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国家惠农政策很多,按照惠农政策的涵盖范围及其特点,农业专家将其分为三大类:优惠政策、补贴类政策、专项扶持类政策。  相似文献   

城市公共交通财政补贴方法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析公交企业的经营特点和财政补贴的必要性,并在剖析传统的公交补贴政策弊端的基础上,提出改进现行补贴政策以及补贴额度的计算方法,并指出公交企业既不能完全市场化,也不能完全依靠政府补贴,而应该在市场化运营的同时,由政府对其公益性的政策性亏损进行补贴。  相似文献   

在我国粮食产量实现“十年增”以及重庆市粮食产量实现“5年增”的背后,农业补贴政策功不可没。其政策的落实充分的调动了农民的积极性,提高了农民收入,保证了粮食产量。可是政策落实以来也出现了各方面的难题,如补贴参考标准不是很合理、补贴标准较低、补贴资金规模十分小、运行本钱高等,亟需进行完善,笔者联系重庆实际及各方面的分析,对面临的难题进行研究并且指出了部分处理措施。  相似文献   

当前在建设社会主义新农村过程中。由于实行了取消农业税、种粮补贴等一系列惠农政策,农业得到了很大的发展,但屯官(包括村民小组组长或称经济联合社主任,副主任,出纳。会计等人员)犯罪的案件也随着上升。2005—2006年,我县屯官犯罪达25件,其中已被判处刑罚18人,正在被司法机关立案侦查2件4人。因职务侵占而自动退出赃款3人。  相似文献   

补贴制度在埃及不仅是个民生和经济问题,也是个敏感的政治问题。埃及的补贴制度始于1952年之前,并延续至今。埃及的补贴种类繁多,不同时期种类有所不同,食品和能源是主要补贴领域。埃及补贴制度最重要的功能是发挥了社会兜底作用,有效保障了埃及底层群体的基本生存需求,维持了社会稳定,但也积弊重生,主要体现在四个方面:一是财政赤字不断攀升,二是价格倒挂,三是损耗与浪费严重,四是加剧社会不公和滋生腐败。自1977年起,萨达特政府、穆巴拉克政府、过渡政府以及塞西当局对补贴制度进行了多次改革,改革的关键内容是提价与削减补贴支出,但总体效果不佳,陷入不得不改革、又难以彻底改革的两难境地。埃及补贴制度改革困境的形成,主要原因有三:一是贫困阶层依赖补贴维持生计,二是埃及粮食问题严峻,三是获益者反对。补贴制度是埃及政治与社会稳定之需,补贴制度改革的困境反映了埃及现代化进程的困境,其根本解决依赖于经济发展,要加强顶层设计。  相似文献   

国家强农惠农政策促进了农业经济发展、农民持续增收、农村和谐稳定。但贫困地区在落实惠农政策过程中,还存在许多问题和不足,这就需要我们改变宣传方式,加大宣传力度;逐步健全完善惠农政策落实体系;进一步严格政策标准,规范操作程序;规范管理,扎实推进医疗保障制度改革,使惠农政策落实机制更加完善,从而使农民群众更多地分享改革发展的成果。  相似文献   

新闻事实现在政府又扩大了一项惠农政策的试点范围,该政策对购买洗衣机、手机、彩色电视机和电冰箱等基本家用电器的农民给予13%的价格补贴。政府希望农村家庭的家电拥有水平能够赶上城市家庭,这也是中国实现城乡"均衡发展"这一中长期国家计划的一部分。这一家电下乡计划一年  相似文献   

刘圣华 《老年人》2004,(8):42-42
问:我是一名企业离休干部。根据有关规定,对离休的老红军、老八路每年增发1~2个月工资作为生活补贴。但社保局在发放生活补贴时,扣除了交通费和护理费。请问这样做符合国家政策规定吗?冯正明答:国务院有关文件规定,对部分离休干部离休后每年增发1~2个月工资的生活补贴,以其离  相似文献   

