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The changing climate and plateau surrounding Tibet hove nursed strong and healthy Tibetans with straightforward and unsophisticated character. Tibetans are simple and kind, with their life deeply influenced by the religion and traditional culture of the minority nationality. Ren Jimin realistically paints the love and profound feelings of Tibetan women. Ren combines the skills of traditional Chinese and Western painting, and produces works with a mixture of colors combined with water and ink. The works  相似文献   

LHASA, the capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region, is the political, economic and cultural center of Tibet. Degyi Dolkar, of Tibetan nationality, is a vice mayor there. Degyi was born and brought up on the Tibetan Plateau, the nearest place to the sun, with its pure blue sky and beautiful clouds. She deeply loves her hometown and takes pride in it. Degyi Dolkar is kind and happy. She was one of the first group of people to be selected by the Tibetan government to go inland to study after the Tibetan democratic reforms of 1959. Then she studied to be a medical practitioner at the Tibet Institute of  相似文献   

MY ancestors have lived in Lhasa, Tibet, for generations. I have personally witnessed the great changes in modern Tibetan society. The total population of the region has doubled since 1951. The Fourth National Census in 1990 revealed that the human fertility rate in the Tibet Autonomous Region was 27.60 per thousand, the natural population growth rate 18.40 per thousand, and the total fertility rate of women at childbearing age 4.22.  相似文献   

THE "goddess of the forest"has a weather-beaten face. Eighteen years spent living on the plateau of northwestern China have left Xu Fengxiang, a forest ecologist, with a complexion as ruddy as those of the Tibetan people who hold her in such high respect. Xu had long dreamed of setting up a miniature of Tibetan plateau scenery in the inland to enable more people to enjoy the special landscape of Tibet. So when some people from Beijing's Mentougou District invited her to choose a site for Tibetan Garden, she agreed readily. She chose the highest peak, Lingshan, 2,303 meters above sea level, and quite appropriately, as it has been called as the Mount Qomolangma (Mt. Everest) of  相似文献   

AS a doctor in the management of maternity and children's hygiene in the Tibet Autonomous Region for nearly 20 years, I would like to present a brief introduction of the situation of Tibetan women and children's health, as well as the related services. Prior the Liberation in Tibet, this region coveting over 1.2 million square kilometers, had few health care facilities for women and children. Such activities were carried out by three Tibetan medical institutions, a small number of folk doctors of Tibetan medicine, and a few private clinics. Under the feudal serf system in Tibet, women who gave birth were discriminated against because it was considered an obscene act. Women could not give birth in their tent homes, but were instead forced to seek shelter in cow stalls or sheepfolds no matter how severe the weather. Women and children at the time had no rights to health care. Countless women and children died of birthing complications or  相似文献   

Lhasa, capital of the Tibetan Autonomous Region, is a famous cultural city with a long history on the roof of the world. After more than 30 years' construction, the urban area now covers over 50 sq. kilometers. The city has been gradually equipped with complete facilities for scientific research, culture and education, publication, commerce, fire control, communications and energy supply. Lhasa is now a bright pearl of prosperity on the snowy lands.  相似文献   

Singer Han Hong     
HAN Hong had a happy childhood in the beautiful Xigaze City, Tibet. From the children's chorus, the military art troupe, the Prize Winning Competition on TV, up to the institute of art, she has never stopped singing. The difference to other singers her age is that she not only wishes to be a singer but a composer. Not satisfied with just singing the songs of others, she began expressing her happiness and sadness by writing her own. Finally she finished her first collection Rays in Tibet, which is the first report card in her musical life and also  相似文献   

The traditional Tibetan residence boasts a unique style--in terms of structure,layout and decor ,There are several kinds of dwellings in the Tibet Autonomous Region,Such as diaofang houses ,in the valley area of southern Tibet,  相似文献   

Unearthed from Hemudu ruins of the New Stone Age in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province in 1977, this rectangular-mouthed container belongs to the Hemudu culture. It is carved with a pig pattern on both sides in realist style. A complete piece, the container has a flat bottom and slightly sloped belly, with a mouth 21.7 cm long and 17.5 cm wide. Most of the artifacts from Hemudu culture are charcoal black pottery. The stem and leaves of the pottery can be seen clearly. The walls of the artifacts are usually thick but porous. The carving lines are rough and the designs are simple and natural, reflecting the ancient people's love of nature and life. The pig's four strong feet and backward bristles carved on the container are vivid, with ears sticking out and mouth  相似文献   

