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The present study investigated a primary assumption of the cognitive theory of problem gambling, that gambling-related irrational beliefs lead directly to problematic gambling behaviour. Participants (N =114) received a message designed to increase their illusion of control (IOC) over a computerised roulette game, a message designed to decrease their IOC, or a neutral message. Participants then played the game, during which their gambling behaviour was recorded and irrational beliefs were measured. Based on the cognitive model, it was expected that those receiving the IOC enhancement message would evidence greater levels of irrational beliefs and correspondingly more intense gambling behaviour and that those in the IOC reduction condition would show decreased levels of both irrational beliefs and behaviour. However, although conditions differed as to levels of irrational beliefs, there were no significant differences in gambling behaviour. Results are discussed and implications of the results on the cognitive theory of problematic gambling are explored.  相似文献   

According to the cognitive perspective on gambling, regular gamblers persist in trying to win money at gambling because they hold a set of false beliefs about the nature of gambling, the likelihood of winning, and their own expertise. In order to investigate this claim, twenty seven university students were recruited who played one of three types of games at least twice a week: slot machines, video draw poker, and video amusement games. Subjects played their preferred machines on site (clubs, hotels and amusement arcades) first for at least thirty minutes and then the other two games for a minimum of twenty minutes each. During play, each subject spoke aloud into a microphone describing what he or she was doing or thinking about in the game. It was hypothesised that slot machine players would verbalise more irrational thinking than video poker or video amusement players and that slot machines would elicit more irrational thinking than video poker or video amusement machines. Most importantly, it was hypothesised that slot machine players would exhibit relatively greater amounts of irrational thinking when playing their preferred game. The data supported all three hypotheses. Out of all of the statements made by slot machine players when playing slot machines, 38% were categorised irrational. Furthermore, 80% of the strategic statements made by slot machine players while playing slot machines were categorised as irrational. These results are consistent with earlier work which showed high levels of irrational thinking in artificial gambling games. Together, the results provide support for a cognitive view of the origins of gambling problems.  相似文献   

This study assessed adherence to the law of contagion by 118 undergraduate students (39 males). Participants were students who played a slot machine game after viewing a prior player who seemed to be winning (“lucky” condition) or losing (“unlucky” condition). Adherence to the law of contagion was assessed by the selection of the coin holder used by a “lucky” prior player and the avoidance of the coin holder used by an “unlucky” prior player. Contagion varied directly with scores on the Problem Gambling Severity Index and scores on the Luck/Perseverance subscale of the Gamblers’ Belief Questionnaire (Steenbergh et al. in Psychol Addict Behav 16(2):143–149, 2002). Gamblers high in problem severity chose the “lucky” coin holder and avoided the “unlucky” coin holder significantly more than gamblers low in problem severity. Problem gamblers, therefore, exhibit evidence of magical thinking related to the transfer of a “lucky” essence. The same was the case for individuals with a strong level of belief that sheer continuation in gambling (luck perseverance) results in success and for individuals who believe that luck is a personal rather than a situational characteristic. All three variables (problem gambling severity, luck perseverance and personal luck) had direct effects on behavior reflecting irrational magical thinking. A belief that knowledge or skill has a role in successful gaming was unrelated to magical thinking. These findings suggest potential foci for cognitive interventions with problem gamblers and those with non-skill based evidence of irrational thinking.  相似文献   

This study involved an attempt to explore the relationship between irrational ideas and marital discord, as posited in Rational-Emotive-Therapy. The results supported the hypothesis that individuals who experience marital difficulties demonstrate higher degrees of irrational thinking than individuals who do not experience such difficulties. Additional findings were interpreted on the basis of differences between males and females with respect to cognitive and perceptual orientation.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a laboratory experiment in which probability weighting functions for risky gains were elicited non-parametrically in over 500 incentivized subjects. I compared probability weights for monetary rewards to two less fungible domains involving vouchers for different types of consumption, inducing stronger or weaker (positive) emotions. The level of stakes was also manipulated. I found that the probability to win monetary rewards was weighted almost linearly in the high stakes condition, the probability to win vouchers associated with stronger positive affect was underweighted and the probability to win affect-poor vouchers was strongly underweighted. Substantial underweighting also prevailed in all three domains in the low stakes condition.  相似文献   

