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The author examines the implications of the inter-dependence of nations, particularly vis-à-vis the Third World. He argues that those emerging countries which wish to progress socially, politically and economically in the next twenty years may have to promote new and daring development patterns. Further, marketing managers who wish to prepare their future operations in that emerging world will need to be as venturesome in new planning tools. He suggests that Taxonomy, used creatively, might be that instrument.  相似文献   

This article is derived from feedback which the author has analysed in the course of his work as an organization development consultant in Zambia. It is based on the experience of a large number of diverse organizations currently engaged in the process of developing ‘survival strategies’ in the field of materials management as a result of the effect of economic, geographical and geopolitical factors peculiar to the region. Some of the results are equally applicable to procurement operations in other landlocked countries in the East and Central African region. While some of the observations reflect the consequences of ineffective supply management strategies at the corporate level in the Third World context, the lessons are equally applicable to the long-range planning needs of procurement specialists and chief executives in the developed countries. Exercise material is provide to enable management development specialists to examine the approaches utilized during training sessions and to facilitate the development of assignment materials specific to their own organization.  相似文献   

A new era of conflict surrounds MNC operations, especially as they pertain to the Third World countries. This era is accompanied by a rather significant change in the socio-political global environment that makes the direction of future conflict qualitatively different. Historical stereotypes are likely to be irrelevant and may actually lead to erroneous strategies with unfortunate consequences for all concerned. The author looks at some of the more important changes that have recently been taking place in the global economic and political environment.  相似文献   

Enrico Pugliese 《LABOUR》1992,6(1):165-180
Abstract. The article intends to point out some of the main changes that are taking place in the structure of the labour market in Europe and the role played by the recent waves of immigration from Third World countries. The main features of these new migratory flows are that they involve a much larger number of states, both as sending and as receiving countries. Secondly the majority of the migrants workers tend to hold secondary labour market jobs or to work in the informal sector. These two aspects make today's international migrations very different from the intraeuropean migratory waves that concerned a much lower number of countries and were directed towards industrial areas.  相似文献   

There is currently a surplus of hotel accommodation in many towns and cities in the United Kingdom and in most countries of the world. Rationalization on a substantial scale is in progress and will inevitably continue as the pressures of the widespread economic recession force capacity and style more in line with the size and needs of the market. World economic recovery will, however, in due course bring speedier growth to tourism and higher occupancy to the British hotel industry as well as in other countries.

In this article the author outlines the situation and prospects in the hotel industry in Britain. He discusses the main economic and marketing problems facing the operators and in addition identifies the vital contribution required from the government in terms of the allocation of adequate ministerial resources, a co-ordinated national tourism policy and improved communications with the industry and the other parties involved.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(4):110-117
As part of a World Bank funded project to rehabilitate the export industries of a West African country, a study was undertaken into the methods of corporate planning and the systems of reporting management information for the government owned organization responsible for the distribution and marketing of the country's main agricultural export. Although many of the familiar problems were faced in attempting to introduce modern management techniques into a Third World country, considerable success in implementation was achieved by using a microcomputer with modern business software. Local staff were trained in the use of the modelling software and management information reports were prepared in graphical format to highlight the results for top management.  相似文献   

Abstract. Most governments intervene in the labor market to promote the provision of certain merit goods such as retirement income and health insurance. As economic integration has progressed within the European Community, questions have arisen concerning the harmonization of such benefits. Using case studies from three non-EC countries—the US., Canada, and Taiwan—the authors show that benefit structures and decisions reflect institutions which are difficult to change and whose patterns do not seem to reflect a simple economic determinism. The U.S. and Canada, two similar countries with integrated product markets, have adopted very different health insurance policies, but similar pension policies. Taiwan, despite its different stage of development, has a Canadian-style health insurance system and is currently grappling with how to arrange its pensions. A key outcome of the benefit-decision process is whether entitlements are external to the firm or contingent on maintaining a specific job attachment. An important factor in modifying benefit arrangements is the degree of social concertation present in national political systems. Benefits systems are best designed or reformed when institutions permit discussion of macro pressures. EC countries, now considering harmonization of economic institutions, have the opportunity to modernize their benefit arrangements. A related paper was presented to the Ninth World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Associations and its associated Study Group on Economic Policy and Social Concertation, Sydney, Australia, August 30-September 4, 1992.  相似文献   

An innovative marketing strategy pursued by Japanese manufacturers of a wide variety of durable consumer goods to successfully penetrate the Indian market, despite high entry barriers, is the subject of this report. Considerations that may justify imitation of the Japanese strategy by durable goods manufacturers in other industrialized nations to penetrate protected Third World markets are also discussed.  相似文献   

