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少数民族文化,作为少数民族劳动者价值观念、风俗习惯、心理特征、审美情趣等方面的总和,具有形态多样性、分布立体性、全民认同性等特征.发展少数民族地区县域经济,少数民族文化因素不可忽视.通过影响和作用于少数民族劳动者的思想及其经济活动,少数民族文化既能够促进县域经济发展,也可能阻碍县域经济发展.构建少数民族地区县域"文化经济",就是要通过对县域优秀文化资源进行开发和经营,充分挖掘并实现文化产业的经济效益与社会效益,在繁荣少数民族文化的同时,实现少数民族地区县域经济又好又快发展.  相似文献   

民族地区县域经济发展战略的现实选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,相对于城市经济而言,县域经济就是农村经济,而县域经济特别是少数民族地区县域经济发展的相对滞后,是影响我国国民经济整体发展水平的一个重要的制约性因素。因而加快少数民族地区县域经济的发展已经成为亟需解决的重大课题。根据在民族地区多年的工作实践,笔...  相似文献   

湖南现有6个少数民族人口超过总人口半数的县,因历史机遇等原因,未能成功申报为民族自治县,但它们没抱怨、没泄气,而是奋发图强,积极争取其他优惠政策,尤其是对那些经省人民政府批准设立的在县域发展中相对较弱的少数民族乡,更是竭力扶持发展,誓将“底子”打造成“面子”。  相似文献   

辽宁省是一个多民族聚居的省份,有43个少数民族成份,少数民族人口616万多,占全省总人口的1562%,有两个蒙古族自治县,8个满族自治县和132个民族乡。少数民族自治县面积占全省国土面积的17%。少数民族自治县GDP占全省GDP总量的5%。面向新世纪,充分发挥民族工作部门的作用,更好地完成民族经济工作任务,促进民族自治地方经济的快速、持续、健康的发展,帮助少数民族群众改善生产生活条件,为全省民族团结进步事业做出应有的贡献,是民族经济文化工作的主要任务。改革开放以来,辽宁的民族经济工作紧紧围绕全…  相似文献   

一个面积只有176平方公里,总人口11.8万人,其中回族2.5万人的小县域,短短5年时间,便实现了从小到大的发展大跨越。2011年11月10日,国家民委将全国民族自治县(旗)科学发展示范县的荣誉称号授予大厂回族自治县。这是一个载入民族工作和科学发展史册的重要历史时刻。在全国120个少数民族自治县(旗)中,大厂第一个获此殊荣。  相似文献   

本次湖南民族地区县域经济战略研讨会上,来自湖南省县域经济研究会和省委党校的专家学者们在多次实地考察、调研的基础上,以科学而严谨的态度为我省民族地区县城经济的发展把脉建言,出谋划策。本刊特邀省委党校来亚红副教授撰文,对湖南少数民族县域经济进行思考和探讨。  相似文献   

辽宁财政厅重视发展少数民族经济辽宁省财政厅十分重视发展少数民族经济。6年来,用于民族地区的国拨支援不发达资金达2000万元,占总金额的45%,扶持少数民族贫困户6万多户。从1986年起,全省少数民族补助费由人均0.52元提高到一元,总额从210万元增加到410万元。1984年设立的扶持少数民族专业户、重点户和多种经营周转金,几年来共发展少数民族专业户、重点户4000多户。财政厅还根据民族区域自治法有关规定,建立自治县机动全和高于其他县1%的预备费。4年来,全省5个自治县享受机动金3600万元,预备费390万元。此外,在改革财政体制时,对自治县也给予一定的照顾。  相似文献   

拥有28万人口的保靖县是一个少数民族聚居县,全县土家族、苗族等少数民族人口占82%。在这个多民族县域内,各民族亲如一家,共同发展,谱写了一曲曲民族团结、互助的赞歌。县民族事务局作为管理少数民族事务不可或缺的政府机关,多年来,不仅见证了保靖县各民族团结奋斗的历史,而且成为了推动、促进各民族经济、文化各项事业不断发展的中坚力量。早春二月,迎着清新的晨风,记者走进了保靖县民族事务局。无须讳言,在保靖这块土地上,各民族之间的经济发展、文化开发等方面确实存在较大差距,接近汉族地区的少数民族群众较聚居在边远山区的同胞思想要…  相似文献   

