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文化符号是地域、民族或国家文化内涵的重要载体和形式。文化符号对象化的结构性机制可以反观人类整体结构、总体精神的发展,也可以使人反观自我个性的状态和形成自我身份认同。传承传统文化符号是青年文化身份认同的重要内容维度。当前消费主义文化下的符号消费对传统文化符号的异化表达,后现代虚无主义文化下对文化符号的碎片化解读,全球化下文化冲突对本土文化符号的挑战等情况不同程度地造成文化符号记忆断裂,影响高校青年群体的自我身份认同。为此,要与时俱进地推进传统文化符号的现当代发展;增强文化自信,不断增进高校青年文化身份认同感;运用高校德育教育体系,培养青年群体传承文化符号的文化自觉。  相似文献   

The author argues that despite the declaration for the end of ethnography by some North American scholars, ethnography is precisely what is needed for a more nuanced and complex understanding of cultural change. Using snippets of ethnographic observation from the Mexican state of Michoacan, the argument is made that neither "modernization" nor "globalization" are imposed from above, but are woven together with local processes to create institutions and practices which synthesize both the "traditional" and the "modern" in previously unimagined ways. Local people and processes are thus conceived of as dynamic partners in cultural change rather than passive subjects. Ethnography, then, is a fruitful means for uncovering how and the extent to which this is so.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that issues of inclusion and exclusion to public space can be examined by invoking the principle of “aesthetics”. Those that are aesthetically pleasing, tasteful, or desirable are allowed in public spaces, yet these characteristics are defined through social and cultural mechanisms. Differences between cultural groups in terms of body movement, proximity relationships, definition of personal space, clothing, and other visible features, are evaluated and judged through the filter of power relations. Numerous non‐European migrants who reside in the North experience discrimination as a result of being “visible foreigners”. They are not welcome in public areas and they do not meet the prevalent aesthetic standards, defined by the dominant discourse around aesthetics. This trend obstructs the development of multicultural coexistence and the possibility of transnationalism. In order to realise cultural expression for all, we extend an invitation to scrutinise power inequalities by means of multicultural educational programs.  相似文献   

<正> “入世”的成功,使中国真正进入了世界经济一体化的轨道,与狼共舞也好,同台竞技也罢,中国企业都必须直面前所未有的机遇与挑战。面对这样的竞争环境,我们必须清醒地认识到,产品  相似文献   


People may attribute their success in life to their own hard work and ability or to forces external to themselves like luck, chance, God, or other people. These attributions have social causes and emotional consequences (Seeman 1959; Wheaton 1980). Theory and research indicate that belief in personal control is associated with low levels of psychological distress compared to the belief that outcomes are determined by forces external to oneself. Less is known about the varieties of these external forces. If people do not attribute success to pesonal control, they may attribute it to luck, family background, connections, or God I examine the relationship of various attributions of success with distress, as measured by symptoms of depression and anxiety. I find that attributing success in life to luck and to good connections with others significantly increase distress. However, attributing success to God and to family background are not significantly associated with distress. The internal attribution of success to personal control significantly decreases distress. I discuss possible reasons why some external attributions increase distress, while others do not.  相似文献   

卢瑜  罗程渊 《城市观察》2009,3(3):169-174
以广州市白云区“国际单位”项目为案例,分析了“生态、创意、共赢”的可持续发展文化理念对于提升区域文化软实力的作用。  相似文献   

When one examines current national anthems and flags, one finds a great deal of variety. What explains this variation? Possible factors include a nation's world-system position and its degree of modernization. Specifically, I analyze the ways in which world-system position and modernization affect the design or configuration—the syntactic structure—of the symbols national leaders adopt to convey their nation's identity. Findings reveal a link between a nation's world-system position and the structure of its symbols. Leaders of core nations adopt more basic anthems and flags than their semiperiphery and periphery counterparts. However, modernization has no such influence.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines the practice of natural sciences in Ecuador during the nineteenth century. European visitors promoted science for objectivity and progress, and their work, though generally legitimated by the educated landowning elite, was not so readily accepted by other social groups. The language of scientific discipline is analysed as a potential form of cultural colonialism by focusing on the ways in which scientific discipline and discourse were first institutionalized by the Ecuadorian state with the help of Europeans, and then incorporated into public debate following a series of unprecedented political and natural crises in 1877.  相似文献   

This article deals with the relationship between symbols and ritual. The thesis is advanced that the human capacity for symbol production creates disruptive problems as well as adaptive advantages and that ritual serves as one major mechanism for controlling these disruptive aspects. Symbolic awareness greatly expands an organism's psychological field, and it is argued here that this expansion in turn generates problems of information organization, extended awareness of threat and amplification of appetitive drives. These extensions of consciousness are potentially disruptive and anxiety producing to the individual and may threaten group coherence as well. We maintain that by structuring symbolic expression, ritual behavior serves the important function of delimiting the proliferative tendencies inherent in symbol production and thereby helps to control this disruptive potential.  相似文献   

This article examines the imagery on Tunisian banknotes and its role in constructing a state-sponsored vision of Tunisian national identity. In addition to analyzing the currency itself, the article embeds the symbols used on the money in a social and historical context by looking at other public uses of the historical figures pictured and drawing on ethnographic work conducted in Tunisia. The article suggests that the banknotes must be seen as part of a larger discourse about the nature of Tunisian identity. In particular, this discourse focuses on Tunisia as a cosmopolitan nation that is open to the modern world and posits that this openness is rooted in its history. Although the currency suggests the co-presence of modernity and tradition, tradition is relegated to the rural margins while the urban centers are celebrated as the modern future. Beyond looking at the historical figures represented, the article examines historical absences. Most notably, there are no pre-modern Arab figures on the banknotes, which reflects an ambivalent relationship with an Arab identity. This ambivalence is also reflected in the usages of French and Arabic, which tend to naturalize French in a manner not found in other North African currency.  相似文献   

