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Rochelle S. Newman 《Infancy》2011,16(5):447-470
Infants and toddlers are often spoken to in the presence of background sounds, including speech from other talkers. Prior work has suggested that infants 1 year of age and younger can only recognize speech when it is louder than any distracters in the environment. The present study tests 24‐month‐olds’ ability to understand speech in a multitalker environment. Children were presented with a preferential‐looking task in which a target voice told them to find one of two objects. At the same time, multitalker babble was presented as a distracter, at one of four signal‐to‐noise ratios. Children showed some ability to understand speech and look at the appropriate referent at signal‐to‐noise ratios as low as ?5 dB. These findings suggest that 24‐month‐olds are better able to selectively attend to an interesting voice in the context of competing distracter voices than are younger infants. There were significant correlations between individual children’s performance and their vocabulary size, but only at one of the four noise levels; thus, it does not appear that vocabulary size is the driving factor in children’s listening improvement, although it may be a contributing factor to performance in noisy environments.  相似文献   

Explanations of variability in long‐term recall typically appeal to encoding and/or retrieval processes. However, for well over a century, it has been apparent that for memory traces to be stored successfully, they must undergo a post‐encoding process of stabilization and integration. Variability in post‐encoding processes is thus a potential source of age‐related and individual variance in long‐term recall. We examined post‐encoding variability in each of two experiments. In each experiment, 20‐month‐old infants were exposed to novel three‐step sequences in each of three encoding conditions: watch only, imitate, and learn to criterion. They were tested for recall after 15 min (as a measure of the success of encoding) and either weeks (1, 2, or 3: Experiment 1) or days (1, 2, or 4: Experiment 2) later. In each experiment, differential relative levels of performance among the conditions were observed at the two tests. The results implicate post‐encoding processes are a source of variance in long‐term recall.  相似文献   

Increased turnover among legislators can make them short‐sighted, affecting fiscal policy and economic growth. We exploit the exogenous variation in legislative turnover induced by term limit laws and by redistricting in the 50 U.S. states, finding that increased turnover increases capital spending by state governments, which may be designed to constrain future governments. The changes may cause long‐run distortions in the economy, reducing long‐term economic growth. (JEL H72, H73, H76)  相似文献   

We empirically investigate whether the persistence of politicians in political institutions affects the innovation activity of firms. We use 12,000 firm‐level observations from three waves of the Italian Observatory over Small and Medium Enterprises, and introduce a measure of political persistence defined as the average length of individual political careers in political institutions of Italian municipalities. Using death of politicians as an exogenous source of variation of political persistence, we find a robust negative relation between political persistence and the probability of process innovation. This finding is consistent with the view that political stability may hinder firms' incentive to innovate to maintain their competitiveness, as long as they can extract rents from long‐term connections with politicians. (JEL D22, D72, O31)  相似文献   

In England, placement within the looked after system is not viewed as a desirable long‐term solution for most children, and policy has prioritised continued contact with parents, and swift return home, wherever possible. This review examines policy approaches to work with families of looked after children in England and in three other European countries: Denmark, France and the Netherlands, aiming to identify areas for shared learning in relation to this challenging area of policy and practice. The research highlights relationships between care populations and policy understandings of the purpose of work with families, including understandings of children's and/or parents’ rights.  相似文献   

There is currently little knowledge about what gay men and lesbians seek in a romantic relationship. This study extends the literature on gay men and lesbians' partnership preferences by engaging in the first large‐scale empirical study of the long‐term dating intentions and monogamy beliefs of gay and lesbian online daters across 53 regions in 8 European countries (N = 24,598). Looking at profile and preference information, the authors examined both individual and contextual determinants in a series of multilevel logistic regression analyses. They show that lesbians give more importance to monogamy but show less interest in starting a long‐term relationship. The data also reveal the importance of life course aspects such as relationship history and presence of children. Finally, the authors empirically demonstrate that social tolerance and legal recognition of same‐sex unions are associated with higher long‐term dating intentions and stronger monogamy beliefs.  相似文献   

On Track is a long‐term crime reduction programme aimed at children at risk of becoming involved in crime. Twenty‐four pilots are being established in deprived communities in England and Wales. In each area a range of evidence‐based preventive services for four to 12 year olds will be developed. There will be intensive inter‐agency cooperation enabling children at risk of offending to be identified early so that they and their families can be provided with consistent services during the child's development. The effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness of the arrangements in each area will be evaluated with a view to finding out more about ‘what works’. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although it is well accepted that parents greatly impact infant development, it is less clear which factors impact change in quantity and quality of parenting across infancy. This longitudinal study (N = 120 families) investigated how infant temperament and marital adjustment related to trajectories of mother and father involvement and sensitivity across infancy using multilevel models. Parental involvement (caregiving and play), infant temperament (surgency, negative affectivity, regulation), and marital adjustment were assessed from questionnaires when the infant was 3, 5, 7, 12, 14, and 20 months of age; parental sensitivity was coded from two episodes of the Still‐Face Paradigm in early infancy (3, 5, and 7 months). On average, mothers showed higher levels of caregiving, play, and sensitivity than fathers. Mother caregiving, play, and sensitivity increased over time. Father caregiving and play also increased over time, whereas sensitivity did not change with age. Happier marriages were related to increased play for both mothers and fathers. Infant surgency was also significantly related to caregiving, play, and sensitivity trajectories for mothers but not fathers. Findings are discussed in relation to parenting roles and family dynamics.  相似文献   