谢莹 《交通与港航》2024,(1):72-78+84
为了填补公交服务空白、强化公交覆盖薄弱区域,近年来上海新辟或延伸了一定数量的公交冷僻线路。冷僻线路主要分布在特定区域,且存在长期处于客流少、营收低状态的可能,为此上海相关管理部门给予了稳定的政策扶持。政策支持多年来,对于提升全市公交服务供应水平起到了积极作用。目前补贴机制已实施近十年,已与当前发展实际不符,为此通过剖析现状、进行合理性评估以发现问题,对重新优化完善补贴内容、促进冷僻线路可持续发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

潘家永 《老年人》2009,(2):52-52
问:民政部门于2006年曾下发文件,对建国前参加中国共产党的农村老党员和未享受离退休待遇的城镇老党员发放生活补贴,请问:对于这些老党员生活补贴的发放,最近有新的政策规定吗?  相似文献   

The article presents a country case study (Norway) of changing agricultural policy in the triangular field of forces formed by state regulation, the markets and the social welfare of the farming population. The article starts with an outline of a three-dimensional model of agricultural policies in developed capitalist countries. The policy is torn between three poles: state regulation, the liberalist market economy, and welfare support for the farmers. Each historical epoch has its own compromise between these three dimensions, called a policy cycle. When the cycle of agricultural policy changes, we may expect a change in the farmers' survival strategies. The findings, however, show that there is more persistence than change, independent of policy cycle, and farmers adapt themselves to policy changes even before the actual changes are made, in anticipation of the future. As a consequence, farmers in Norway lowered their investments and used less fertilizer and pesticides even before the present policy of ‘green liberalism’ was implemented.  相似文献   

Farmers’ attitudes, to agricultural production, diversification and policy support, and behavioural intentions in five Member States of the EU (France, Lithuania, Slovakia, Sweden, England) are analysed comparatively. Groups of farmers with similarly held attitudes are identified using cluster analysis to investigate whether differences in attitudes are defined predominately according to national, east–west, size or other criteria. The results highlight that the vast majority of farmers in the enlarged EU retain a productivist mindset, wish to maintain an agricultural focus and strongly reject notions of policy liberalisation. However, while the overwhelming majority advocate protection they are more receptive to greater flexibility in terms of the instruments through which policy support may be delivered. Overall, the strongest opposition to policy liberalisation comes from farmers in the New Member States of the EU.  相似文献   

This paper, focusing on two rice-farming villages where the Burmese government has experimented with a variety of agricultural programmes, explores the problems associated with rice implementation processes. In particular it looks at the basic structure and operation of agricultural administration — salary and income of government officials, the predominance of military officers in civilian ministries and departments, the creation of departments with overlapping responsibilities, and the hierarchical structure of the Agricultural Ministry — and highlight their limitations. It provides another aspect to evaluating the roots of poverty among average rice farmers.  相似文献   

In sub‐Saharan Africa, there is fairly broad agreement that increased investment in key public goods such as roads and communications infrastructure, agricultural research and water control will be required if revitalised agricultural development is to take place. However, it has proved more difficult to reach agreement on what needs to be done to improve the performance of agricultural markets. In this article we set out an agenda for investment and policy reform in this area, providing a brief theoretical examination of the co‐ordination problems involved before examining in turn demand and supply constraints affecting smallholder farmers, and policies for price stabilisation and the co‐ordination of support services. We also argue that increased attention needs to be paid to governance issues.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2000,16(3):379-394
Voluntary agri-environmental schemes based on management agreements characterise much agri-environmental policy across the EU at present, and have expanded following the implementation of Regulation 2078/92 in all member states. Schemes generally motivate individual farmers to contract with government agencies to produce countryside goods in return for compensatory payments. Hence, farmers’ decisions to participate are central to achieving policy objectives. An enhanced understanding of farmers’ attitudes to and perceptions of schemes and their implementation would be of value for policy development. Recent transactions-cost research has observed that such schemes involve potentially heavy transactions costs, for both the state and farmers. In addition to reducing scheme cost-effectiveness, the transactions costs incurred by farmers can form a significant constraint on participation in schemes, with adverse effects on the supply of conservation goods. This paper considers behavioural and transactional perspectives on scheme participation. Some new data on the transactional burdens experienced by farmers when participating in schemes is examined from the perspective of identifying ways to improve policy transacting to ease constraints on participation where these exist. At the level of the individual participant, the development of agri-environmental one-stop-shops in member states for all schemes would allow transactions-cost economies, saving on the overhead costs of applying to different schemes with different objectives, as well as allowing a more integrated, less confused approach to participation. The longer-term value of farmer networks and capacity-building for agri-environmental management is important too.  相似文献   

