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Objective: Maryland became the first state to pass a vaccination law requiring college and university students living on campus to obtain a meningococcal vaccination or to sign a waiver refusing vaccination because college students are at increased risk for disease. The authors sought to identify how Maryland colleges addressed the law and determine whether schools were in full compliance. Participants: The authors surveyed 32 college/university administrators via a self-administered questionnaire. Methods: The authors calculated vaccination and waiver rates and assessed compliance with the law overall and with specific law components. Results: Among 28 participating schools, annual vaccination rates and waiver rates among students during 2000-2004 ranged from 66%-76% and 12%-17%, respectively. Two (7%) schools were compliant with all components of the law. Conclusions: Mandatory vaccination laws do not ensure compliance at the college and university level. Mandatory reporting, increased education, and collaboration between colleges and universities and public health agencies are needed.  相似文献   

Objective: Both alcohol use and gambling are behaviors that can be problematic for many college students; however, it is not clear whether the relationship between the 2 exists for students who have recently entered college.

Participants: The sample included 908 first-year college students who were surveyed in fall 2005, approximately 1 month after entering college.

Methods: Participants completed Web-based surveys on alcohol use and gambling behaviors.

Results: Alcohol use and alcohol-related risks were significantly related to both gambling frequency and peak gambling loss.

Conclusions: These findings have implications for researchers and clinicians working in the area of addictive behaviors among college students, suggesting that those presenting with problems in 1 domain may also be at risk for problems in the other.  相似文献   

This research examines parental divorce and first-year students' transition to university. Incoming students (N = 2,724) to six diverse universities completed questionnaires in August, before university, and again in November and March. Initial baseline measures indicated that females of divorced parents reported more depressive symptoms than females of intact families, whereas males of divorced parents reported lower levels of perceived stress than those of intact families. These findings remained over the first year. Regarding adjustment to university, males with divorced parents reported the best academic adjustment, and females with divorced parents were most vulnerable regarding personal-emotional adjustment.  相似文献   


Institutions of higher education are in a unique position to promote healthy behaviors by providing health education to students, but little information exists about the proportion of students reached by such efforts. The authors used data from a nationally representative sample of college students to describe the extent to which students reported receiving health information from their colleges and universities, to examine the characteristics of students who received such information, and to determine specific sources of health information. Approximately three quarters of college students reported they received information on at least one health topic, and 6% received information on all of the topics examined. Those who reported receiving health information from their colleges or universities were likely to be “traditional” college students. To achieve relevant national health objectives, health educators must increase the proportion of students they reach and the number of health topics they cover.  相似文献   


The authors report on a novel and effective peer helper program initiated by the University of Iowa Student Health Service (SHS) in fall 1992 to help prevent the development of active tuberculosis among foreign nationals attending the university. Before instituting the peer program, compliance with tuberculosis-prevention efforts for those students eligible for treatment was less than 5%. Since the peer program was initiated, compliance has risen to 50%.  相似文献   

Objective: Between November 2002 and March 2003, the authors assessed the prevalence and correlates of napping among Spanish university students. Participants: The sample comprised 1,276 first-year university students; the mean age was 18.74 ± 1.24 years, and 35.45% were men. Methods: The study was cross-sectional, and the students completed self-report, anonymous questionnaires provided during an in-class survey. Results: Almost half (44%) of the sample reported napping (90% did so after lunch for longer than 1 hour). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that experiencing an irregular sleep-wakefulness pattern, having a morning school schedule, and being male were significant predictor variables of napping. Further significant outcome variables related to napping were having excessive daytime sleepiness, missing classes because of tiredness, better ability to concentrate later in the afternoon, and a perception of deeper nighttime sleep. Conclusions: Habitual napping is common among Spanish university students and associated with an irregular sleep-wakefulness pattern. Taking long postlunch naps seems to be used by students to cope with insufficient sleep and daytime sleepiness.  相似文献   

A meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) outbreak at a large public university prompted an emergency response to immunize undergraduates. Objective: To report on a successful meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) vaccine clinic response at a large public university. Methods: We assembled the team leaders to write this case report. Results: Activation of the emergency plan and points of dispensing required cooperation of many units on campus under the leadership of university health officials with support from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state division of public health and the city-county health department. Significant efforts to provide consistent messages to students and parents regarding the outbreak and the availability of the MenB vaccines were made. Volunteers were recruited to staff the clinics alongside university healthcare providers. Over 22,000 doses of vaccine were administered. Conclusion: We report our experience and lessons learned which may be helpful to universities in preventing and responding to disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

社会思潮本身对大学生创业价值观的影响具有两面性,创业教育供给与需求的失衡则为不良社会思潮渗透提供了空间,历史虚无主义、新自由主义、个人主义等社会思潮在大学生中传播迅速,潜移默化地对创业观念产生着交叉影响。加强大学生创业价值观教育迫不及待,通过做好顶层设计,促进创业教育与思想政治教育的融合结合;开展公益价值取向的创业教育与实践,提升大学生社会责任感;注重增强文化自觉,重视我国创业文化,从中国传统文化中汲取智慧和养分。  相似文献   

李敏 《现代妇女》2014,(12):155-155
This paper aims to analyze the positive and negative effective impact of TV programs and movies and finally put forward a best way of teaching theoretically and practically, which may be able to improve the quality of the TV works and Movies, and strengthen the quality of students.  相似文献   


The treatment of insomnia in a university health setting is discussed. Transient, stress-related insomnia is distinguished from chronic insomnia, and methods of treatment for each condition are presented. The causes of chronic insomnia include depression, conditioned-arousal insomnia, anxiety, chronic overwork or stress, the Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, and abuse of alcohol and drugs. The author reviews medications used for the treatment of insomnia, emphasizing the importance of communicating to the patient that medication use is to be short term and that the aim of treatment is to restore the ability to sleep without drugs. A list of suggestions designed to help patients encourage normal sleep is included.  相似文献   


This study explored the benefits of hooking up among first-year college women. Two authors coded for the presence of 10 benefits (kappas: 0.76–0.97) in 262 women's responses to an open-response survey question regarding benefits of their most recent hookup. The most common benefits identified were sexual pleasure (23%), general positive emotions (21%), increased confidence (11%), and clarification of feelings (11%). Overall, 71% reported at least 1 benefit, but 29% reported no benefits. For some young women, hooking up has benefits that can include meeting their needs for social connection, sexual exploration and intimacy, and fun/enjoyment.  相似文献   


Objective: Social norms campaigns are a cost-effective way to reduce high-risk drinking on college campuses. This study compares effectiveness of a “standard” social norms media (SNM) campaign for those with and without exposure to additional educational sessions using audience response technology (“clickers”). Methods: American College Health Association's National College Health Assessment questions are used to evaluate actual and perceived use. Additional survey questions assess individual exposure to the interventions. Results: The authors find “clicker” technology to be more effective than social norms poster media alone in reducing misperceptions of normative alcohol use for those students who attended clicker sessions. Conclusion: Poster SNM campaigns may be most effective when supported by group “clicker” heath-related sessions.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the personal, professional, interpersonal, social, and academic development of students who complete a 15-hour service-learning assignment as part of the requirements for a family diversity course. A content analysis of 36 students' reflection papers revealed that service-learning was extremely beneficial, even when the experience was brief. Numerous valuable lessons were learned by the students about themselves and their future careers. Specifically, they became more accepting of others, and they realized the importance of service to one's community. In addition, they were able to process and synthesize the information they learned in the classroom by experiencing the course content in a real-world setting.  相似文献   


Objective: To determine the effects of a nutrition information intervention on the vending machine purchases on a college campus. Participants and Methods: Five high-use vending machines were selected for the intervention, which was conducted in the fall of 2011. Baseline sales data were collected in the 5 machines prior to the intervention. At the time of the intervention, color-coded stickers were placed near each item selection to identify less healthy (red), moderately healthy (yellow), and more healthy (green) snack items. Sales data were collected during the 2-week intervention. Results: Purchases of red- and yellow-stickered foods were reduced in most of the machines; moreover, sales of the green-stickered items increased in all of the machines. Conclusions: The increased purchases of healthier snack options demonstrate encouraging patterns that support more nutritious and healthy alternatives in vending machines.  相似文献   

