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This study investigated whether lower emotional intelligence would be related to less self-efficacy to control gambling and more problem gambling and whether gambling self-efficacy would mediate the relationship between emotional intelligence and problem gambling. A total of 117 participants, including 49 women and 68 men, with an average age of 39.93 (SD = 13.87), completed an emotional intelligence inventory, a gambling control self-efficacy scale, and a measure of problem gambling. Lower emotional intelligence was related to lower gambling self-efficacy and more problem gambling. Gambling control self-efficacy partially mediated the relationship between emotional intelligence and problem gambling.  相似文献   

Social Support as a Potential Moderator of Adolescent Delinquent Behaviors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The issue of juvenile delinquency continues to concern both policy makers and parents. Engaging in negative behaviors or activities that are not socially acceptable can have serious implications for adolescents' physical, emotional, and social development. Therefore, it is important that human service practitioners working with adolescents understand those factors that influence their delinquent behavior in order to develop effective interventions. This paper reports the findings of a study of self-reported delinquent activity among a sample of 779 adolescents who attended middle schools in a large urban city in the southwest United States. The study examines the relationships between delinquent behavior, social support, and a variety of other psychosocial factors. The implications of those relationships for human service practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that good‐quality school climates foster a sense of connection to the school and in this way contribute to fewer emotional and behavioral problems. However, few studies have directly assessed the role of school connectedness as a mediator of school climate effects. Using path analysis, this brief report examined whether four aspects of student perceived school climate (cohesion, friction, competition among students, and overall satisfaction with classes) were indirectly associated with subsequent early adolescent conduct problems and depressive symptoms through school connectedness. Participants were four hundred and eighty‐nine 10‐ to 14‐year old middle school students involved in two waves of a study. The results showed that school connectedness mediated the relations between perceived cohesion, perceived friction, and overall satisfaction with classes and subsequent student conduct problems 1 year later. School connectedness was not, however, predictive of subsequent depressive symptoms and thus did not mediate the school climate effects on early adolescent emotional problems.  相似文献   

The relation between pubertal timing and alcohol use was investigated in a nationally representative sample (N= 4,686) of junior high school students who were followed up 2 years later (N= 3,862). Information regarding pubertal timing and status, sex‐role identification, number of alcohol intoxications, substance use, sexual behavior, friends’ alcohol use, and involvement in other types of problem behaviors was obtained. The results showed that early timing of pubertal development correlated with number of alcohol intoxications and number of units consumed on each occasion, and, to a lesser degree, with the frequency of alcohol use. Moreover, correlations were stronger among males than among females. Substantial parts of the association between pubertal timing and alcohol intoxications were mediated through friends’ problem behavior. Pubertal timing predicted alcohol use at follow‐up, but the effect was mostly due to increased alcohol intoxications at initial testing.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate associations between pubertal timing and boys' Internet use, particularly their viewing of pornography. We used a sample comprising of 97 boys in grade 8 (M age, 14.22 years) from two schools in a medium‐sized Swedish town. This age should be optimal for differentiating early, on‐time, and later‐maturing boys. Boys responded to self‐report questionnaires on their Internet use and pubertal timing. Early, on‐time, and late‐maturing boys did not differ in terms of most Internet activities. However, early maturers reported downloading and viewing pornography more often than the other boys did (p<.001). The findings build on previous research on the link between pubertal timing and sexual behavior in adolescence. Moreover, they help further understanding of the behavioral implications of boys' pubertal timing.  相似文献   

This study examined the relation between mothers' positive and negative interaction behaviors during mother–child interactions and the emotion regulation (ER) and depressive symptoms of their adolescent offspring. Event‐planning (EPI) and problem‐solving interactions (PSI) were observed in 163 mother–adolescent dyads, and adolescents also provided a self‐report of ER responses and depressive symptoms. Sequential analyses of mother–adolescent behaviors during the interaction tasks indicated that adolescents with more depressive symptoms were more likely to reciprocate their mothers' negative affective behaviors. Adolescents whose mothers displayed less positivity and more negativity (i.e., less frequent positive and more frequent negative behaviors) during the EPI displayed more emotionally dysregulated behaviors in the PSI and reported more frequent maladaptive ER responses. Adolescents whose mothers behaved negatively toward them more frequently during mother–adolescent interactions also reported more depressive symptoms. The frequency with which adolescents engage in maladaptive ER responses mediated the association between maternal negativity and adolescents' concurrent depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

