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The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the utilization of midwives (dais) by village women and to learn more about the characteristics and practices of those dais. Two interview schedules were prepared. The first was used to interview 632 village women to determine who performed or assisted with their last two deliveries. The second was used to obtain information from 21 dais.The results of the first phase may be summarized as follows: (a) 38 per cent of the women were delivered by relatives; (b) 33 per cent of the women delivered their own children; (c) 14 per cent were delivered by neighbors; (d) 6 per cent were delivered by dais; (e) 2 percent were delivered in hospitals; and (f) the remaining 7 per cent were accounted for by several minor categories.The results of the interviews with dais are summarized as follows: (a) they are mainly widows and older women; (b) they have no formal training; (c) they work for friends, neighbors, and relatives and receive a sari as compensation; (d) they cannot handle complicated deliveries; (e) they deliver 3-4 children a year; (f) their sterilizing procedures depend upon soap, water, and folk beliefs; (g) most think midwifery is a worthwhile service; (h) about one-half have a general understanding of the reproduction process; (i) most do not know how to prevent conception; and (j) about half think that it is a good idea to participate actively in a family planning program.  相似文献   

The current research is a pilot study that included 87 single women who responded to an announcement placed in one of the national newspapers and then filled out interview questionnaires. The study hypothesized three groups of variables for predicting elderly single women's appeals for help from health and welfare services: (a) demographic variables, (b) intrapersonal variables, and (c) interpersonal variables. The research tools were (a) a demographics questionnaire constructed specifically for this study; (b) a personal assessment of single life: chosen or unchosen, including a question regarding what single people think about bachelorhood/spinsterhood; (c) an approach to the institution of bachelorhood/spinsterhood; (d) self-evaluation questionnaire; (e) a sense of mastery over life questionnaire; (f) informal support networks questionnaire; and (g) an assessment of the appeal to health and welfare services for help. A special questionnaire was constructed, which included a list of health and welfare services. The research findings indicate connections among all the research variables. All the research hypotheses were confirmed. Special attention should be given to this one tenth and more of the elder population. It might improve the lives of those women and save Western governments a lot of money.  相似文献   

我国现行的户籍制度从诞生发展到今天 ,大致经历了三个阶段。这一户籍管理体制与现行的社会经济体制存在着许多不协调的方面 ,户籍改革是必要的也是可能的 ,而改革的基本思路集中在这几个方面 :1.逐步实行一元化户籍 ;2 .由现行的户口登记逐步过渡到人口登记 ;3.尽快在全国范围内实现对人员流动的开放管理 ;4.与经济体制改革配套  相似文献   

The author utilized semistructured interviews with 56 women to explore how a wide range of activities affected the development of the participants’ same-sex attractions and relationships. The researcher was able to identify and describe some aspects of the process by which eight characteristics of activities that are more or less present in various social contexts have the potential to impact whether these contexts are more or less conducive or hindering to the development of women’s same-sex attractions and relationships. Activities were more apt to nurture the development of the participants’ same-sex attractions and relationships when the activity (a) included lesbians, (b) was composed primarily of women, (c) affirmed women, (d) facilitated bonding, (e) featured a climate of acceptance of lesbians/gays/bisexuals, (f) did not feature a climate that emphasized heteronormativity, (g) was perceived as gender neutral, and (h) generated or drew participants who were similar to each other.  相似文献   

The study deals with the relationship of population’ to historical processes. Six aspects are selected for consideration: (1) The pattern of demographic factors which help to cause the persistence of particular human physical types in given localities. (2) Social control to maintain population within subsistence limits. (3) The conditions in which such control breaks down. (4) Migration. (5) Major trends in population history. (6) The influence of population on historical development.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a Good Society Index for 45 African countries, termed the Good African Society Index (GASI). The GASI consists of nine main indexes: (1) economic sustainability, (2) democracy and freedom, (3) child well-being, (4) environment and infrastructure, (5) safety and security, (6) health and health systems, (7) integrity and justice, (8) education, and (9) social sustainability and social cohesion. Each component is split into four sub-components for a total of 36 indicators. Tunisia ranks highest on the GASI, followed by Cape Verde and Botswana. Chad has the lowest GASI score, followed by Central African Republic and Cote d’Ivoire. The GASI is strongly related to the 2012 Human Development Index and Fragile States Index, to a lesser extent, GNI per capita.  相似文献   

