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BOT是20世纪80年代以后出现的一种新型的利用国际私人资本进行基础设施项目投资的方式。BOT项目存在着超过一般投资方式的潜在风险,其复杂性、长期性及难控性使得政府保证在BOT项目实施中确有必要。然而,目前我国政府对BOT中的政府保证却基本采取拒绝的态度。  相似文献   

风险投资是指在高风险的情况下,向处于起步阶段或者发展初期,具有市场前景和风险的高科技项目进行的投资,是一种高风险和高收益的投资,它不需要任何资本抵押和担保,一般通过企业上市或收购、兼并获得回报。然而技术创新的特点和风险投资的特殊功能决定了风险投资应以民间资本为主体。目前由于各种原因我国民间资本并未成为风险投资的主角,发挥应有的作用,如何激活民间资本需要不断探索和研究。  相似文献   

褚明生 《现代妇女》2014,(12):238-238
BT项目融资是目前国内流行的基础设施融资建设模式,是BOT的一种变异,在实践中存在着许多不确定的风险因素。本文主讨论BT(Build—Transfer)模式的相关操作程序、流程、风险及防范措施。  相似文献   

介绍上海市供水现状和规划、BOT的基本理论、ROT方式的正负面效应、供我国自来水行业选择的2种ROT管理模式。  相似文献   

该文从中国水务市场现状分析入手,着重对水务市场投资中BOT项目的运作与风险进行分析,并对于水务市场的投资者远期可选择的发展方向和业务拓展领域提出建议。  相似文献   

张传勇 《科学发展》2013,(12):72-75
面对保障性安居工程巨额的资金需求,各地政府纷纷尝试多种保障房建设融资模式,其融资途径涵盖银行贷款、地方债、私募债、公积金甚至是企业债,保障房发展的资金困境似乎正在化解。但这又产生了新的问题:一是发债资金使用流向的监管,二是保障房债券的偿还。保障房项目利润率低,建设周期长,单纯依靠财政投入难以为保障房建设提供长期稳定的资金来源。应该发挥政府动员社会资源的能力,构建以地方政府为主体、多方参与、风险共担与风险规避的保障房投融资平台,吸引民间资本、住房公积金增值收益、银行信贷、信托、保险、社保等具有不同风险偏好的资本参与保障房建设,使建设资金来源多元化,从源头上解决融资难的问题。  相似文献   

一、BOT的涵义及其产生 BOT是Build(建设)—Operate(经营)—Transfer(转让)的简称。其涵义是:政府同私营部门的项目公司签订合同,由该项目公司筹资设计并承建一个具体项目,并在双方协定的一段时期内,由该项目公司通过经营该项目,偿还项目债务并回收投资,获取收益;协议期满后,项目产权无偿转让给所在国政府。 BOT是经济发展的内在要求,80年代以后,一些发展中国家对基础设施的需求猛增,以往的政府贷款、国际金融组织贷款不能满足这一需求,70年代的债务危机已导致其对外借款能力的下降,政府预算相应紧张,这  相似文献   

中国目前最大的问题不是缺钱,而是缺少钱的监督和保护政策。没有抗风险的政策保障,银行不敢贷款;没有良好的诚信、良好的市场和相应的保护资本的法律法规,民间资本不敢正大光明地出山。可以说目前中小企业融资的制约因素不是钱,而是政府要出台一系列的政策加以保障和扶持。  相似文献   

该文讨论了采用BOT模式建设污水处理厂存在的风险,并提出相应的防范及规避措施。  相似文献   

我国基础设施建设推行PFI的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PFI(Private Finance Initiative)是应用民间资本进行公共项目开发与运营的项目融资模式。PFI 的基本思想是:政府赋予私人及私人实体组成的 SPC(Special Purpose Company,直译为特别目的公司)以公共项目的特许开发权,由SPC取代政  相似文献   

How do cultural ideas shape market construction? What do ideas ‘do’ to actors in markets? The paper presents an empirical case study of the reconstitution of the German wine market following an EU legislative intervention. I use Bourdieu's theory of fields to analyse the actors’ economic, social and cultural capitals and the impact of these capitals on the actors’ positioning in the political debate. Sensitised by recurring problems in the empirical data analysis, I then, however, argue that Weber's notion of ideas, as presented in his famous switchmen metaphor, is better suited than, or indeed should serve as a complement to, Bourdieu's frame of analysis. It is better suited, I argue, because it refers to a unique and irreducible source of culture while Bourdieu's capitals remain ‘tools' in a struggle for power and dominance in the field.  相似文献   

埃及公民社会的伊斯兰化发展比较迅速,这不仅体现在大量宗教公民社会。的建立,也体现在伊斯兰主义者向世俗公民社会的渗透上,穆斯林兄弟会在公民社会的诸多代表性组织中占据主导权。然而,埃及政府试图将公民社会纳入其预设的轨道之中,加强了对公民社会的管理和控制。于是,公民社会的伊斯兰化与公民社会对政府的依赖性处于一种张力之中,进而影响了埃及公民社会的发展趋势。  相似文献   