THE campus of the Shanghai Middle School for Hui Nationality is very beautiful. In the middle of the campus is a round lawn and in the center of the lawn is a tall cedar. Around the lawn are the classroom buildings, students' laboratory building, the cinema and an office building. Shades of green and bright flowers are seen everywhere. Just after a spring rain, the campus appears especially fresh and pleasing to the eye. More than 400 Tibetan students are studying and living at this beautiful school. They are mostly the children of ordinary Tibetan families from the Tibet Autonomous Region; all are top students  相似文献   

EVEN with no formal training in Tibetan studies, Xiang Hongjia works to bridge the gap between Tibet and the rest of the world. In 1978, when the national college entrance examination was restored and teachers were badly needed at the college  相似文献   

THE melodious "Love Song of Kangding" has made numerous people eager for a look at the mountains and towns of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Located east of the Tibetan Plateau in western Sichuan, Danba County with its green mountains and waters, birds and flowers, is the most brilliant pearl of Ganzi. The Tibetan-style buildings and watchtowers  相似文献   

Mount Qomolangma, or Mount Everest, is referred to as Mount Sagarmatha in Nepal. In the Tibetan language, Qomolangma (pronounced as "jo-mo glang-ma ri") means "mother of earth." Legend has it that Mount Qomolangma is the residential place of the five goddesses with an eternal life (referred as "Tshe-ring mched inga" in the Tibetan language).  相似文献   

MY nationality, the Zhuang nationality, has the largest population among the minority nationalities in China, the population being 15.49 million. In my hometown the Zhuang people still keep their own culture and a strong sense of the nationality. Since 1949, great changes have taken place in the families of the Zhuang people, including the life of women. The different experiences of my grandmother, my mother and myself reveal the changes of this ethnic group. My grandmother was born at the beginning of the century, when the bourgeois democratic revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the Revolution of 1911, was undertaken in China to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. This revolution didn't influence my grandmother's life much, for during her time the Zhuang people didn't have much contact with the Han  相似文献   

Women's Rights,Interests and Lawful Protection西藏妇女的平等权利及其法律保障Tibetan women have equal legal status with men. Since 1965, more than 10 laws and regulations have been implemented by the People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region, its Standing Committee and the local government to protect women's rights and interests - the legal guarantee of women's lawful rights and interests have become society's responsibility.  相似文献   

A MONG the representatives from various quarters on the parade float celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China at Tian'anmen Square, was a tall, handsome and energetic figure in Tibetan national dress. Guisang, one of the ten outstanding Chinese women, is a notable mountaineer from Xigaze City, Tibet. The honour of seeing top state leaders waving and greeting them with her own eyes made Guisang beside herself with excitement. Tears  相似文献   

Yunnan Province has abundant human, social, ecological and geographical resources. Here 26 ethnic cultures live in harmony with each other. Among these cultures the Yi ethnicity has the largest population and the most branches. They have their own language and writing and have developed unique customs and culture. Dresses are an important part of Yi culture. These garments record the history, religion, totems and folk customs  相似文献   

As you may have noticed, Women of China has taken on a new look to start the New Year. We are more compact. The Feature will bring you more in-depth reports on Chinese women and the issues with which they areconcerned. The Column will provide you with more interesting and practical information about Chinese culture and Chinese life. We hope to give you a fresh start this year. On January 29, 2006, Chinese people throughout the world will celebrate their most important festival—Spring Fe…  相似文献   

EVEN as more and more of the world's mysteries are revealed to us, we remain largely ignorant about ourselves. What is life? This question has puzzled philosophers for ages, but only recently, with the speed of scientific development, has the field of molecular biology been able to promise a scientific answer to this Sphinx's riddle. The secrets are being gradually unveiled for Zeng Yitao and Huang Shuzhen. Both in their career and in real life, the couple is now standing at the forefront of the study of life. Human  相似文献   

TIBET has always been a place of worldconcern. After the Democratic Reformin 1959, Tibet turned into a socialist societyfrom the former feudal serf system, whichwas an unprecedented historical step. Forforty years since then, the peace anddevelopment of Tibet have received specialattention and concern from the centralgovernment. Du Qiyuan, the president ofTibet Women's Federation who grew up andhas worked in Tibet for years told me about  相似文献   

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