The present study compared the contraceptive risk‐taking behavior (CRT) of 35 white and 28 black, unwed, sexually active, young (ages 14 to 18) female outpatients in mental health clinics with a record of chronic contraceptive rejection, with that of a matched group of clinically unlabelled (normal) subjects. The subjects' offered CRT explanations were categorized by independent judges and subjected to multifactor contingency analyses and post‐hoc contrast procedures. The results indicated no differences between the clinical and normal subjects, but within groups, clinically‐oriented explanations tended to be more frequent than political‐economic explanations among white subjects, while the reverse held true for black subjects. In addition, 90 college students were asked to state what they considered a rational CRT response, as well as what CRT response they would expect from a hypothetical unwed, sexually active, 16‐year‐old female contraceptive rejector described as either white, or black, or not mentioned by race. The results indicated that clinically‐oriented CRT explanations were expected for the white contraceptive rejector, political‐economic CRT explanations were expected and seen as rational for the black contraceptive rejector, and situa‐tional CRT explanations were attributed most often when the race of the contraceptive rejector was not mentioned. The results are discussed in terms of clinical, rational, and social‐psychological models in current CRT research.  相似文献   

Akerof and Dickens explored the relevance of cognitive dissonance theory for economics, and the theory is shown here to predict occasional irrational thinking. Secondly, it is proposed that the focus of neuroeconomics on brain dysfunction and the role of neurotranmitters on cognition suggests two ways in which the functioning of the brain can impair rational decision-making.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that problem gamblers are more prone to have irrational beliefs and depressed mood than non-gamblers. Irrational beliefs refer to fallacious opinions about probabilities. Gamblers like to believe that chance games (i.e., roulette and lottery) can be controlled and that the outcome of such games is dependent on the patterns of previous outcomes. The empirical material consists of responses to a survey that 302 individuals have answered. Half of the respondents were deemed to be problem gamblers. The results showed that compared to the controls, the problem gamblers were more inclined to show illusion of control due to their skill and reported more depressive mood. The results are discussed in terms of difficulties to know the “hen and the egg” regarding depressive mood, and in terms of intermittent reinforcement to continue gambling.  相似文献   

The colorful language of gambling and gaming is essential to creating the players' world; in analyzing it we understand that world. This fringe vocabulary or slanguage is examined in connection with standard language, and is analyzed for its origins, its humor, and for the attitudes it expresses and transmits. This language is seen as a neglected indicator ofl'histoire de mentalité, the mindset of gamblers. It is also suggested that other factors—body language, paralanguage, stock expressions composed of standard words (jokes, catch phrases, etc.)-hold clues to the outlook, superstitions, behavior, the rational and irrational beliefs of gamblers.  相似文献   

A decision to accept death and forego life-extending medical procedures can be both rational and irrational. This article reviews perspectives on death from the viewpoint of behavioral economics, which relies on psychology as the basis of decision-making in this regard. According to behavioral economics, both the benefits of living and the costs of death should be emphasized so that a person who is thinking about suicide reconsiders that option and, hopefully, changes his or her mind and tries to safeguard life and avoid life-threatening risks. One way to make dying decisions more rational is to write out a living will or advance directives to help doctors understand a patients’ intentions with regard to decisions about dying should they become unable to articulate that intention at some later, critical, life-or-death situation. Living wills and advance directives can therefore reduce the chances of mercy killing or euthanasia, especially in the context of a developing country, especially when life-extending technologies are limited.  相似文献   

An ethnographic exploration of the social reality of a counselling and training institute points to the profound impact of the therapeutic paradigm on the 'patterned regularities', the general principles, rules and daily practices, in other words, the organizational morality. The limited house-rules or practices emerged mainly as 'enabling conditions' to let professional autonomy prevail and to maintain the game rather than to prescribe behaviour. Organizational rules, structures, mechanics served as a platform for negotiations among different groups of 'provinces of meaning'. These negotiations do not necessarily show any sense of organizational logic or administrative rationality. Perhaps the opposite is true. Loosely coupled interactions and consensual validation rather than goal-oriented thinking appeared to be the predominant organizational occupation. The irrational, at times even ironic dynamics operative in organizational morality are nevertheless meaningful. They function as 'mapping' and sense-making devices and can be seen as vehicles for reflecting and ordering underlying meanings.  相似文献   

