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Infants greatly refine their ability to discriminate language sounds by 12 months, yet 14‐month‐olds appear to confuse similar‐sounding novel words. Two explanations could account for this phenomenon: infants initially have incomplete phoneme representations, suggesting developmental discontinuity; or word‐learning demands interfere with use of established phonetic detail. These hypotheses were tested at 14 months by pairing a novel word with an object preexposed to half the infants and novel to the other half. If demands are key, only preexposed infants should efficiently use phonetic detail; there is no need to concurrently learn object details with the word. If representations lack detail, object familiarity should not matter. Only infants preexposed to the object noticed a change in its label, thus challenging the discontinuity position and demonstrating the impact of object familiarity on early word learning.  相似文献   

Young infants may be limited in searching for hidden objects because they lack the means‐end motor skill to lift occluders from objects. This account was investigated by presenting 5‐ to 8‐month‐old infants with objects hidden behind transparent, semitransparent, and opaque curtains. If a means—end deficit explains search limitations, then infants should search no more for an object behind a transparent curtain than for objects behind semitransparent or opaque curtains. However, level of occlusion had a significant effect on manual search and visual attention. Infants retrieved and contacted the object more, contacted the curtain more, and looked away less with the transparent curtain than with the semi transparent or opaque curtains. Adding a time delay before allowing search and presenting a distraction after occlusion further depressed infants' behavior. The findings fail to support the means—end deficit hypothesis, but are consistent with the account that young infants lack object permanence.  相似文献   

Search errors are common in cognitive tasks with infants and toddlers, and these errors reveal important insights to the development of competence and performance. Rivière and Lécuyer (2008, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 100, 1) demonstrated that 29‐month‐olds typically make an error during a search task involving invisible displacement. However, performance improves significantly when children wear weighted wrist bands while doing the task. To investigate this phenomenon further, we tested 24‐month‐old children in an identical search task (= 35). Half the children wore weighted wrist bands, and the rest were in a no‐weight condition. To test how far this phenomenon generalizes, we also tested the same children in a second search task where they needed to find a ball that had rolled behind one of four doors. The results showed that children in the no‐weight condition replicated previous findings of poor performance on both search tasks. Unlike 29‐month‐olds, the 24‐month‐olds in the weighted condition did not immediately show improvement on the search tasks. However, after an initial search attempt, children wearing weights performed significantly better than chance. The findings shed new light on the interplay between thought and action.  相似文献   

Five experiments were conducted to examine the performance of young infants on above versus below categorization tasks. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that infants did not form abstract categorical representations for above and below when familiarized with different objects depicted in a constant spatial relation relative to a horizontal bar and tested on a novel object depicted in the familiar and novel spatial relation. Experiments 3 through 5 examined perceptual‐attentional distraction versus conceptually based generalization explanations for young infant performance in the object‐variation version of the above‐below categorization task. Experiments 3 and 4 demonstrated that infants still did not form abstract categorical representations for above and below when object variation was removed from the familiarization trials or when object novelty was reduced during the preference test trials. However, Experiment 5 showed that 3‐ and 4‐month‐olds succeeded on the above versus below categorization task when familiarized with object variation and preference tested with a familiar versus novel object‐bar relation. These results indicate that young infants can form categorical representations for above and below in the object‐variation version of the above‐below categorization task, but that such representations are specific to the particular objects presented. Young infant performance in the object‐variation version of the above‐below categorization task thus reflects a conceptually based generalization limit rather than a problem of perceptual‐attentional distraction.  相似文献   

A fundamental question of perceptual development concerns how infants come to perceive partly hidden objects as unified across a spatial gap imposed by an occluder. Much is known about the time course of development of perceptual completion during the first several months after birth, as well as some of the visual information that supports unity perception in infants. The goal of this investigation was to examine the inputs to this process. We recorded eye movements in 3‐month‐old infants as they participated in a standard object unity task and found systematic differences in scanning patterns between those infants whose post‐habituation preferences were indicative of unity perception versus those infants who did not perceive unity. Perceivers, relative to nonperceivers, scanned more reliably in the vicinity of the visible rod parts and scanned more frequently across the range of rod motion. These results suggest that emerging object concepts are tied closely to available visual information in the environment, and the process of information pickup.  相似文献   