本文采用结构分解分析SDA模型对1990-2005年江苏省经济发展变化的源泉进行了实证研究。主要结论:第一,江苏经济增长长期主要靠消费拉动,中期则更多地依赖投资驱动;第二,技术变化长期对降低三次产业中间消耗需求发挥了显著作用,但中期对第一、第二产业的影响不大;第三,技术进步改善了对绝大多数行业的中间消耗,尤其是对采掘业和资本密集型制造业;第四,消费对现代服务业的促进作用较大,而资本形成对采掘业及部分资本密集型、技术知识密集型行业影响较大;第五,煤炭采选业、电力等行业总产出的变化受制于省际间净调出变化,而服装皮革及其他纤维制品制造业受净出口增加的影响,充分反映出江苏资源、市场两头在外的经济结构特征。  相似文献   

Public HRM in developing countries in Latin America and the Caribbean is different than in the United States because the development of administrative systems in general (and public personnel systems in particular) in less developed countries tend to evolve along a single track toward the model of increased rationality and transparency valued by international lenders as indicators of effective government and economic development. With respect to public HRM systems, this generally involves a sequential transition from statehood to patronage, from patronage to civil service, and from civil service to a range of alternative personnel systems. Development is a complex process affected more by economic, political and social conditions within each country, and their impact on civic culture, government and public administration. Examination of five examples from Latin America and the Caribbean shows that developing public HRM capacity can be done rightly or wrongly, depending on decision-makers' willingness to remember and learn from history and development management experience.  相似文献   

The fact that the United States has not faced an economic perplexity of current dimensions since the depression days hardly needs any emphasis. The current economic slowdown is significant because no recovery measures which may be applied to cure the economy are in sight. Since the Great Depression, especially after World War II, Keynes' economic theories have successfully been applied in the U.S., as also in other countries of the Free World, to put the economy back on path to recovery. Unfortunately, Keynesian measures do not seem to cope with the current economic woes. Apparently, new ways need to be sought and employed to get the economy back on track. Among many new ideas that have been advanced to restore economic growth, one is national economic planning by which the Government would play an active role in setting goals for the economy and devising means to reach them.The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a study that the author undertook to probe the opinions of chief executive officers of the largest U.S. corporations on the whole idea of national economic planning in the United States. This study is based on interviews with 23 chief executives officers (CEOs) in different industries. Table 1 shows the background of these CEOs. Specifically, the author refers to such questions as: What positive and negative attitudes do the chief executive officers maintain toward national economic planning; what difficulties do they think will have to be surmounted to accomplish national economic planning in the U.S.; what influence may national economic planning have on various business decisions; and how may national economic planning affect corporate strategy?  相似文献   

基于制度环境和任务环境观点的厂商关系管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在构建、发展和维持成功的合作关系上,以往的营销渠道研究主要从经济效率角度强调了任务环境的观点,在很大程度上忽略了以合法性为基础的制度环境的观点.另外,在渠道研究上,与其它国家相比,我国的制度环境可能有很多特殊性,对渠道的影响力不容忽视.本研究将两种环境观点结合起来发展了一个管理渠道关系的综合框架,并通过对北京、上海224家4S店的调研数据进行实证分析,从而验证了两种观点在解释渠道管理中的一些现象时的互补性.文章最后指出了本研究的意义及对未来研究的建议.  相似文献   

中国市场营销发展趋势探索   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
中国经济发展要融入世界经济发展的快车道,需要通过市场营销的推动。经过20多年的发展,中国虽然基本确立了有中国特色的市场营销体系,但仍面临一系列需要解决的紧迫问题。中国市场营销在21世纪初由于具备良好的经齐环境、政治环境、国际环境和科技环境,已面临着发展的大好机遇。中国市场营销发展趋势主要是进行市场营销的战略调整、制定和寻求适合中国市场营销发展的正确对策与途径。  相似文献   

Corporate planners, accustomed to stretch their mind in time will need to distend it in geographic space as well. Seemingly unrelated events in faraway countries suddenly implicate the work of planners, their homes and their futures. Europe and Japan rely for 95 per cent of their petroleum requirements upon the Third World. Huge pipelines carrying natural gas connect Soviet Russia with the United States and Europe. One electric power grid will eventually tie Europe together. Europe depends for 10 million guest workers upon southern countries, including North Africa and the Near East. Energy and labor are weighty factors in the increasing inter-dependence of nations. The author argues that these and related demands will require creative responses from corporate planners.  相似文献   

