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随着经济社会的发展和居民需求的增长,社区服务的地位和作用日益突出,并逐步被摆上各级各部门重要议事日程。多年来,我国社区服务发展取得了一定成绩,但也普遍存在缺乏活力、专业性偏低、队伍素质低下和公益性、持续性、深入性不足等问题,其原因是多方面的。2010年12月,深圳制定了((深圳市社区服务发展“十二五”规划(征求意见稿)》(以下简称《规划》),着手在全市推进新模式下的社区服务中心项目建设,从而开启了对社区服务新模式的探索,并探出了一条社会工作专业化发展的有效路径。  相似文献   

社区服务,是一个新概念,国外有称之为社会工作的。对社区服务,目前还无一致的定义,根据我国城市的实践,社区服务是指由社区组织为社区成员的物质生活和精神生活所提供的各种社会福利与社会服务,旨在解决社区成员生活特殊困难,为社区成员提供生活便利,提高社区成员的生活质量,推进社会发展。  相似文献   

我国的社区服务至今仍局限于城市(城镇)社区,广大的农村社区仍是社区服务的“盲区”.事实上,在我国特有的“农村联产承包制”中,社区服务有着广泛的需求和广阔的发展前景,尽快开展农村社区服务,已是深化农村工作改革,发展农村经济的迫切要求.一、开展农村社区服务的必要性和可行性我国的家庭联产经营,是在农业生产现代化水平较低的条件下进行的,生产工具比较落后,畜力和人力是基本的生产动力,农耕生产主要靠生物能源;几世同堂、兄弟长幼共同生活的大家庭正在消失,家庭趋于小型化、分散化;农村社区大都呈分散、自足、封闭状态,商业、交通和公共设施不发达;农户文化素质和科技水平也较低.这就使得农户在其承包经营过程中会遇到一些问题:一是农户倍感人单力薄,缺乏必要的人力、财力、物力和技术;二是受农业生产资料和农产品供销力量制约大,买种买肥难和卖粮、卖农产品难使农户处于“两难”境地;三是抗御自然灾害能力  相似文献   

民政部早在80年代中期就认识和倡导了社区服务工作.上海市民政局开展此项工作,如今已有12个年头,上海市连续6年将此项工作列入市政府实事之一,并取得了一定的成就.然而,面对迅速发展变化中的社会大环境,社区服务工作能否持续发展,如何寻找新的增长点和突破口,成为上海民政工作者亟待研究的一大课题.本文作者结合上海市信息高速公路的建设,尝试提出驶上信息高速公路的上海社区服务发展新模式.  相似文献   

由时代明镜中心(Times Mirror Center)和其它机构进行的研究显示,当代青少年表现出对一般公共事务的冷淡。阿伦·莫伊尔的电影《绞尽脑汁》,基本上是以纽约青少年的工作间为基础,展现了与其说冷漠的不如说厌恶成人虚伪的一代人,他们对成年人在不断增长的社会问题上明显地无动于衷大为不满,对60年代那种方式的抗议冷潮热讽,他们不能确定还有什么事情要做。  相似文献   

中国社区服务发展到今天,是到了准确而深刻地把握其理论基础——社区概念的时候了。从某种意义上说,不懂得什么是社区,就不懂得什么是社区服务。社区概念及其研究成果是指导社区服务的基本理论。搞不清关于社区的概念、理论、知识和方法,就会直接影响到社区服务的出发点、自觉性、档次和水平。本文力图从对社区概念和社区研究成果的讨论出发,进而在一个更宽阔的背景下和更高的层次上来给社区服务重新定位,以期为它寻找一个更为适合的理论架构,促进中国社区服务事业的发展。 一、社区概念  相似文献   

国内外社区服务比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王莉娟 《社会学》2001,(3):14-20
社区服务是社区建设与管理中与广大居民生活关系最为密切的工作,搞好社区服务对建立和完善社会保障、社会服务体系,缓解社会矛盾,促进社会稳定,密切党和政府与人民群众的联系,提高市民生活质量,以及改善人际关系,促进社会主义精神文明建设,都具有十分重要的作用,本文就社区服务的对象、内容、组织设施、资金筹措以及社工人员的素质与培训渠道等方面进行比较研究,以便借鉴世界其他国家或地区的先进经验,发展我国的社区服务事业。  相似文献   

秦淮区地处南京城南,是居民比较集中的老城区,社区服务起步较早,是全国社区服务发源地之一.  相似文献   

鼓楼区委、区政府在开展社区服务活动中,明确提出了“社区服务是城市生活永恒的主题”的口号,把社区服务作为政府为民办实事和加快实现城区现代化的重要工作来抓,每年都要在全区10个街道开展大规模的社区服务问卷调查,同时重视抓好居委会的基础建设,为172个居委会选派了344名大学生做主任助理,探索了居委会、社区服务、物业管理“三位一体”的管理模式和小区促新工作,改善了居民生活环境,提高了居民的生活质量.被民政部授予“全国社区服务示范区”.  相似文献   

