP. rapae.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of nests of the swallows was investigated in 1957, 1962 and 1963 at Koriyama, Nara Prefecture. Roughly speaking, the nest ofHirundo rustica was located in the urban areas, and that ofH. daurica in the rural areas. This subdivision of the habitat seems to be due to the traditional system more or less depending on some interactions between them. The trend of the decrease in the nest number has not been found out from the 3-year studies. The observation on the breeding success ofH. rustica was done in 1963, and it was estimated that 869 youngs in total fledged out from the study area.  相似文献   

Summary Overwintering of two social halictine bees,Lasioglossum duplex (Dalla Torre) andL. problematicum (Blüthgen), was studied. InL. duplex many females stay near the old nests, each female preparing a hibernaculum separated from the natal nest. InL. problematicum most females overwinter communally within the natal nest. This difference in overwintering habits relates to the social structure in the next spring.L. duplex is nearly always solitary in spring although later becoming eusocial, whereas many nests ofL. problematicum are polygynous, beginning in early spring.L. duplex overwinters much deeper ( ) in the soil than doesL. problematicum ( ), but both species are safe from drops in soil temperature, which is above 0°C even in midwinter, and the bees' supercooling points are lower than −6°C. This cold resistance and the storage of sufficient food in the crop are reflected in the winter survival, which is much higher (79%) than the rate of successful nests in the spring active phase (25%). Bionomics of the eusocial halictine beeLasioglossum duplex VII. Contribution No. 2654 from the Inst. Low Temp. Sci.  相似文献   

Summary The present research has not identified all of the factors that interact to produce the observed egg cannibalism rates inTribolium. It has, however, shown that some physical and chemical properties of the egg and environment play an important role in determining cannibalistic activity in a population. Of general interest is the observation that cannibalism is not solely the result of the biological characteristics of the cannibal. While it is generally acknowledged that the quality and quantity of food may influence the intensity of cannibalism, it is not generally recognized that the environment can affect cannibalism in as complex a manner as is suggested by the current research. That two such closely related species, and even two life-stages of the same species, may respond so differently to the same environmental cues is impressive. Predicting the intensity and hence the importance of cannibalism in natural populations may be difficult without detailed empirical studies.  相似文献   

Wolbachia bacteria are obligatory intracellular parasites of arthropods and have been detected in about 70 species of parasitic wasps and three parasitoid flies. Wolbachia are transmitted cytoplasmically (maternally) and modify host reproduction in different ways to enhance their own transmission: parthenogenesis induction (PI), cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), or feminization (F) of genetic males. Only PI and CI are known in parasitoids. PI-Wolbachia cause thelytoky in otherwise arrhenotokous parasitoids by generating diploid (rather than haploid) unfertilized wasp eggs. CI-Wolbachia cause incompatibility of crosses between infected males and uninfected females because the paternally derived chromosomes fail to decondense and are destroyed after syngamy. More complex situations arise when hosts harbor multiple infections, which can lead to bidirectional incompatibility and may be involved in parasitoid speciation. The relative fitness of infected and uninfected hosts is important to the population dynamics of Wolbachia, and more data are needed. Evolutionary conflict should be common between host genes, Wolbachia genes, and other "selfish" genetic elements. Wolbachia-specific PCR primers are now available for several genes with different rates of evolution. These primers will permit rapid screening in future studies of spatial and temporal patterns of single and multiple infection. Molecular phylogenies show that CI- and PI-Wolbachia do not form discrete clades. In combination with experimental transfection data, this result suggests that host reproductive alterations depend on the interaction between attributes of both Wolbachia and host. Moreover, Wolbachia isolates from closely related hosts do not usually cluster together, and phylogenies suggest that Wolbachia may have radiated after their arthropod hosts. Both results support considerable horizontal transmission of Wolbachia between host species over evolutionary time. Natural horizontal transmisson between parasitoids and their hosts, or with entomoparasitic nematodes or ectoparasitic mites, remains a tantalizing but equivocal possibility. Received: November 27, 1998 / Accepted: January 15, 1999  相似文献   

Using pre-war surveys of expenditure an attempt is made to assess the effect of the addition of one or more children on the distribution of expenditure. It is found that the changes between broad groups are small. The chief effect is an increased expenditure in the larger families on food and children's clothing, compensated by reduced expenditure on luxuries and adult clothing. It is confirmed that expenditure on accommodation does not rise with family size.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of genusPieris in the northern part of Kyoto City are parasitized by two tachinid flies:Epicampocera succincta, a specialist on genusPieris, andCompsilura concinnata, a generalist with very wide host-range. We surveyed the parasitism rates ofPieris by both flies for two years at six study areas. In these study areas, there lived three host species in the genusPieris: P. rapae, P. melete, andP. napi, but neither tachinid parasitizedP. napi to any significant extent. In the mountainous district,P. rapae andP. melete coexisted and their populations were relatively continuous, while in the lowland, onlyP. rapae larvae were abundant in spring and autumn, but even they disappeared in summer. Parasitisms byE. succincta occurred mainly in mountainous district and never in the lowland.C. concinnata parasitizedPieris in all the areas, but its parasitisms occurred mainly in autumn. We analyzed the factors affecting the spatial and temporal patterns of parasitism rates and presumed that the temporal discontinuity of host population restricted the distribution of the specialist parasitoid.  相似文献   

Summary Dispersal, immigration and emigration rates, horizontal and vertical survivorship and absolute population size were estimated for micropopulations ofAn. culicifacies, An. stephensi andAn. subpictus at a series of cattle sheds in rural Punjab Province, Pakistan, during November 1979 and May 1980 using capture-mark-release-recapture and dissection methods. Dispersal was temperature-related, with populations more vagile during May. Mean dispersal distance per individual was low for all species. More than 70% of all recaptures were taken at the point of release and the longest detected flight was 1250 meters. Horizontal survivorship was greater during November and was always less than vertical survivorship calculated from dissection agegrading data. Survivorship during the nulliparous period was greater than survivorship throughout total life, indicating the survivorship curve may be slightly sigmoid. Daily population sizes of endemic and immigrating females and males were calculated usingBailey's (1952) modification of the Lincoln Index, with the daily captures adjusted for immigration which was highest in May. Daily additions to the indoor resting population exclusive of immigrants were estimated using the method ofManly andParr (1968). The relationship of the present findings to malaria transmission and genetic control were discussed.  相似文献   

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