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以大召历史文化街区为研究对象,在构建风貌要素指标体系的基础上,采用民众风貌感知数据,运用有序Probit模型、边际效用分析与I-S评分法,研究风貌要素满意度对总体风貌满意度的影响机理,以此对风貌改造工作提出精准建议。结果表明:街道服务设施特点、灯光照明、景观特点与历史文化之“风”四个风貌要素满意度对总体风貌满意度具有显著影响;相比于男性,女性对街区风貌的要求更高,更不容易被满足;风貌要素优先提升权从高到低依次为街道服务设施特点、灯光照明、景观特点与历史文化之“风”。  相似文献   

当前的历史街区风貌规划中普遍存在着风貌要素选取缺乏依据、与法定规划没有有效衔接等问题。文章探讨了历史街区风貌规划中如何运用城市意向理论,通过问卷调查、访谈分析公众对历史街区风貌的印象,进而选取规划师认可的风貌要素。综合公众和规划师认可的风貌要素作为历史街区风貌协调的控制因素,并以控制性详细规划图则的形式进行风貌要素的控制。以西安北院门历史街区为例,从实践出发论证该方法的可行性,并总结了风貌要素选取的原则和由风貌规划带来的启示。  相似文献   

郑永莉 《职业时空》2010,(1):134-136
平面构成是一种视觉形象的构成。平面构成在现代景观设计中的应用,主要是研究如何利用平面构成的基本内容来设计要素形象,利用构成法则来布置景观平面。文章对平面构成在现代景观中的应用进行分析,总结出深层次的表达语言即视觉语言、形态学语言、类型学语言、拓扑语言。  相似文献   

林耿  马璐  陈洁 《城市观察》2014,(5):28-37
以北京路传统商业街区为案例,分析其建筑文化在街区发展中的角色和影响。指出由标志性建筑景观、建筑肌理、建筑与文化事件等构成的建筑文化是北京路商业街区竞争力的核心。与其当下繁荣的商贸文化相比,前者更是展现整个街区文化气质的核心和灵魂。当经济职能发展趋同时,应该全面焕发传统商业街区整个建筑文化体系的魅力,以激发其更强大的发展竞争力。  相似文献   

中国的传统商业街区有着悠久的历史,见证着城市的发展历程,是城市文化历史的重要表征,同时其独特的空间模式和宜人的尺度也给人们留下了深刻的印象。本文以传统商业街区的空间要素作为切入点,分析研究了不同地域环境和建筑文化背景下传统商业街区的空间形态特征。  相似文献   

历史街区的空间设计应在街区整体保护的前提下提出,以维护历史街区的历史真实性和人类宜居性为前提,从艺术审美角度设计历史街区的空间界面,提升其"可居性"和"美感",并获得"创造性的更新"的能力。街区空间设计,有助于改变其旧有的脏、乱、差,生活水准低等负面印象,展示出新时代具有传统特色兼具舒适、美感的独特街区形象。为有别于以往的单纯保护,本文更加注重历史街区保护更新过程中的可持续发展,强调延续城市特色、传承文脉的重要价值。  相似文献   

城镇更新是城镇发展中"修复振兴、激发活力"的动力机制。而在拓展城镇规模,建设形成新城镇形象的过程中,保护老城风貌并采取各种优化、更新要素的方法传承形象特色,是不同历史阶段化解形象危机和传承文化特色的有效途径。尤其是在当前城乡一体、资源统筹的新型城镇化语境下,探索优化老城形象的策略,对未来城、镇、村的层级、梯度发展、增强城镇活力具有重要意义。本文从滁州老城物质风貌的显性与隐性形象要素入手,对形象要素"分裂、重构、整合"出的"生态、建筑、文化"等形态风貌关系进行分类分析,提出优化策略,为保护老城形象、传承文脉、转型发展注入新的活力。  相似文献   

一、文物遗迹的保护开发与海河文化带的建设人文历史景观是城市极具活力的视觉要素,是构成城市视觉形象的精神和灵魂。可以说,人文识别(与地缘识别相对的包括历史、文化、风俗、民族等人文状况的识别系统)是一个城市最持久、最具资源潜力和最有文化人类学意义的识别系统。人文历史景观最重要的要素是城市的文化遗迹,它们是城市发展历史形态在物质实体上的表现,是城市的一笔宝贵的文化遗产,是不可再生的文化资源。一棵古树、一座桥梁、一条小街、一座建筑物,都是城市历史发展的文化符号,是城市文化特色的生动体现,都在不经意间透露出城市发展…  相似文献   

