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Tucker Burch 《Risk analysis》2019,39(3):599-615
The assumptions underlying quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) are simple and biologically plausible, but QMRA predictions have never been validated for many pathogens. The objective of this study was to validate QMRA predictions against epidemiological measurements from outbreaks of waterborne gastrointestinal disease. I screened 2,000 papers and identified 12 outbreaks with the necessary data: disease rates measured using epidemiological methods and pathogen concentrations measured in the source water. Eight of the 12 outbreaks were caused by Cryptosporidium, three by Giardia, and one by norovirus. Disease rates varied from 5.5 × 10?6 to 1.1 × 10?2 cases/person‐day, and reported pathogen concentrations varied from 1.2 × 10?4 to 8.6 × 102 per liter. I used these concentrations with single‐hit dose–response models for all three pathogens to conduct QMRA, producing both point and interval predictions of disease rates for each outbreak. Comparison of QMRA predictions to epidemiological measurements showed good agreement; interval predictions contained measured disease rates for 9 of 12 outbreaks, with point predictions off by factors of 1.0–120 (median = 4.8). Furthermore, 11 outbreaks occurred at mean doses of less than 1 pathogen per exposure. Measured disease rates for these outbreaks were clearly consistent with a single‐hit model, and not with a “two‐hit” threshold model. These results demonstrate the validity of QMRA for predicting disease rates due to Cryptosporidium and Giardia.  相似文献   

A quantitative microbial risk assessment model was developed to simulate the role of recreational water contact in the transmission of cryptosporidiosis in a model Ontario community. Stochastic simulations were based on plausible modes of contamination of a pool (literature derived), river (site-specific), and recreational lakes (literature derived). The highest estimated risks of infection were derived from the (highly contaminated) recreational lake scenario, considered the upper end for risk of infection for both children (10 infections per 1,000 swims [5‰: two infections per 1,000 swims; 95‰: three infections per 100 swims]) and adults (four infections per 1,000 swims [5‰: four infections per 1,000 swims; 95‰: one infection per 100 swims]). Simulating the likely  Cryptosporidium  oocyst concentration in a lane pool that a child would be exposed to following a diarrheal fecal release event resulted in the third highest mean risk of infection (four infections per 10,000 swims [5‰: three infections per 100,000; 95‰: 10 infections per 10,000 swims]). The findings from this study illustrate the need for systematic and standardized research to quantify  Cryptosporidium  oocyst levels in Canadian public pools and recreational beaches. There is also a need to capture the swimming practices of the Canadian public, including most common forms and frequency measures. The study findings suggest that swimming in natural swim environments and in pools following a recent fecal contamination event pose significant public health risks. When considering these risks relative to other modes of cryptosporidiosis transmission, they are significant.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a microaerophilic, gram‐negative bacterium that is linked to adverse health effects including ulcers and gastrointestinal cancers. The goal of this analysis is to develop the necessary inputs for a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) needed to develop a potential guideline for drinking water at the point of ingestion (e.g., a maximum contaminant level, or MCL) that would be protective of human health to an acceptable level of risk while considering sources of uncertainty. Using infection and gastric cancer as two discrete endpoints, and calculating dose‐response relationships from experimental data on humans and monkeys, we perform both a forward and reverse risk assessment to determine the risk from current reported surface water concentrations of H. pylori and an acceptable concentration of H. pylori at the point of ingestion. This approach represents a synthesis of available information on human exposure to H. pylori via drinking water. A lifetime risk of cancer model suggests that a MCL be set at <1 organism/L given a 5‐log removal treatment because we cannot exclude the possibility that current levels of H. pylori in environmental source waters pose a potential public health risk. Research gaps include pathogen occurrence in source and finished water, treatment removal rates, and determination of H. pylori risks from other water sources such as groundwater and recreational water.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(4):724-754
A bounding risk assessment is presented that evaluates possible human health risk from a hypothetical scenario involving a 10,000‐gallon release of flowback water from horizontal fracturing of Marcellus Shale. The water is assumed to be spilled on the ground, infiltrates into groundwater that is a source of drinking water, and an adult and child located downgradient drink the groundwater. Key uncertainties in estimating risk are given explicit quantitative treatment using Monte Carlo analysis. Chemicals that contribute significantly to estimated health risks are identified, as are key uncertainties and variables to which risk estimates are sensitive. The results show that hypothetical exposure via drinking water impacted by chemicals in Marcellus Shale flowback water, assumed to be spilled onto the ground surface, results in predicted bounds between 10−10 and 10−6 (for both adult and child receptors) for excess lifetime cancer risk. Cumulative hazard indices (HICUMULATIVE) resulting from these hypothetical exposures have predicted bounds (5th to 95th percentile) between 0.02 and 35 for assumed adult receptors and 0.1 and 146 for assumed child receptors. Predicted health risks are dominated by noncancer endpoints related to ingestion of barium and lithium in impacted groundwater. Hazard indices above unity are largely related to exposure to lithium. Salinity taste thresholds are likely to be exceeded before drinking water exposures result in adverse health effects. The findings provide focus for policy discussions concerning flowback water risk management. They also indicate ways to improve the ability to estimate health risks from drinking water impacted by a flowback water spill (i.e., reducing uncertainty).  相似文献   