毛志军  何志宏 《职业时空》2012,(2):114-115,117
介绍了有效教学的背景、理念。有效教学是一种策略,表现在教学过程的方方面面,文中重点探讨有效教学的过程中课堂练习设计的有效性。  相似文献   

朱丽波 《职业时空》2012,(3):115-116,119
分析了国内高校教育技术学专业课程体系设置的现状。从地区环境与专业发展、社会需求和学生就业等方面对淄博师范高等专科学校现代教育技术专业课程体系构建进行了分析,阐述了课程体系设置需要处理好的几个重要关系,并提出了对现有课程体系优化的参考方案。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the educational gap between the Malay community and other ethnic communities in Singapore. Using official statistics from 1980 to 2004, the paper compares the educational achievements of the Malay community with other ethnic communities in Singapore. The paper points out that, while the Malay students have made significant improvements in their educational achievements over the years, they are still lagging behind the other ethnic communities in Singapore. Three key educational challenges faced by the Malay community and the responses to these challenges are discussed in this paper. The paper recommends that a framework should be introduced to the Malay students in Singapore to integrate secular and religious subjects within an Islamic conception of knowledge.  相似文献   

The paper reviews a recent body of urban land use and land use planning theory and identifies themes of liberal and radical criticism that have emerged in relation to neoclassical, laissez faire formulations. Liberal and radical reformulations of the problem of land use and land use planning are noted. The final section of the paper considers a possible agenda of issues that are likely to arise with the adoption of the different theoretical stances in South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper is a brief comment on the previous paper (Goering & Wasylenki, 1993) about the use of multiple roles in facilitating the use of outcome results. The commentary recounts some important points from the paper, draws some general conclusions about assuming multiple roles, and emphasizes the importance of functioning as an internal evaluator based on personal experience working in state government and on readings from the evaluation literature.  相似文献   

This paper explores the involvement of voluntary organisations in three Diploma of Social Work programmes in the North East of England. It focuses on their involvement in management, and curriculum planning and delivery. Issues of power and representation are fundamental to this involvement and consequently to this paper. The paper looks in detail at the approach to involving voluntary organisations in one programme, and compares the process and results of this approach with those of the other two programmes in the region studied. Throughout, the paper incorporates two perspectives: that of the programmes and that of the voluntary organisations. This paper concludes with suggested methods for involving voluntary organisations more closely in the management and curriculum development of DipSW programmes and demonstrates this with particular reference to the Black voluntary sector.  相似文献   

Persons with disabilities have endured discrimination and live under social apartheid. While enlightened people recognise the role that society has in disabling people with impairments, there remains a struggle to remove the negative stigma associated with this form of social diversity. There is no silver bullet that will enable persons with disabilities to exercise their human rights as full citizens. One strategy to assist in this struggle is the use of language. This paper focuses on how language can be utilised in the struggle against oppression. This paper reconsiders how disability discrimination is conceived and labelled. There is no uniformly accepted label to describe the discrimination and oppression that is explained by the social model or the non-radical social model. This paper explores how the labels of disableism and ableism have emerged to explain this concept. This paper analyses these terms and argues for the adoption of ableist nomenclature.  相似文献   

This paper examines the probable impact of India’s ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), particularly in terms of promoting economic participation. The paper presents findings from recent fieldwork, conducted in India at the beginning of 2011. The main aim of the study was to examine some current national-level developments, relevant to disability, and to compare various approaches to promoting economic participation at the grass-roots level, with a view to determining the potential of the CRPD to make a real difference to the everyday lives of disabled people. The paper concludes that the CRPD has already had some impact at the national level. Furthermore, there are signs that some parts of Indian society are becoming more inclusive of disabled people, in the areas where research was carried out, thus increasing the likelihood of greater economic participation for disabled people in the future.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explore the place of kramats the graves of Muslim saints or Auliyah – in the landscape of contemporary Cape Town. The kramat sites have been proclaimed as heritage sites because of their importance as tangible signs of Islam at the Cape. At the same time, the process of the kramats becoming heritage sites has contained moments of intense, often sensational, public contestation. Offering a reading of the discourses surrounding two contested kramats in Cape Town, this paper explores the way kramats mark out a miraculous space in the prosaic modern city and introduce into the post-apartheid evaluation of heritage, alternative conceptions of space and notions of temporality. They are sites of impossibility where, it is claimed, the laws of nature themselves are interrupted to mark the intangible particularities of the site. This paper explores what happens when this miraculous space is subject to the demands of private property and municipal law and the conflicts that arise from this collision of different conceptual and experiential modalities. It considers the effects of the entanglement of legend and history that result from the production of these sites as heritage in a market-driven economy.  相似文献   

The paper studies the forms that are used in planning for a child’s early childhood education and care in Finnish day care from the perspectives of social constructionism and discourse analysis. It asks how childhood is conceptualised in these forms and what are the social functions of early childhood education and care as implied in the conceptualisations. The paper shows that the conceptions of childhood and the understanding of the functions of early childhood education and care are mostly in unison and are rooted in traditional discourses, approaches and practices of Finnish day care. Consequently, the child’s view and the child as an agent in her/his world are not present in the forms.  相似文献   

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