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Casting the American economy as a network of economic exchange relations between firms in sectors, industries are those sectors engaged in manufacturing and are here analyzed as network positions. The structure of an industry's dollar transactions with suppliers is demonstrated to affect industry profits in a manner distinct from that in which its structure of transactions with consumers affects profits. For the 335 four-digit SIC manufacturing industries corresponding to unique sectors of the 1967 Input-Output Study, price-cost margins corrected for interindustry differences in capital requirements are regressed over four-firm concentration ratios and various structural indicators of imperfect competition among suppliers versus consumers. The structural indicators are computed from dollar flow coefficients among 492 sectors of the 1967 Input-Output Study. Only one type of product flows from an industry to its consumers, who have no trouble seeing the value of collusion despite the multiple sectors in which their own products are sold; however, products from different sectors may flow to the industry without creating the competition among suppliers that prompts collusion. Industry profits are constrained by suppliers to the extent that firms in the industry purchase supplies from few separate sectors as product markets. In contrast, industry profits are constrained by consumers to the extent that firms in the industry sell to a small number of oligopolistic sectors.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to build upon Pierce's important finding, a confirmation of Durkheim, that any form of economic disruption or change increases suicide. In this paper, certain aspects of Pierce's method are criticized. The analysis of an expanded and updated data set, using analytic techniques designed for time-series data, suggests that economic disruption per se is not as relevant to the suicide rate as are economic hardship and economic deterioration or improvement.  相似文献   

崔洪健 《兰州学刊》2010,(12):177-180
东盎格利亚地区是英格兰的一个传统行政区,中世纪时期这一地区的发展主要是区域内的;到了十六、十七世纪,随着以伦敦为中心的国内市场体系的形成,东盎格利亚地区通过毛纺织品和农产品贸易,逐渐与国内外市场建立了密切的联系,并在国内外市场中起着重要的作用。这一时期东盎格利亚经济的发展变化,是英格兰从区域经济向整体经济转型的一个缩影。这将有助于加深我们对英格兰经济社会转型的认识。  相似文献   

信用公示是指一定机构根据法律规定的权限和程序 ,应某市场主体的申请或依职权 ,以一定的形式将特定市场主体的信用信息记录予以公开的行为。信用公示之于市场交易犹如信息披露之于证券市场。我国现阶段市场交易中信用严重缺失 ,重塑市场信用 ,必须在充分借鉴国外成功经验的基础上 ,建立健全我国的信用公示体系  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of organizational attributes on power/dependence relations in interorganizational dyads. Exchange and homophily theories are discussed as two alternative perspectives on the processes that give rise to such effects. The data pertain to interagency ties in three community-based networks of youth service agencies and are analyzed via a new strategy of linear modeling dyadic relations. The results of the analysis suggest that size, administrative position, and justice system connections condition the extent to which an agency initiates and receives ties of influence, assistance, and support. Moreover, these relations are more frequent between agencies with similar treatment ideologies and client racial makeup. Finally, size and justice system access are found to reduce agency dependence on a network's administrative core. In the course of the discussion, a number of related issues and findings are discussed.  相似文献   

非公有制经济是中国社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分 ,非公从业人员是中国特色社会主义事业的建设者。在非公有制企业建立党组织 ,不仅有利于加强党对非公企业的领导 ,扩大党的群众基础和社会基础 ,而且有利于推动非公有制经济进一步健康发展 ,促进全面小康社会建设。昆明诺仕达集团企业党组织建设的经验证明了这一点  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济条件下的道德建设对我国市场经济的健康发展起价值导向、行为规范和精神激励的作用,是实现我国经济活动有效性和利润最大化的有效保障机制,是当前我国经济、政治和文化建设的一种内在的、必然的要求。  相似文献   

企业集群是产业和地方经济发展的一种重要形式.王庆坨自行车企业集群的快速发展表明,集群内部交易活动和缔约的制度基础是关系型契约.这种关系型契约能够有效地降低企业集群内部的交易成本,从而改善了企业集群的交易治理结构.同时,乡镇企业集群早期的快速发展还依赖于经济交换域对社会交换域的嵌入.但传统的乡村规范仍然存在着前市场经济的局限性,只有通过引入第三方中介对交易制度进行补充,乡镇企业集群才可能持续快速地发展.  相似文献   

社会各界的人们几乎都对危机保持敌视的态度,长期而过分看重经济危机的负面效应,从而否定经济危机对经济成长的诸多发展价值,这有悖于市场经济的发展规律。事实上,经济危机是市场经济成长的基本常态,因而具有诸多的正面意义:经济危机内在地蕴含了市场经济的成长机遇,是市场经济成长的一个自动修复过程,具有优化稀缺资源配置的重大功效,是人力资本的强制性定期更新,是市场经济内生的人口约束力量,经济危机强制性贯彻权利与责任对称原则,是市场经济"成长的烦恼"。  相似文献   

控制权市场微观结构视角的公司治理理论作为对传统企业理论研究的深化,借助信息经济学和博弈论工具对主流经济学分析框架进行了拓展,针对公司控制权市场交易、配置和调整的过程细节,准确描述了股份公司中所有权和控制权分离情形下股东内部控制、要约收购、接管竞标等不同控制和治理机制的实际运作,对信息不完全和存在交易成本条件下的控制权市场交易展开分析,从控制权市场微观结构视角阐明了股东对管理者实施有效控制的机制、策略和条件。股权控制权市场的行为金融问题、股权控制权市场与环境因素之间的交互作用问题和股权控制权市场中的法律保护与管制政策设计问题将是未来该领域理论研究关注的焦点。  相似文献   

财务管理是企业管理的一个重要环节,它贯穿于整个企业管理的全过程.企业管理以财务管理为中心是社会主义市场经济的客观要求,是企业的宗旨和性质所决定的,也是市场机制正常运行的必然趋向.要提高经济效益,必须加强财务管理.  相似文献   