The application of quantitative microbial risk assessments (QMRAs) to understand and mitigate risks associated with norovirus is increasingly common as there is a high frequency of outbreaks worldwide. A key component of QMRA is the dose–response analysis, which is the mathematical characterization of the association between dose and outcome. For Norovirus, multiple dose–response models are available that assume either a disaggregated or an aggregated intake dose. This work reviewed the dose–response models currently used in QMRA, and compared predicted risks from waterborne exposures (recreational and drinking) using all available dose–response models. The results found that the majority of published QMRAs of norovirus use the 1F1 hypergeometric dose–response model with α = 0.04, β = 0.055. This dose–response model predicted relatively high risk estimates compared to other dose–response models for doses in the range of 1–1,000 genomic equivalent copies. The difference in predicted risk among dose–response models was largest for small doses, which has implications for drinking water QMRAs where the concentration of norovirus is low. Based on the review, a set of best practices was proposed to encourage the careful consideration and reporting of important assumptions in the selection and use of dose–response models in QMRA of norovirus. Finally, in the absence of one best norovirus dose–response model, multiple models should be used to provide a range of predicted outcomes for probability of infection.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(8):1738-1757
We developed a risk assessment of human salmonellosis associated with consumption of alfalfa sprouts in the United States to evaluate the public health impact of applying treatments to seeds (0–5‐log10 reduction in Salmonella ) and testing spent irrigation water (SIW) during production. The risk model considered variability and uncertainty in Salmonella contamination in seeds, Salmonella growth and spread during sprout production, sprout consumption, and Salmonella dose response. Based on an estimated prevalence of 2.35% for 6.8 kg seed batches and without interventions, the model predicted 76,600 (95% confidence interval (CI) 15,400 – 248,000) cases/year. Risk reduction (by 5 ‐ to 7‐fold) predicted from a 1‐log10 seed treatment alone was comparable to SIW testing alone, and each additional 1‐log10 seed treatment was predicted to provide a greater risk reduction than SIW testing. A 3‐log10 or a 5‐log10 seed treatment reduced the predicted cases/year to 139 (95% CI 33 – 448) or 1.4 (95% CI <1 – 4.5), respectively. Combined with SIW testing, a 3‐log10 or 5‐log10 seed treatment reduced the cases/year to 45 (95% CI 10–146) or <1 (95% CI <1 – 1.5), respectively. If the SIW coverage was less complete (i.e., less representative), a smaller risk reduction was predicted, e.g., a combined 3‐log10 seed treatment and SIW testing with 20% coverage resulted in an estimated 92 (95% CI 22 – 298) cases/year. Analysis of alternative scenarios using different assumptions for key model inputs showed that the predicted relative risk reductions are robust. This risk assessment provides a comprehensive approach for evaluating the public health impact of various interventions in a sprout production system.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium human dose‐response data from seven species/isolates are used to investigate six models of varying complexity that estimate infection probability as a function of dose. Previous models attempt to explicitly account for virulence differences among C. parvum isolates, using three or six species/isolates. Four (two new) models assume species/isolate differences are insignificant and three of these (all but exponential) allow for variable human susceptibility. These three human‐focused models (fractional Poisson, exponential with immunity and beta‐Poisson) are relatively simple yet fit the data significantly better than the more complex isolate‐focused models. Among these three, the one‐parameter fractional Poisson model is the simplest but assumes that all Cryptosporidium oocysts used in the studies were capable of initiating infection. The exponential with immunity model does not require such an assumption and includes the fractional Poisson as a special case. The fractional Poisson model is an upper bound of the exponential with immunity model and applies when all oocysts are capable of initiating infection. The beta Poisson model does not allow an immune human subpopulation; thus infection probability approaches 100% as dose becomes huge. All three of these models predict significantly (>10x) greater risk at the low doses that consumers might receive if exposed through drinking water or other environmental exposure (e.g., 72% vs. 4% infection probability for a one oocyst dose) than previously predicted. This new insight into Cryptosporidium risk suggests additional inactivation and removal via treatment may be needed to meet any specified risk target, such as a suggested 10?4 annual risk of Cryptosporidium infection.  相似文献   

