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In testing statistical hypotheses, as in other statistical problems, we may be confronted with fuzzy concepts. This paper deals with the problem of testing hypotheses, when the hypotheses are fuzzy and the data are crisp. We first introduce the notion of fuzzy p-value, by applying the extension principle and then present an approach for testing fuzzy hypotheses by comparing a fuzzy p-value and a fuzzy significance level, based on a comparison of two fuzzy sets. Numerical examples are also provided to illustrate the approach.  相似文献   

Estimating parameters of a two dimensional frequency model is an important problem in statistical signal processing. In this paper, we consider the two-dimensional frequency model in presence of an additive stationary noise. We consider two different estimators and obtain their asymptotic properties. The asymptotic properties can be used to construct confidence intervals of the unknown parameters and for testing purposes also. The small sample performances of these estimators are observed using numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Central limit theorems play an important role in the study of statistical inference for stochastic processes. However, when the non‐parametric local polynomial threshold estimator, especially local linear case, is employed to estimate the diffusion coefficients of diffusion processes, the adaptive and predictable structure of the estimator conditionally on the σ ‐field generated by diffusion processes is destroyed, so the classical central limit theorem for martingale difference sequences cannot work. In high‐frequency data, we proved the central limit theorems of local polynomial threshold estimators for the volatility function in diffusion processes with jumps by Jacod's stable convergence theorem. We believe that our proof procedure for local polynomial threshold estimators provides a new method in this field, especially in the local linear case.  相似文献   

This article compares eight estimators in terms of relative efficiencies with the univariate mean, some of which have not been compared previously. Four estimators, when testing hypotheses, are compared in terms of actual Type I errors. In terms of point estimation, the modified one-step M-estimator, one-step M-estimator, and rfch estimator are found to be the three best choices depending on the proportion of outliers. In terms of actual Type I errors, the modified one-step M estimator's and rfch estimator's level was between.045 and.055 in 5 out of 7 situations when real data were used in simulations.  相似文献   

Consider a detector which records the times at which the endogenous variable of a nonparametric regression model exceeds a certain threshold. If the error distribution is known, the regression function can still be identified from these threshold data. The author constructs estimators for the regression function that are transformations of kernel estimators. She determines the bandwidth that minimizes the asymptotic mean average squared error. Her investigation was motivated by recent work on stochastic resonance in neuroscience and signal detection theory, where it was observed that detection of a subthreshold signal is enhanced by the addition of noise. The author compares her model with several others that have been proposed in the recent past.  相似文献   

Rhythm Grover  Amit Mitra 《Statistics》2018,52(5):1060-1085
Chirp signals are quite common in many natural and man-made systems such as audio signals, sonar, and radar. Estimation of the unknown parameters of a signal is a fundamental problem in statistical signal processing. Recently, Kundu and Nandi [Parameter estimation of chirp signals in presence of stationary noise. Stat Sin. 2008;75:187–201] studied the asymptotic properties of least squares estimators (LSEs) of the unknown parameters of a simple chirp signal model under the assumption of stationary noise. In this paper, we propose periodogram-type estimators called the approximate least squares estimators (ALSEs) to estimate the unknown parameters and study the asymptotic properties of these estimators under the same error assumptions. It is observed that the ALSEs are strongly consistent and asymptotically equivalent to the LSEs. Similar to the periodogram estimators, these estimators can also be used as initial guesses to find the LSEs of the unknown parameters. We perform some numerical simulations to see the performance of the proposed estimators and compare them with the LSEs and the estimators proposed by Lahiri et al. [Efficient algorithm for estimating the parameters of two dimensional chirp signal. Sankhya B. 2013;75(1):65–89]. We have analysed two real data sets for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of testing statistical hypotheses when both the hypotheses and data are fuzzy. To this end, we first introduce the concept of fuzzy p-value and then develop an approach for testing fuzzy hypotheses by comparing a fuzzy p-value and a fuzzy significance level. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the approach for different cases.  相似文献   