蒋绚 《城市观察》2016,(2):136-146
公共服务近年成为政策重点领域,而央地权力分配对公共服务的影响仍有待研究。本文以韩国公共文化服务项目为例,探讨优化公共服务的央地权力分配模式。通过韩国整体在集权与分权制度下公共文化服务项目发展的对比,以及韩国整体与光州市个体在分权制下的公共文化服务项目的对比,本文揭示,中央集权虽可实现公共文化服务的迅速配给,但中央控制对公共文化服务实际起到抑制作用,而地方分权也不能为公共文化服务提供积极的地方条件,不涉及联动民主化的地方分权是不完全分权,只有结合了强大公民社会力量的联动民主化的地方分权才是优化公共文化发展的关键。韩国的经验与教训对中国有着重要启示。  相似文献   

Cultural approaches to the study of urban life have enjoyed brief bursts of popularity within the social sciences over the past century. Although many urban sociologists acknowledge that meanings, symbols, narratives, and feelings, in other words local culture, help shape urban places, relatively few take this notion any further. In this article, I first lay out the foundations of cultural approaches to the study of urban life. Second, I argue for the continued significance of the distinction between space and place. Third, I describe a contemporary stream of urban sociology called the urban culturalist perspective. Fourth, I describe important insights gleaned from studies embracing cultural urbanist approaches to an area of urban research receiving increasing attention: gentrification. Fifth, and finally, I outline a few ways in which micro‐cultural investigations of urban phenomena provide useful opportunities for public sociology.  相似文献   


Using original data from the Northern Ireland Life and Times survey, this article assesses public attitudes toward key issues of symbolism intimately connected with the Northern Ireland conflict and peace process. It uses public attitudes toward the symbolic expressions of Northern Ireland's politico-religious blocs as indicators of the extent of intercommunity tolerance in the delicate post-Belfast Agreement period. Survey questions on attitudes toward flags, including the idea of a new flag for Northern Ireland; loyalist and republican murals; and memorials to the dead of the conflict, including the idea of a memorial for all of the victims of the conflict, reveal that partisan attitudes toward communal symbols of identity and commemoration persist, despite macro-level political changes heralded by the 1998 peace accord. It is argued that the consociational design of the Belfast Agreement facilitates the perpetuation of the single-identity politics of Irish nationalism and Ulster unionism. In this context, public attachment to partisan symbols remains strong.  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(1):49-63

As social barriers between classes increase in the United States, settlements reifying these barriers also increase. Along South Carolina's coast, (primarily) Euro-American upper-class retirees isolate themselves from the local (primarily) African-American population within gated communities often called “plantations.” The irony is not lost on locals. Using data from interviews and observations collected over the past decade, the article presents the sentiments of those inside and outside these new plantations. Questions are also raised about the social and cultural contexts, meanings, and consequences of gated communities.  相似文献   

The display of yellow ribbons during the Gulf War is analyzed as a form of social signification. Community displays, newspaper articles, editorials and letters, and the appearance of ribbons as commodities and in advertising campaigns are discussed. The study concludes that the legacy of the Vietnam War impelled citizens to create a fundamentally emotional message to troops and their families. Yellow ribbons, perceived as personal not political, emerged as the symbol of choice.  相似文献   

Foucault-inspired organization theory hasinterpreted the Enlightenment effort to make reason thefoundation for human freedom as a failure. Reason isseen as developing into disciplinary knowledge, which dominates modern organizations and theindividuals who live and work in them. In fact, theindividual s very identity is the means by which theindividual is enslaved. Knowledge is thus seen asnowhere separate from power. In this essay, I will usea concept of traditional authority to examineFoucault-inspired organization theory and itspower/knowledge conceptual framework in terms of theirethical and cultural implications. This will includeFoucault s influence on both the literature in criticalorganization theory and postmodern organization theory.My approach will highlight the Foucault-inspired misinterpretation of the effect of theEnlightenment on modern organizations, its rejection ofthe authority of the past as a basis for moral order,and its impossible attempt to find freedom through the destruction of cultural authority.  相似文献   

Dans plusieurs juridictions, la réponse médicolégal au viol est axée sur l'utilisation d'une des versions de ce qu'on appelle communément une « trousse de prélèvement dans les cas de viol >>. De telles trousses sont utilisées par des professionnels de la santé dans le but de recueillir des preuves corroborantes sur le corps des femmes victimes d'agression sexuelle. L'usage de cette trousse se fonde sur l'hypothèse qu'elle peut conduire à la production de preuves techniques sur la véracité de l'allégation d'une femme. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes servies des données d'enquêtes, d'interviews et de recherches effectuées auprès des groupes cibles de professionnels spécialisés dans l'agression sexuelle en Ontario, pour étudier comment les interprétations et les valeurs sociétales dominantes et spécifiquement professionnelles peuvent se conjuguer à l'utilisation régulariséd de la trousse provinciale d'examen consécutif à une agression sexuelle pour preuves judiciaires.
Across many jurisdictions, the medico-legal response to rape is centred on the use of what is commonly known as a "rape kit." These are administered by health professionals to sexually assaulted women for the purpose of collecting corroborating evidence from their bodies. The assumption is that the use of this kit can lead to the production of technical facts about the truth of a woman's allegation. We drew on data from survey, interview and focus group research with sexual assault professionals in Ontario to explore how dominant societal and narrow profession-specific values and interpretations may be intertwined with the regularized use of the provincial Sexual Assault Evidence Kit.  相似文献   

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