本文以城市街道景观为研究对象,在分析街道景观构成要素的基础上,选择雨水管理、透水铺装和街道植物三类要素阐述生态街道的设计方向。结合绿色街道的相关文献,从缩小街道宽度和设置生物滞留池两方面补充了生态街道的设计方法。以厦门市环岛路为例,分析其街道生态设计的现状,提出完善环岛路及其步道范围的生态设计策略。  相似文献   

一、文物遗迹的保护开发与海河文化带的建设 人文历史景观是城市极具活力的视觉要素,是构成城市视觉形象的精神和灵魂.可以说,人文识别(与地缘识别相对的包括历史、文化、风俗、民族等人文状况的识别系统)是一个城市最持久、最具资源潜力和最有文化人类学意义的识别系统.人文历史景观最重要的要素是城市的文化遗迹,它们是城市发展历史形态在物质实体上的表现,是城市的一笔宝贵的文化遗产,是不可再生的文化资源.一棵古树、一座桥梁、一条小街、一座建筑物,都是城市历史发展的文化符号,是城市文化特色的生动体现,都在不经意间透露出城市发展的信息,烙上了时代前进的印迹.通过文物遗迹的保护与开发,可以丰富城市的文化内涵,提升城市形象,为城市创造财富.  相似文献   

英国古城约克有着丰富的考古和文化遗址,考察约克的历史文化和古城保护,探访仍然闪耀着历史光芒的古街古巷古建筑古遗址,将有助于我们对英国的古城保护有所认识,为我们提供一块古城保护与建设的他山之石。约克的古城保护意识萌芽于19世纪,经过两个多世纪的城市发展与保护之间的较量,经历了从民间到官方的保护意识的培育,使英国的古城古街、有历史意义的场所都得到了保护。约克的古城保护既离不开民间人士的支持与努力,也得益于政府部门的古城保护意识的逐渐提高。约克也是英国古城保护与城市发展有机地融合在一起的完善典范。  相似文献   

The historic cities of Brazil, despite its colonial structure, don't fail to go through transformations that affect contemporary cities, which is the main source of problems, leading to new approaches to urban issues such as mobility and accessibility. The uncontrolled growth of tourism in the historic cities can be considered as a big problem, because at the same time, they have committed to the conservation of its built heritage and demand control of the activities that occur in their areas without harm. Then, a permanent dialogue between conservatives and planners could be accomplished by joining the various sectoral policies. The study of urban mobility in historical sites was in fact the focus of this work because of their peculiarities, such as its specific characteristics of urban structure, morphology and occupation. In fact, the development of tourism in historic centers generates specific demands, such as adaptation to new uses of the houses, intensive movement of people and vehicles, illegal parking, among others. Beyond threatening the city preservation, does not provide mobility and accessibility to tourists, because these cities were not designed for the tourism conditions and needs of contemporary life. Characteristic features of Brazilian baroque cities, such as topography , the narrow streets, narrow or nonexistent sidewalks, steep turns and ramps strong, are not suitable for heavy vehicles, traffic and pedestrian circulation. Thus, studies concerning conservation urban integrated are aimed at an approach to interaction between historic preservation of the environment with the dynamic socio-economic of the local.  相似文献   

Sense of place definition includes the point where the physical element, activity and meaning are intertwined in the people experience of place. In urban design and place quality research, much has been discussed on the significance of the physical elements and activities in creating the sense of place; however, the role of place attachment as a component that gives places meaning(s) has not been adequately explored. This article is based on the main findings of a doctoral research examining attachment to traditional shopping streets in the city centre of Kuala Lumpur. Surveys and face-to-face interviews were conducted with users of the streets to investigate place attachment and its influence on place identity. The finding demonstrates that attachment to the traditional streets is strong and it influences the users’ perception on the identity of the places. The streets were regarded as very important in sustaining the economic activities and meaningful in accentuating cultural diversity and self and group identity. The historical significance of the area as the earliest shopping locations in the city evoked personal and shared meanings to the long-term users who developed stronger place attachment. The paper concludes by establishing that place attachment has a significant contribution to the sense of place therefore should be considered in the design of urban places especially when redevelopment is one of the options.  相似文献   

