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Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by chronic gastrointestinal symptoms without a demonstrable physical cause. In a subgroup of patients, irritable bowel syndrome may be part of a cluster of psychosomatic symptoms related to childhood sexual abuse. To investigate this possibility, the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS), the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) and the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) were administered to 105 subjects with either irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), or other gastrointestinal disorders. The subjects in the three groups did not differ on the DES, the SCL-90 or most sections of the DDIS. However, subjects with irritable bowel syndrome reported much higher rates of childhood sexual abuse and psychosomatic symptoms.  相似文献   

Sex hormones have powerful neuromodulatory effects on functional brain organization and cognitive functioning. This paper reviews findings from studies investigating the influence of sex hormones in postmenopausal women with and without hormone therapy (HT). Functional brain organization was investigated using different behavioural tasks in postmenopausal women using either estrogen therapy or combined estrogen plus gestagen therapy and age- and IQ-matched postmenopausal women not taking HT. The results revealed HT-related modulations in specific aspects of functional brain organization including functional cerebral asymmetries and interhemispheric interaction. In contrast to younger women during the menstrual cycle, however, it seems that HT, and especially estrogen therapy, after menopause affects intrahemispheric processing rather than interhemispheric interaction. This might be explained by a faster and more pronounced age-related decline in intrahemispheric relative to interhemispheric functioning, which might be associated with higher sensitivity to HT. Taken together, the findings suggest that the female brain retains its plasticity even after reproductive age and remains susceptible to the effects of sex hormones throughout the lifetime, which might help to discover new clinical approaches in the hormonal treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Thyroid dysfunction is common, especially among women over the age of 50. In caring for peri- and post-menopausal women, it is important to recognize the changing clinical manifestations of thyroid disease with age. Postmenopausal women are at increased risk of both osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, and untreated thyroid disease may exacerbate these risks. Screening for thyroid dysfunction in asymptomatic individuals is controversial, but aggressive case-finding should be pursued, especially in older women. Women with overt thyroid dysfunction should be treated. Therapy for women with subclinical thyroid dysfunction is more controversial, although women with levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) > or =10 mU/L should be treated, and treatment may be considered in symptomatic women with subclinical hypothyroidism and TSH values <10 mU/L, and in women with subclinical hyperthyroidism who have TSH values consistently <0.1 mU/L. In women who are treated with thyroxine, careful dose titration and monitoring are required in order to prevent the adverse consequences of iatrogenic subclinical hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Finally, caution is required in diagnosing and treating thyroid dysfunction in women who are taking oral estrogens or selective estrogen receptor modulators.  相似文献   


The study hypothesizes that the greater the satisfaction of a patient's basic motivational needs, the greater the likelihood that the patient will complete the program. Patients were given a self-report questionnaire to assess the strength of their basic motivational needs as they entered the program; and a Likert-type questionnaire concerning satisfaction of needs as they left the program. The results show that those who completed the program experienced greater satisfaction of needs than those who did not complete the program. Analysis of covariance of completion of the program and need satisfaction was significant (p < .01) thus supporting the hypothesis.

“Long-term Oral Contraceptive Use and the Risk of Breast Cancer,” THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL CANCER AND STEROID HORMONE STUDY. Using oral contraceptives for long periods or using them when one has other risk factors has been hypothesized to increase the risk of breast cancer. To study these issues, we analyzed data from a multicenter, case-control investigation—the Centers for Disease Control's Cancer and Steroid Hormone Study. All women 20 to 54 years old with a first diagnosis of breast cancer ascertained by eight population-based cancer registries are study subjects; controls are selected at random from the general population of these eight areas. Analysis of the first 689 cases and 1,077 controls studied showed that women who had used oral contraceptives at some time in their lives had a relative risk of 0.9 compared with never-users (95% confidence interval, 0.8 to 1.2). Neither duration of oral contraceptive use nor time since first use altered a user's risk of breast cancer; women whose first use was more than 15 years ago and who used oral contraceptives for 11 years or more had a relative risk of 0.8 (0.5 to 1.4). Oral contraceptive use did not increase the risk of breast cancer among women with benign breast disease or a family history of breast cancer. Oral contraceptive use before a woman's first pregnancy did not increase her risk of breast cancer significantly more than other methods of delaying first pregnancy. This study provides no support to the hypothesis that oral contraceptive use increases a woman's risk of breast cancer. (Journal of the American Medical Association 1983;249:1591–1595.)

