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黄超 《社会》2018,38(6):216-240
本研究通过“中国教育追踪调查”(CEPS)2014-2015学年追踪数据,考察了当前中国青少年家长教养方式的分布、阶层差异及其对青少年非认知能力的影响。研究发现:首先,当前中国家长的教养方式以专制型和忽视型为主,权威型和宽容型教养方式的比例较低;其次,社会经济地位较高的家庭倾向于选择权威型和宽容型教养方式,社会经济地位较低的家庭倾向于选择专制型或忽视型教养方式;最后,教养方式对非认知能力的发展有显著影响。总体而言,权威型教养方式最有利于培养子女的非认知能力,忽视型教养方式最不利于培养子女的非认知能力。在涉及人际交往的非认知能力指标中,权威型和宽容型教养方式相对于其他两种教养方式具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

张骞 《社会》2023,43(1):203-240
本文超越了既有研究的个体网络视角,通过使用中国教育追踪调查(CEPS)的两期数据,考察班级同伴网络对学生心理健康的影响及其条件机制。本研究有如下发现:首先,在中国行政班级制度下,班级整体心理健康水平(社会遵从效应)和快乐同伴比例(快乐同伴效应)能够对学生的心理健康产生显著的正向影响,抑郁同伴比例与学生的心理健康呈显著负相关(抑郁同伴效应);其次,学生更倾向于受到与自己心理健康观念和行为类似的同伴的影响,对于班级相对心理健康状况较差、中等、较好的学生而言,抑郁同伴效应、社会遵从效应和快乐同伴效应分别发挥显著的主导作用;最后,班级同伴网络对集体融入、亲子交流状况不同的学生的心理健康具有差异化的影响,随着集体融入和亲子交流的提高,抑郁同伴效应逐渐减弱,而社会遵从效应和快乐同伴效应逐渐增强。  相似文献   

程诚  任奕飞 《社会》2022,42(1):124-156
依托于移动互联网的疾病众筹平台改变了传统的疾病社会救助体系,疾病救助的发起方从政府和社会公益组织延展至亿万百姓,为社会底层获得紧急救助提供了新途径。本文利用我国某大型疾病众筹平台上1 930个求助案例,探究了疾病众筹目标达成的家庭社会经济地位差异。研究发现,家庭社会经济地位越高的病患,其众筹项目越可能被转发与捐赠、所筹善款总额和目标完成度也更高。中介效应分析表明,线下人际关系网络在上述关系中扮演着重要的中介角色,而以文案质量为代表的文化资本虽有助于众筹成效,但并非连接家庭社会经济地位与众筹效果的中介机制。进一步分析发现,当求助途径从基于熟人关系的微信圈子扩展至公共网络平台后,筹款效果的地位差异得以显著下降。  相似文献   

张帆  吴愈晓 《社会》2005,40(3):212-240
通过分析具有全国代表性的初中学生样本数据,本研究考察了影响当前中国家庭三代共同居住的决定因素、三代居住安排与青少年学业表现之间的关系及其中间机制。首先,家庭社会经济地位较低、母亲在职或单亲家庭的青少年更可能与祖辈同住。其次,代际居住安排会显著影响青少年的学业表现,控制了其他因素之后,三代共同居住(与祖辈同住)家庭的学生的学业表现要优于两代核心家庭的学生。第三,与祖辈同住的效应受到家庭社会经济地位和家庭结构的调节,来自较低阶层或非双亲家庭的学生从与祖辈同住中获益更多。最后,与祖辈同住在一定程度上通过加强亲子间的家庭社会资本这一机制作用于学生的学业表现。本文表明,在现代社会,家庭亲属网络仍然对个体的地位获得或社会流动具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

