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正从2011年7月1日启动,历时三年的陕南地区移民搬迁工作从今年开始进入升级模式。6月7日,陕西省出台《关于进一步加强和规范陕南地区移民搬迁工作的意见》,就完善、提升移民搬迁工作做出了新部署。坚持"三位一体"原则,做好六个规划衔接【意见原文】按照民生优先和移民搬迁与城镇化建设、农业产业发展"三位一体"的原则,进一步完善移民搬迁布局规划和安置规划,做好与县域经济社会发展规划、城乡建设规划、土地利用总体规划、产业发展规划的衔接。坚持靠城、靠镇、靠园区布局、利用闲置低效国有或集体建  相似文献   

本文在分析城乡学校教育资源现状的基础上,从教育布局、财政投入、教师素质、闲置资产管理等方面提出了提升农村义务教育资源配置效率的政策建议。  相似文献   

为了提高农村基础教育水平,实现城乡间的教育公平,国家对办学条件差、教学质量低的农村中小学校进行了大规模的撤点并校活动。2001年5月,《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》指出要“因地制宜调整农村义务教育学校布局。按照小学就近入学、初中相对集中、优化教育资源配置的原则,合理规划和调整学校布局”。在如今的“后撤点并校”时代,我们需要解决好撤点并校中的历史遗留问题,顺应老百姓对优质教育资源的需求,对农村教育的未来发展有更清晰的认识和规划。因此,我们需要全方位地透析、评估该项政策,深入探讨撤点并校政策的背景、成效以及在现实中的困境,从而为农村教育的未来发展开辟更好的道路。  相似文献   

移民是重要的人口地理及社会现象,随着人类文明进步,移民的广度和频度不断增强,并不断促进人类文明的传播及人种、民族的融合,推动社会经济文化的快速发展.社会移民按其迁移的起始动因可分为自愿移民和非自愿移民两大类.工程建设占地移民,尤其是水利工程建设移民,在非自愿移民中所占比例较高,影响面广,往往是具有很强的政府行为性,稳定安置和促进发展难度最大.本文以长江三峡水利工程建设移民为例,研讨水利工程移民迁建有关政策问题.  相似文献   

移民是重要的人口地理及社会现象,随着人类文明进步,移民的广度和频度不断增强,并不断促进人类文明的传播及人种、民族的融合,推动社会经济文化的快速发展。社会移民按其迁移的起始动因可分为自愿移民和非自愿移民两大类。工程建设占地移民,尤其是水利工程建设移民,在非自愿移民中所占比例较高,影响面广,往往是具有很强的政府行为性,稳定安置和促进发展难度最大。本文以长江三峡水利工程建设移民为例,研讨水利工程移民迁建有关政策问题。  相似文献   

本文以学校为切入点,针对我国当前农村教育中的师资队伍整体水平较低、优质教育资源供给不足等情况,分析如何提高教师待遇,以此来吸引和留住教师力量,并且以"三维职业发展坐标系"的方式对其中的青年教师的职业发展作出规划.  相似文献   

公共教育资源的优化配置,不是各种教育资源的简单分配,而是有限的教育资源通过各种有效的手段进行分配。从而最大限度地实现教育系统目标为取向的一种社会行为。目前我国公共教育资源的配置还存在着一些偏差,因此,完善其优化配置必须遵循以人为本原则、整体性原则、公平合理兼顾质量与效率原则、与经济基础相适应原则等。本文最后就教育资源优化的途径进行了探讨,以提高教育资源的运行效率。  相似文献   

近几年,水利建设工程发生了许多重大质量事故,引起了各级领导和社会各界对水利工程建设质量的高度重视,暴露在水利工程建设过程中存在较严重管理问题。本文就水利工程建设在向市场经济转轨过程中存在的问题和解决的措施,从依法行政,依法治水的角度作些探讨。1水利工程建设存在的问题(1)规划设计滞后,前期工作质量不高。建设项目的项目规划书、可行性报告和初设文件,停留在现状情况的了解和资料的分析上,缺乏对环境、经济、社会、水资源配置等方面的综合分析,特别是缺乏较系统全面且抓住要害,能满足设计要求的地质勘测资料。(2)项目决策咨询…  相似文献   