“Oral Contraceptive Use and the Risk of Ovarian Cancer,” THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL CANCER AND STEROID HORMONE STUDY. Since oral contraceptives have been used by more than 40 million American women, an association between oral contraceptives and ovarian cancer could have a substantial public health impact. The Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, is studying this relationship as part of a multicenter, case-control study—the Cancer and Steroid Hormone Study. During the first ten months of the study, we enrolled 179 women aged 20 to 54 years who had been ascertained to have newly diagnosed ovarian cancer by eight population-based cancer registries. From the general population of those eight areas, we selected as controls 1,642 women with intact ovaries. Users of oral contraceptives had an age-adjusted risk of ovarian cancer developing of 0.6 relative to those who had never used them (95% confidence interval, 0.4 to 0.9). The risk of ovarian cancer decreased with increasing duration of oral contraceptive use and remained low long after cessation of use. These results were not accounted for by parity, infertility, or other potentially confounding factors. We estimate that more than 1,700 cases of ovarian cancer are averted each year by past and current oral contraceptive use among women in the United States. (Journal of the American Medical Association 1983;249:1596–1599.)  相似文献   


“Mucopurulent Cervicitis—The Ignored Counterpart in Women of Urethritis in Men,” Robert C. Brunham, et al. Among 100 randomly selected nonmenstruating women attending a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases, we assessed objective criteria for the clinical diagnosis of mucopurulent cervicitis. Visualization of yellow mucopurulent endocervical secretions on a white swab and the presence of 10 or more polymorphonuclear leukocytes per microscopical field (at a magnification of 1000) in satisfactory gram-stained endocervical smears were independently correlated with cervical Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Neither finding correlated with gonorrhea or genital herpes, although herpes caused characteristic cervical ulcerations. C. trachomatis was isolated from the cervix of 20 of 40 women with mucopurulent cervicitis but of only 2 of 60 without it. The overall prevalence of mucopurulent cervicitis among women attending the clinic (40 per cent) exceeded that of nongonococcal urethritis among men in the same clinic, and the prevalence of C. trachomatis infection was higher in mucopurulent cervicitis than in nongonococcal urethritis, a condition that is conventionally treated with tetracyclines. These findings support recommendations for the treatment of mucopurulent cervicitis and should guide the selective use of confirmatory diagnostic tests for C. trachomatis infection. (New England Journal of Medicine 1984;311:1–6.)

“Oral Contraceptives, Chlamydia trachomatis Infection, and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: A Word of Caution About Protection,” A. EUGENE WASHINGTON, et al. Management of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and decisions about contraception are being influenced by reports that oral contraceptives decrease the risk of PID. To evaluate the validity of this association, we have examined published epidemiologic evidence and reviewed relevant information from other disciplines. Current information does not permit the generalization that oral contraceptives protect against all forms of PID. Most studies conducted (1) have been limited to hospitalized women, who represent less than 25% of all PID cases and are likely to have relatively severe forms of the disease, and (2) have failed to distinguish between gonococcal and nongonococcal PID. While oral contraceptives may provide some protection against gonococcal PID, no basis exists for assuming similar protection is provided against chlamydial PID. In fact, epidemiologic and biologic evidence suggests that infection with Chlamydia trachomatis, the leading cause of nongonococcal PID, is enhanced by oral contraceptives. We judge the conclusion that oral contraceptives protect against all PID to be premature, and urge caution in its application in health policy and clinical decisions. (Journal of the American Medical Association 1985;253:2246–50.)  相似文献   

The metabolic syndrome consists of a combination of risk factors that include abdominal obesity, atherogenic dyslipidaemia, hypertension and insulin resistance. It increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The increased risk of cardiovascular disease is higher in women than in men. The first manifestation of metabolic syndrome may occur in pregnancy presenting as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia. Both conditions are associated with increased insulin resistance. Also metabolic syndrome is more common in polycystic ovarian syndrome. It has been suggested that there is a metabolic syndrome resulting from the menopause due to estrogen deficiency, as many of the risk factors are more prevalent in postmenopausal women. Also estrogen replacement improves insulin sensitivity and reduces the risk of diabetes. The key elements in managing the metabolic syndrome are weight reduction, increasing physical activity and diet modification. If blood pressure, lipid and glycaemic control are not achieved through these interventions then pharmacological therapy will be required.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of 22 variables—categorized as relating to sexual history, relationship, social support, contraception beliefs, and personality factors—to contraceptive use by college women and men. The use of effective contraception by both women and men was primarily associated with partner support for contraception; and the choice between oral contraceptives and condoms was associated with frequency of intercourse.  相似文献   