通过武汉市社会状况综合调查 (CSSR2014) 的数据,运用Amos23.0软件建立的基础中介模型与SPSS22.0软件的Process插件程序建立的控制中介模型,综合测量了社会公平感在主观社会经济地位与社会成就归因之间的中介效应.研究结果显示,在控制了相关变量后,主观社会经济地位分别对社会公平感与社会成就归因中的个人因素起到显著的正向影响;社会公平感对社会成就归因中的个人因素产生显著的正向作用,但对家庭因素则发挥显著的负向影响;社会公平感仅在主观社会经济地位与社会成就归因中的个人因素间具有中介效应.政府应努力构建平等公正的社会环境,逐步恢复主观社会经济地位较低者的社会公平信心,使得其个人能力的效用发挥至最大.  相似文献   

许多多 《社会》2017,37(4):90-118
社会分层和流动研究发现,在接受过大学教育的人中,社会经济地位的代际相关性降低,甚至是消失了。这一发现被看做大学教育促进社会流动的有力证据,但其作用机制往往被简单地归因于学生的高度选择性或者劳动力市场中大学文凭的符号效应,大学教育过程本身对学生人力资本提高的作用却被忽略了。本文利用一个对大学生群体为期五年的追踪调查数据,试图证明大学教育自身对家庭背景影响的削弱作用,来自于为不同社会阶层出身的学生提供一个公平开放的学习锻炼环境,帮助他们,特别是那些来自弱势家庭的学生,提高自身的非认知能力,以应对毕业后的工作。  相似文献   

罗玲  彭少峰 《社会工作》2015,(1):116-123
近年来,同伴教育方法逐渐成为国内学术界和实务界关注的热点,并逐渐将社会工作与同伴教育相结合应用于药物滥用、艾滋病预防等领域。笔者从同伴教育理论、实践操作及效果评估三个方面对国内外同伴教育研究进行梳理,发现在同伴教育的内涵界定、实施形式、理论依据、实践模式以及实施效果等方面已经进行了有益地探索,取得了一定的成绩。今后学术界应加强本土同伴教育的实证研究、纵深研究以及理论文化研究,拓展和深化同伴教育的研究领域。  相似文献   

柯力 《社会工作》2009,(4):36-37
青少年犯罪是当今社会的顽疾,它已成为世界各国普遍关注的社会问题。家庭是青少年适应社会的基本媒介,家庭社会资本的影响是决定—个儿童是否成为犯罪者的重要因素。本文主要综述了家庭社会资本与青少年犯罪行为之间的关系,具体分析了决定家庭社会资本的因素以及家庭社会资本的缺乏对青少年犯罪行为产生的可能性影响。研究探索青少年犯罪与家庭社会资本的关系,也是为了制定积极有效的措施,更好地预防和减少青少年犯罪。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪是当今社会的顽疾,它已成为世界各国普遍关注的社会问题。家庭是青少年适应社会的基本媒介,家庭社会资本的影响是决定一个儿童是否成为犯罪者的重要因素。本文主要综述了家庭社会资本与青少年犯罪行为之间的关系,具体分析了决定家庭社会资本的因素以及家庭社会资本的缺乏对青少年犯罪行为产生的可能性影响。研究探索青少年犯罪与家庭社会资本的关系,也是为了制定积极有效的措施,更好地预防和减少青少年犯罪。  相似文献   

李琳 《社会工作》2009,(20):32-34
班杜拉的社会学习理论强调环境因素、个人认知和行为之间的相互作用,观察和模仿是学习的重要途径。上海市自强总社开展的同伴教育活动在运用社会学习理论的基础上充分发挥了同伴辅导员的榜样示范作用,有利于药物滥用人员自我效能感的提升,从而达到生理脱毒、心理康复、回归社会的目的。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between family structure and junior high school students’ educational and psychosocial development and its intermediate mechanisms. Our findings show, firstly, that family structure affects children’s development, and children living with both parents have better educational and psychosocial development than those without one or both parents. Secondly, family structure affects children’s development to some extent through the two mechanisms of family socioeconomic status and parental participation in education. Thirdly, fathers and mothers play different roles in children’s development. Mothers are more important to children’s educational development, while fathers are more important to their psychosocial development. In addition, the distribution of family structure shows marked group heterogeneity, and families lacking both parents tend to be groups with a lower socioeconomic status. Since adolescent development is closely related to the acquisition of socioeconomic status in adulthood, the negative impact of parental absence on children’s development should not be neglected by academics and policy researchers.  相似文献   