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县是黑龙江省唯一的蒙古族自治县,蒙古族人口占全县总人口的14.8%,全县有蒙古族中小学61所,蒙古族教师534人。 近几年来,随着自治县民族经济日益振兴,民族教育事业也有很大发展,但是由于历史的原因,自治县文化教育基础薄弱,少数民族师资队伍数量少、质量低,各科教师不配套,  相似文献   

少数民族地区经济发展的金融支持研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
少数民族地区经济在总体上存在经济相对落后、与主体经济发展差距大、经济发展缓慢、社会化程度低、经济结构较为单一等特征.要加快我国少数民族地区的经济社会发展,需要制定具有民族特色的金融支持政策,通过采取发展少数民族地区中小银行、建立金融改革试验区、建立健全少数民族地区的保险制度和担保体系,以促进少数民族地区经济社会的快速发展.  相似文献   

本文通过对自治县经济发展差异性的考察和聚类分析,把自治县划分为四种类别,并归纳了不同类别自治县的基本经济特征,对各类自治县的经济发展阶段进行了界定,为分类指导、制定并实施符合各类自治县实际的政策措施,构建了一个较为完整的分析框架,提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

李军 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):44-48,109-110
The legislative public participation in ethnic minority autonomous areas has its legal basis. The fifth regulation in the lifa fa ( The Leg-islative Law ) of China makes a general require-ment on public participation in legislation. In order to ensure the effective participation of the public in legislation, some ethnic minority autonomous re-gions have outlined some requirements on public comment, demonstration, and hearing during the legislative process through autonomous regulations. These ethnic minority autonomous areas are com-prised of both autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties. However, the breadth and depth of the public participation in legislation in ethnic minority auton-omous areas is inadequate, and a perfect mecha-nism of public participation in legislation in ethnic minority autonomous areas has yet to be formed. This is mainly reflected in the following aspects:1 ) The relevant laws of public participation in leg-islation have not been perfected;2 ) The enthusi-asm of public participation in legislation is not high;3) Legislative information is not fully open, and the feedback mechanism has not been perfec-ted;4 ) The limited approach for public participa-tion in legislation, and the lack of ethnic and re-gional characteristics. To improve the mechanism of public partici-pation in the legislation of ethnic minority autono-mous areas, we can start with the following:1 ) Improving the legal regulation of public participation in the legislation of ethnic minority
autonomous areas The state and the ethnic minority autonomous areas should develop operational laws of public participation, so as to provide a legal basis for the public’s participation. The ethnic minority autono-mous areas should fully integrate the actual situa-tion of the local ethnic people and create autono-mous regulations with local characteristics, protect public participation rights, and promote public participation in legislation in an orderly and effec-tive manner. 2 ) Improving the level of enthusiasm forpublic participation in ethnic minority autonomous areas From a subjective standpoint, correct ideas on public participation in legislation in ethnic minority autonomous areas should be cultivated. Firstly, the awareness of the public participation in legislation in ethnic minority autonomous areas should be pro-moted . Secondly the autonomous organ’s concept of legislation should be changed. From an objective point of view, on the one hand, we should vigor-ously promote the development of the economy in ethnic minority autonomous areas. On the other hand, we should make great efforts to promote the development of civil society. 3 ) Improving dissemination of information and feedback mechanisms for public participation in legislation of ethnic minority autonomous areas The dissemination of information publicity and feedback mechanism of the public participation in-ethnic minority autonomous areas should be estab-lished on the basis of two-way communication and
consultation between the autonomous organs and the population of all ethnic groups in ethnic minori-ty autonomous areas. Autonomous bodies fully dis-close all kinds of legislative information to the pub-lic, from whom the autonomous bodies obtain legis-lative views, through to the legislative information feedback to complete the legislative interaction be-tween the two sides. 4 ) Developing and expanding effective meth-ods of public participation in the legislation of eth-nic minority autonomous areas The effective methods of public participation in the legislation of ethnic minority autonomous ar-eas can be considered from two standpoints:The first is the endogenous mode of public participation in legislation. This means, according to its own objective conditions and actual needs, relying on the inner force of the autonomous bodies and the populations of all ethnic groups, the ethnic minori-ty autonomous areas can explore and innovate suit-able methods for the local legislation of public par-ticipation. The second is the exogenous mode of public participation in legislation. This means, in order to expand the public participation in the leg-
islation, ethnic minority autonomous areas learn, understand, and borrow some foreign public partic-ipation methods and techniques, making it a suit-able method for local public participation in legis-lation.  相似文献   