Non-hormonal approaches to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) treatment such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are by no means effective for all women and frequently we must resort to endocrine therapy. During many of the hormonal approaches, PMS-like symptoms can be introduced or re-introduced during the necessary cyclical or continuous progestogen component of the therapy. This is seen with combined oral contraception, progestogen only contraception, progestogen therapy for heavy menstrual bleeding and endometriosis, sequential hormone replacement therapy and any therapeutic strategy for premenstrual syndrome where it is necessary to provide endometrial protection, including estrogen suppression of ovulation or add-back during gonadotrophin releasing hormone suppression. The link to progestogen is very often missed by health professionals. When the pattern of symptoms mimics the cyclicity of PMS, it is termed progestogen-induced premenstrual disorder. The need to use progestogen to protect the endometrium from the proliferative actions of estrogen can pose insurmountable difficulties in managing premenstrual disorders. In the absence of any really useful evidence, nearly all practice in this area depends on clinician experience. We cannot afford to wait for adequate research evidence to be produced - it never will - and so we must rely on empirical findings, clinical experience, theoretical strategies and common sense.  相似文献   


The authors assessed the frequency, characteristics, and motivational antecedents of vaginal douching practices among 125 White and 155 Black female college students. Overall, 40% of the students had ever douched and half of those women currently douche. Black women were most likely to be encouraged to douche by their mothers, whereas White women were more influenced by television advertisements. Among the sexually active women, being Black, using oral contraceptives, using spermicides, and being encouraged to douche by their mothers or by the media were independently associated with ever having douched. These associations were present among both Black and White women and were stronger when current douching was compared with never having douched. Women who were discouraged from douching by a physician or nurse were more likely to have stopped the practice. Douching is common, even among educated young women; nurses' and physicians' advice to stop douching appears to have a salutary effect.  相似文献   

The authors assessed the frequency, characteristics, and motivational antecedents of vaginal douching practices among 125 White and 155 Black female college students. Overall, 40% of the students had ever douched and half of those women currently douche. Black women were most likely to be encouraged to douche by their mothers, whereas White women were more influenced by television advertisements. Among the sexually active women, being Black, using oral contraceptives, using spermicides, and being encouraged to douche by their mothers or by the media were independently associated with ever having douched. These associations were present among both Black and White women and were stronger when current douching was compared with never having douched. Women who were discouraged from douching by a physician or nurse were more likely to have stopped the practice. Douching is common, even among educated young women; nurses' and physicians' advice to stop douching appears to have a salutary effect.  相似文献   

Although they provide birth control and are easier to use, oral contraceptives (OCPs) are not the preferred approach to preventing sexually transmitted disease (STD). Do the knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of oral contraceptive users place them at greater risk for STDs than those who employ barrier methods? This study examined differences between sexually active female college students (ie, those who reported ever having had vaginal intercourse) who used OCPs and those who employed barrier methods of contraception at the time of their most recent intercourse. The authors analyzed HIV- and other STD-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors from three consecutive annual health surveys of young women about to begin their first year of college. Findings showed barrier and OCP users to be comparable in knowledge about the effectiveness of various contraceptive methods in protecting them against STDs, perceived personal susceptibility to HIV, and experiences with alcohol before sexual intercourse. Oral contraceptive users, compared with those in the group who used barrier methods, reported a greater number of recent partners (p less than .03) and greater perceived vulnerability to STDs (p less than .03). Student healthcare providers must develop creative educational strategies to encourage simultaneous use of both oral contraceptives and barrier methods to protect students against STDs and pregnancy.  相似文献   

This article explores one chapter in the history of medicalization through a focused study of oral contraceptives and home pregnancy tests. Each commercially successful in developed nations and both decades old (the Food and Drug Administration approved oral contraceptives in 1960 and home pregnancy tests in 1977), these reproductive technologies created the first pharmaceutical mega-market comprised of young, healthy, sexually active, heterosexual women. Examining the discrete, but interconnected, histories of both products, this article explores how the Pill's popularity and profitability medicalized and feminized contraception, encouraging pharmaceutical companies to invest in the development of patented variants of hormonal contraception and creating a means by which the under-used Pap smear could be introduced to a population that had previously resisted it. Home pregnancy tests, too, had unintended consequences. Designed to shield the detection of a pregnancy from a "medical gaze," the test's widespread use encouraged women to become medical patients at an earlier stage of their pregnancy.  相似文献   