Unmarried pregnant teenagers comprise the most significant challenge to contemporary US social welfare policy. In 1986, never-married women who first gave birth in adolescence represented 37% of all poor, female-headed families. Education has been widely recognized as both a cause and a consequence of adolescent motherhood. Failure to complete high school is a major predictor of poverty and the duration of receipt of welfare benefits. The pattern is intergenerational: teenagers whose parents have not completed high school are substantially more likely to become pregnant and have an out-of-wedlock birth than are their peers whose parents have at least a secondary education. Even when socioeconomic factors are controlled for, unmarried teenage mothers average two years less education than their peers. More critical, the literature suggests, than the number of years of schooling is performance in and attitudes toward school. An adolescent who is performing below grade level and aware that her occupational choices are limited as a result is more likely to choose to become an unwed mother than to seek abortion or adoption. This finding suggests the importance of identifying teenagers with risk factors for out-of-wedlock birth (e.g., coming from single-parent households, low socioeconomic family status, chronic school underachievement) and providing them with enriched educational and occupational motivation and opportunities.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether adolescent loneliness would be lower within the context of positive relationships with peers. The core conceptual model predicted that hypothesized links between peer‐rated social behaviors or victimization and loneliness would be mediated by social acceptance. Relationship experiences (i.e., social acceptance, reciprocal liking, and romantic relationship history), also were hypothesized to serve as protective factors in the links between social behaviors/victimization and loneliness. Finally, we examined sociometric status group differences in loneliness. Participants were 2091 11th grade students (61 percent girls). As expected, adolescent loneliness was positively associated with shyness, even when social acceptance was controlled. Additionally, loneliness was positively correlated with victimization and inversely related to prosocial and disruptive behavior. The link between victimization and loneliness was fully mediated by social acceptance; no other mediational models were supported. Also, the three relationship experience variables were unique predictors of loneliness (with social acceptance explaining the bulk of the variance in loneliness). There was no evidence, however, that social acceptance moderated the links between social behavior or victimization and loneliness. Sociometric analyses revealed that neglected and shy‐rejected, but not aggressive‐rejected adolescents, were lonelier than average peers.  相似文献   

社会经济地位、生活方式与健康不平等   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王甫勤 《社会》2012,32(2):125-143
以往研究多认为社会经济地位是人们健康水平最重要的决定因素,但对其影响机制却缺乏理论解释和检验。而社会流行病学研究关注与健康相关的生活方式及行为因素对人们健康水平的影响,但忽视了社会结构因素对人们生活方式的型塑作用。本研究根据健康生活方式模型将生活方式作为社会经济地位影响健康水平的中间机制,通过“中国综合社会调查(2005)”数据,分析中国民众健康不平等的形成过程。研究发现,同欧美主要发达国家一样,中国民众也存在明显的健康不平等,社会经济地位越高的人,其健康水平越高。社会经济地位主要通过健康生活方式影响人们的健康水平,其影响机制可以描述为,社会经济地位越高的人越倾向于拥有和维护健康生活方式,而健康生活方式又直接影响了人们的健康水平。  相似文献   