In linear programming and modeling of an economic system, there may occur some linear stochastic artificial or unnatural manners, which may need serious attentions. These stochastic unusual uncertainty, say stochastic constraints, definitely cause some changes in the estimators under work and their behaviors. In this approach, we are basically concerned with the problem of multicollinearity, when it is suspected that the parameter space may be restricted to some stochastic restrictions. We develop the estimation strategy form unbiasedness to some improved biased adjustment. In this regard, we study the performance of shrinkage estimators under the assumption of elliptically contoured errors and derive the region of optimality of each one. Lastly, a numerical example is taken to determine the adequate ridge parameter for each given estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of testing hypotheses in parametric models, when only the first r (of n) ordered observations are known.Using divergence measures, a procedure to test statistical hypotheses is proposed, Replacing the parameters by suitable estimators in the expresion of the divergence measure, the test statistics are obtained.Asymptotic distributions for these statistics are given in several cases when maximum likelihood estimators for truncated samples are considered.Applications of these results in testing statistical hypotheses, on the basis of truncated data, are presented.The small sample behavior of the proposed test statistics is analyzed in particular cases.A comparative study of power values is carried out by computer simulation.  相似文献   

We considered the problem of testing a simple hypothesis against composite one-sided alternative by the continuous time observations of diffusion process with small noise. Moreover, we propose a test which is asymptotically equivalent to the Neyman-Pearson test for local alternatives. The special choice of the threshold allows us to improve the rate of convergence of the first type error to the given value. The calculation of this threshold is based on the stochastic expansion of the test statistics and on the Edgeworth expansion of its distribution function.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper proposes, implements and investigates a new non‐parametric two‐sample test for detecting stochastic dominance. We pose the question of detecting the stochastic dominance in a non‐standard way. This is motivated by existing evidence showing that standard formulations and pertaining procedures may lead to serious errors in inference. The procedure that we introduce matches testing and model selection. More precisely, we reparametrize the testing problem in terms of Fourier coefficients of well‐known comparison densities. Next, the estimated Fourier coefficients are used to form a kind of signed smooth rank statistic. In such a setting, the number of Fourier coefficients incorporated into the statistic is a smoothing parameter. We determine this parameter via some flexible selection rule. We establish the asymptotic properties of the new test under null and alternative hypotheses. The finite sample performance of the new solution is demonstrated through Monte Carlo studies and an application to a set of survival times.  相似文献   

Summary.  Estimation of the number or proportion of true null hypotheses in multiple-testing problems has become an interesting area of research. The first important work in this field was performed by Schweder and Spjøtvoll. Among others, they proposed to use plug-in estimates for the proportion of true null hypotheses in multiple-test procedures to improve the power. We investigate the problem of controlling the familywise error rate FWER when such estimators are used as plug-in estimators in single-step or step-down multiple-test procedures. First we investigate the case of independent p -values under the null hypotheses and show that a suitable choice of plug-in estimates leads to control of FWER in single-step procedures. We also investigate the power and study the asymptotic behaviour of the number of false rejections. Although step-down procedures are more difficult to handle we briefly consider a possible solution to this problem. Anyhow, plug-in step-down procedures are not recommended here. For dependent p -values we derive a condition for asymptotic control of FWER and provide some simulations with respect to FWER and power for various models and hypotheses.  相似文献   