Some patients choose not to attend for health care despite health concerns or an opportunity for improved health. Social norms that privilege professional expertise, and good health, deem this choice irrational. However, this paper explores how a particular version of rational choice theory suggests ‘positive choices’ for such non‐attendance. These are cognitive and subjectively rational decisions, which are made freely with potentially positive consequences and are not social problems if respect for personal autonomy trumps obligations to others. Specifically, Boudon's ‘cognitivist theory of action’ is used to conceptualise non‐attendance as both a rational and irrational choice, from different perspectives. Because the perspective of non‐attendees has been marginalised, the paper also suggests a typology of instrumental and non‐instrumental ‘strong reasons’ for rational non‐attendance. This may help groups such as professionals to understand and accept that non‐attendance can be subjectively rational, without relinquishing their own perspective that it is irrational. Acceptance of the defensibility, if not the rightness, of the perspective of non‐attendees is needed to show respect for non‐attendees' moral agency and to begin to repair relationships with these individuals, who may seek help from health professionals in the future.  相似文献   

Humans are engineered neurologically to make rational and irrational choices. This paper introduces a new paradigm for decision making – a composite choice model – in which economic agents are constantly weighing rationality versus irrationality when encountering options. In an exploratory, deterministic, two-period model, an assumption of a two-way cross-embedment (i.e., a two-way interaction between the rational and irrational components) results in a paradoxical phenomenon, an outcome of either tending toward bliss or abyss at the end of the first period. This implies, for instance, a psychological struggle between two selves within the mind. The paradigm proposed is compared to the dual-process theories recently developed by the cognitive sciences. Future research will explore implications for public policy design and implementation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to find out what is the prevalence of pathological in Romanian teenagers. We questioned one thousand thirty-two teenagers in Cluj-Napoca and Harghita counties. Participants completed a questionnaire with 40 items including gamblers anonymous twenty questions. The sample included teenagers aged 11–19 years; 65.57% were male and 34.43% were female. The subjects were divided into three groups: non-gambling/recreational gambling or occasional gambling (0–1 positive answers —Level 1)—753 subjects (72.96%) [316 females and 437 males]; problem gambling (2–6 points—Level 2)—243 subjects (23.54%) [43 females and 200 males]; pathological gambling (above 7 points—Level 3)—36 subjects (3.48%) [3 females and 33 males]. The mean age of pathological gamblers was 16.48 years. Gender differences were as expected, males engaging in pathological gambling (91.66% from pathological gamblers) more than females did (8.33% from pathological gamblers). Data revealed that the most encountered games practiced weekly were sport bets and slot machines in the case of 36.11% of the pathological gamblers; lotto, internet casino and pool bets each with 25%, followed by roulette and black-jack with 22.22%.From those who reported practicing gambling at a pathological level 66.66% engaged in alcohol consumption, 13.88% illicit drug use and 19.44% licit drugs. Just 16.66% smoke cigarettes. Data revealed higher rates of prevalence in Romanian teenagers than in other Central and Eastern European countries. A prevalence study at a national level should be designed.  相似文献   

The paper is trying to examine the changes between rational and irrational charitable donation of Chinese listed corporations under the background that an increasing number of Chinese listed corporations register charity foundations in recent years. Considering corporate income tax ratio as a proxy for tax preference, whether products are exposed to consumers directly or indirectly, as well as gross profit margin, debt financing scale and debt maturity structure as proxies for the reputation effect and strategic advantage, the indicators of rational charitable donation consist of the five factors mentioned above; The indicator of irrational charitable donation is disposal accrued profits calculated by Extended Jones Model. By the regression of data of charitable donations from Chinese A listed corporations during the year from 2008 to 2013, findings show that the behavior of rational charitable donation is weakened gradually, while, in contrast, the irrational charitable donation is strengthened. The listed corporations have strong motivation to transfer profits through registering and establishing charity foundations, which is a new tendency of transferring interests.  相似文献   