Private motorization has accompanied unprecedented urbanization in China, as a matter of public policy. Planning at the provincial and city levels has supported the rapid build-up of the private car fleet in major cities through the development of regional and urban highway networks, higher capacity local streets and much higher standards for car parking in new developments. By contrast, urban planning until 1994 concentrated on the building of community and the support for a non-motorized lifestyle. Guangzhou experienced particularly rapid city-building during this period because it was at the centre of the market reforms launched in 1978. The communities that were built form a broad ring around the historic core of the city, constituting one of the most significant obstacles to government ambitions to maintain the recent growth rates in car ownership. Guangyuan and Jiangnanxi are examples of such middle-class, home-owning communities where daily life remains almost exclusively non-motorized. Self-organized groups in the community are increasingly vocal and active in their demands to enhance local environmental quality and restrict local motorization. Local municipal authorities, although increasingly active and autonomous, try to strike a balance between government objectives and local demands. The application of motorization illustrates the growing gap between high-level policy and grassroots urban planning in Guangzhou.  相似文献   

Shaped by European influences, the Brazilian urban landscape was marked by the predominant use of exotic species in planted areas. In the 19th century along the city streets of Rio de Janeiro, trees were planted at a standard distance from each other. With time, native species began to be used in the urban landscape. Our purpose was to evaluate the utilization of exotic plant species in the urban landscape of Rio de Janeiro, evaluate the city’s arboreal deficit, and relate its neighborhood arboreal density to its economic index. Arboreal deficit represents the negative difference between the total number of expected trees and the observed number in the streets based in the standard distance used in the past. Twenty native and 40 exotic species were found in the 1701 streets sampled. A high percent of streets did not have any planted trees and the number of trees was greater in wealthier neighborhoods. The strong prevalence of exotic species is indicative of the negative impact of human activity on the biota. Since the municipality of Rio de Janeiro harbors forested areas, the risk for dissemination of exotic species is high.  相似文献   

This paper classifies the streets of the city of Orestiada, Greece, and examines the correlation between the geometric characteristics of streets and the appropriate height of trees that form the street tree lines so that the microclimate in each street may be improved. The rows of trees improve the aesthetic quality of the urban spaces, and also strengthen the sense of enclosure through tree planting, especially in monotonous urban landscapes. Our main aim is to augment the vegetation in urban areas to achieve the greatest shading of streets in order to contribute to the improvement of the urban environment in terms of bioclimatic conditions. The methodology used in this paper aims to promote the use of trees in urban design, and to evaluate the effects of shading at the city scale with regard to microclimate and energy saving, and to develop tree selection and design guidelines for recommended planting programs. It is expected that the results of the study will be useful to Urban Planners, Urban Arboriculturists, Urban Foresters and Landscape Architects that are engaged in the design and construction of streetscapes in Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Using data from ethnographic fieldwork in New Orleans, Louisiana, I examine the “buildings as history” ideology of the contemporary historic preservation movement to contribute to the sociological understanding of the logics of the movement, the relation of collective memory to historic preservation, and, more broadly, the processes of meaning construction in relation to the built environment. I conclude that the preservationist emphasis on the inherent value of the historic built environment irrespective of that environment's association with historically significant events and figures provides a means both to defuse critiques over preserving buildings with “difficult histories” and to justify preserving as much of the historic built environment as possible, which then allows for the continued expansion of the movement's purview and ensures its ongoing existence.  相似文献   

西安回民街历史悠久,距今已有上千年历史,是西安著名的美食文化街区、来西安必去的地方。回民街是回民街区多条街道的统称,由北院门、北广济街、西羊市、大皮院等数条街道组成。它以浓郁的穆斯林文化和氛围,为古城西安构筑了一道特异的风景线。  相似文献   

Visual methods are particularly well suited for getting at the ways in which children living and working on the street understand their socio-spatial environment, and can bridge gaps between researcher and researched. In this study, adolescents who live and work on the streets of Lima are asked to take photographs, documenting their lives and their socio-spatial environments. While participatory methods such as photovoice can bring children and adolescents into the research process and can provide significant benefits to research and its participants, the introduction of photographic methods with marginalised populations carries with it important ethical concerns. This article explores the various critiques of documentary photography, and ethical concerns that arise when using visual methods, including issues of exploitation and intrusion in research with adolescents living on the streets. It also examines the ways in which researchers must continuously reassess their methodological practices in order to protect the best interests of the participants involved.  相似文献   

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