The report of the Mahidol Population Gazette presents population statistics as of January 1, 1999, in Thailand. This report aims to 1) present an estimate of relevant population numbers and vital rates twice a year; 2) provide accurate demographic estimates using standard techniques of demographic analysis; and 3) disseminate demographic data to Thailand and international researchers and planners. The total population was estimated to be around 61,470,000, with a higher number of women (30,876,000) than men (30,594,000). It was evident that a greater number of individuals live in the rural areas (42,121,000) compared to those living in the urban areas (19,349,000). The largest number of residents are shown to live in the Northeastern region (20,961,000), followed by those living in the Central region (13,708,000), Northern region (11,495,000), Southern region (8,114,000), and Bangkok Metropolis (7,192,000). Also, the number of individuals in the labor force (39,739,000) and of voting age (41,926,000) makes up a large part of the population. The ratio of the crude birth rate and death rate is 18.0:6.7 per 1000 population, while the total fertility rate was estimated to be 1.98 per 1000 women. In the year 2025 the population is estimated to reach 73,045,000.  相似文献   

A new measure of QWL was developed based on need satisfaction and spillover theories. The measure was designed to capture the extent to which the work environment, job requirements, supervisory behavior, and ancillary programs in an organization are perceived to meet the needs of an employee. We identified seven major needs, each having several dimensions. These are: (a) health and safety needs (protection from ill health and injury at work and outside of work, and enhancement of good health), (b) economic and family needs (pay, job security, and other family needs), (c) social needs (collegiality at work and leisure time off work), (d) esteem needs (recognition and appreciation of work within the organization and outside the organization), (e) actualization needs (realization of one's potential within the organization and as a professional), (f) knowledge needs (learning to enhance job and professional skills), and (g) aesthetic needs (creativity at work as well as personal creativity and general aesthetics). The measure's convergent and discriminant validities were tested and the data provided support to the construct validity of the QWL measure. Furthermore, the measure's nomological (predictive) validity was tested through hypotheses deduced from spillover theory. Three studies were conducted – two studies using university employees and the third using accounting firms. The results from the pooled sample provided support for the hypotheses and thus lent some support to the nomological validity to the new measure.  相似文献   

The current state of Korean internal migration in 1961–75 is examined from three perspectives: (1) where migrants go; (2) who moves; and (3) why they move. It is followed by a closer examination of the experiences that in-migrants to Seoul, the capital city of Korea, undergo in regard to (1) decision-making of migration; (2) job mobility; (3) settlement patterns; and (4) living conditions of squatters. Evaluation of the migration policies named in the Seoul population dispersal and relocation plans leads to a conclusion that they have little concern with the welfare of the urban poor and in-migrants to Seoul.  相似文献   

Assisting those wanting to explore localisation as a transformative sustainability strategy, this article provides the results of interviews with six localisation experts to determine localisation metrics. The interviews aimed to determine localisation qualities that should be captured for localisation measurement, and/or metrics that might be used to measure these. The shared expert belief and opinion regarding these metrics and qualities was expanded using writings by these and other experts. The formed metric set includes: (1) resource self-reliance; (2) resource dependence; (3) social health; (4) environmental damage/impact; (5) localisation type/governance participation; and (6) control and ownership of resources, land, assets and business. These metrics may be used to determine how localised a community, region, or country is, and to form localisation indexes. This article describes the formation of the metric set, and may assist clarification of localisation understandings by enabling measurement.  相似文献   