Rural communities dependent on unregulated drinking water are potentially at increased health risk from exposure to contaminants. Perception of drinking water safety influences water consumption, exposure, and health risk. A community‐based participatory approach and probabilistic Bayesian methods were applied to integrate risk perception in a holistic human health risk assessment. Tap water arsenic concentrations and risk perception data were collected from two Saskatchewan communities. Drinking water health standards were exceeded in 67% (51/76) of households in Rural Municipality #184 (RM184) and 56% (25/45) in Beardy's and Okemasis First Nation (BOFN). There was no association between the presence of a health exceedance and risk perception. Households in RM184 or with an annual income >$50,000 were most likely to have in‐house water treatment. The probability of consuming tap water perceived as safe (92%) or not safe (0%) suggested that households in RM184 were unlikely to drink water perceived as not safe. The probability of drinking tap water perceived as safe (77%) or as not safe (11%) suggested households in BOFN contradicted their perception and consumed water perceived as unsafe. Integration of risk perception lowered the adult incremental lifetime cancer risk by 3% to 1.3 × 10?5 (95% CI 8.4 × 10?8 to 9.0 × 10?5) for RM184 and by 8.9 × 10?6 (95% CI 2.2 × 10?7 to 5.9 × 10?5) for BOFN. Probability of exposure to arsenic concentrations >1:100,000, negligible cancer risk, was 23% for RM184 and 22% for BOFN.  相似文献   

Currently, the number of reported cases of recreational‐ water‐related Vibrio illness in the Netherlands is low. However, a notable higher incidence of Vibrio infections has been observed in warm summers. In the future, such warm summers are expected to occur more often, resulting in enhanced water temperatures favoring Vibrio growth. Quantitative information on the increase in concentration of Vibrio spp. in recreational water under climate change scenarios is lacking. In this study, data on occurrence of Vibrio spp. at six different bathing sites in the Netherlands (2009–2012) were used to derive an empirical formula to predict the Vibrio concentration as a function of temperature, salinity, and pH. This formula was used to predict the effects of increased temperatures in climate change scenarios on Vibrio concentrations. For Vibrio parahaemolyticus, changes in illness risks associated with the changed concentrations were calculated as well. For an average temperature increase of 3.7 °C, these illness risks were calculated to be two to three times higher than in the current situation. Current illness risks were, varying per location, on average between 10?4 and 10?2 per person for an entire summer. In situations where water temperatures reached maximum values, illness risks are estimated to be up to 10?2 and 10?1. If such extreme situations occur more often during future summers, increased numbers of ill bathers or bathing‐water‐related illness outbreaks may be expected.  相似文献   

Giardia is a zoonotic gastrointestinal parasite responsible for a substantial global public health burden, and quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) is often used to forecast and manage this burden. QMRA requires dose–response models to extrapolate available dose–response data, but the existing model for Giardia ignores valuable dose–response information, particularly data from several well-documented waterborne outbreaks of giardiasis. The current study updates Giardia dose–response modeling by synthesizing all available data from outbreaks and experimental studies using a Bayesian random effects dose–response model. For outbreaks, mean doses (D) and the degree of spatial and temporal aggregation among cysts were estimated using exposure assessment implemented via two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation, while potential overreporting of outbreak cases was handled using published overreporting factors and censored binomial regression. Parameter estimation was by Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation and indicated that a typical exponential dose–response parameter for Giardia is r = 1.6 × 10−2 [3.7 × 10−3, 6.2 × 10−2] (posterior median [95% credible interval]), while a typical morbidity ratio is m = 3.8 × 10−1 [2.3 × 10−1, 5.5 × 10−1]. Corresponding (logistic-scale) variance components were σr = 5.2 × 10−1 [1.1 × 10−1, 9.6 × 10−1] and σm = 9.3 × 10−1 [7.0 × 10−2, 2.8 × 100], indicating substantial variation in the Giardia dose–response relationship. Compared to the existing Giardia dose–response model, the current study provides more representative estimation of uncertainty in r and novel quantification of its natural variability. Several options for incorporating variability in r (and m) into QMRA predictions are discussed, including incorporation via Monte Carlo simulation as well as evaluation of the current study's model using the approximate beta-Poisson.  相似文献   

