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介绍全球无轨电车的兴衰、优缺点及日本行驶在隧道中的无轨电车2实例。  相似文献   

介绍了厄瓜多尔首都基多新建的无轨电车线路概况、所使用的双能源无轨电车及供电系统,充分显示了无轨电车的优越性。  相似文献   

列举出地铁、轻轨、出租汽车、公共汽车和无轨电车的优缺点,并介绍一些国家中无轨电车的发展趋势。  相似文献   

<正>莫斯科无轨电车100周年庆祝活动 莫斯科公共交通公司负责全部公共汽车、无轨电车和有轨电车的营运,为900万莫斯科市民服务。2003年11月15日,该公司庆祝第一条无轨电车线路诞生100周年。这一天也成为欧亚地区发展这种交通模式具有重要意义的日子。  相似文献   

<正> 世界上第一辆无轨电车于1901年诞生于法国。从20世纪20年代起,无轨电车技术日趋成熟,在德、英、法、瑞士等欧洲国家获得广泛应用。至40年代,单美国就有46个城市共有7200辆无轨电车,到达全盛年代,到五六十年代,随着汽车工业的飞速发展,大功率柴油公共汽车以其机  相似文献   

介绍无轨电车采用变压变频控制的三相感应电动机驱动技术。  相似文献   

上海无轨电车九十年回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了90年来上海市无轨电车业从创办、兴盛到衰退的过程,并寄希望于在新 技术推动下的发展前景。  相似文献   

袁成 《交通与港航》2009,23(1):51-52
美国加州“旧金山市城市交通局(San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency,简称SFMTA)”下属的“城市轨道交通公司(Municipal Railway,简称Muni)”是北美洲规模最大的无轨电车的经营者。  相似文献   

介绍无轨电车用SCEI型逆导晶闸管斩波器的工作原理、主要换流元件的电流及电压计算和波形分析、工作原理、性能参数等。  相似文献   

<正>莫斯科交通发达,各种交通工具应有尽有。近年来,私人轿车迅速增多,成为人们普遍使用的交通工具。但许多莫斯科人出门时仍乘公共交通工具。城市交通工具主要包括地铁、私人轿车、公共汽车、有轨电车、无轨电车、出租车等。  相似文献   

Made in Germany has earned a global reputation and its strong industrial base is inseparable from the "dual system" occupation education. So now German economy is in the front rank of the world. Our country is in the new period of reform and opening-up, economic development needs of a large number of new talents. In our country occupation education has been belongs to the weak link, influence of socialist modernization construction. This paper mainly focuses on the German "dual system" education characteristic, as well as the implementation basis. Combine our country occupation education present situation, it can inspire our country to reform the education system to respond to future development.  相似文献   

Building the next generation of leaders in the disabilities movement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The results from this study highlight ways that the disabilities community within the USA can begin to further promote the numbers and qualities of its leaders. Twenty-one grassroots and statewide leaders of the disabilities movement in one state described how they became a leader and identified ways that the disabilities movement can more effectively promote leadership within its ranks. Overall, our informants highlighted the need for the disabilities movement to re-examine its current definitions of and approaches to leadership development. They described the need for a more collective, versus individualistic, approach to leadership within the disabilities movement and the adoption of a more integrated, action learning approach to leadership development. Implications for the disabilities movement are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the oedipus complex is a critical developmental phase, its importance has become increasingly undrstated as our attention has shifted to earlier development. This paper explores what occurs in the oedipal phase, in both healthy and pathological environments, and attempts to show how oedipal conflicts may affect later development. A case example is used to highlight some aspects of the history and the dynamics of a young man who attempts to come to terms with problems related to oedipal struggles.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the application of the participatory research approach in non‐Western contexts. The aim is to provide critical insights into the participatory research discourse through an examination of its theory and practice based on our own experiences of using this approach in our doctoral research in five Central Asian countries and Zambia. Firstly, we summarise the published literature on the approach in both disability and development studies which are our academic disciplines. Secondly, we critically analyse some of the challenges we came across in applying participatory research in our doctoral studies in practice. By this we wish to contribute to making this approach more viable and to increase research participation by disabled persons in non‐Western contexts. Finally, based on our own experiences we give some suggestions for the use of the participatory research approach in non‐Western contexts.  相似文献   

This article describes a didactical model for higher education purposes focusing on the development of theory driven and self driven ‘case reflection competence’. We (Telse Iwers-Stelljes and Renate Luca) have developed this procedure in the last 6 years and formative evaluated it in different investigations. Starting point of this project were the actual results on studies of antinomical conditions of professional teachers and students in the classroom environment and the intention to find a humanistic psychologically-oriented access to handle them. In the following, we are going to describe 1) the theoretical foundations of our researches to explain the context of our model, 2) its methodical implementation and 3) a case reconstruction based on an example reflected by one of our students.  相似文献   

Internationally, while the interdisciplinary field of family therapy and systemic practices is well established and evidence for therapeutic impact is advanced, evaluation of training and measurement of its impact lags behind. This paper addresses this gap, utilising a single case study at the Bouverie Centre, the largest family therapy and workforce development service in Australia. We describe (a) the scope of workforce training and implementation at the Centre, (b) the development of our training research and evaluation framework, and (c) standardised data collection methodology, including a pre-post training reflective survey. Collectively, this work comprises our current evaluation framework through which we will subsequently examine training impact. Future research and practice recommendations are offered to address challenges to workforce training evaluation and progress efficacy of family therapy training.  相似文献   

常彦君 《职业时空》2012,(7):78-79,83
在公共体育和竞技体育中篮球运动是一个重要组成部分,具有广泛的群众基础,篮球运动也正受到越来越多的年轻人的喜爱。定期参与运动能促进发展中的年轻人身体素质和心理素质的平衡与提高。篮球运动作为一种独特的运动,其价值受到广泛的关注。篮球运动的迅速推广和发展吸引着越来越多的年轻人,篮球运动能促进青少年全面发展。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国高等职业教育快速发展,随着发展的深入,人才培养的效果和社会就业市场的需求之间的差距也显现出来。人才培养质量与课程设置直接相关。文章从以就业为导向的课程模式的角度,分析目前高职教育所采用的课程模式实施过程中存在的问题及其原因,提出了解决问题的切实可行的措施和办法,以供高职院校参考。  相似文献   

Given the limited nature of global media with its emphasis on‘infotainment’ driven by commerce, it has very littlerole in community development. We see the alarming and growingimpact of the global media on the socio-cultural life of differentcommunities in India. The rampaging growth of centralized distributionsystems has not only undermined local expressions but is alsoloudly proclaiming its sole legitimacy and relevance. Wheredoes that leave the diverse forms of local media that aboundin our cultural landscape? Abhivyakti Media for Development,a Nashik-based Indian development communication organization,believes that local media forms have a vital role in shapingcommunity life and its development. Abhivyakti has initiateda programme in the Maharashtra state of India that seeks toidentify those who are already using some media forms in orderto support them to participate in a loose informal network.This network mobilizes their creative energies to focus on thelocal and, in doing so, brings a host of diverse realities intopublic awareness and generates alternative nodal centres todistribute these voices and images. The programme is alreadyshaping different possibilities and allowing them to emergeas viable alternatives for community empowerment.  相似文献   

This paper provides a broad review and evaluation of the research on nonverbal exchange. The development of theoretical approaches to this research is traced over time and discussed. Relative strengths and weaknesses of past and present models are analyzed. Finally, specific recommendations are made for future research that will, we hope, extend our understanding of nonverbal exchange and its basic role in social interaction.  相似文献   

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