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In this paper Bayesian methods are applied to a stochastic volatility model using both the prices of the asset and the prices of options written on the asset. Posterior densities for all model parameters, latent volatilities and the market price of volatility risk are produced via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling algorithm. Candidate draws for the unobserved volatilities are obtained in blocks by applying the Kalman filter and simulation smoother to a linearization of a nonlinear state space representation of the model. Crucially, information from both the spot and option prices affects the draws via the specification of a bivariate measurement equation, with implied Black-Scholes volatilities used to proxy observed option prices in the candidate model. Alternative models nested within the Heston (1993) framework are ranked via posterior odds ratios, as well as via fit, predictive and hedging performance. The method is illustrated using Australian News Corporation spot and option price data.  相似文献   

The celebrated Black–Scholes model made the assumption of constant volatility but empirical studies on implied volatility and asset dynamics motivated the use of stochastic volatilities. Christoffersen in 2009 showed that multi-factor stochastic volatilities models capture the asset dynamics more realistically. Fouque in 2012 used it to price European options. In 2013, Chiarella and Ziveyi considered Christoffersen’s ideas and introduced an asset dynamics where the two volatilities of the Heston type act separately and independently on the asset price, and using Fourier transform for the asset price process and double Laplace transform for the two volatilities processes, solved a pricing problem for American options. This paper considers the Chiarella and Ziveyi model and parameterizes it so that the volatilities revert to the long-run-mean with reversion rates that mimic fast (for example daily) and slow (for example seasonal) random effects. Applying asymptotic expansion method presented by Fouque in 2012, we make an extensive and detailed derivation of the approximation prices for European options. We also present numerical studies on the behavior and accuracy of our first- and second-order asymptotic expansion formulas.  相似文献   

This article proposes to use a standardized version of the normal-Laplace mixture distribution for the modeling of tail-fatness in an asset return distribution and for the fitting of volatility smiles implied by option prices. Despite the fact that only two free parameters are used, the proposed distribution allows arbitrarily high kurtosis and uses one shape parameter to adjust the density function within three standard deviations for any specified kurtosis. For an asset price model based on this distribution, the closed-form formulas for European option prices are derived, and subsequently the volatility smiles can be easily obtained. A regression analysis is conducted to show that the kurtosis, which is commonly used as an index of tail-fatness, is unable to explain the smiles satisfactorily under the proposed model, because the additional shape parameter also significantly accounts for the deviations revealed in smiles. The effectiveness of the proposed parsimonious model is demonstrated in the practical examples where the model is fitted to the volatility smiles implied by the NASDAQ market traded foreign exchange options.  相似文献   

This paper analyses adjustments in the Dutch retail gasoline prices. We estimate an error correction model on changes in the daily retail price for gasoline (taxes excluded) for the period 1996–2004, taking care of volatility clustering by estimating an EGARCH model. It turns out that the volatility process is asymmetrical: a positive shock to the retail price has a greater effect on the variance of the retail price than a negative shock. We conclude that the retail price and the spot price do not drift apart in the long run. However, there is a faster reaction to upward changes in spot prices than to downward changes in spot prices in the short run. This asymmetry starts 3 days after the change in the spot price and lasts for 4 days.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of contagion and spillovers allow for asset-specific shocks that can be directly transmitted from one asset to another, as well as indirectly transmitted across uncorrelated assets through some intermediary mechanism. Standard multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models, however, provide estimates of volatilities and correlations based only on the direct transmission of shocks across assets. As such, spillover effects via an intermediary asset or market are not considered. In this article, a multivariate GARCH model is constructed that provides estimates of volatilities and correlations based on both directly and indirectly transmitted shocks. The model is applied to exchange rate and equity returns data. The results suggest that if a spillover component is observed in the data, the spillover augmented models provide significantly different volatility estimates compared to standard multivariate GARCH models.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the pricing of European-style options under a Markovian regime-switching Hull–White interest rate model. The parameters of this model, including the mean-reversion level, the volatility of the stochastic interest rate, and the volatility of an asset’s value, are modulated by an observable, continuous-time, finite-state Markov chain. A closed-form expression for the characteristic function of the logarithmic terminal asset price is derived. Then, using the fast Fourier transform, a price of a European-style option is computed. In a two-state Markov chain case, numerical examples and empirical studies are presented to illustrate the practical implementation of the model.  相似文献   