A five-semester study was undertaken to obtain information about the selections patients make when given a choice of postcoital contraceptives and the effectiveness of those choices. Three postcoital contraceptive (PCC) regimens were used: a copper intrauterine device (IUD), high-dose estrogen (HDE), and an estrogen/progestin combination (E/P). Four hundred eighty-two patients requested PCC. Two percent selected an IUD, 9% HDE, and 89% chose E/P. There were 8 pregnancies–7 in the E/P group and 1 in the HDE group. It is concluded that PCC is an effective second chance to prevent unintended pregnancy. When given a choice, most patients will select E/P. During this same time span, 931 other students requested pregnancy tests. Forty-four percent (416) of those tests were positive, and 62% (254) of those with positive tests had a voluntary interruption of pregnancy (VIP).

“Yogurt–An Autodigesting Source of Lactose,” JOSEPH C. KOLARS, MICHAEL D. LEVITT, MOSTAFA AOUJI, DENNIS A. SAVAIANO. Large quantities of yogurt are consumed by some lactase-deficient population groups. We used breath hydrogen measurements to determine whether lactase-deficient subjects absorbed lactose in yogurt better than lactose in milk. Ingestion of 18 g of lactose in yogurt resulted in only about one third as much hydrogen excretion as a similar load of lactose in milk or water, indicating a much better absorption of lactose in yogurt. Ingestion of yogurt also resulted in fewer reports of diarrhea or flatulence than did a similar quantity of lactose ingested in milk or a water solution. The enhanced absorption of lactose in yogurt appeared to result from the yogurt organisms. This autodigesting feature makes yogurt a well-tolerated source of milk for lactase-deficient persons and may explain the widespread consumption of yogurt by lactase-deficient population groups. (New England Journal of Medicine 1984;310:1–3)  相似文献   

In a 1999 classroom survey of sexual behavior among 689 1st-year medical students at Donetsk State Medical University, Ukraine, 59% of the women and 83% of the men revealed they had "ever" had sexual intercourse. The mean age of first intercourse was 15.7 years for the men and 16.6 years for the women. Thirty-two percent of the students reported they did not use contraceptives at their first intercourse, and 19% said they used no contraceptives at their most recent coitus. Condoms were the most frequent means of contraception, followed by coitus interruptus. Less than 5% used oral contraceptives, and 73% of students reported being afraid to use them. About 6% of the students reported they had had sexually transmitted infections (STI) and 10% had had an abortion. Improving knowledge concerning unwanted pregnancies and STI among Ukraine's future health providers may contribute to improving reproductive health issues in general in Ukraine.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that there are reductions in estrogen and androgen levels in aged men and women. These hormonal reductions might be risk factors for cognitive impairments and the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Aged people show improved cognition after treatments with sex steroids. Therefore, ongoing clinical AD trials have been designed to evaluate the potential benefits of estrogen therapy in women and testosterone therapy in men. Apolipoprotein E (apoE) plays an important role in the metabolism and redistribution of lipoproteins and cholesterol. The three major human apoE isoforms, apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4, differ in their effects on AD risk and pathology. Here I review various mechanisms proposed to mediate the differential effects of apoE isoforms on brain function and highlight the potential contribution of detrimental isoform-dependent effects of apoE on androgen- and androgen receptor (AR)-mediated pathways. I also discuss potential interactions of androgens with other AD-related factors.  相似文献   

Women's reproductive biology imposes heavy obligatory costs of parental investment, creating strong selective forces hypothesized to shape female mating psychology around critical decisions such as the choice of partner, the timing of sexual intercourse, and the timing of reproduction. We propose that female sexual desire has evolved as one adaptation among several designed to regulate these decisions. We hypothesize (a) an increase in desire as conception probability increases, but only among women who are in committed long-term relationships; and (b) a shift in the desire for a primary partner as compared with extra-pair partners as ovulation approaches, dependent upon a woman's evaluation of her primary partner's relative quality. We tested several predictions derived from these hypotheses in a study of 173 women who were not taking oral contraceptives. Results confirmed Hypothesis 1: An ovulatory peak in sexual desire was found only for mated women; for unmated women, conception probability and sexual desire were uncorrelated. Hypothesis 2 was partially supported. Among mated women, those with higher conception probability exhibited higher levels of in-pair sexual desire relative to those at lower conception probability. Conception probability and relationship length interacted significantly to predict extra-pair desires, such that women in longer relationships were more likely to experience desire for extra-pair partners during periods of high conception probability. The pursuit of an in-pair conceptive strategy (as opposed to an extra-pair conceptive strategy) was also associated with the occurrence of sexual activity in the relationship.  相似文献   

