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This paper provides an overview of an internship program designed to empower students and to build collaborative relationships within the local community. The structure of the internship program is designed from a combined service learning, empowerment, and transformative learning perspective. It is set up with a series of empowering activities, including preplanning, initial exploration, siteselection, and contract design. The requirements for the internship course include a commitment to academic education and skill development that are couched within an emancipatory pedagogy. Through transformative learning, students can become empowered citizens. Through university-community partnerships, the potential for ameliorating social problems is strengthened. As we create a new community of learners in the twenty-first century, the role of the university in the community may be strengthened through internship programs.  相似文献   


Objective: To assess how Ohio colleges conform to recommendations that address barriers to reporting sexual assault. Participants: A study sample of Ohio 4-year colleges (N = 105). Methods: College Web sites were examined between March and November 2011 for their availability of sexual assault policies using 8 measures. Results: Of the colleges in the sample, 66% had an online sexual assault policy. Less than 1% of colleges included definitions for applicable sexual offenses in the Ohio Revised Code. All colleges with a policy included on-campus personnel to whom a victim could report. Approximately 25% and 31% of colleges included confidential or 24/7 reporting options, respectively. Conclusions: Many colleges are failing to offer basic reporting options to victims of sexual assault. Having a clearly labeled sexual assault policy on a campus Web site that includes 24/7 reporting options and defines acts of sexual assault can aid victims in the reporting process.  相似文献   


This is a review of oral-dental problems for nurses and physicians in a student health service with the typical college-age population. The proper technique for an adequate physical examination of the oral cavity and surrounding structures is described.

Numerous common lesions are described which will undoubtedly face the clinician at a university health service, and some current treatment regimens are given for each condition. The sequence used for the presentation will follow in accordance with anatomic location, e.g. lips, labial and buccal mucosa, hard and soft palate and oropharynx, tongue (dorsal, lateral, and ventral surfaces), floor of the mouth, and the teeth and the gums. Benign and malignant tumors of the oral cavity, and accidental injuries of the teeth are discussed. Preventive dental care including methods for good oral hygiene are reviewed. The effects of actinic radiation on the lips, and the effects of tobacco and alcohol on the oral cavity are discussed.

The physician and dentist both have an opportunity and responsibility to detect oral lesions. Until each student health service has a dental consultant on a regular basis, it is the responsibility of nurses and physicians to increase their proficiency in examining, diagnosing, and treating oral-dental lesions.  相似文献   

高职院校学生顶岗实习是一项新的教学环节,也是培养面向第一线需要的,实践能力强,具有良好职业道德的高技能、高素质人才的实践性教学环节。通过实践,取得了一些经验,为高职院校学生顶岗实习打下了基础。  相似文献   


During a 10-week period, 51 referrals resulted from 3171 visits to the Student Health Service, a referral rate of 1.6%. Specialties receiving the most frequent referrals were orthopedics (31%), ophthalmology (16%), general surgery (10%), and gynecology (10%). Data from this study suggest that specialty referrals occur infrequently in the Student Health Service. It would appear that this low referral rate, along with a relatively small student population, would not justify provision of in-house specialty consultation in the Student Health Service.

“The Prognosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease,” DAVID J. SALES AND JOSEPH B. KIRSNER. The complications of ulcerative colitis generally develop during the first two years of disease. The mortality is higher than expected and the highest likelihood of colectomy also occurs early in the disease. Mortality in Crohn's disease is greater than expected, especially in males. For both conditions, the overall mortality has decreased steadily, and currently is less than 5%. Ulcerative colitis is curable with proctocolectomy and lieostomy. In Crohn's disease, intestinal resection and reanastomosis is followed by recurrence in the majority of patients. The recurrence rate after proctocolectomy and lieostomy for Crohn's disease of the colon also is considerable, ranging from 20% to 35%. In ulcerative colitis, the more colon involved, the more frequent and more serious are the complications. In Crohn's disease, the anatomic pattern of disease tends to predict the type and extent of complications. Both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease appear to follow a more severe course in children and adolescents with “inflammatory bowel disease.” Patients with either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease are at increased risk for the later development of cancer. In ulcerative colitis, the excess risk is limited to colorectal cancer. Patients with Crohn's disease have increased cancer rates for both the small and large bowel. Finally, most patients with these diseases are able to maintain normal occupations and enjoy reasonably stable social and economic situations. The successful adaptation of patients with inflammatory bowel disease is influenced by a hopeful, optimistic personality and by an encouraging, supportive physician.  相似文献   