Objective: The benefits of regular physical activity are well documented. However, approximately half of all university students are insufficiently active, and no research to date exists on the activity behavior of university students who are also parents. Participants and Methods: Using an adapted version of the Godin Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire (ie, the Physical Activity Prevalence Questionnaire), the authors examined the prevalence of sufficient physical activity among 245 parent students from 6 faculties and 12 programs. Results: Half (49.5%) of the students who were not parents (n = 90) were sufficiently physically active, compared with 16% of students who were parents (n = 3, p < .002). The authors found that 33.3% of parents and 13% of nonparents limited their activity level as a result of illness or injury (p < .05). Conclusions: Most parent students in this study were insufficiently active and at potential risk for the negative health consequences of inactivity. This is a grossly understudied population, and researchers must conduct further studies to understand what can be done to facilitate physical activity among this potentially vulnerable group of students.  相似文献   

运用测试法,对苏北部分高校的大学生体质健康现状进行测试和调查,对学生的身体形态、机能和素质进行比较分析。结果发现:大学生在大学期间的身体素质呈明显的下降趋势,建议进一步加强对大学生的体质了解,提高高校体育课教学和体育辅导的针对性,积极采取有效的教学内容、教学手段、评价机制等,引导和帮助他们科学锻炼,培养健康的生活方式。  相似文献   

王鑫  李英林 《现代交际》2011,(1):121-122
文章结合当代社会的文化发展趋势,对当代大学生的法制教育矛盾现状进行了文化审视与解析,从物质文化、精神文化及校园文化三个层面揭示了当代大学生法律认知与行为严重分离的深层次文化原因。  相似文献   


While the virtues of a multicultural education are debated in the general US populace, most social work educators and organizations have embraced such an approach. Subsequently, social work journals have offered numerous essays on multicultural teaching techniques. Yet, these same journals have rarely explored the multicultural attitudes of social work students. To fill this gap, this paper empirically explores the ways in which BSW students accept or reject some multicultural goals. To do so, close-ended surveys were distributed to 437 undergraduates. After describing their responses to the authors' multicultural index, the project explores the survey results via demographic, social-psychological, and educational variables. With the assistance of a multiple regression, this project suggests that student acceptance of multiculturalism is swayed by the matters of gender and their stances on White privilege and institutional racism. However, student perceptions do not seem static since students become more positive toward a multicultural education after they have initiated interracial exchanges and completed a social diversity class.  相似文献   


Objective: To describe the effectiveness of a mass media campaign in increasing the rate of college student influenza vaccine obtainment. Participants/Methods: Students (N = 721) at a large southern university completed a survey between September 2011 and January 2012 assessing what flu clinic media sources were visualized and if they encouraged them to obtain vaccination. Results: Nearly a 30% increase was seen in flu vaccination rates in Fall 2011 over Fall 2010. The main campus Web site portal was the most visualized media source among students. The majority of responses indicated that the source of information visualized had a moderate to strong influence over their decision to get vaccinated. Conclusions: Various communication channels should be utilized to increase influenza vaccination rate on a university campus. Use of mass media to influence college students to perceive, retain, and act on the message of obtaining the influenza vaccine did produce a noteworthy outcome.  相似文献   


The authors describe college and university students' use of widely advertised pharmaceutical products. Four hundred seventy-one students from three institutions completed self-administered questionnaires that addressed the use of advertised medications, attention to magazine ads for medications, communications with physicians about medications, and the conditions the medications address. Results indicated that the majority of the students used at least one of the advertised products. Most students did not discuss the pharmaceutical products with their physicians or discuss the conditions for which they reported they were taking the drugs.  相似文献   

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