This study examined genetic and environmental effects on individual variation in pubertal timing using two national samples of siblings from the Nonshared Environment of Adolescent Development (NEAD) and the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). In each sample, female and male siblings with different degrees of genetic relatedness, i.e., monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins, full siblings, half siblings, and unrelated siblings in blended families, were assessed. Timing of pubertal development was measured by age-adjusted self-report measures of the Pubertal Development Scale in NEAD and a four-item scale of pubertal development in the Add Health. The results indicated that both genetic and environmental influences play an important role in determining the relative timing of pubertal development for both boys and girls.  相似文献   

This prospective, longitudinal study investigated the moderating role of pubertal timing on reciprocal links between adolescent appraisals of parent–child relationship quality and girls' (N=1,335) and boys' (N=1,203) cigarette and alcohol use across a 12‐month period. Reciprocal effects were found between parent–child relations and on‐time maturing boys and girls' cigarette and alcohol use, after estimating stability in these constructs across time. Parent–child relationship quality was associated with increased alcohol use 12 months later for early maturing girls. Cigarette and alcohol use were associated with increased problems in the parent–child relationship for late maturing girls. No effects were observed for early and late maturing boys in the pathways between parent–child relationship quality and substance use. Pubertal timing moderated the pathway linking parent–child relationship quality with cigarette use 1 year later such that the association was stronger for late maturing girls compared with early and on‐time maturing girls. The findings indicate interplay between the psychosocial aspects of maturation, family relationships, and adolescent substance use and highlight possible gender‐specific influences.  相似文献   

The effects of pubertal timing and adolescent dating on trajectories of depressed mood from early adolescence to young adulthood were examined among youths who participated in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Results showed that for both boys and girls, the trajectories of depressed mood between the ages of 12 and 23 took an inverse U‐shape with its peak in mid‐adolescence. Furthermore, pubertal timing was a significant predictor of depressed mood at age 12. The pubertal timing effect was nonlinear, suggesting that at age 12, early and late maturing youths were at risk of experiencing elevated levels of depressed mood. The adverse effect of off‐time maturation gradually dissipated over time. Moreover, in early adolescence, teenagers, particularly girls, were adversely affected by dating, and off‐time physical maturation exacerbated the negative effects of dating. However, the interactive effect of dating and pubertal timing gradually decreased with age. Our findings underscore the importance of examining junctures of biological and social challenges in adolescence to gain better understandings of young people's emotional experiences over time.  相似文献   

This study used polygenic scoring (PGS) to test whether puberty‐related genes were correlated with depressive symptoms, and whether there were indirect effects through pubertal maturation. The sample included 8,795 adolescents from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (measures of puberty drawn ages 8–17 years; of depressive symptoms at age 16.5 years). The PGS (derived from a genome‐wide meta‐analysis of later age at menarche) predicted boys’ and girls’ later pubertal timing, boys’ slower gonadal development, and girls’ faster breast development. Earlier perceived breast development timing predicted more depressive symptoms in girls. Findings support shared genetic underpinnings for boys’ and girls' puberty, contributing to multiple pubertal phenotypes with differences in how these genetic variants affect boys' and girls' development.  相似文献   

Family members of women substance users may be at risk for stress-related problems. Family coping responses may affect outcomes for both families and women in treatment. Eighty-two women in treatment for substance use disorders (56 with comorbid psychiatric conditions) and 82 family members were interviewed. Stressors related to women's disorders were significantly related to increased family member burden. Women's behavioral problems predicted greater family member Worry, Displeasure, and Impact. Extent of women's drug or alcohol use predicted greater family member Stigma and Impact. Family member maladaptive coping partially mediated relationships between family member stressors and family member Displeasure and Impact. Family member maladaptive coping also functioned as a moderator between the stressors and Impact.  相似文献   

