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进入21世纪,中国历史文化名城、古城的保护要实现理性回归,并使保护形成一种真正地传承和发展民族、地方文化的观念,深入到政府和百姓的心中,除了要消除模糊的认识和误区外,更要有政策引导和法律保障,有必要从法律层面进行一系列的制度建设,要更多地学习国外经验,发动和启示更广泛的民间公众力量参与,使弘扬和保护成为中国民众的一种文化自觉,在中国创造一个历史文化名城、古城保护的全民化时代。  相似文献   

卢斌  陈宇  裴凡伟 《城市》2012,(1):45-48
历史文化保护区是"具有某一历史时期的传统风貌、民族地方特色的街区、建筑群、小镇、村寨等,是历史文化名城的重要组成部分".历史真实性、风貌完整性、生活真实性是核定历史文化街区的基本标准,也是保护的根本目标.目前,在历史文化街区保护和更新的实践中,由于规划编制者、实际行动者对其不同的理解及各种客观因素造成的影响,各种"保护"的结果大相径庭.重置所带来的五花八门的物质空间保护成果,街区历史真实性、风貌完整性、生活真实性的缺失,以及与之相对应的原封不动的保护所带来的发展停滞,成为街区保护最突出的问题.如何实现保护规划的根本目标,展现历史街区在人文、历史、美学、艺术、经济及交通等方面的综合价值,并最终使其可持续发展,成为当前关注的焦点.  相似文献   

推动地方非物质文化遗产的保护、开发和利用,才能健全群众对文化遗产的认识,使其更加主动和深入地参与到非物质文化遗产的保护活动中来。本论文旨在通过相关研究,使保定灯谜作为非物质文化遗产得到弘扬和重视,推动保定地区文化事业全面发展,并对建立保定为特色文化城市产生积极意义。  相似文献   

汉唐长安城是举世公认的世界历史文化名城,也是闻名中外的国际大都市。西安人有着浓厚的"长安情结"和复兴"汉唐盛世"的梦想,尤其在新一轮西部大开发的背景下,西安人以饱满的热情与自信准备用10年时间打造西安国际化大都市。西安"世界历史文化名城"之复兴,重现汉唐长安国际化都市的风采,这既是汉唐后裔的期望,更是历史赋予西安人义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

女儿宣宣出生在日本,当时我在日本留学,宣宣3个月大就送进了日本的保育园,在那里度过了2年多的时光。这段宝贵的经历让我对日本的幼儿园有了了解与认识。2007年底我取得博士学位后,带着宣宣回到了上海,之后宣宣就送进了上海的幼儿园。中日学前教育环境差异很大,这从宣宣的跨国幼儿教育的细节中就可观察出来。  相似文献   

日本古建筑文化的保护与发展经验,在世界范围内具有代表性,由于镇江在城市化进程中,很多古建筑受到了破坏或存在遭受破坏的威胁。本文以探索镇江西津渡古建筑为例,借鉴日本的保护经验。分析了西津渡古建筑现有的保护状态,探讨未来该如何保护发展。  相似文献   

台湾地区过去对非行少年的处遇强调教罚并重、宽严并济,因此《少年事件处理法》亦被学者称为迷你刑法。但1997年的大幅修法动作,不仅设立少年法院、将社区处遇引入少年司法及增设一系列柔性制度,亦显现台湾地区少年司法政策从惩罚到保护理念的转变。  相似文献   

文旅融合发展是顺应时代发展要求,是新时期旅游发展过程中,对文化内容和文化要素进行挖掘的充分体现,同时也是民众对旅游文化需求的一种表现形式。非物质文化遗产是人类在长期生产生活中积淀下来的文化内容,是中华文明重要的组成部分,通过文旅融合发展,把文化融入旅游发展中,并以此为契机,在资源、政策、人才等方面借力开展保护工作,不仅能够传播、传承、延续传统文化,还能为旅游业带来新发展、新动能,共同推动旅游和文化两大产业的协同发展。  相似文献   