财政补贴是农村居民养老保险制度的核心,是农村居民养老保险制度推行和发展的关键。本研究从保障农民基本生活、调节收入分配、促进农村消费和激励农民参保缴费等4个维度对农村居民养老保险财政补贴的福利效应进行分析,发现当前补贴政策存在保障水平不高,地区分配不均,可持续性不强,激励约束不到位等问题。认为通过加大财政补贴支持力度,明确养老待遇调整机制,改善基金运营监管,调整参保缴费激励方案等多重措施,可以更好地发挥农村养老保险制度的福利效应,实现制度从规模扩张向高质量发展的转变。  相似文献   

The adjustment of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) initiated in the mid-1980s in response to its high cost and in-built tendency for overproduction set in train a series of measures that have been interpreted as reversing the former emphasis on agricultural production and diverting farmers towards alternative approaches to running their businesses. The policy reform measures have been characterised as contributing to a structural transition from a ‘productivist’ to ‘post-productivist’ era in agriculture, although empirical evidence for such reorientation at the farm level is less than conclusive. This paper reports on results from an analysis of large-scale commercial farmers in an area of relatively intensive arable and mixed livestock farming using documentary and survey sources to seek evidence of this transition over the long-term. Although these farmers have engaged with policy reform measures where these do not conflict with their primary objective, they continue to intensify and specialise their agricultural operations and to concentrate productive farm resources through accumulation and expansion.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1999,15(3):345-358
Although concern with the incomes of the agricultural community is at the centre of agricultural policy in Europe, and a major reason why reform of the CAP has been opposed, reliable statistics on the incomes of farmers and their households are scarce. Policy has been built on assumptions about incomes in agriculture that have remained largely unsubstantiated by official statistics. Recently, information has been generated by Eurostat about the aggregate disposable income of the agricultural household sector in EU countries which, though falling short of being comprehensive, causes some of these assumptions to be seriously challenged. By providing policymakers with better information, and indicating where more detailed statistics are needed, the quality of policy decisions should be improved.  相似文献   

Economic policy in South Africa in the interwar period is discussed in the context of differences between the economic power and political influence of Afrikaner as opposed to mining capital. Previous analyses have been limited by overgeneralisation, narrowness of scope and analytical methodologies which have overemphasised class agencies at the expense of actual and potential economic linkages. State economic interventions are shown to have differed in influence and in impact by area of application. No coherent policy was followed for the development of industry based on agricultural products. Instead, policies were subordinated to devolving central power to fragmented agricultural interests. Industrial policy is shown to have been confined to protection, other forms of subsidy and the creation of a state sector around heavy industry rather than being linked to a strategy of diversification out of the base provided by the activities associated with mining. Despite this lack of a conducive framework, preliminary research reveals that constrained industrial diversification did occur in isolated cases, including chemical and industrial diamond products, suggesting that other development trajectories were possible.  相似文献   

The supermarket revolution is spreading faster in China than anywhere else in the world. Supermarket sales are growing by 30–40% per year, 2–3 times faster than in other developing regions. This development has been driven by factors shared by other developing countries as well as by China‐specific policies. It presents opportunities for Chinese agricultural producers to diversify into activities with higher income prospects, and for procurement systems to move into dealing directly with farmers. However, supermarket managers face several unique challenges: average farm size is small and farmers are not well organised. Hence, the whole supply chain must be upgraded, and government agricultural policy and rural development programmes have an important role in this.  相似文献   

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