Patients continue to receive benefits from treatment for attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with methylphenidate after long‐term use, researchers have found. Some patients may be withdrawn from the medication, however. Therefore, all patients should be assessed periodically to determine whether they continue to need the medication. The study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, was conducted because, while long‐term use of methylphenidate for children with ADHD is frequent clinical practice, its benefits are unclear. They looked at whether the medication remains beneficial after 2 years. Methylphenidate, a stimulant, has been controversial in some quarters because it is a controlled substance, However, the first‐line treatment for ADHD is psychostimulant medication, such as methylphenidate. How long children should take is is a question, but 60% of children receive stimulant treatment for ADHD for more than 2 years, and this is increasingly common, extending even into adolescence and adulthood. This is partly due to the awareness that ADHD is not a pediatric‐only condition. The study, “Continued benefits of methylphenidate in ADHD after 2 years in clinical practice: A randomized placebo‐controlled discontinuation study,” was published online May 21 by the American Journal of Psychiatry.  相似文献   

The ability to effectively regulate emotions is an important marker for early socio‐emotional development. The uses of self‐comforting behaviors and self‐distraction have been empirically supported as effective regulatory strategies for infants, although research on determinants of such behaviors is scarce. Thus, a more thorough examination of the development of regulatory behaviors is needed. For the current study, 135 mothers, fathers, and their infants participated in laboratory visits at 3, 5, and 7 months of age where parent sensitivity and infant regulatory strategies were coded from the Still‐Face Paradigm. Parents also filled out questionnaires about infant temperament and parental involvement. Using multilevel modeling to examine levels and trajectories of self‐comforting and self‐distraction, the current study found: (1) infants higher in temperamental surgency used more self‐distraction and self‐comforting, (2) infants lower in surgency with highly involved parents increased in self‐distraction at a faster rate, particularly with highly involved fathers, and (3) infants used self‐comforting more than average with fathers when the infant was also lower in temperamental regulation. In addition, we examined trajectories of parent involvement and temperament in relation to infant regulatory strategy.  相似文献   

This article aims to demonstrate that networking activities, if properly planned, applied and monitored, can help increase the long‐term impact of development co‐operation actions. We demonstrate the added value of networking within development actions, focusing on dynamics of trust and reciprocity and on the rationales beyond different collaboration patterns, demonstrating the impact of networking on program effectiveness, intercultural learning and sustainability. Using social network analysis coupled with participant observation, it was possible to trace the development of a large multi‐stakeholder development programme and to understand a number of dynamics not considered by the donor when evaluating the action, thereby reaching a better understanding of the challenges and success of the programme.  相似文献   

We present results of the first longitudinal study of long‐term outcome correlates of sexual experiences in early childhood (“sex play”). Two hundred children participated in the UCLA Family Lifestyles Project (FLS), beginning at birth to the current wave of data collection at ages 17–18. For most of the current analyses, data were complete for 96 of the young men and 88 of the young women. Participants were assessed on a wide range of adjustment variables devised for the FLS and the UCLA Adolescent Growth Study. Participation in early childhood sex play was determined by parent self‐reports at child's age three and age six. Forty‐eight percent of children were reported to have engaged in interactive sex play prior to age six. Using socioeconomic status, sex of participant, family attitudes toward sexuality, and family type (conventional two‐parent versus nonconventional) as controls, no significant long‐term associations were found between exposure to sex play and adjustment at ages 17–18. Sexual liberalism/conservativism in family of origin was significantly associated with sexual liberalism I conservativism at ages 17–18. These results converge on earlier cross‐sectional retrospective work, suggesting that the experience of childhood sex play in itself is unrelated to long‐term adjustment.  相似文献   