In this paper, with the use of linear regressions to investigate how relationship dissolution affects sexual attitudes and behaviors, the authors address the stereotype that newly single people seek multiple sexual partners. Although the newly single people surveyed did obtain new sexual partners, the rate at which they acquired new partners did not support the stereotype. Specifically, men with custody of their children seemed oriented toward finding a steady partner. Additionally, men and women with low incomes reported relatively high rates of partner acquisition after relationship dissolution. The high rates reported by disadvantaged groups may be more directly related to familial instability accompanying poverty than to cultural characteristics associated with income or race. We argue that a life stage model with categorical stages in a rigid, anachronistic progression provides insufficient means to gain an understanding of newly single people.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests viewing R-rated movies is associated with delinquency (Tanski et al. 2010 Tanski , Susanne E. , Sonya Dal Cin , Mike Stoolmiller , and James D. Sargent . 2010. “Parental R-Rated Movie Restriction and Early-Onset Alcohol Use.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 71(3):452460.[PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Titus-Ernstoff et al. 2008 Titus-Ernstoff , L. , M. A. Dalton , A. M. Adachi-Mejia , M. R. Longacre , and M. L. Beach . 2008 . “Longitudinal Study of Viewing Smoking in Movies and Initiation of Smoking by Children.” Pediatrics 121 : 1521 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), while religiosity leads to decreases in substance use (Jang and Johnson 2001 Jang , Sung Joon and Byron R. Johnson . 2001 . “Neighborhood Disorder, Individual Religiosity, and Adolescent Use of Illicit Drugs: A Test of Multilevel Hypotheses.” Criminology 39 ( 1 ): 109144 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Kovacs, Piko, and Fitzpatrick 2011 Jang , Sung Joon and Byron R. Johnson . 2011 . “The Effects of Childhood Exposure to Drug Users and Religion on Drug Use in Adolescence and Young Adulthood.” Youth and Society 43 : 12201245 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Miller 1998 Miller , W. 1998 . “Researching the Spiritual Dimensions of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems.” Addiction 93 : 979990 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Regnerus 2003 Regnerus , Mark D. 2003 . “Moral Communities and Adolescent Delinquency: Religious Contexts and Community Social Control.” Sociological Quarterly 44 : 523554 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). However, the influences of religiosity and viewing R-rated movies have not been examined in conjunction. This article tests whether religiosity moderates the effects of R-rated movies on delinquency, results suggesting that rather than religiosity moderating the effects of R-rated movies on delinquency, viewing R-rated movies actually tempers the pro-social effects of religiosity. This finding only held true for certain types of substance abuse, and not activity-based forms of delinquency such as fighting. The results are discussed in light of their implications for the current study of the effects of religiosity on delinquency, and suggestions are made for future research on the relationship between viewing R-rated movies and delinquency.  相似文献   

This study used a behavioral genetic design to test whether three measures of pubertal timing moderated peer influence on risk‐taking in a sample of 248 female adolescent twin pairs (Mage = 16.0, SD = 1.5) from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Peer influence was operationalized as the quasi‐causal association between girls' self‐reported risk‐taking and the risk‐taking reported by their friends. Girls with earlier ages at menarche and who perceived themselves as more developed than peers were more susceptible to peer influence on risk‐taking. However, age‐standardized ratings of body changes did not moderate peer influence. This study highlights distinctions between multiple measures of pubertal timing, using an innovative synthesis of genetically informative data and peer nomination data.  相似文献   