征收燃油税在实现节能减排的同时也会增加企业的财务负担。如何在保护环境的同时减少对经济的冲击,有赖于对燃油税的科学评估。本文构建了一个包含燃油税和融资约束的随机动态一般均衡模型,并基于1995年第1季度至2018年第2季度的数据对相关参数进行了校准和估计,系统考察了融资约束下征收燃油税对环境经济以及企业行为的影响。研究结果发现:征收燃油税对促进节能减排有显著效果;但同时也会抑制消费、投资和产出,增加失业,对经济产生负影响。此外,融资约束会通过金融加速器的作用放大燃油税冲击的影响。而且,当融资约束越强时,降低燃油税对经济的刺激作用也越明显。  相似文献   

The improvement of product and service quality has been widely discussed in the literature as an appropriate competitive strategy for achieving sustainable competitive advantage. However, neither the linkage between competitive strategy and quality, nor the role of marketing in the implementation of quality-based competitive strategy, has received detailed attention in the marketing and strategy literatures. This paper explores the interface between marketing and quality management in seller organizations, by developing a contingency model of quality strategy. This model is grounded in the literatures of marketing, strategy and quality management, and the perceptions of managers uncovered in exploratory interviews.  相似文献   

Guilt regulates many consumption processes and, consequently, marketers frequently use appeals based on guilt to influence consumers' behaviour. Owing to the multidisciplinary interest in this emotion, however, the literature is diverse and fragmented. The effectiveness of guilt appeals is contested, and some authors suggest that the use of this emotion in marketing might be unethical. Furthermore, research to date has not explored the potential relationships between the experience of guilt in consumption and the elicitation of this emotion through marketing appeals. This paper analyses existing research on guilt in marketing, developing four specific contributions based on the evidence reviewed. First, it shows under what circumstances feelings of guilt support consumer self‐regulation processes. Second, it outlines evidence‐based managerial recommendations on how to produce effective guilt appeals and avoid the potentially unethical consequences of marketing through this emotion. Third, it identifies a gap in existing theorizing and presents an elicitation–consumption perspective of guilt in marketing as a framework that complements current approaches to this research topic. Fourth, it develops an agenda for future research and suggests eleven research hypotheses for the advancement of this field. Through the analysis of research produced within different disciplinary perspectives, this study develops a necessary foundation for future work on the role of guilt in marketing processes.  相似文献   

Identity preserving production and marketing (IPPM) systems are used extensively in the Canadian canola industry to segregate varieties with different traits from the commodity stream. This paper examines one use of identify preserved production and marketing systems for genetically modified (GM) canola. A number of transgenic herbicide tolerant (HT) varieties have been approved for release in Canada since 1995 but delays in approval in other countries led the Canadian canola sector to use IPPM systems to segregate these varieties and direct them toward accepted markets. This paper looks at a number of systems developed for input-trait GM canola, with a focus on the governance mechanisms used.  相似文献   

Recent studies have highlighted the presence of a strong relationship between performance measurement systems (PMSs) and corporate governance structures in European firms. Taking into account the growing economic relevance of developing countries, we investigated the role of corporate governance structure as a PMS contingency factor in Italian and Indian SMEs using a multiple case-study approach. The results show that the first development of a PMS was determined by two different factors; in Italian SMEs, the changes in the corporate governance structure promoted the implementation of an advanced PMS, while in Indian SMEs, environmental changes pushed the development of the PMS without affecting any modification in the corporate governance structure. Moreover, after the adoption of an advanced (or almost advanced) performance management system, relevant environmental changes or the positive impacts of the PMS use, were enough to promote further development of the system in both Italian and Indian SMEs, without any change in the corporate governance structure.  相似文献   

In recent years, the dynamic capabilities view has attracted attention in the management literature, and theoretical papers note many research challenges. Currently, one of the most significant issues is the role of the marketing function in the development of dynamic capabilities, and some recent discussions have even introduced the new term ‘dynamic marketing capabilities’. The main area of interest is how to achieve a well‐integrated framework to serve as the starting point for empirical papers. Although the most recent research proposes a wide range of processes as possible dynamic marketing capabilities, it is difficult to find consensus among these proposals. To resolve this difficulty, this paper seeks to define the dynamic marketing capabilities construct based on accepted components in the generic dynamic capabilities view. More specifically, it defines the role of dynamic marketing capabilities through absorptive capacity and knowledge management. By identifying these components and relating them in an integrative model, the authors propose to explain how dynamic marketing capabilities work and precisely which marketing processes promote both components.  相似文献   

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