Quantitative microbial risk assessment was used to assess the risk of norovirus gastroenteritis associated with consumption of raw vegetables irrigated with highly treated municipal wastewater, using Melbourne, Australia as an example. In the absence of local norovirus concentrations, three methods were developed: (1) published concentrations of norovirus in raw sewage, (2) an epidemiological method using Melbourne prevalence of norovirus, and (3) an adjustment of method 1 to account for prevalence of norovirus. The methods produced highly variable results with estimates of norovirus concentrations in raw sewage ranging from 104 per milliliter to 107 per milliliter and treated effluent from 1 × 10?3 per milliliter to 3 per milliliter (95th percentiles). Annual disease burden was very low using method 1, from 4 to 5 log10 disability adjusted life years (DALYs) below the 10?6 threshold (0.005–0.1 illnesses per year). Results of method 2 were higher, with some scenarios exceeding the threshold by up to 2 log10 DALYs (up to 95,000 illnesses per year). Method 3, thought to be most representative of Melbourne conditions, predicted annual disease burdens >2 log10 DALYs lower than the threshold (~4 additional cases per year). Sensitivity analyses demonstrated that input parameters used to estimate norovirus concentration accounted for much of the model output variability. This model, while constrained by a lack of knowledge of sewage concentrations, used the best available information and sound logic. Results suggest that current wastewater reuse behaviors in Melbourne are unlikely to cause norovirus risks in excess of the annual DALY health target.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a modified quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) framework that could be applied as a decision support tool to choose between alternative drinking water interventions in the developing context. The impact of different household water treatment (HWT) interventions on the overall incidence of diarrheal disease and disability adjusted life years (DALYs) was estimated, without relying on source water pathogen concentration as the starting point for the analysis. A framework was developed and a software tool constructed and then implemented for an illustrative case study for Nepal based on published scientific data. Coagulation combined with free chlorine disinfection provided the greatest estimated health gains in the short term; however, when long‐term compliance was incorporated into the calculations, the preferred intervention was porous ceramic filtration. The model demonstrates how the QMRA framework can be used to integrate evidence from different studies to inform management decisions, and in particular to prioritize the next best intervention with respect to estimated reduction in diarrheal incidence. This study only considered HWT interventions; it is recognized that a systematic consideration of sanitation, recreation, and drinking water pathways is important for effective management of waterborne transmission of pathogens, and the approach could be expanded to consider the broader water‐related context.  相似文献   

Physiological daily inhalation rates reported in our previous study for normal‐weight subjects 2.6–96 years old were compared to inhalation data determined in free‐living overweight/obese individuals (n = 661) aged 5–96 years. Inhalation rates were also calculated in normal‐weight (n = 408), overweight (n = 225), and obese classes 1, 2, and 3 adults (n = 134) aged 20–96 years. These inhalation values were based on published indirect calorimetry measurements (n = 1,069) and disappearance rates of oral doses of water isotopes (i.e., 2H2O and H218O) monitored by gas isotope ratio mass spectrometry usually in urine samples for an aggregate period of over 16,000 days. Ventilatory equivalents for overweight/obese subjects at rest and during their aggregate daytime activities (28.99 ± 6.03 L to 34.82 ± 8.22 L of air inhaled/L of oxygen consumed; mean ±  SD) were determined and used for calculations of inhalation rates. The interindividual variability factor calculated as the ratio of the highest 99th percentile to the lowest 1st percentile of daily inhalation rates is higher for absolute data expressed in m3/day (26.7) compared to those of data in m3/kg‐day (12.2) and m3/m2‐day (5.9). Higher absolute rates generally found in overweight/obese individuals compared to their normal‐weight counterparts suggest higher intakes of air pollutants (in μg/day) for the former compared to the latter during identical exposure concentrations and conditions. Highest absolute mean (24.57 m3/day) and 99th percentile (55.55 m3/day) values were found in obese class 2 adults. They inhale on average 8.21 m3 more air per day than normal‐weight adults.  相似文献   