In this article, we estimate bounds for the expected value of the stochastic Divisia's price index, that is, we assume that prices and quantities of the given commodities are stochastic processes with continuous time. We consider some special case of the stochastic model in which prices and quantities are described by the geometric Brownian motion. It is shown that the precision of this estimation depends rather on the volatility of prices than quantities volatilities.  相似文献   

An alternative option pricing model under a forward measure is proposed, in which asset prices follow a stochastic volatility Lévy model with stochastic interest rate. The stochastic interest rate is driven by the Hull–White process. By using an approximate method, we find a formulation for the European option in term of the characteristic function of the tail probabilities.  相似文献   

This article mainly investigates risk-minimizing European currency option pricing and hedging strategy when the spot foreign exchange rate is driven by a Markov-modulated jump-diffusion model. We suppose the domestic and foreign money market floating interest rates, the drift, and the volatility of the exchange rate dynamics all depend on the state of the economy, which is modeled by a continuous-time hidden Markov chain. The model considered in this article will provide market practitioners with flexibility in characterizing the dynamics of the spot foreign exchange rate. Using the minimal martingale measure, we obtain a system of coupled partial-differential-integral equations satisfied by the currency option price and find the corresponding hedging strategies and the residual risk. According to simulation of currency option prices in the special case of double exponential jump-diffusion regime-switching model, we further discuss and show the effects of the parameters on the prices.  相似文献   

通过对上海燃料油期货和现货价格的实证分析,表明期货和现货价格之间存在协整关系,同时价格的波动具有时变性和集聚性特征。考虑这两种特征,建立四个模型计算套期保值比率。结果表明,按照考虑协整关系建立的VECM模型估计的最优套保比率进行套期保值,套期保值效果最好,能使决策者面临的价格风险最小。  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of continuous-time stochastic volatility models of option pricing. We argue that option prices are much more informative about the parameters than are asset prices. This is confirmed in a Monte Carlo experiment that compares two very simple strategies based on the different information sets. Both approaches are based on indirect inference and avoid any discretization bias by simulating the continuous-time model. We assume an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process for the log of the volatility, a zero-volatility risk premium, and no leverage effect. We do not pursue asymptotic efficiency or specification issues; rather, we stick to a framework with no overidentifying restrictions and show that, given our option-pricing model, estimation based on option prices is much more precise in samples of typical size, without increasing the computational burden.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new class of option price models and applies it to options on the Australian S&P200 Index. The class of models generalizes the traditional Black‐Scholes framework by accommodating time‐varying conditional volatility, skewness and excess kurtosis in the underlying returns process. An important property of these more general pricing models is that the computational requirements are essentially the same as those associated with the Black‐Scholes model, with both methods being based on one‐dimensional integrals. Bayesian inferential methods are used to evaluate a range of models nested in the general framework, using observed market option prices. The evaluation is based on posterior parameter distributions, as well as posterior model probabilities. Various fit and predictive measures, plus implied volatility graphs, are also used to rank the alternative models. The empirical results provide evidence that time‐varying volatility, leptokurtosis and a small degree of negative skewness are priced in Australian stock market options.  相似文献   

We show that in a discrete price and discrete time model for option pricing, specifically that given by the Cox–Ross–Rubinstein model, the arbitrage price of a European call option can depend on parameters other than volatility (the standard deviation of the log asset price). We provide two theorems to illustrate this phenomenon. Our first theorem considers two securities with the same volatility so that at a specified time n0, with probability near 1, the two securities are equal. If their call options differ, both the discounted securities will be martingales. Our second theorem considers two securities with the same volatility so that at times n = 0, ..., N ? 1 the securities are equal with probability near 1. If their call options differ, one of the discounted securities will be a martingale and the other discounted security will be a supermartingale.  相似文献   