水利工程档案,是记述和反映水利工程勘测、规划、设计、施工、运用、管理、维修活动的档案材料,它是实现水利工程的科学管理、运用,发挥良好工程效益的必要条件。加强新时期的水利工程档案管理,具有重要的现实意义。本文从水利工程档案的形成、归档、整理等环节着手,分析了水利工程档案管理要注意的一些问题,旨在它能更好地服务于水利工程建设。  相似文献   

山东省政府办公厅目前转发《关于做好义务教育学校布局工作的意见》,要求制定2013—2020年义务教育学校布局规划:该规划纳入城市及村镇建设控制性详细规划中,分年度实施规划目标,实现城乡教育一体化发展。  相似文献   

基于VMI理论的南水北调水资源供应链的库存协调   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
节点湖泊水资源库存的协调控制是南水北调工程运行管理中的重要研究内容之一.通过引入供应链的产品库存控制理论,以由长江抽水口和单个节点湖泊共同组成的简单南水北调水资源供应链为研究对象,分别建立了水资源库存集中决策、双方独立决策和VMI决策等情况下的湖泊水资源最优订货量模型和双方利润模型.在此基础上,提出了VMI策略下的水资源库存管理的转移支付协调策略,并给出了该协调策略的有效性,最后利用仿真算例对相关结论进行了验证和分析.  相似文献   

The tangible components of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System are outlined and the Integrated Project Planning and Management Cycle is visualized from the General Organizational Matrix viewpoint: then the multiple command structures in one large-scale Arctic Energy Project are analyzed retrospectively to test some a priori expectations about project managment. A number of lessons emerge from actual experience that may aid in the management of future energy projects.  相似文献   

The southeastern portion of New Hampshire is experiencing a rapid growth in population. Many small semi-rural communities are becoming suburban complexes with mushrooming residential developments. These communities are, as a consequence, confronted with expanding demands for municipal services. The situation creates an urgent need for planning efforts that will aid decision makers in the choice among alternative systems for providing these municipal services.

The authors were aware of these needs and were interested in the economic problem involved. Little guidance is to be found in the literature, since most approaches are based on the technical engineering aspects of design and construction. It became apparent that little had been done to combine engineering design and economic evaluation in a comprehensive approach.

The intent of this paper was to analyze the water supply system problem from an economic viewpoint. The study reviews the characteristics of water supply systems and identifies the economic problems associated with them and is, then, primarily an exploratory study conducted on a theoretical basis. It is not a research study in the sense of conducting an analysis or analyses of empirical data.

This exploratory study will hopefully provide a basis for the conduct of future research and the development of some quantitative procedures that will be useful to planners and decision makers.  相似文献   

We study a real-world production warehousing case, where the company always faces the challenge to find available space for its products and to manage the items in the warehouse. To resolve the problem, an integrated strategy that combines warehouse layout with the capacitated lot-sizing problem is presented, which have been traditionally treated separately in the existing literature. We develop a mixed integer linear programming model to formulate the integrated optimization problem with the objective of minimizing the total cost of production and warehouse operations. The problem with real data is a large-scale instance that is beyond the capability of optimization solvers. A novel Lagrangian relax-and-fix heuristic approach and its variants are proposed to solve the large-scale problem. The preliminary numerical results from the heuristic approaches are reported.  相似文献   

The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a decision analysis technique that uses judgments from a group of relevant decision makers and hierarchical decomposition to derive a set of ratio-scaled utility measures for decision alternatives. This paper addresses a number of design issues involved in the implementation of AHP for large-scale systems. Specifically, it describes the use of incomplete experimental designs for simplifying data-collection tasks. The effects of reducing the size of the hierarchy through attribute deletion and the effects of including identical attributes on any given level also are evaluated.  相似文献   