“Blood Glucose Control and the Evolution of Diabetic Retinopathy and Albuminuria: A Preliminary Multicenter Trial,” The Kroc Collaborative Study Group. We conducted a prospective multicenter randomized trial to determine both the feasibility of maintaining blood glucose control at differing levels and the effect of improved control on diabetic microangiopathy and albuminuria. Seventy patients with diabetes (low C-peptide level) with nonproliferative retinopathy were randomly assigned to continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion or unchanged conventional injection treatment. At entry, both groups had similar demographic, clinical, and glycemic characteristics. Over the succeeding eight months, mean 24-hour glucose concentrations (175 ± 9 mg per deciliter) and glycosylated hemoglobin levels (10.0 ± 0.3%) remained elevated during conventional treatment but fell to nearly normal levels (117 ± 6 mg per deciliter and 8.1 ± 0.2%, respectively) with continuous insulin infusion. The frequency of biochemical hypoglycemia (< 40 mg of blood glucose per deciliter) was similar in both groups, but ketoacidosis occurred only during continuous infusion. The level of retinopathy, assessed from photographs, progressed in both groups. Continuous infusion was associated with slightly more deterioration, mainly because of the appearance of soft exudates and intraretinal microvascular abnormalities. In contrast, elevated albumin-excretion rates fell during continuous infusion but not during conventional treatment. We conclude that maintenance of differing levels of blood glucose is feasible in a multicenter trial and that a nearly normal blood glucose level for eight months does not retard progression of, and may initially worsen, established retinopathy. These preliminary observations indicate the need for longer trials (particularly of primary prevention). (New England Journal of Medicine 1984;311:365-72.)  相似文献   


Objective: This study assessed the association between ethnicity and family socioeconomic status (SES) as it relates to the prevalence of vaginal douching among female undergraduates in a university community. Participants and Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey conducted between September 2011 and February 2012 among 1,535 female undergraduates using a semistructured behavioral questionnaire adapted by the authors from previous research related to vaginal douching practice. Results: The overall prevalence of vaginal douching was 79.35% and the practice was significantly associated with the mother's age, ethnicity, low SES (educational level, occupation, and monthly income), and area of residence. The father's age and SES were statistically nonsignificant. Conclusion: Ethnicity and low SES of mothers were significantly associated with a higher prevalence of douching in daughters. These factors should be considered among others in any intervention to discourage vaginal douching among college women.  相似文献   

Advocates of participatory approaches to service delivery see devolution as key to empowering people to take charge of their own affairs. Participation is portrayed as guaranteeing the delivery of services that are in line with user preferences. It is assumed that people are keen to participate in public affairs, that they possess the capacity to do so, and that all they need is opportunities. Using evidence from ethnographic research in Uganda, this article questions these views. It shows that, to succeed in the long term, devolution and participation must take place in the context of a strong state, able to ensure consistent regulation, and a well‐informed public backed up by a participatory political culture.  相似文献   


The number and types of alcohol-related problems seen by medical, nursing, and mental health professionals at the University of Massachusetts Health Services has been assessed since 1975 as part of a Demonstration Alcohol Education Project.

Medical outpatient clinic alcohol-related contacts using encounter forms completed on every outpatient visit during 1975 and 1976 revealed that 0.08% of approximately 92,500 visits annually were alcohol related, including 0.03% for chronic problems and 0.05% for acute problems (mainly contusions, lacerations, and fractures). Week-long contact surveys conducted in November 1976, and April 1977 recorded a much higher proportion of alcohol-related problems for over 60% of about 2,200 contacts each week. In November 1976, 1.4% of 1,346 reported visits were alcohol related, including 8.0% of contacts which occurred on weekends. In April 1977 2.7% of 1,582 reported visits were alcohol related, including 17.0% of weekend visits. No chronic alcohol problems were reported either week, and most of the acute problems involved traumatic injuries, such as contusions, lacerations, and sprains.