民族自治地方的小康问题横亘于中国小康之路.宪法和法律赋予民族自治地方制定自治条例、单行条例和变通补充规定等自治法规的特殊立法权,为自治地方的社会经济发展起到了重要的保障作用.自治区、自治州、自治县三级自治地方务必加强、完善自治法规的制定、修改、实施和监督工作,使其为自治地方全面建设小康社会保驾护航.  相似文献   

城市流动少数民族人口的社会保障权及其实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王莹 《民族学刊》2011,2(1):59-65,86-87
大杂居、小聚居的民族分布特点,从宏观上决定我国是一个民族杂居的大家庭。目前少数民族已遍布全国98%以上的县市,特别是对于一些大中城市,其区位优势、较快的经济发展都对少数民族流动人口具有巨大的吸引力。然而当少数民族流动人口从西部边疆和中部山区进入城市之后,失业保险、医疗保险、工伤保险、社会福利、社会优抚等社会保障权利常常得不到实现。造成这种状况的原因是多方面的,但思想观念和体制上的因素不容忽视,本文在对这些原因进行分析的基础上,提出了促进城市流动少数民族人口社会保障权实现的构想。  相似文献   

西部开发与贵州民族地区生态问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西部大开发作为我国面向新世纪所作出的重大决策 ,生态环境问题是其切入点和突破口。文章分析了贵州民族地区生态环境面临的诸多问题 ,阐述了在西部开发中加快贵州民族地区生态环境建设的对策思路 ,提出需要强化可持续发展观 ,把消除贫困与经济建设、人口控制和生态环境保护利用相结合 ;调整利益格局和帮扶方式 ;加大对外开放 ,争取政策、资金、技术的支持和协作 ;完善民族自治地方法规体系 ,促进经济社会与生态环境的协调发展  相似文献   

王永莉  旦增遵珠 《民族学刊》2013,4(1):17-23,100-102
我国民族地区的经济发展方式大多属粗放型,其转变的关键在政府管理体制改革。从民族地区政府管理面临的现实困境看,既面临特殊的社会历史自然环境,又要完成中央政府的经济增长考核目标和其他重点任务,还要应付民族地区复杂的群体性事件等。推动民族地区经济发展方式的转型,必须加快中央和民族地区政府职能的转变,正确处理政府与市场关系,完善对民族地区政府的绩效考核,创新民族地区政府管理体制,积极推动民族自治地区政府管理体制的改革步伐。  相似文献   

