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协商性纠纷解决机制的缘起和发展,具有深刻的历史文化和现实背景,也符合私法自治的法律理论。在我国,经历了主角——淡出——重提——推崇的发展过程,目前运行状况良好,但是也存在不足。其未来走向取决于自身的制度建设、当事人能力的提高,也取决于其与司法的关系,应当在对现行立法和实践模式进行充分反思的基础上做出科学的路径选择。  相似文献   

Zhang Lü 《学术界》2015,(2):303-307
Linguistic civilization orientation is a necessity for all eras,with which the motivation,viable model and pragmatic hypothesis of the language can be formed."Chinese character— Chinese language"takes on different cultures in different regions, embodying the integration of language and civilization. As a result, in order to analyze linguistics, it is necessary for us to compare the Chinese language at home and abroad, and it is the linguistic construction based on the public. The modern Chinese language inherits the cultural connotation of the Chinese linguistics and answers the regional hypothesis and establishes the new linguistic system for the Chinese language in different regions.  相似文献   

In 2005,India’s challenge to the European C ommunity’s(EC) Generalized System of Preferences(GSP) scheme resulted in a landmark ruling by the W T O ’s Appellate Body.T he Appellate Body had a landmark finding that the Enabling C lause imposes legal obligation on the preference-granting countries,w hich for a long time considered GSP treatment a conditional gift and designed their ow n GSP scheme as they saw fit.How ever,the guidance given by the EC-Preference case is far from clear: the legal uncertainties ...  相似文献   

江南禅学的产生与发展有着自身的内在逻辑。它植根于江南自然诗性文化之中,融会了本土的自然天道思想和外来的玄、佛思想。牛头禅主张虚空为道本,与江南玄学有着密切的渊源。在牛头禅的推动下,宗教性的印度禅终于蜕变为自悟性的中华禅,是聪慧的哲学、热忱的宗教、浓郁的诗性和日常的生活的统一。江南禅学对当时的慧能南宗禅学产生了积极的影响,对以后的江南新理学和阳明心学也产生了革新性的影响。  相似文献   

Lin Xiaowen 《学术界》2015,(1):266-270
According to the basic principles of institutional economics,the Constitutional system is the underlying causes to promote the economic development.The CPC Central Committee is the source of motivation to promote economic development by the startup mechanism of Constitution am endment,and the political interpretation of the Constitution is the basic way to promote economic development.The economic development in China has challenged the Constitutional system,calling for the appropriate adjustments to the Constitutional system so as to maintain the sustainable and stable development of the economy in China.  相似文献   

达尔文进化论立足于个体选择理论,这使它难以解释社会性昆虫等的利他行为;为此,达尔文后来提及群体选择思想.群体选择理论直到20世纪60年代才被正式提出,却仍然面临利他行为与适者生存的矛盾.为此,亲缘选择理论和基因选择理论应运而生.这两种理论在一定程度上把个体选择与群体选择结合起来,但又各自面临新的困境.索伯-威尔逊模型区分了"群内选择"和"群间选择",前者以个体选择为主.后者以群体选择为主,并给出利他主义得以进化的条件.本文在索伯一威尔逊模型的基础上,进一步揭示了利他主义对利已主义的随附性关系,亦即群体选择对个体选择的随附性关系;同时指出,这只是适合于人类这种具有独立意志的物种,因而是一种次级关系.而对于包括人类在内的一切物种来说,更为基本的关系是:个体选择随附于群体选择.  相似文献   

Hu Shi is regarded as one of the most important intellectuals after the Revolution of 1911,and he has a far- reaching influence in 20th century.In the perspective of Hu Shi,the contribution and continuation of the Revolution of 1911 has some inspiration for us to analyze the relationship between Chinese intellectuals and social revolution.  相似文献   

十年前去世的原全国政协副主席、中国佛教协会会长赵朴初出生在四代翰林的家庭;二十年代走上佛教道路;对中国革命作出了重要贡献;与毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平、江泽民等领袖人物以及谢冰心、曹禺、赵元任等文化名人有广泛的交往;在文革期间受到冲击;对中国和世界佛教以及和平事业作出了突出贡献;本人佛学思想丰富;有很高的诗词、书法造诣;淡泊名利,善于养生;关心、支持家乡建设;其佛学思想和人生道路对今天的青年人和大学生有多方面的启迪。  相似文献   

Started from the argument of Culture is the carrier of the reproduction of ideology, the model of reproduction and dissemination of different ideologies. this paper divides the Chinese culture into three kinds from a macro view. These three kinds of culture are national culture, elite culture and popular culture.  相似文献   

Shanghaiology undergoes the process from the repeated disputes resulting from the advocate of Shanghaiology to multidisciplines development in the name of Shanghai Studies.However,Shanghaiology and its...  相似文献   

建国初期,一场轰轰烈烈的反右运动在全中国展开.但是迄今为止,关于这场运动中右派是如何划分的仍然存在疑惑.尽管中共中央的有关文件为右派的划分制定标准,但在基层的运动中却不具有可操作性.因此两个问题被提出:一是右派、右倾、严重右倾有何差异?二是如何将其区分定性?本文以基层反右历史档案材料为依据,通过定性与定量分析方法,对上述问题给予分析与讨论.研究发现,在鸣放过程中人们对当时农村政策的批评,时以往政治运动的指责,以及在鸣放过程中使用的语言方式和情绪成为划分右派的标准,而这些标准程度上的差异决定了"右派"右的差异.  相似文献   

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