WEB2.0的世界里,"自媒体"作为新兴的现代化和数字化媒体形式兼具纯个体化、纯草根化、纯自主化的高速度和高普及度的传播特点,本文着重介绍了海南"海上丝绸之路"文化遗产保护的自媒体展示模式的特点和利用价值。  相似文献   

楼舒 《城市》2011,(11):60-63
一、杭州历史街区的保护概况杭州作为国家第一批公布的24个历史文化名城之一,拥有秀丽的西湖山水、丰富的文物古迹和悠久的人文历史。杭州历史街区的保护始于1996年,在当时编制的《杭州历史文化名城保护规划》中,首次确定了小营巷、中山路、湖边邮和河坊街4个历史文化保护区。2005年起,杭州市政府加大了历史文化遗产保护的力度,扩大了历史街区的保护数量和范围。截至2011年7月底,经市政府批准,杭州共确定了26处历史文化街区(包括11处历史街区、15处历史地段),总占地面积约416万平方米。  相似文献   

廊坊市非物质文化遗产资源丰富,在全面构建文化强市战略和建设幸福乡村战略的背景下,充分挖掘非物质文化遗产的引领作用,加快文化发展方式转变,具有重要意义。针对廊坊市非物质文化遗产保护问题,分析了廊坊市非物质文化遗产保护现状,阐明了廊坊市非物质文化遗产保护的重要意义,提出了廊坊市非物质文化遗产的保护方略。  相似文献   

周乾松 《城市观察》2012,(2):70-77,153
加强杭州文化遗产保护利用,建设"东方名城文化强市",对于树立杭州文化形象品牌,增强城市文化软实力、综合竞争力,提升杭州核心价值观,增强市民凝聚力创造力,促进杭州科学发展,都具有重要的现实价值和历史意义。  相似文献   

This article challenges the perception that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are immune from attributes commonly associated with political parties, such as clientelism. Through a case study of an NGO and a political party in semi-urban Argentina, this article demonstrates that despite associational differences with local political party network, these two associational networks produced similar social outcomes??such as, dependency, exclusivity, and paternalism??a phenomenon traced to the NGO??s and political parties?? similar structures and tactics. Contrary to the prevailing positive view of the NGO, held by scholars, the media, and development practitioners, it was guided by financial interests and a continual focus on locating external funding sources to facilitate its goals. Not surprisingly, the political party was dominated by politically oriented interests and an ever-present focus on obtaining votes. However, these seemingly different associations had a similar objective, i.e., the continual effort to obtain sources of support thus demonstrating how powerful structures can still dominate poor communities even when forms change.  相似文献   


Some scholars have argued that anti-Korean oppression is disappearing from Japanese society, and that race is irrelevant to the current condition of Zainichi Koreans, Japan’s disenfranchised postcolonial minority. In contrast to these views, this article builds on racial formation theory to retrace the historical development of racism in Japan, and to reveal its continuing impact on the lives of Zainichi Koreans. It remarks that Zainichi Koreans have reacted to oppression in various ways, forging new identities and resisting using the means available to them. But it also contends that the persistence of discriminations and inequalities, as well as the recent rise of ultranationalist groups like Zaitokukai, are proofs of the ongoing marginalization and persecution of Koreans in Japan.  相似文献   

While most research on domestic violence (DV) has focused on the West, there is an increasing interest in DV in Asian countries. This article explores the extent of DV against women in areas where most of the research has been conducted, including South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. The factors associated with DV in the Asian region is explored through the Heise model that considers four levels of analysis, including personal factors, the microsystem, the exosystem, and the macrosystem. The analysis points to the importance of the patriarchal culture that is inextricably linked to culture that is resistant to change and must be addressed at a range of levels.  相似文献   