The behavioral challenge to the rational choice paradigm is oriented toward individual decision-making. Behavioral irrationality does not mean chaos. Most irrational behavior involves the exercise of reasoning. In reality, decision makers do not behave with full knowledge and/or optimal computational power in pursuit of maximizing expected utility. Besides reviewing critiques to the rationality paradigm for judgments and preferences and exploring the impact of culture on people's economic behavior, this paper is the first to call the attention of researchers to the phenomenon of systemic irrationality. Irrationality may exist at the aggregate or societal level, a conclusion based on the observation that large segments of the population are incapable of making decisions in accord with traditional rationality—groups such as those who have a psychiatric disorder, those who are taking medications, those with limited intelligence, those from the lower social classes, children and adolescents, and the elderly. Even those who are not included in the aforementioned groups, but who take medications for medical conditions may have their decision-making impaired to some extent. Therefore, it is argued that rationality in economic decision-making may be the exception rather than the norm.  相似文献   

Persons referred by Child Protective Services (CPS) for substance abuse evidence high rates of nonattendance to therapy sessions, taxing systems of care and exacerbating outcomes. This study examined the influence of two telephone-based incentive programs on therapy session attendance in mothers who were referred by CPS for substance abuse. After baseline therapy session attendance was established in an evidence-based clinic that incorporated a telephone engagement intervention (Phase I), participants were provided free cellular telephones with limited minutes and permitted to order free meals delivered by the therapist during upcoming sessions (Phase II). The third phase was similar to Phase II, but participants were provided unlimited minutes. Results indicated that participants’ attendance was significantly improved when meals and cellular telephone minutes were contingent on attendance. Although the percentage of sessions attended by participants during Phase III was higher than Phase II, unlimited minutes and meals did not significantly enhance attendance relative to limited minutes and meals. Session attendance for significant others of these participants was significantly higher during Phase III as compared with Phase I. Session attendance of significant others was statistically similar between Phase I and II and between Phase II and Phase III. Study implications and recommendations for future research and practice are discussed in light of the findings.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the level of arousal (Heart Rate) and the number of erroneous perceptions among video poker players. Twelve regular and twelve occasional gamblers participated in a gambling session conducted in a natural environment. It was hypothesised that 1) a significant positive correlation would be observed between arousal and the number of erroneous verbalizations, 2) regular players would show a higher level of arousal than occasional players, and 3) they would emit more erroneous verbalizations. Results showed that hypotheses one and three were confirmed. Theoretical and practical implications of these results for the psychology of gambling are discussed.This study was supported by a grant from Loto-Québec.  相似文献   

Using a laboratory experiment, we study the predictive power of the Fehr–Schmidt (1999) model of inequity aversion and its robustness to reciprocity and stakes. We find stronger evidence for the model’s predictive power at the individual level than what the existing literature suggests. This finding is robust to stakes. However, the model’s predictive power is highly reduced if subjects can reciprocate others’ actions. This suggests that parameter estimates obtained in an environment that allows for reciprocal responses yield a bias in the parameter estimates. In particular, previous estimates (especially of the disutility of disadvantageous inequity aversion) may overestimate the importance of inequity aversion.  相似文献   

Most comparisons between personality traits of gamblers and non-gamblers have yielded no significant differences (Kusyszyn & Rutter, 1985). But from a behavioral standpoint, gamblers have consistently placed heavier monetary bets than non-gamblers. Furthermore, past researchers have clearly shown that the level of risk-taking behavior increased as a function of the number of trials (Ladouceur, Tourigny, & Mayrand, in press). The present research compared the level of risk-taking behavior of gamblers and non-gamblers during prolonged exposure to American roulette (four sessions of 50 trials each). Subjects of each group (N=8) were matched on sex, age and academic level. Risk behavior was operationally defined as 1. Total amount of money bet at each trial; 2. types of bets; and 3. monetary risk coefficient. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the monetary risk coefficient was greater for the gamblers than the non-gamblers. Furthermore, for the three dependent variables, risk level increased as a function of the number of sessions and of trials. The overall results confirmed that exposure to gambling activities increased the level of monetary risk-taking behavior in gamblers and non-gamblers.Part of this paper was presented at the Sixth National Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking, Atlantic City, 1984. This research was supported by a grant from the Gouvernement du Québec (FCAR).  相似文献   

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