Mental health outpatient clinic alcohol-related contacts self-reported by students at the initial visit revealed that 5.8% of 1,179 initial visits between January 1976, and June 1977 were alcohol related, most involving their own alcohol use. Week-long contact surveys involving all 256 contacts during November 1976 and 192 contacts during April 1977 showed that 13.7% of contacts were for alcohol-related problems, over half due to alcohol abuse by someone else, such as a parent or boy/girlfriend.

The findings suggest that a significant proportion of students seen by student health services have acute rather than chronic alcohol-related problems, especially acute traumatic injuries and relationship problems.  相似文献   

How is an independent daily life possible for disabled people when relying upon professional service provision and the bureaucratic gate-keeping systems of the welfare state? This article discusses this question in relation to an interview study. Eighteen mobility disabled and 20 service providers in one local setting in Norway were interviewed. We point out at least three categories regarding how independence is interpreted among the disabled: the super-normal, the independent living activists, and those experiencing powerlessness and lack of support. The analysis points out how these categories are constructed in relations between the disabled person, professional service providers and the gate-keeping systems of the welfare bureaucracy.  相似文献   

独立学院是我国高等教育在办学模式上的一种尝试,它是公办高等院校教学资源与社会资金有机结合的产物。由于独立学院的特殊性,学生心理健康问题比较突出,心理健康教育显得尤为重要。而当前独立学院学生心理健康教育仍存在一系列的问题,本文从博雅教育理念的角度提出了独立学院心理健康教育对策。  相似文献   


A student staff inquiry project in the department of health education at a large state university assessed the motivation and satisfaction of student staff and peer educators. The students who managed this Student Inquiry Project created the interview tool, collected and analyzed the data for themes, and developed follow-up recommendations. Through this student-driven qualitative process, several themes emerged, including the need for more department visibility, student opportunities, student identity, skill building, and appreciation. The department is using the recommendations to strengthen student connection, satisfaction, and training.  相似文献   


Health science students, along with the health professionals they hope to become, are at increased risk for certain occupational injuries and illnesses. One of these risks is occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis, which may result in severe illnesses or even death. Two case studies demonstrate postexposure care of exposed individuals at the University of Texas Medical Branch Student Health Services before and after policy changes and prevention strategies were strengthened in response to exposure incidents.  相似文献   


The responses of 582 male university students attending the UCLA Student Health Service for medical evaluation are presented. Of these students, 37% (215) were freshmen and varsity athletes having pretraining physicals, and 63% (367) were students being evaluated in the SHS primary care clinics. A self-report questionnaire examined the frequency of sexual problems experienced by the respondents and their partners. The most common concerns expressed about themselves were orgasmic difficulties, feeling too interested in sex, and trouble getting and keeping erections. Forty-one percent of the SHS group and 33% of the athletes group had sexual concerns, and, of these, 55% and 40% respectively wanted help with their problems. Specific counseling needs of students were also evaluated.  相似文献   


A new compulsory-with-waiver health insurance plan at the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUN-YAB) was designed in 1976 after assessing available literature on students' insurance, morbidity, health care costs, attitudes, data from past SUNYAB insurance plans and health service statistics. Previous findings that the morbidity of this population is low is corroborated by the data available on the students considered within this project. Illnesses common to this age group are predominantly acute, and require a low rate of hospitalization. The new insurance program cost an unmarried single student $67.00 and was a success by several criteria. Approximately 5,000 more students were enrolled in the complusory plan than in the previous voluntary one. Among students interviewed, both those who enrolled and those who did not, felt that the idea of compulsory health insurance for students was a good idea. Virtually all full-time students in the university were covered by some health insurance.  相似文献   


The data reported have been derived from the first national review of preschool service provision for deaf children and their families. This paper examines the kinds of service provision seen as desirable by families with deaf children between 0 and 5 years of age in relation to current UK Government interest in: Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening, family support initiatives including a focus on parent-professional partnerships, and Inclusive Education. Data presented includes families& responses to early identification; the information available following identification; perceptions of their own partnerships with professionals; and the value of family centred services for themselves, their children and for family life. From these data, aspects of good practice are identified and illustrated for consideration in future service development.  相似文献   

This article presents an historical review of the organization known as Student Health Services at Academic Medical Centers (SHSAAMc). The authors discuss characteristics of health service directors as well as the history of meetings, discussion, and leadership. The focus of the group is the healthcare needs of health professions students at academic medical centers.  相似文献   

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