The standard explanation of infants' search failures with hidden objects, despite an apparent sensitivity to them, is a deficit in the means‐end skill for retrieving objects from occluders. Studies equating means‐end demands for retrieving toys from transparent and opaque barriers challenge this account by showing that infants succeed more with visible objects. However, they suffer from a critical limitation: Infants may retrieve visible objects without noticing the transparent barriers in front of them. We addressed this concern by requiring infants to notice a barrier to retrieve a toy and specifically to pull down a rotating screen to retrieve a toy from behind it. Seven‐month‐olds used this means‐end skill more often with a transparent barrier than an opaque one. Thus, neither a means‐end deficit nor an ability to ignore transparent barriers fully accounts for search failures. Relations to other findings challenging the means‐end deficit account and implications for approaches to studying cognitive development are discussed.  相似文献   

Infants can infer agents’ goals after observing agents’ goal‐directed actions on objects and can subsequently make predictions about how agents will act on objects in the future. We investigated the representations supporting these predictions. We familiarized 6‐month‐old infants to an agent who preferentially reached for one of two featurally distinct objects following a cue. At test, the objects were sequentially occluded from the infant in the agent's presence. We asked whether infants could generate action predictions without visual access to the relevant objects by measuring whether infants shifted their gaze to the location of the agent's hidden goal object following the cue. We also examined what infants represented about the hidden objects by removing one of the occluders to reveal either the original hidden object or the unexpected other object and measuring infants’ looking time. We found that, even without visual access to the objects, infants made predictive gazes to the location of the agent's occluded goal object, but failed to represent the features of either hidden object. These results suggest that infants make goal‐based action predictions when the relevant objects in the scene are occluded, but doing so may come at the expense of maintaining representations of the objects.  相似文献   

This experiment examines the joint influence of auditory and social cues on infants' basic‐level and global categorization. Nine‐ and fifteen‐month‐olds were familiarized to a series of category exemplars in an object‐examining task. Objects were introduced with a labeling phrase, a non‐labeling sound, or no sound, and auditory input was presented orally by the experimenter or played on a hidden voice recorder. Novel objects from the familiarized category and a contrasting category were then presented. Results of analyses performed on novelty preference scores indicated that infants demonstrated basic‐level categorization in all conditions. However, infants at both age levels only demonstrated global categorization when labeling phrases were introduced. In addition, labels led to global categorization in 9‐month‐olds regardless of the source of those labels; however, labels only led to global categorization in 15‐month‐olds when the labels were presented orally by the experimenter.  相似文献   

Infants infer social and pragmatic intentions underlying attention‐directing gestures, but the basis on which infants make these inferences is not well understood. Previous studies suggest that infants rely on information from preceding shared action contexts and joint perceptual scenes. Here, we tested whether 12‐month‐olds use information from act‐accompanying cues, in particular prosody and hand shape, to guide their pragmatic understanding. In Experiment 1, caregivers directed infants’ attention to an object to request it, share interest in it, or inform them about a hidden aspect. Caregivers used distinct prosodic and gestural patterns to express each pragmatic intention. Experiment 2 was identical except that experimenters provided identical lexical information across conditions and used three sets of trained prosodic and gestural patterns. In all conditions, the joint perceptual scenes and preceding shared action contexts were identical. In both experiments, infants reacted appropriately to the adults’ intentions by attending to the object mostly in the sharing interest condition, offering the object mostly in the imperative condition, and searching for the referent mostly in the informing condition. Infants’ ability to comprehend pragmatic intentions based on prosody and gesture shape expands infants’ communicative understanding from common activities to novel situations for which shared background knowledge is missing.  相似文献   