This quantitative, cross-national study is designed to test hypotheses linking the activities of international nongovernmental organizations to reductions in carbon dioxide emissions in the developing world. While many quantitative studies of variation in carbon dioxide emissions have been published, none have included a control for the presence of international nongovernmental organizations. We review the literature that discusses the many ways that international nongovernmental organizations work to reduce environmental degradation in developing nations. We then conduct a panel regression analysis in which we include a variable to estimate the effects of international nongovernmental organizations on carbon dioxide emissions while including variables suggested by other relevant theoretical perspectives. Our findings are quite clear in that nations with high levels of international nongovernmental organization presence have lower levels of carbon dioxide emissions than nations with low levels of international nongovernmental organization presence. We also find support for the ecological modernization hypothesis pertaining to the existence of an environmental Kuznet's curve between the level of economic development and level of carbon dioxide emissions.  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,知识的产出、产地、生产方式与生产者是一座城市的生活质量和竞争力的最主要决定因素之一。在世界各个角落,作为知识产出中心的那些城市有着各式各样的称谓,譬如:知识城市、创意城市、泛生态城市、智能城市等。本文主要研究这些城市的核心建筑群——“知识区”,它是指对知识生产既有“催化”作用又有“磁铁”作用的基础设施。作者首先在知识经济的范畴内探讨以知识为基础的城市发展的重要性,以及为知识生产奠定根基的知识社区的角色;其次研究以知识为基础的城市发展,尤其是知识社区的发展,并以波士顿为参照,分析悉尼、墨尔本和布里斯班三座城市的潜力。文章最后还就以知识为基础的发展问题为其他城市总结规律并提出建议。  相似文献   

As labor markets become increasingly global, competition among industrialized nations to attract highly skilled workers from abroad has intensified. Spurred by concerns over future economic needs caused by the demographic challenges of an aging population, both Japan and Sweden have joined this global competition. This article examines Japanese and Swedish immigration policies for highly skilled migrants and compares the highly skilled migrants’ experiences in the two countries through interviews with these migrants. Despite Japan and Sweden's completely different approaches to immigration itself, both countries’ policies, as well as the experiences of the skilled migrants, are strikingly similar. Highly skilled migrants experience language barriers and prejudice in both countries, making it difficult to build social networks with natives. Career development seems to be perceived as a common problem, although less so in Sweden, where labor markets are more flexible. Overall, these issues reduce both Japan's and Sweden's ability to retain skilled migrants. While they share similarities, Sweden's famed work–life balance and gender equality give it an edge in the competition for skilled migrants, which Japan does not share. This comparison identifies which social conditions facilitate or impede skilled migrant settlement.  相似文献   

Organization scholars historically ignored the crucial importance of sexuality in the workplace. But in the last 20 years, scholars influenced by the ‘sexuality in organizations’ perspective have documented the ways that the management and deployment of workers’ sexuality are key elements in organizational life. While most of these studies have documented persistent privileging of heterosexuality in work organizations, a recent trend is to investigate a new organizational form: the gay‐friendly workplace. We review legal and policy changes in US workplaces that have made them more accepting of gay and lesbian employees. Then we examine ethnographic studies of gay‐friendly organizations. Although they are certainly an advance over previous homophobic workplaces, the literature suggests that they may reproduce inequalities of race, class, and gender. Few studies have investigated ‘queer organizations’, which we identify as a rich area for future scholarship.  相似文献   

In recent years, several governments have targeted nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) by enacting legislation that prohibits foreign funding for them. This article uses diplomatic cables, newspaper articles, and interviews with representatives from NGOs and donors to explain the Venezuelan government's passage of legislation prohibiting foreign funding for political NGOs in 2010. Existent political, sociological, and globalization‐oriented theories fail to explain the passage and timing of this legislation. Instead, I utilize and extend global fields theory to examine the Venezuelan government's redirection of its foreign relations, which I argue generated the political opportunity for the government to pass this legislation. I show that the government initially remained keyed into a global subfield involving groups that successfully pressured it to reconsider a more radical form of legislation prohibiting direct foreign funding for all NGOs when it came up for discussion in 2006, including the U.S. and Western European governments, and domestic NGOs. By 2010, however, the government had become embedded within a global subfield involving authoritarian and anti‐imperial governments that had already passed similar legislation, and domestic community councils. These newfound relations insulated the government from reconsideration and allowed it the political opportunity to pass a new, less radical piece of legislation.  相似文献   

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