Consider the case of classifying an incoming message as one of two known p-dimension signals or as a pure noise. Let the noise co-variance matrix (assumed to be same in all the three cases) be unknown. We consider the problem of estimation of “realized signal to noise ratio matrix”, which is an index of discriminatory power, under various loss functions. Optimum estimators are obtained under these loss functions. Finally, an attempt is made to provide a lower confidence bound for the realized signal to noise ratio matrix. In the process, the probability distribution of the smaller eigenvalue of a 2 × 2 confluent hypergeometric random matrix is obtained.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the proportion θ of true null hypotheses in a multiple testing context. The setup is classically modelled through a semiparametric mixture with two components: a uniform distribution on interval [0,1] with prior probability θ and a non‐parametric density f . We discuss asymptotic efficiency results and establish that two different cases occur whether f vanishes on a non‐empty interval or not. In the first case, we exhibit estimators converging at a parametric rate, compute the optimal asymptotic variance and conjecture that no estimator is asymptotically efficient (i.e. attains the optimal asymptotic variance). In the second case, we prove that the quadratic risk of any estimator does not converge at a parametric rate. We illustrate those results on simulated data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider inference of the stress-strength parameter, R, based on two independent Type-II censored samples from exponentiated Fréchet populations with different index parameters. The maximum likelihood and uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators, exact and asymptotic confidence intervals and hypotheses testing for R are obtained. We conduct a Monte Carlo simulation study to evaluate the performance of these estimators and confidence intervals. Finally, two real data sets are analysed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

We developed the indirect method for stochastic logistic growth models involving both birth and death rates in the drift and diffusion coefficients, and not only propose two indirect estimators, but also construct a likelihood ratio-type indirect statistic for testing hypotheses concerning parameters. Simulations show that the proposed two indirect estimators can correct the discretization bias, and the proposed indirect test possesses very good estimated power and size.  相似文献   

The threshold diffusion model assumes a piecewise linear drift term and a piecewise smooth diffusion term, which constitutes a rich model for analyzing nonlinear continuous-time processes. We consider the problem of testing for threshold nonlinearity in the drift term. We do this by developing a quasi-likelihood test derived under the working assumption of a constant diffusion term, which circumvents the problem of generally unknown functional form for the diffusion term. The test is first developed for testing for one threshold at which the drift term breaks into two linear functions. We show that under some mild regularity conditions, the asymptotic null distribution of the proposed test statistic is given by the distribution of certain functional of some centered Gaussian process. We develop a computationally efficient method for calibrating the p-value of the test statistic by bootstrapping its asymptotic null distribution. The local power function is also derived, which establishes the consistency of the proposed test. The test is then extended to testing for multiple thresholds. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed test by simulations. Using the proposed test, we examine the evidence of nonlinearity in the term structure of a long time series of U.S. interest rates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the effects of noise on bipower variation, realized volatility (RV) and testing for co‐jumps in high‐frequency data under the small noise framework. We first establish asymptotic properties of bipower variation in this framework. In the presence of the small noise, RV is asymptotically biased, and the additional asymptotic conditional variance term appears in its limit distribution. We also propose consistent estimators for the asymptotic variances of RV. Second, we derive the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic proposed in (Ann. Stat. 37, 1792‐1838) under the presence of small noise for testing the presence of co‐jumps in a two‐dimensional Itô semimartingale. In contrast to the setting in (Ann. Stat. 37, 1792‐1838), we show that the additional asymptotic variance terms appear and propose consistent estimators for the asymptotic variances in order to make the test feasible. Simulation experiments show that our asymptotic results give reasonable approximations in the finite sample cases.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore hypothesis testing problems related to correlated proportions from clustered matched-pair binary data. Null hypotheses of equality in proportions, homogeneity, and non-inferiority of one to another are similar testing problems of linear contrasts of correlated proportions with suitable transformation. The covariance estimators of the test statistics are based on moment estimation under the null hypotheses. We present a general framework for testing linear contrasts of the correlated proportions from clustered matched-pair data based upon a class of unbiased estimators of the proportions. The corresponding testing procedures do not impose structure assumptions on the correlation matrix and are easy to use. Simulation results suggest that the proposed method is more likely to maintain the proper significance level and to improve power than the test proposed by Obuchowski.  相似文献   

This article considers multiple hypotheses testing with the generalized familywise error rate k-FWER control, which is the probability of at least k false rejections. We first assume the p-values corresponding to the true null hypotheses are independent, and propose adaptive generalized Bonferroni procedure with k-FWER control based on the estimation of the number of true null hypotheses. Then, we assume the p-values are dependent, satisfying block dependence, and propose adaptive procedure with k-FWER control. Extensive simulations compare the performance of the adaptive procedures with different estimators.  相似文献   

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