Drugs currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease include acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (i.e., tacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine) and glutamate-modulating (i.e., memantine) drugs. Because these drugs have modest benefits, various alternative drug therapies have been of interest. Drugs with vasodilator activity were originally tried in dementia when it was hypothesized that the condition was due to cerebrovascular insufficiency. Isoxsuprine and ergoloid mesylates are FDA approved for the treatment of dementia, although they have limited evidence of benefit and are rarely used. The hypothesis that free radicals may initiate and maintain mechanisms responsible for neurodegeneration in dementia has stimulated interest in investigating various antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drugs. There is no evidence that other drug therapies, including vitamin E, selegiline, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, statin drugs, omega-3 fatty acids, estrogen or combined estrogen plus progestin therapy, or B vitamins, are sufficiently effective and safe to justify their clinical use for the treatment of dementing disorders.  相似文献   


Progressive muscle relaxation [PMR] was first identified by Jacobson in 1934 as tensing and releasing of 16 muscle groups. Wolpe adapted it for use with systematic desensitization in 1948 and Bernstein and Borkovec in 1973 studied adjustments to the technique to fit cognitive behavioral stress management. Some of these adjustments are: 7 and 4 muscle groups, relaxation through recall, recall and counting, and counting. Empirical evidence supports the use of PMR in high level tension responses and mind body techniques such as: reducing tension headaches, insomnia, adjunct treatment in cancer, chronic pain management in inflammatory arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome. This article analyzes the development of PMR, reviews current research, and discusses the implications to social work practice.  相似文献   

A high plasma concentration of total homocysteine (tHcy) and a deficiency of vitamins related to its metabolism, such as vitamin B12 and folate, have been associated with cardiovascular disease. Postmenopausal women have higher concentrations than age-matched premenopausal women, and plasma concentrations of homocysteine in postmenopausal women taking hormone replacement therapy are significantly lower than they are in those who do not take estrogen supplements. Because of the possible mixed effects of HRT on cardiovascular events, surrogate end-points must be evaluated with caution. While measuring homocysteine levels is relatively simple, evidence from well designed trials is awaited before population screening can be advocated. Also, the benefits of reducing homocysteine levels with folic acid and vitamin B6 and B12 supplements are highly debated.  相似文献   

The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) was the first where thousands of women contributed to the agenda. The previous emphasis of population policies on the simple provision of family planning (FP) services has led to abuses such as coercion to have only one child in China or financial incentives for undergoing sterilization in India. The 1994 ICPD Program of Action provides a more humane basis for population programs by emphasizing the fact that women have fewer children when they are educated and gainfully employed. Thus, improving women's reproductive health and social status has become a central issue, and widening access to contraception remains an important objective. In addition to the 500,000 women who die of pregnancy-related causes each year, half a billion suffer infections of the reproductive tract. By failing to address these problems, many FP services actually exacerbate them. In Giza, for example, although 39% of 500 women studied used contraception (45% of those married and living with their husbands), only 1 in 7 was free of gynecological problems, urinary tract infections, and syphilis (50% had at least 2 of these conditions). The women who used contraceptives were no healthier than their neighbors who did not. Once FP clinics attempt to tend to reproductive health issues, they encounter cultural and religious constraints. For example, a woman may obtain an IUD and then suffer from severe side effects rather than return to the clinic for attention. Another woman may become infected from an illegal abortion obtained at her husband's insistence. The infection may preclude an IUD for months, so the woman may obtain oral contraceptives from a pharmacy although she knows her high blood pressure should preclude their use. Full implementation of the ICPD Program of Action would improve the status of women such as these, fostering their self-esteem, their access to education and employment, and their participation in the political process; eliminating violence against them; and making them aware of their legal rights. The success of the readjustments in FP programs, government resource allocation, and family structures which will accomplish this task will depend largely on the women who helped put reproductive health on the ICPD agenda.  相似文献   

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