This study examined the links among parents' interaction styles, their children's social information processing, and peer acceptance. Fourth‐grade children (N = 159) and their parents were observed during family discussions. One year later peer acceptance and children's information processing choices (goals, strategies, and attributions) in response to social dilemmas involving their parents and peers were assessed. Fathers' interaction styles with their children predicted both girls' and boys' information processing in regard to their fathers and peers, which, in turn, were related to peer acceptance. Mothers' interactive styles with their children predicted children's social information processing in regard to parents and peers and peer acceptance in similar ways, but only for girls. This study provided evidence that parent–child interaction is linked to children's information processing concerning their relationships with parents and peers and in turn with children being liked by peers. The implications of a social information processing approach for understanding family–peer links are emphasized.  相似文献   

Parents indirectly influence their children's peer interactions by implicit socialization and directly by interference. They influence their (young) children's doings by supervising their contacts with friends, monitoring where they go, and facilitating their meetings with friends at home. Adolescents' growing orientation to peers is often at the cost of direct contact with their parents. Potentially, conversations with adolescent children become significant moments for parents to collect information about their children's social lives, preparing them for the challenges of their preadult social life. We studied conversations between in state‐created family homes amongst foster parents (FPs) and out‐of‐home‐placed adolescents, to see how FPs prepare foster adolescents to deal with the dynamics of peer culture, specifically in mocking practices. We are interested in the pedagogical role of FPs in these practices. We find that peer culture behavior is expressed in the context of family homes. Rather than preparing adolescents for peer culture indirectly by discussing possible, or hypothetical, situations, FPs react directly to peer culture expressions at the dinner table. In their approach, FPs demonstrate that peer culture membership is not just an interactional competence but also a teachable issue.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the relations among family ecological factors including parental educational and occupational status, family income and housing conditions, the quality of the marital relationship and social support, parental acceptance and rejection, and social competence in a sample of Chinese children. Four hundred and seventy-six primary school children in Shanghai, P.R. China, and their parents participated in the study. Children were administered a peer assessment measure of social behavior and a measure of their perceptions of parental behavior. Parents completed questionnaires concerning family background, parental acceptance and rejection, perceived social support, and marital conflict and satisfaction. Teachers completed a rating scale concerning children's behaviors in school. Information on children's leadership was collected from the school administrative records. Results indicated that parental educational and occupational status was associated with family psychological conditions which, in turn, were predictive of parental acceptance. Family capital resources were negatively related to parental acceptance. Results also indicated that parental acceptance was associated positively with prosocial-competent behavior in children and negatively with aggressive behavior in children. Parental educational and occupational status was directly associated with children's competent behavior. Finally, it was found that family psychological resources were positively related to competent behavior and negatively related to aggression in children, through the mediation of parental acceptance and rejection. Family capital resources were indirectly and positively associated with child aggression through the mediation of parental acceptance and rejection.  相似文献   

Adolescents' exposure to death is high, with approximately 40% of adolescents reporting past year death of a peer. Each of the estimated annual 14,000 deaths of adolescents has an impact on friends, classmates, and peers, with adolescent girls experiencing more peer deaths within a one year time frame than boys. Much of the literature focuses on parent or sibling death but little on the death of a peer. The sudden and unexpected nature of adolescent deaths appears to be a common experience that deeply affects adolescent girls and puts them at risk for a wide range of negative physical, emotional, social, and cognitive outcomes. The author outlines a task-oriented group intervention that meets the developmental, emotional, cognitive, and gender-specific needs of adolescent girls grieving the death of a peer.  相似文献   

This study examined early adolescent autonomy and relatedness during disagreements with friends as key social competencies likely to predict academic achievement during the transition to high school and academic attainment into early adulthood. A sample of 184 adolescents was followed through age 29 to assess predictions to academic success from observed autonomy and relatedness during a disagreement task with a close friend. Observed autonomy and relatedness at age 13 predicted relative increases in grade point average (GPA) from 13 to 15, and greater academic attainment by age 29, after accounting for baseline GPA. Findings remained after accounting for peer acceptance, social competence, scholastic competence, externalizing and depressive symptoms, suggesting a key role for autonomy, and relatedness during disagreements in helping adolescents navigate challenges in the transition to high school and beyond.  相似文献   

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