This paper conducts simulation-based comparison of several stochastic volatility models with leverage effects. Two new variants of asymmetric stochastic volatility models, which are subject to a logarithmic transformation on the squared asset returns, are proposed. The leverage effect is introduced into the model through correlation either between the innovations of the observation equation and the latent process, or between the logarithm of squared asset returns and the latent process. Suitable Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms are developed for parameter estimation and model comparison. Simulation results show that our proposed formulation of the leverage effect and the accompanying inference methods give rise to reasonable parameter estimates. Applications to two data sets uncover a negative correlation (which can be interpreted as a leverage effect) between the observed returns and volatilities, and a negative correlation between the logarithm of squared returns and volatilities.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a high dimensional factor multivariate stochastic volatility (MSV) model in which factor covariance matrices are driven by Wishart random processes. The framework allows for unrestricted specification of intertemporal sensitivities, which can capture the persistence in volatilities, kurtosis in returns, and correlation breakdowns and contagion effects in volatilities. The factor structure allows addressing high dimensional setups used in portfolio analysis and risk management, as well as modeling conditional means and conditional variances within the model framework. Owing to the complexity of the model, we perform inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation from the posterior distribution. A simulation study is carried out to demonstrate the efficiency of the estimation algorithm. We illustrate our model on a data set that includes 88 individual equity returns and the two Fama–French size and value factors. With this application, we demonstrate the ability of the model to address high dimensional applications suitable for asset allocation, risk management, and asset pricing.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a high dimensional factor multivariate stochastic volatility (MSV) model in which factor covariance matrices are driven by Wishart random processes. The framework allows for unrestricted specification of intertemporal sensitivities, which can capture the persistence in volatilities, kurtosis in returns, and correlation breakdowns and contagion effects in volatilities. The factor structure allows addressing high dimensional setups used in portfolio analysis and risk management, as well as modeling conditional means and conditional variances within the model framework. Owing to the complexity of the model, we perform inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation from the posterior distribution. A simulation study is carried out to demonstrate the efficiency of the estimation algorithm. We illustrate our model on a data set that includes 88 individual equity returns and the two Fama-French size and value factors. With this application, we demonstrate the ability of the model to address high dimensional applications suitable for asset allocation, risk management, and asset pricing.  相似文献   

This article provides an efficient method for pricing forward starting options under stochastic volatility model with double exponential jumps. The forward characteristic function of the log asset price is derived and thereby forward starting options are well evaluated by Fourier-cosine technique. Based on adaptive simulated annealing algorithm, the model is calibrated to obtain the estimated parameters. Numerical results show that the pricing method is accurate and fast. Double exponential jumps have pronounced impacts on long-term forward starting options prices. Stochastic volatility model with double exponential jumps fits forward implied volatility smile pretty well in contrast to stochastic volatility model.  相似文献   

A Bayesian method for estimating a time-varying regression model subject to the presence of structural breaks is proposed. Heteroskedastic dynamics, via both GARCH and stochastic volatility specifications, and an autoregressive factor, subject to breaks, are added to generalize the standard return prediction model, in order to efficiently estimate and examine the relationship and how it changes over time. A Bayesian computational method is employed to identify the locations of structural breaks, and for estimation and inference, simultaneously accounting for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. The proposed methods are illustrated using simulated data. Then, an empirical study of the Taiwan and Hong Kong stock markets, using oil and gas price returns as a state variable, provides strong support for oil prices being an important explanatory variable for stock returns.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the pricing of derivatives written on several underlying assets or factors satisfying a multivariate model with Wishart stochastic volatility matrix. This multivariate stochastic volatility model leads to a closed-form solution for the conditional Laplace transform, and quasi-explicit solutions for derivative prices written on more than one asset or underlying factor. Two examples are presented: (i) a multiasset extension of the stochastic volatility model introduced by Heston (1993), and (ii) a model for credit risk analysis that extends the model of Merton (1974) to a framework with stochastic firm liability, stochastic volatility, and several firms. A bivariate version of the stochastic volatility model is estimated using stock prices and moment conditions derived from the joint unconditional Laplace transform of the stock returns.  相似文献   

使用VECM和DCC-MGARCH模型分析了国际粮食价格与能源价格间的关联性。两者的关联性主要体现在价格水平间和价格波动间的关系上。在价格水平方面,长期内,国际能源价格对粮食价格具有显著正向影响;短期内,误差修正项对短期波动偏离长期均衡的调整在总体粮食价格以及小麦价格的回归方程中作用显著。总体粮食价格对能源价格的长期影响显著,但误差修正项的短期调整作用不明显,在各类粮食价格对石油价格短期影响中,误差修正项起到显著调整作用。在价格波动方面,总体粮食价格波动与石油价格波动间存在显著正向相关关系,在具体某一类粮食中,除稻米外,小麦、玉米、大豆市场价格波动都与石油价格波动存在显著正向相关关系。  相似文献   

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