This paper is a sequel to Sirgy et al. (Social Ind. Res. 68(3) (2004) 251), “The Impact of Globalization on a Country’s Quality of Life: Toward an Integrated Model” published in Social Indicators Research. That paper conceptualized globalization in terms of the free flow of four major components: (1) goods and services, (2) people, (3) capital, and (4) information. The current paper focuses on the free flow of goods and services, one of the four major components of globalization. Specifically, we (1) articulate the trade globalization construct, (2) show the complex mediating effects between trade globalization and QOL, and (3) describe under what conditions these positive vs. negative QOL effects are likely to occur. We develop a set of theoretical propositions to capture these mediating and moderating effects. Based on the theoretical model, we suggest the following public policy recommendations: (1) Encourage exporting firms not to outsource jobs. (2) Encourage firms to export more products in ways that can enhance their production efficiency. (3) Discourage firms from exporting culturally sensitive (and possibly offensive) products to culturally distant countries. (4) Encourage firms to export more products with potential for technology transfer. (5) Encourage firms in industries with a significant comparative advantage to increase exports. (6) Encourage imports of products that do not compete with high employment domestic industries where workers cannot easily transition to more productive employment. (7) Impose trade barriers as short-term solution to help␣threatened industries while helping those industries retool to become more competitive. (8)␣Assist displaced workers by re-training them to shift to industries with comparative advantage.  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper are to (a) describe a resource exchange theory which outlines the dimensions of life quality (Foa and Foa, 1974), (b) present a multidimensional measure of personal evaluations of family life quality based on this theory, and (c) report the results of a two-stage study in which the scale was used. The scale includes items representing love, status, services, information, goods, and money resources received from the family. Respondents evaluated the degree to which the receipt of these resources satisfied personal needs for: (a) love and affection, (b) respect and esteem, (c) comfort and assistance, (d) shared meaning, (e) personal things, and (f) money for personal use. Reliability, correlation, covariance, cluster, and factor analyses on data from 592 subjects provided information for reducing the number of items. A reduced version of the scale was administered to 331 of the same subjects one year later. The two stages provided evidence of construct validity and reliability for the scale.Research was supported by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station: Projects 52-054, 52-055, 52-058 Paper # 18,277 and the Minnesota Extension Service.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(4):533-548

The Bangkok Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) Cohort Study has shown high HIV incidence (8–12/100 person-years) among 18–21-year-old MSM. These data led to a further study using qualitative methods among young (18–24 years old) MSM in order to understand the factors driving the HIV epidemic among YMSM. We conducted eight focus group discussions and 10 key informant interviews among YMSM in Bangkok, Thailand. Sociodemographic and behavioral data were collected using a questionnaire. We audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed qualitative and questionnaire data using computer software. The categories relating to risk behavior were (1) the use of social networks for seeking sexual partners and the marketing promotions of MSM entertainment venues, (2) social influence by peers and older MSM, (3) easy access to high parties and group sex, (4) easy access to club drugs, (5) conceptions related to HIV risk, and (6) sexual preferences of YMSM. Increased HIV testing, same-sex education, and YMSM-specific HIV prevention efforts are urgently needed for YMSM in Bangkok.  相似文献   

To measure the levels of access to continuing professional education (CPE) among the health workers, an index (continuing professional education access index: CEAI) was constructed. The CEAI is composed of six indicators: (i) availability of CPE; (ii) distribution of CPE; (iii) informational access; (iv) geographical access; (v) economic access; and (vi) preparedness to release staff. When developing the equation of the CEAI, these six component indicators were weighted in accordance with the order of importance reported by the earlier studies. To test its validity, the CEAI was applied to the CPE status in three regions of Ghana. The results of this application revealed that there was greater discrepancies in the CEAI values according to the type of health facilities. The type of health facilities with the greatest CEAI (= 0.609) implying the best access to CPE was clinics while training/research institutes resulted in the lowest CEAI (= 0.447). Regional variation among the three regions was not significant. A simple linear regression between CEAI and adjusted number of CPE opportunities per health worker produced an extremely high conformity in the model (R2 = 0.960). This may indicate the validity of the proposed CEAI model to the large extent.  相似文献   