Using archived data a multilevel model examined change in negative communication behaviors of three family members (mother, father and preadolescent) across four sequential family problem solving sessions in the home. The sample included 756 problem-solving sessions, nested within 189 individuals, within 63 families. Basic tenets of family therapy were used to examine the effect of the occasions of measurement, revealing that communication was less negative when the adolescent selected the problem. The individual level analysis was guided by a conflict structure perspective that found adolescents (in general) showed more negative communication behaviors than parents. At the family level, scores on the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES III) were significantly related to changes in negative communication behaviors. A significant interaction between FACES III scores and negative communication behaviors showed negativity increased across sessions in families that scored lower on the FACES III, but decreased in families that scored higher.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of alcohol intoxication on the display of nonverbal behaviors during discussions with dating partners about a relationship problem. Forty-four heterosexual dyads engaged in a 7-min conversation about a hypothetical infidelity. Males were randomly assigned to drinking condition (sober or .08 g/dl) and their behaviors were coded for behavioral expressivity, verbal expressivity, positive affect, and anxiety at 30 s and 3 min into the interaction. A series of 2 (drinking condition) × 2 (time) repeated measures analyses indicated that as time passed, drinkers nonverbally conveyed more agitation and less positivity, and consequently less pro-relational behavior. Further, drinkers showed more behavioral variability over time compared to their sober counterparts. The implications of these results for understanding alcohol-influenced communication in close relationships are discussed.
Jennifer A. SampEmail:


Reduced family conflict, consistency in roles and parenting, and limited negative life changes seem to be particularly important variables in promoting children's adjustment to divorce.

The impact of family functioning on child adjustment was investigated in a sample of 22 recently separated or divorced families with a total of 32 children. A series of multiple regression analyses using factors on the Family Assessment Device to predict Child Behavior Checklist scores indicated that family functioning is a significant predictor of children's Externalizing behavior problems. The Communication factor accounted for a significant portion of unique variance in the externalizing scores that was unaccounted for by the other factors. When separated parents can communicate with each other to co-parent their children, as well as communicate affective limit-setting messages to their children, the children exhibit less behavioral problems.  相似文献   

Objectives: We investigated three psychological mechanisms that may underlie the associations between discrimination and sexual activity: emotion regulation, autonomy restoration, and intimacy building. Methods: An online survey was administered to a diverse sample of 565 undergraduate students at a large public university. Results: Having sex to mitigate negative emotions mediated the associations between self-reported discrimination and lifetime number of sexual partners, and between discrimination and the frequency of sexual intercourse while intoxicated. Conclusions: Sexual activity may serve as a coping strategy in response to the experiences of negative emotions and human core needs thwarted by the experiences of discrimination.  相似文献   

The Biobehavioral Family Model (BBFM) is a biopsychosocial model of health. This model proposes that biobehavioral reactivity mediates the association between the family emotional climate and disease activity. To improve the clinical relevance of the BBFM, variables that mediate the association between family emotional climate and biobehavioral reactivity need to be tested. This study examined differentiation of self as a mediator. Using data from the Midlife Development in the United States study (n = 854), results suggested that differentiation of self mediated the association between the family and intimate partner emotional climate and mental health symptoms. These findings suggest that including differentiation of self into the BBFM may help interventions based on the model target factors that could improve health outcomes.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(2-3):101-129

The present study used Baron and Kenny's (1986) mediated moderation model to explore a potential mediator-parenting behaviors-of an interaction between biological risk and adoptive parent psychopathology which has been shown to significantly predict adolescent problem behaviors in a sample of adult adoptees (Mage = 25; n = 133). The outcomes of interest were retrospective reports on adoptee adolescent nonaggressive conduct disordered behaviors and aggressive/oppositional behaviors. Predictors were biological risk in the birth parents of the adoptees, psychopathology in the adoptive parents, and retrospectively reported parenting behaviors of the adoptive parents. The mediated moderation model was not supported due to the nonsignificance of the biological risk X adoptive parent psychopathology interaction term. However, support for an independence model was supported in that biological risk interacted with maternal warmth and overprotection to predict adolescent adoptee behavior. Greater maternal warmth decreased problem behaviors among adoptees with a biological risk for psychopathology; whereas greater maternal overprotection increased adolescent problem behaviors among adoptees with biological risk. Fathers' parenting behaviors did not interact with biological risk to predict adolescent adoptee behavior. Finally, the findings were consistent across type of behavior suggesting a homogenous effect.  相似文献   

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