许洪位 《民族学刊》2016,7(3):62-72,119-120
After 60 years of implementation, the ethnic regional autonomous policy has provided basic political support for promoting the common development and prosperity of all ethnic groups. Especially since the period of “Reform and Open-ing Up” began, the national preferential policies and support for ethnic minority areas gradually in-creased, and economic and social development in the ethnic minority areas clearly speeded up. Ac-cording to official statistics, after more than 30 years of “Reform and Opening Up”, the economic growth rate of China’s ethnic minority areas is high-er than the national average. However, at the same time , the economic and social development gap be-tween different ethnic groups has become more and more pronounced. The development of the ethnic groups has created a structure of multiple dispari-ties, which fundamentally restricts ethnic unity, as well as political and social stability in ethnic areas of China. This structure of multiple disparities re-flects the imbalances mainly in four aspects: 1 ) the ongoing large gap between the ethnic minority areas and Han Chinese regions remains; 2 ) the unequal economic and social development among the various ethnic minority people has expanded;3 ) the economic gap within the same ethnic minor-ity autonomous region has gradually become more pronounced;and, 4 ) the differences in develop-ment within the same ethnic group who live in vari-ous regions of China are also very obvious. The multiple inequalities of the economic and social development of China’s ethnic groups add more complexity to the ethnic problems of China. The disparity in economic and social development between different ethnic groups is not only an eco-nomic problem, but is also a significant political issue. Hence, promoting a balanced economic and social development among the various ethnic groups has a very obvious practical significance for main-taining ethnic unity, promoting national integra-tion, and maintaining national stability . Based on the discussion above, this article mainly explores which kind of ethnic policy can ef-fectively resolve the multiple disparities found with-in ethnic development and is beneficial for promo-ting the integration of the various ethnic groups in China? On the basis of summarizing and reviewing approaches found in earlier research, the author puts forward the following core ideas:1 ) The economic and social development differences of various ethnic groups have formed a pattern of multiple disparities in China, and it is no longer simply a gap between the Han and ethnic minorities. Since the implementation of the “Re-form and Opening Up” policy, the differentiation or disparity between China’s ethnic minorities has become more and more pronounced—this phenom-enon constitutes a new challenge to China’s ethnic unity and national unification. Therefore, we must adjust ethnic policy in order to solve the “true problem” or “new problem” concerning China’s ethnic problem. 2 ) The multi-faceted disparities found in the economic and social development among China’s ethnic minorities result from many factors, inclu-ding institutional, policy, historical, geographical, cultural, and psychological. Therefore, we must realize a diversity of ethnic policy, and build a comprehensive ethnic policy system. 3 ) For the purpose of realizing the integration and state construction of the ethnic groups, in ad-dition to implementing the current policy of differ-entiation, we must also ensure a “four balanced and coordinated development”. This includes a balance between the Han areas and ethnic minority areas, a balance among the various ethnic minori-ties themselves, a balance within the same ethnic minority areas, and a balance within the same eth-nic group who live in different areas. This requires the central government to strengthen a double dif-ferentiation and collaborative orientation of ethnic policies concerning the market, labor, resources, technology, and capital.  相似文献   

司法救济是保障权利的最后一道屏障.发展自主权是民族自治地方自治权行使能力或程序的集中体现,司法救济缺位制约民族自治地方发展自主权的落实.民族自治地方发展自主权需要司法救济,这既是中国实施西部大开发战略和加入WTO的迫切需要,也是维护自治权和建立健全社会主义法制的内在要求.  相似文献   

援新疆定规划:务求取得扎实成效;重发展变方式:推动西藏实现跨越式发展和长治久安;重部署定目标:促进内蒙古又好又快发展;育人才寄厚望:总书记对少数民族学生寄以殷切期望;抓重点促传承:繁荣发展少数民族文化事业;讲团结促繁荣:希望少数民族作出更大贡献;谋协作共发展:武陵山区经济协作模式拉开序幕;集学人发高论:共同关注民族宗教问题;扬文化振精神:通过少数民族传统体育运动弘扬民族精神;解民渴见成效:我国五大民族自治区民生亮点掠影等,堪称是本年度国内民族十大热点问题。  相似文献   

新经济地理学与中国少数民族地区的经济发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章应用新经济地理学模型重新解释了民族地区空间结构的经济学含义,认为民族地区的空间结构不利于其经济发展.由于民族地区市场范围小,分工程度低,规模报酬递增程度弱,同时运输成本高,不利于产业集聚,从而制约了民族地区的经济发展.文章最后提出了相关的政策建议.  相似文献   

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