This article reports a quantitative microbial risk assessment of the risk of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in very small private water supplies. Both pathogens have been implicated in causing outbreaks of waterborne disease associated with such supplies, though the risk of endemic disease is not known. For exposure assessments, we used existing data to derive regression equations describing the relationships between the concentration of these pathogens and Escherichia coli in private water supplies. Pathogen concentrations were then estimated using national surveillance data of E. coli in private water supplies in England and France. The estimated risk of infection was very high with the median annual risk being of the order of 25–28% for Cryptosporidium and 0.4% to 0.7% for Giardia, though, in the poorer quality supplies the risk could be much higher. These risks are substantially greater than for public water supplies and well above the risk considered tolerable. The observation that observed infection rates are generally much lower may indicate increased immunity in people regularly consuming water from private supplies. However, this increased immunity is presumed to derive from increased disease risk in young children, the group most at risk from severe disease.  相似文献   

Some volatile N‐nitrosamines, primarily N‐nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), are recognized as products of drinking water treatment at ng/L levels and as known carcinogens. The U.S. EPA has identified the N‐nitrosamines as contaminants being considered for regulation as a group under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Nitrosamines are common dietary components, and a major database (over 18,000 drinking water samples) has recently been created under the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule. A Monte Carlo modeling analysis in 2007 found that drinking water contributed less than 2.8% of ingested NDMA and less than 0.02% of total NDMA exposure when estimated endogenous formation was considered. Our analysis, based upon human blood concentrations, indicates that endogenous NDMA production is larger than expected. The blood‐based estimates are within the range that would be calculated from estimates based on daily urinary NDMA excretion and an estimate based on methylated guanine in DNA of lymphocytes from human volunteers. Our analysis of ingested NDMA from food and water based on Monte Carlo modeling with more complete data input shows that drinking water contributes a mean proportion of the lifetime average daily NDMA dose ranging from between 0.0002% and 0.001% for surface water systems using free chlorine or between 0.001% and 0.01% for surface water systems using chloramines. The proportions of average daily dose are higher for infants (zero to six months) than other age cohorts, with the highest mean up to 0.09% (upper 95th percentile of 0.3%).  相似文献   

The Bogotá River receives untreated wastewater from the city of Bogotá and many other towns. Downstream from Bogotá, water from the river is used for irrigation of crops. Concentrations of indicator organisms in the river are high, which is consistent with fecal contamination. To investigate the probability of illness due to exposure to enteric pathogens from the river, specifically Salmonella, we took water samples from the Bogotá River at six sampling locations in an area where untreated water from the river is used for irrigation of lettuce, broccoli, and cabbage. Salmonella concentrations were quantified by direct isolation and qPCR. Concentrations differed, depending on the quantification technique used, ranging between 107.7 and 109.9 number of copies of gene invA per L and 105.3 and 108.4 CFU/L, for qPCR and direct isolation, respectively. A quantitative microbial risk assessment model that estimates the daily risk of illness with Salmonella resulting from consuming raw unwashed vegetables irrigated with water from the Bogotá River was constructed using the Salmonella concentration data. The daily probability of illness from eating raw unwashed vegetables ranged between 0.62 and 0.85, 0.64 and 0.86, and 0.64 and 0.85 based on concentrations estimated by qPCR (0.47–0.85, 0.47–0.86, and 0.41–0.85 based on concentrations estimated by direct isolation) for lettuce, cabbage, and broccoli, respectively, which are all above the commonly propounded benchmark of 10?4 per year. Results obtained in this study highlight the necessity for appropriate wastewater treatment in the region, and emphasize the importance of postharvest practices, such as washing, disinfecting, and cooking.  相似文献   