国有水务企业向社会资本转让产权前需要进行资产评估工作,评估方法的选取将影响企业资产评估值,进而影响最终交易价格。文章通过分析各种评估方法的应用性,认为收益现值法应当作为类似项目评估方法的首选。  相似文献   

也门投资环境探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1995年,也门政府根据国际金融组织的援助要求,实施了一系列经济改革政策,投资环境不断改善,外资不断增加,国民经济逐年增长。面对也门经济发展势头,中也贸易也大幅上涨。与之相对的是我在也投资与过去相比却在下滑。如何适应新形势,实施走出国门的大经贸发展战略,在不断发展变化的也门市场一展宏图值得思考。  相似文献   

Despite civil society’s ambiguity, many scholars tend to focus on the economic reasons for the apparent conflict between state and civil society, with little or no attention to the conceptual differences that may be influencing the behavior of public and civil society actors. Using Ghana under J. J. Rawlings as a backdrop, this article argues that state–civil society relations are partly shaped by the divergent conceptualizations of “civil society” held by state and civil society actors. It suggests that the issue is not just the African state’s limited understanding of the multiple roles that civil society organizations can legitimately play in the polity; it is also civil society’s lack of recognition and acknowledgment of the legitimate functions of the African state.  相似文献   

我国居民收入与幸福感关系的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究在较为系统地考察以往收入与幸福感关系研究的基础上,采用已经公开的政府统计数据、6个省会城市的调查数据,以及来自山东省城市居民连续7年的调查数据,对我国城市居民收入与幸福感的关系进行较为深入的分析。研究发现:在现阶段的中国,收入与城市居民幸福感之间具有一定的正相关;地区富裕程度不同会对二者之间的关系产生影响;高收入群体幸福感水平明显高于低收入群体;从一段时期内考察,地区居民幸福指数并没有随国民收入的增长而同步增长;地区富裕程度与居民幸福感水平之间相关不明显。研究的主要政策主张有:中国在相当长的时期内还需以快速良性的经济发展来保证居民收入的稳定增长,为个体自由全面的发展提供必要的物质保障;保障民生,建立与完善促进个体自由全面发展的利益调整机制,加大公共产品,特别是社会保障的供给力度。  相似文献   

Civil society remains a contested concept, but one that is widely embedded in global development processes. Transnationalism within civil society scholarship is often described dichotomously, either through hierarchical dependency relations or as a more amorphous networked global civil society. These two contrasting spatial imaginaries produce very particular ideas about how transnational relations contribute to civil society. Drawing on empirical material from research with civil society organizations in Barbados and Grenada, in this article I contend that civil society groups use forms of transnational social capital in their work. This does not, however, resonate with the horizontal relations associated with grassroots globalization or vertical chains of dependence. These social relations are imbued with power and agency and are entangled in situated historical, geographical and personal contexts. I conclude that the diverse transnational social relations that are part of civil society activity offer hope and possibilities for continued civil society action in these unexpected spatial arrangements.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors offer social studies educators a way to deepen students' understanding of civil disobedience as a democratic and nonviolent means of instigating social change. The authors explore the concept of civil disobedience from a historical perspective and examine the justifications and ramifications of each historical example. In addition, they provide several examples of events that are often mistakenly categorized as civil disobedience. Through these examples, the authors develop a sound definition of the concept, while explaining its application to contemporary society. In actualizing the significance of civil disobedience in the secondary social studies classroom, the authors use five components: the historical importance of civil disobedience, the concept of civil disobedience, the argument for civil disobedience, the argument against civil disobedience, and teaching about civil disobedience. They also incorporate civil disobedience into a lesson plan.  相似文献   

Scholars have argued that public relations can and indeed must be used to improve society. This article builds on the work of Taylor and Doerfel (2005), who advocated for the continued study of civil society through the lens of public relations theory. This study contributes to a normative public relations model of civil society by examining how interorganizational relationships, which may initially be established for purposes of resource exchange, benefit civil society through the creation and maintenance of social capital. The study examined a segment of Peruvian civil society dedicated to media development, as media is a key partner in building civil society (Taylor, 2009). The results of the study help to explain how interorganizational relationships contribute to the creation of social capital in a civil society network, and how certain network positions are integral to maintaining the social capital of a community of actors. Implications for the role of public relations in building and maintaining networks of interorganizational communities are discussed.  相似文献   

Mapping civil society in the Republic of Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article maps civil society in the Republic of Ireland againstthe background of significant social and economic change andthe resurgence of government interest in fostering active citizenengagement in communities. The article provides an analyticaloverview of the substantial body of literature that has emergedon different aspects of civil society in the Republic of Ireland.Taking stock of the literature is both timely and important,as it reflects broader trends towards reflection on the roleof civil society in modern Ireland, and research has a leadingrole to play in guiding future strategies for civil society,actors. Mapping exercises contribute to our understanding ofthe dynamics of civil society, which is salient to the successof future policy and to identifying avenues for future research.  相似文献   

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