中国上市公司董事会效率的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董事会是公司治理中重要的制度安排,董事会效率是指董事会各项职能发挥的效果。从影响董事会效率的因素出发,以我国上市公司2001-2004年样本公司的统计数据为依据,对董事会效率进行了实证研究,并构建了一个评价董事会效率的模型。研究结果显示董事会效率与公司绩效之间存在显著正相关关系,公司绩效会随着董事会效率的增强而提高。  相似文献   

This research addresses the complexity of embedded inter-firm ties. Based on both qualitative and quantitative data from field research in the computer motherboard manufacturing industry, this paper investigates the origins of close ties and committed relationships, and explores the relationships between these two dimensions of embedded inter-firm relationships. The results show that companies establish close relationships with their partners to resolve coordination uncertainty due to a high level of task interdependence in their exchanges, and that firms become more collaboratively committed when they seek to alter a disadvantaged power asymmetry. At the same time, the fieldwork found an underlying conflict between the embeddedness dimensions of closeness and commitment: too much closeness reduces a partner’s commitment. These findings have significant implications for the formation of embedded corporate ties as well as the effects of embeddedness on organizations.  相似文献   

刘睿  刘琼增 《学术探索》2012,(11):62-66
2008年金融危机对包括PE行业在内的全球金融体系都造成了相当大的冲击,对PE行业的未来发展也产生了深远影响。论文对金融危机后全球及我国PE行业的发展现状进行了研究,对我国PE行业在现阶段面临的主要困难和挑战进行了总结,并进一步分析了未来行业发展的主要趋势,包括行业集中度上升、有限监管趋严、资本项目开放和经济结构调整带来动力和机遇,以及退出渠道多样化等。  相似文献   

We review the literature dealing with the various components of change in the number of female family heads and conclude that P. Cutright's (1974, Journal of Marriage and the Family 36, 714–721) four components of change in the number of ever-married female family heads can be usefully applied to a reanalysis of decade-by-decade changes in this quantity among white and nonwhite women ages 15–44, from 1940 through 1980. However, we substantially revise and update Cutright's (1974) original data. Our findings include the fact that while the relative importance of the various components of increases in ever-married female family headship vary from decade to decade, overall trends are fairly similar for white and nonwhite women. Moreover, the rapid rise between 1970 and 1980 in the number of white and nonwhite female family heads among the never-married (single) continued through the 1980 to 1983 period. A decade ago, Cutright (1974) predicted that a change in the number of female family heads from 1970 on would reflect little more than changes in the numbers of ever- and never-married women ages 15–44. We discuss this inaccurate prediction and conclude that wishful thinking is a poor guide in forecasting the future.  相似文献   

Converse's definition of ideological contraint is expanded to provide for various respondent identified ideological dimensions rather than an all encompassing liberal-conservative dimension. Using this redefinition a sample of adults is shown to have high levels of ideological constraint. Ideological constraint is shown to vary with the degree of cognitive complexity and the degree of preference evaluability. The latter is a new concept that suggests that some issues will be easier for a respondent to demonstrate constraint on depending upon the availability and applicability of preference criteria. Salience is also shown to have a positive relationship with ideological constraint, but only when preference evaluability is high.  相似文献   

Internal migration in China during the last three decades, the largest in human history, offers a rare opportunity to understand inequalities in the making. Using data spanning 10 years from China’s largest metropolis, Shanghai, this study assesses how enduring state institutions interplay with the spread of market forces to shape income inequality between migrants and native urban workers. Though the wages of both Chinese migrants and urban workers rose considerably, economic restructuring during the decade under study resulted in diminished privileges for urbanites and subsequently increased collision between migrants and urban workers in the private sectors. These shifts, rather than substantially reducing inequality, have led to an evolving form of inequality, from an initial general blatant discrimination against migrants across the board, to a new and more subtle form of inequality characterized by substantial segmented discrimination against migrants within economic sectors, with the degree of inequality varying from sector to sector. We discuss how this changing inequality reflects complementary rather than competing roles of the state and market institutions in inequality creation and maintenance.  相似文献   

可持续发展环境下的循环经济与政府经济职能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在市场经济条件下,政府职能需要从粗放型的管理向可持续发展的管理来转变;政府要从关注经济增长向关注经济发展来转变,从而保证市场经济要在社会效益最大化的条件下来调节微观主体的各种行为。政府在循环经济中的作用是引导行为模式,规范企业运行、将循环经济全局调控。而且政府需要从完善制度、产业政策、技术政策、消费政策、教育政策和法律保障等六个方面进行实施。  相似文献   

无论是英国、美国还是中国,CPA审计制度都是产生于防止资本交易舞弊,保护产权,实现市场公平有序竞争的共有信念,都是实现资本交易公平的一项市场制度基础设施。CPA审计制度不同于一般意义上的注册会计师审计活动,它是市场经济体制的基础设施之一,对经济活动具有普遍的适用性。它是一种弥补价格机制失灵的、充满矛盾的、准政府性的经济监督制度,是资本市场参与人在防止会计舞弊方面的一种博弈均衡。  相似文献   

当前,国内许多公司企业在现行法律不能有效控制,监管滞后的市场环境中因利益驱动而丧失企业和经营者的自律意识,导致开展非正当关联交易。此类行为具有巨大的社会危害性,可以预见,随着我国金融体制的改革逐步深化、跨国公司并购浪潮的到来,不正当的关联交易将会越来越泛滥地出现在我国经济领域,随着外资的进入,会严重地导致国有资产和中小股东的利益外流。因此,在这一关键时期,引进刑法对非正当关联交易进行强制性管制和整顿是必要的。  相似文献   

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