Climate change may impact waterborne and foodborne infectious disease, but to what extent is uncertain. Estimating climate‐change‐associated relative infection risks from exposure to viruses, bacteria, or parasites in water or food is critical for guiding adaptation measures. We present a computational tool for strategic decision making that describes the behavior of pathogens using location‐specific input data under current and projected climate conditions. Pathogen‐pathway combinations are available for exposure to norovirus, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, and noncholera Vibrio species via drinking water, bathing water, oysters, or chicken fillets. Infection risk outcomes generated by the tool under current climate conditions correspond with those published in the literature. The tool demonstrates that increasing temperatures lead to increasing risks for infection with Campylobacter from consuming raw/undercooked chicken fillet and for Vibrio from water exposure. Increasing frequencies of drought generally lead to an elevated infection risk of exposure to persistent pathogens such as norovirus and Cryptosporidium, but decreasing risk of exposure to rapidly inactivating pathogens, like Campylobacter. The opposite is the case with increasing annual precipitation; an upsurge of heavy rainfall events leads to more peaks in infection risks in all cases. The interdisciplinary tool presented here can be used to guide climate change adaptation strategies focused on infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Elizabethkingia spp. are common environmental pathogens responsible for infections in more vulnerable populations. Although the exposure routes of concern are not well understood, some hospital-associated outbreaks have indicated possible waterborne transmission. In order to facilitate quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) for Elizabethkingia spp., this study fit dose–response models to frog and mice datasets that evaluated intramuscular and intraperitoneal exposure to Elizabethkingia spp. The frog datasets could be pooled, and the exact beta-Poisson model was the best fitting model with optimized parameters α  = 0.52 and β = 86,351. Using the exact beta-Poisson model, the dose of Elizabethkingia miricola resulting in a 50% morbidity response (LD50) was estimated to be approximately 237,000 CFU. The model developed herein was used to estimate the probability of infection for a hospital patient under a modeled exposure scenario involving a contaminated medical device and reported Elizabethkingia spp. concentrations isolated from hospital sinks after an outbreak. The median exposure dose was approximately 3 CFU/insertion event, and the corresponding median risk of infection was 3.4E-05. The median risk estimated in this case study was lower than the 3% attack rate observed in a previous outbreak, however, there are noted gaps pertaining to the possible concentrations of Elizabethkingia spp. in tap water and the most likely exposure routes. This is the first dose–response model developed for Elizabethkingia spp. thus enabling future risk assessments to help determine levels of risk and potential effective risk management strategies.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(7):1502-1517
Antimicrobial spray products are used by millions of people around the world for cleaning and disinfection of commonly touched surfaces. Influenza A is a pathogen of major concern, leading to up to 49,000 deaths and 114,000 hospitalizations per year in the United States alone. One of the recognized routes of transmission for influenza A is by transfer of viruses from surfaces to hands and subsequently to mucous membranes. Therefore, routine cleaning and disinfection of surfaces is an important part of the environmental management of influenza A. While the emphasis is generally on spraying hard surfaces and laundering cloth and linens with high temperature machine drying, not all surfaces can be treated in this manner. The quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) approach was used to develop a stochastic risk model for estimating the risk of infection from indirect contact with porous fomite with and without surface treatment with an antimicrobial spray. The data collected from laboratory analysis combined with the risk model show that influenza A infection risk can be lowered by four logs after using an antimicrobial spray on a porous surface. Median risk associated with a single touch to a contaminated fabric was estimated to be 1.25 × 10−4 for the untreated surface, and 3.6 × 10−8 for the treated surface as a base case assumption. This single touch scenario was used to develop a generalizable model for estimating risks and comparing scenarios with and without treatment to more realistic multiple touch scenarios over time periods and with contact rates previously reported in the literature. The results of this study and understanding of product efficacy on risk reduction inform and broaden the range of risk management strategies for influenza A by demonstrating effective risk reduction associated with treating nonporous fomites that cannot be laundered at high temperatures.  相似文献   

In quantitative microbiological risk assessment (QMRA), the consumer phase model (CPM) describes the part of the food chain between purchase of the food product at retail and exposure. Construction of a CPM is complicated by the large variation in consumer food handling practices and a limited availability of data. Therefore, several subjective (simplifying) assumptions have to be made when a CPM is constructed, but with a single CPM their impact on the QMRA results is unclear. We therefore compared the performance of eight published CPMs for Campylobacter in broiler meat in an example of a QMRA, where all the CPMs were analyzed using one single input distribution of concentrations at retail, and the same dose‐response relationship. It was found that, between CPMs, there may be a considerable difference in the estimated probability of illness per serving. However, the estimated relative risk reductions are less different for scenarios modeling the implementation of control measures. For control measures affecting the Campylobacter prevalence, the relative risk is proportional irrespective of the CPM used. However, for control measures affecting the concentration the CPMs show some difference in the estimated relative risk. This difference is largest for scenarios where the aim is to remove the highly contaminated portion from human exposure. Given these results, we conclude that for many purposes it is not necessary to develop a new detailed CPM for each new QMRA. However, more observational data on consumer food handling practices and their impact on microbial transfer and survival are needed to generalize this conclusion.  相似文献   

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