This article seeks to reveal the role played by the inductive approach in sociology. Grounded Theory assumes its full importance in formulating sociological explanations. However, the theory does pose a problem, in that the “method” is not based on clearly defined operations, which remain implicit. This article attempts to show that the object of analysis—what is being analyzed—makes perceptible the operations implicitly conceived by the analyst, based on Grounded Theory. With qualitative analysis software, such as Atlas.ti, it is possible to shed light on these operations. The article is illustrated by the theory of Pierre Bourdieu and the epistemological considerations he developed as a result of his qualitative inquiry, La Misère du monde. Cet article cherche à montrer le rôle que joue l'approche inductive en sociologie. La Grounded Theory revêt son importance pour formuler l'explication sociologique. Celle‐ci pose toutefois problème. En effet, la «méthode» ne repose pas sur des opérations clairement définies et celles‐ci restent implicites. Dans cet article, on cherche à montrer que l'objet d'analyse—ce sur quoi porte l'analyse—rend perceptibles les opérations que l'analyste conçoit implicitement en s'appuyant sur la Grounded Theory. Les logiciels d'analyse qualitative, comme Atlas.ti, permettent d'autre part de les mettre en évidence. L'article est illustré par la théorie de Pierre Bourdieu et les considérations épistémologiques qu'a développées cet auteur à la suite de son enquête qualitative sur la Misère du monde.  相似文献   

A series of 3 experiments are reviewed in which infants between 4 and 10 months of age were familiarized with members of 2 basic‐level object categories. The degree of distinctiveness between categories was varied. Preference tests were intended to determine whether infants formed a single category representation (at a more global level) or 2 basic‐level representations. Across 3 experiments, 10‐month‐old infants appeared to have formed multiple basic‐level categories, whereas younger infants tended to form broader, more inclusive representations. The tendency to form multiple categories was influenced to some extent by category distinctiveness. Whereas 10‐month‐olds formed separate categories for all contrasts, 7‐month‐olds did so only when the 2 familiarized categories were from separate global domains. A perceptual account of the global‐to‐basic shift in early categorization is offered. Task dependencies in early categorization are also discussed.  相似文献   

This essay follows from an historical study of Heron Island (Baie des Chaleurs), and in particular, the relationship between the island and the members, past and present, of the Eel River Bar Band, from the reserve of the same name. It aims to explore elements brought to light through my observation of members of the band, and notably the processes by which the latter strive to fashion a renewed connection with Heron Island; that is, to Self and to the world. Purposefully multidisciplinary, this study focusses on the representation/construction of space and on the manner in which it acts upon its derivatives in the form of collective memory and identity. Situated at the intersection of the symbolic and material realms, this essay endeavours to shed light on the formation of the narratives that, in this instance, constitute the production (mise en scene) of a perspective space of symbolization and social objectification—a process articulated on the enunciation of goals related to socio‐economic development and autonomy. At the same time, it is an attempt to account for a number of correlates to discourse, particularly practices related to social reconfiguration and the exercise of power, in a context marked by a quest for self‐determination and revitalism. In short, it is an examination of a case of resistance and accommodation by a small indigenous group seeking a new world‐vision. Le présent essai découle d'une étude historique portant sur l'île au Héron (Baie‐des‐Chaleurs) et en particulier sur les liens qui s'éta‐blissent entre celle‐ci et les membres, passés et présents, de la bande Eel River Bar, de la réserve du même nom. Il vise à explorer les éléments mis en relief par des observations faites dans le cadre de mes relations avec des membres de la bande, notamment les processus de l'élaboration d'un rapport renouveléà l'île au Héron, c'est‐à‐dire au Soi et au monde. Résolument multidisciplinaire, c'est une étude de cas qui porte sur la représentation/construction de l'espace et sur la façon dont celle‐ci influe sur la mémoire collective et sur l'identité qui en dérive. Sis à l'intersection de l'univers symbolique et de l'univers matériel, cet essai cherche à mettre au jour la formation des récits qui, dans ce cas, constituent la mise en scène d'un espace perspectif de symbolisation et d'objectivation sociale, un processus articulé sur l'énonciation de desseins de développement socio‐économique et d'autonomie. Parallèlement, il s'attache àéclairer les pratiques corrélatives au discursif, qui se nomment reconfiguration sociale et déploiement du pouvoir, dans un contexte de prise en main et de velléités revitalistes. En somme, il s'agit d'examiner un cas de résistance et d'accommodement de la part d'un groupe autochtone de petite taille, en mal de vision‐monde.  相似文献   