决策支持理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了开环与闭环决策系统的概念,在此基础上初步讨论了决策支持理论,并提出了决策支持系统工程与系统集成的研究框架。在决策科学中,现在绝大部分的研究工作集中在对开环决策系统的研究上,这对于研究决策与决策支持是必须的,但这还远不够,如果要真正提高决策及决策支持的有效性,就必须研究闭环决策系统,必须把决策问题识别与求解放在统一的框架中进行研究。  相似文献   

The problems of decision making when the decision concerns large-scale technical plants have increased, largely due to the difficulties of assessing environmental factors. Technology assessment is an approach which can assist in undertaking the necessary analysis which will expose the social impact, participation of affected groups, and the evaluation of political processes for large-scale technical developments. This paper examines the obstacles to the use of Technology assessment techniques by industry and in particular concentrates upon the problems of forecasting future technological change. The paper examines the view that TA is primarily a concept of political decision making and places the concepts of politics in the broadest sense, not merely in a narrow partly political framework. Finally, the paper examines the arguments for and against quantitative evaluation and claims that TA, used properly, can provide valuable qualitative as well as quantitative insights into the impact of processes upon the political, social and economic environment. Thus, suggesting that TA is a technique of forecasting which companies that are involved in the development of major, and therefore heavy resource-consuming, projects should consider the use of this technique as part of their appraisal process.  相似文献   

A SuperPositioning model for successful management of engineering design firms is discussed which allows firms to be categorized within a matrix bounded by two primary drivers, their engineering Design Techology (how they do their work) and their Values (the primary reward thrusts or motivations of the owners). Technologies are separated into Strong Idea (Brains), Strong Service (Gray Hair) and Strong Delivery (Routine Procedure). Values are divided between Practice Centered Business and Business Centered Practice.The firm's Design Technology affects the optimal way it should handle Project Design, Project Decision Making, Middle and Lower Level Staffing, Markets, What it Sells, What it Can Charge, and Best Management Style. Its choice of Values impacts the Organization Structure, Organization Decision-Making, Staffing at the Top, How it Markets, Best Clients, Marketing Organization, Profit Strategy, Reward and Management Style. Firms that optimize their strategies for these elements to match their choice of drivers are observed to perform better for their clients and in terms of their owner's satisfaction.  相似文献   

The maritime industry is moving toward a "goal-setting" risk-based regime. This opens the way to safety engineers to explore and exploit flexible and advanced risk modeling and decision-making approaches in the design and operation processes. In this article, following a brief review of the current status of maritime risk assessment, a design/operation selection framework and a design/operation optimization framework are outlined. A general discussion of control engineering techniques and their application to risk modeling and decision making is given. Four novel risk modeling and decision-making approaches are then outlined with illustrative examples to demonstrate their use. Such approaches may be used as alternatives to facilitate risk modeling and decision making in situations where conventional techniques cannot be appropriately applied. Finally, recommendations on further exploitation of advances in general engineering and technology are suggested with respect to risk modeling and decision making.  相似文献   

为了提高煤矿透水事故中矿工获救和恢复健康的可能性,本文基于应急响应时效性研究关键资源-水泵布局问题。已有应急资源布局问题的研究多从成本、时间、资源需求满足度等方面进行,煤矿透水事故应急响应时效性是综合考虑被困矿工获救时间以及被困过程中被困位置最低氧气含量和食物缺少量三方面要素的事故应对效果。首先,建立了基于煤矿透水事故发生、发展和应急响应机理的三方面要素计算方法;然后,在供氧和供食物所需资源布局给定的前提下,设计水泵布局的目标函数和约束条件,建立水泵布局鲁棒优选模型,通过机会时间窗概念的引入和分支定界算法的思想,给出水泵布局不可行方案的判别准则,并在此基础上进行优选算法的设计;最后,在实际发生的煤矿透水事故典型案例基础上,构造算例,检验水泵布局鲁棒优选模型的有效性。  相似文献   

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