The role of selective attention in infant phonetic perception was examined using a distraction masker paradigm. We compared perception of /bu/ versus /gu/ in 6‐ to 8‐month‐olds using a visual fixation procedure. Infants were habituated to multiple natural productions of 1 syllable type and then presented 4 test trials (old‐new‐old‐new). Perception of the new syllable (indexed as novelty preference) was compared across 3 groups: habituated and tested on syllables in quiet (Group 1), habituated and tested on syllables mixed with a nonspeech signal (Group 2), and habituated with syllables mixed with a non‐speech signal and tested on syllables in quiet (Group 3). In Groups 2 and 3, each syllable was mixed with a segment spliced from a recording of bird and cricket songs. This nonspeech signal has no overlapping frequencies with the syllable; it is not expected to alter the sensory structure or perceptual coherence of the syllable. Perception was negatively affected by the presence of the auditory distracter during habituation; individual performance levels also varied more in these groups. The findings show that perceiving speech in the presence of irrelevant sounds poses a cognitive challenge for young infants. We conclude that selective attention is an important skill that supports speech perception in infants; the significance of this skill for language learning during infancy deserves investigation.  相似文献   

Maternal education differences in children's academic skills have been strongly linked to parental investment behaviors. This study extended this line of research to investigate whether these same maternal education patterns in parenting are observed among a set of parenting behaviors that are linked to young children's health. Drawing on data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (n = 5,000) and longitudinal models incorporating random effects, the authors found that higher levels of maternal education were associated with more advantageous health investment behaviors at each phase of early development (9 months, 2 years, 4 years, 5 years). Moreover, these disparities were typically largest at the developmental stage when it was potentially most sensitive for children's long‐term health and development. These findings provide further evidence of a developmental gradient associated with mothers' education and new insight into the salience of mothers' education for the short‐ and long‐term health and well‐being of their children.  相似文献   

The intergenerational elasticity of income is considered one of the best measures of the degree to which a society gives equal opportunity to its members. While much research has been devoted to measuring this reduced‐form parameter, less is known about its underlying structural determinants. Using a model with exogenous talent endowments, endogenous parental investment in children, and endogenous redistributive institutions, we identify the structural parameters that govern the intergenerational elasticity of income. The model clarifies how the interaction between private and collective decisions determines the equilibrium level of social mobility. Two societies with similar economic and biological fundamentals may have vastly different degrees of intergenerational mobility depending on their political institutions. We offer empirical evidence in line with the predictions of the model. We conclude that international comparisons of intergenerational elasticity of income are not particularly informative about fairness without taking into account differences in politico‐economic institutions. (JEL E24, J62, J68, P16)  相似文献   

The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is decreasing among children ages 2 to 5 in Kentucky, but the use of alpha‐2 agonists (A2As, such as clonidine and guanfacine) is increasing, and the use of stimulants is decreasing. The researchers urge long‐term follow‐up of these children, as well as vigilance in checking diagnosis and treatment. For the study, published in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology and based on Medicaid claims, the researchers were not able to ascertain whether the diagnoses or the treatments were appropriate.  相似文献   

Can monetary policy influence long‐term interest rates? Studies that have tackled this question using vector autoregressions (VARs) generally find that monetary policy's influence on long‐term interest rates is small and often statistically insignificant. Other studies, however, using a single‐equation approach, have found a robust relationship. Our study sheds new light on this question by estimating the effect of monetary policy shocks on long‐term interest rates in a VAR with long‐run monetary neutrality restrictions. We find that U.S. monetary policy can strongly influence long‐term interest rates, but only when the Federal Reserve has inflation‐fighting credibility and is able to firmly anchor inflationary expectations. (JEL E43, E51, E52)  相似文献   

Capacity Development (CD) is a long‐term endogenous process. Despite an abundant literature, CD and the length of time required for its realisation are still abstract in practice. The examination of the process of fostering CD contributes to understanding the time required and the role of external actors, such as international donors, in supporting CD. This article aims to reveal part of the process of fostering CD and the time required, and to consider the role of international donors. This qualitative study focuses on Wakatobi district in Southeast Sulawesi province, Indonesia. The data reveal how bottom‐up local development approaches have developed through national and external donor programmes and projects. This study confirms the long endogenous learning process that CD involves. The case of Wakatobi district shows the continual efforts to institutionalize and functionalize bottom‐up local development. The acquired knowledge and skills have gradually developed the core capacities of Wakatobi, with beneficial effects on other districts and society more broadly. The fostering of CD, which resists social transformation, will take longer than donors expect. Continual learning is key and constant for the growth of CD. Donors should consider the provision of training, which makes continual, endless learning possible.  相似文献   

This article argues that there is a gap in current Mexican rural development policy that could be filled by a smallholder‐targeted programme. The gap exists because agricultural programmes tend to benefit better‐off farmers, while social programmes tend to focus on long‐term investment in human capital, specifically for the children of today's poor. Drawing on lessons from PROCAMPO and Oportunidades, it offers a specific design for such a programme at a time when the government is considering how to reform PROCAMPO, given that, after 15 years, it is due to come to an end.  相似文献   

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