Past research has accumulated evidence regarding infants’ false‐belief understanding, measuring their gaze patterns or active helping behaviors. However, the underlying mechanisms are still debated, specifically, whether young infants can compute that others represent the world under a certain aspect. Such performance requires holding in mind two representations about the same object simultaneously and attributing only one to another person. While 14‐month‐olds can encode an object under different aspects when forming first‐person representations, it is unclear whether infants at this very age could also predict others’ behavior based on their beliefs about an object's identity. Here, we investigate this question in a novel eye‐tracking‐based unexpected‐identity task. We measured 14‐month‐olds’ anticipatory looks combined with their looking time, using a violation‐of‐expectation paradigm. Results show that 14‐month‐olds look longer to an actor's reach that is incongruent with her false belief about the identity of an object compared to a congruent reach. Furthermore, infants correctly anticipated the actor's reach based on her false belief. Thus, as soon as infants represent dual identities they can integrate them in belief attributions and use them for consequent behavioral predictions. Such data provide evidence for the flexibility of false‐belief attributions and support proposals arguing for infants’ rich theory‐of‐mind abilities.  相似文献   

Hagan (1990) a adapté la théorie du pouvoir‐contrôle pour expliquer le rôle joué par la distinction homme‐femme dans la vulnérabilité au crime, mélange de victimisation et d'offense, et la recherche d'une sortie par rôle déviant. Les auteures « revisitent » ces propos et, con‐sidérant la victimisation et l'offense séparément, essaient d'élargir le concept de recherche de sortie, y compris la réalisation d'une sortie par rôle déviant. Les analyses révèlent que ce modèle explique en partie les différences de sexe dans la dealinquance, mais cela n'est le cas ni pour la victimisation ni pour la recherche de sortie par rôle déviant. Les variables du pouvoir‐contrôle exercent leur influence de manière différente sur le rapport entre sexe et tentatives de sortie par rôle déviant. En guise de conclusion, il est proposé que ce modèle se révèle capable d'améliorer la compréhension du rôle des différences liées au sexe dans des comportements autres que criminels. Hagan (1990) extended power‐control theory to explain gender differences in vulnerability to crime, a composite of victimization and offending, and the search for deviant role exits. We revisit this elaboration, considering victimization and offending separately, broadening the concept of search for role exits, and including enactment of role exits. Analyses reveal that the model partially explains gender differences in delinquency, but not victimization or the search for role exits. The power‐control variables differentially impact the relationship between gender and role exit behaviour. We conclude that the model promises to improve our understanding of gender differences in behaviours other than crime.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have revealed substantial limitations in 2‐year‐olds' ability to search accurately for objects that have undergone unseen movement, even along highly constrained paths. In many of these studies, children observed a ball as it rolled down a track and behind an occluding panel that contained 4 doors. The track had a barrier that was partly visible and could be placed in locations corresponding to the doors. When the ball came to a rest against the barrier and behind the occluder, the child's task was to find the ball by opening the correct door. The search accuracy of 2‐year‐olds has not differed from chance across several variations of this task. This research was conducted to identify the source of 2‐year‐olds' limitation in this domain. Children were granted a full view of the event before the ball was occluded with a door panel. Children's performance was better under this condition, but was still not systematically accurate unless their gaze remained locked onto the correct location. Two‐year‐olds' weak performance in these search tasks appears to be more a consequence of limitations in spatial integration than in their representation of unseen movement.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the DeLoache, Pierroutsakos, Uttal, Rosengren, and Gottlieb (1998 claim that 9‐month‐old infants attempt to grasp objects depicted in photographs. In Experiment 1, 9‐month‐olds viewed an object, a photograph of the object, and 2 flat, nonpictorial displays. On average, they reached for the photograph and nonpictorial displays with their hands approximately horizontal and close to the display surfaces, but reached for the object with their hands oriented obliquely and at significantly higher heights. The infants also exhibited similar behaviors when touching the photograph and nonpictorial displays. In Experiment 2, 9‐month‐olds exhibited similar behaviors when touching a photograph of an object and a photograph of textured carpet. The results of both experiments suggest that 9‐month‐olds treat photographs of objects as 2‐dimensional surfaces and not as graspable objects.  相似文献   