Few instruments provide reliable and valid data on child well-being and contextual assets during middle childhood, using children as informants. The authors developed a population-level, self-report measure of school-aged children’s well-being and assets—the Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI)—and examined its reliability and validity. The MDI was designed to assess child well-being inside and outside of school on five dimensions: (1) Social and emotional development, (2) Connectedness to peers and to adults at school, at home, and in the neighborhood, (3) School experiences, (4) Physical health and well-being, and (5) Constructive use of time after school. This paper describes the theoretical framework, selection of items and scales for the survey, and four studies that were conducted to revise the MDI and examine its psychometric properties. The findings indicate a theoretically predicted factor structure, high internal consistency, and document the convergent and discriminant validity of the MDI scales. The discussion delineates a plan for future validation studies that address further validity questions, such as predictive validity, measurement invariance, and fairness/bias, and provides a brief outlook of how the MDI may be used by practitioners, educators, and decision makers in schools and communities to motivate and inform action in support children’s well-being.  相似文献   

The author investigates emerging developments of social indicators through the experience of a health planning initiative begun in 1986 under the coordination of the World Health Organization (Europe). By 1993 over 400 municipalities in first world countries had voluntarily committed themselves to participation. The paper results from interviews and reviews of some participants' programs and materials, with significant reliance upon material from Canada and the coordinating WHO office. The author divides indicator development into political and technical components, stressing the former. He makes nine principal conclusions relating to indicators' success: (1) three stages of indicator development are understanding, consensus and commitment; (2) indicators must be grounded in target population's reality; (3) indicators are historical artifacts; (4) programs must be in place that make indicator need apparent; (5) process is product; (6) new skills must be supplied; (7) indicators are client-driven; (8) good process protects indicators' integrity from inappropriate influence; and (9) quality is a culturally-derived value defying aggregation.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to use a latent profile analysis to distinguish between populations in terms of life domain importance and satisfaction profiles. Then, a multinomial logistic regression was used to determine how background variables (e.g., gender, living areas, and school levels) and self-perceived health predict each latent quality of life (QoL) profile. We also investigated how the latent groups of adolescents predicted negative and positive well-being indicators (e.g., problem behaviors and overall life satisfaction). The sample consisted of 720 Taiwanese secondary school students. Three latent groups were established as follows: “unimportant-unsatisfied,” “important-unsatisfied,” and “important-satisfied.” The results indicate the following: (a) boys were more likely to fall into the “unimportant-unsatisfied” group than were girls; (b) better health increased the likelihood of being in the “important-satisfied” group; (c) high school students were more likely to be in the “unimportant-unsatisfed” group than were middle school students; and (d) no relationship was found between latent groups and living areas. The function of importance rating was not present when evaluating the importance-satisfaction profiles and their relationship with problem behaviors and overall life satisfaction. The problems of the “unimportant-unsatisfied” profile among youth are discussed.  相似文献   

In 2010 the Danish regions started a new program of public health surveillance in collaboration with the national and local health authorities using the short form health survey (SF-12) for measuring and reporting on health related quality of life among the Danish adult population. The instrument has not, however, been validated in a Danish setting. The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of the physical component summary (PCS) and the mental component summary (MCS) score of the 12-item short form health survey (SF-12) in a sample from Central Denmark Region. A total of 26,397 persons above the age of 25 were included in the analyses. Reliability was assessed by Cronbach’s α. The validity was assessed using known-groups comparisons and convergent validity. The factor structure was investigated through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The Cronbach’s α showed high reliability with a score of 0.90 and 0.85 for PCS and MCS respectively. The SF-12 discriminated well with respect to gender, age, educational status and long term illness. Individual items correlated higher with own hypothesized scales than with other scales and summary measures corroborating the convergent validity. The EFA gave a two-factor structure. Irrespective of the chosen rotation method (varimax and oblimin) the items related to PCS loaded on one factor and the items related to MCS loaded on another factor. The factor structure was validated with acceptable model-fit values in CFA. The SF-12 instrument is a reliable and valid measure of health related quality of life among the population of Central Denmark Region.  相似文献   

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