Si l'effondrement du PIB consécutif à la crise économique mondiale de 2008 a nui avant tout à l'emploi des hommes, les politiques d'austérité auraient davantage affecté celui des femmes. L'auteure cherche à vérifier ce scénario dans huit pays européens, en décomposant la variation trimestrielle du taux d'activité et du taux d'emploi des femmes et des hommes à l'échelon sectoriel. Elle montre que l'association entre he‐cession et she‐austerity ne se confirme pas toujours, mais que les politiques d'austérité peuvent nuire à l'égalité des sexes et aux droits de la femme par d'autres mécanismes d'action, qu'elle répertorie et commente.  相似文献   

Mothers modify their actions when demonstrating objects to infants versus adults. Such modifications have been called infant‐directed action (IDA) or motionese (Brand, Baldwin, & Ashburn, 2002). We investigated the IDA features of interactiveness and simplification by quantifying eye gaze, object exchanges, and action units enacted between exchanges in 42 mothers' demonstrations of novel objects to infants (6–8 months or 11–13 months) or adults. We found more eye gaze, more object exchanges, and fewer action types per turn in demonstrations to infants relative to adults. Unlike prior research using global measurements, we detected differences in behavior directed at infants of different ages: Shorter, more frequent gazes and more exchanges characterized demonstrations to older versus younger infants. These findings indicate the fruitfulness of fine‐grained analysis of IDA, and further clarify how adults may support infants' processing of human motion.  相似文献   

We assessed 19‐month‐olds' appreciation of the conventional nature of object labels versus desires. Infants played a finding game with an experimenter who stated her intention to find the referent of a novel word (word group), to find an object she wanted (desire group), or simply to look in a box (control group). A 2nd experimenter then administered a comprehension task to assess infants' tendency to extend information to a 2nd person who was not present at the time of learning. Results indicate that infants chose the target object when the 2nd experimenter asked for the referent of the novel label but not when she requested the referent of her desire. These findings demonstrate that 19‐month‐olds understand that words are conventional, but desires are not.  相似文献   

Mental rotation involves transforming a mental image of an object so as to accurately predict how the object would look if it were rotated in space. This study examined mental rotation in male and female 3‐month‐olds, using the stimuli and paradigm developed by Moore and Johnson (2008) . Infants were habituated to a video of a three‐dimensional object rotating back and forth through a 240° angle around the vertical axis. After habituation, infants were tested both with videos of the same object rotating through the previously unseen 120° angle, and with the mirror image of that display. Unlike females, who fixated the test displays for approximately equal durations, males spent significantly more time fixating the familiar object than the mirror‐image object. Because familiarity preferences like this emerge when infants are relatively slow to process a habituation stimulus, the data support the interpretation that mental rotation of dynamic three‐dimensional stimuli is relatively difficult—but possible—for 3‐month‐old males. Interpretation of the sex differences observed in 3‐ and 5‐month‐olds’ performances is discussed.  相似文献   

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