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El Paso, Texas, faced an urban water shortage due to its limited groundwater, rapid population growth, and legal barriers to seemingly accessible water supplies. The cheapest new supplies were Rio Grande surface water or groundwater from New Mexico. Federal reclamation law and New Mexico law that effectively prevents water export led to a bitter confrontation that pitted new Mexico's use of the police power against the federal commerce clause. After an eleven-year legal battle, in 1991, El Paso opted for a compromise resolution with most new water supply (85,000 AF/year) provided by a reduction of transmission losses. Additional supply will be provided by managing upstream reservoir levels to reduce evaporation, reducing per capita use to 160 gpd, increasing use of treated sewage effluent, and purchasing and leasing small parcel water rights. Since making this decision, El Paso has actively pursued this alternative strategy and has a modest, but secure, future water supply.  相似文献   

许振成  王俊能  胡习邦 《创新》2012,6(3):103-105,128
西江是珠江主干。广西对保护西江水质具有举足轻重的战略地位,关系到西江下游的饮用水安全。要协调经济发展和环境保护之间的关系,就必须将西江水质安全纳入泛珠三角的总体发展战略中。为此,应实施"浊水不入江"、工业合理布局、开拓东南亚、中东、非洲国际市场以及提升环北部湾经济区的竞争力等战略措施,以此来推动区域经济又好又快发展,同时保住西江优质水源。  相似文献   

The header stack-barge was a device that farmers on the American and Canadian plains invented to adapt wheat harvesting machinery to the special requirements of their semi-arid region. Although it appeared at points scattered throughout the length of the North American plains, its greatest use was in Alberta and Saskatchewan during the 1930s. The development of the header stack-barge was an outstanding example of folk technology in the agricultural history of the Great Plains, showing the conditions under which folk invention might flourish and the way it might interact with government extension agents. The case of the header stack-barge then is of consequence both to folklore and to concepts of Great Plains regionalism.  相似文献   

江南地区的宗教复兴 (或创新) 和多样性的研究令人瞩目,而处于江南水上社会的渔民民间信仰同样值得关注.通过人类学的田野工作和历史文献的梳理发现,传统时代里太湖渔民的民间宗教信仰集庙宇和神灵为中心的信仰空间、共同的祭祀、娱乐活动等于一体.这种传承不仅能够把人们凝聚在一起,造就强有力的社区凝聚力,使人们获得归宿感,而且还从道德和秩序的层面规范人们的日常生活;与此同时,人们从中又能够利用超自然的因素来解释和启迪自身.  相似文献   


This study adopted content analysis to examine policy papers concerning the eligibility requirements of the Minimum Living Standard Scheme (MLSS) in China's 31 capital cities. It was found that local officials not only assess applicants’ assets and incomes, but also their living space, quality of home decoration, possession of luxury goods, leisure activities, and behavior. The local governments’ use of a lifestyle assessment approach is caused by financial constraints and the lack of an effective mechanism to check applicants’ incomes. The lifestyle approach leads to regional inequalities in accessing public assistance, because some of the terms, which define the quality of life, are too ambiguous. The lifestyle approach, which requires applicants to live in very poor living conditions and also demonstrate their hardship to local officials, will be a barrier preventing poor people from being integrated into their communities. This study suggests that the key words and terms in the policy documents need to be clearly explained and similar criteria should also be adopted across different regions. It also proposes that the gap between MLSS eligibility criteria in the policy papers and their actual implementation requires further study in order to understand the impact of special local factors and the quality of life of poor people in China.  相似文献   

Appropriation and water rights issues in the high plains Ogallala region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research assesses the effectiveness of groundwater doctrine in eastern Colorado and western Kansas within the context of 330 irrigators' preferences for perceived changes in groundwater appropriations and variances in existing rules to best achieve the public interest. A survey of irrigators in six groundwater management districts reveals that attitudes conflict with several aspects of current appropriation doctrine. There is significant support for broad-based, uniform reductions in appropriations when groundwater becomes scarce rather than the “first in time, first in right” requirement in the prior appropriation doctrine. Many irrigators believe that past water-use efficiency should be a criteria factored into appropriation reduction polices. Most oppose the “use it or lose it” concept that requires specified levels of beneficial use to protect a water right, and irrigators oppose special exemptions to permit new wells to benefit the public interest in fully appropriated areas. Importantly, if irrigators' preferences were codified in the groundwater appropriations doctrines, more groundwater could be conserved.  相似文献   

北京、上海与深圳三个中心城市是我国经济实力最强的三个城市,虽然离国际金融中心还有较大差距,但已经显示了作为国内"金融中心"的经济与金融发展实力,并且对其腹地长三角、环渤海地区及珠三角的经济已经显出了强大的辐射力,带动了整个地区经济快速发.以这三个城市相关数据为基础.确立建设区域金融中心量化的参照指标值体系.通过西部重庆、四川和陕西三省市与参照指标的条件对比分析,我们认为建设西部区域金融中心须遵循"省内金融中心--跨省金融联动中心--西部金融中心"的发展路径.  相似文献   

徐龙年 《学术交流》2003,4(8):166-169
叶圣陶先生的语文教育论述,处处渗透着美学思想.他主张每一个青少年学生都应该认真阅读大量的优秀作品,对作品中起关键作用的字、词、句、段不能轻易滑过;阅读欣赏时要驱遣自己的想像,培养丰富的语感,从优秀的作品中接受美感的经验,得到人生的受用;作为反映生活抒发情感的写作,应该写出自己诚实的话,要把生活当做写作的源头,要把写作当做生活的一部分,多写,多练,多比较,多修改,久而久之,必能写出好的文章和美的作品来.  相似文献   

西江水道六城市港口情况分析及城市经济比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周英虎 《创新》2009,3(5):60-64
西江水道开发的社会经济价值体现在西江水道沿江港口城市的社会经济地位和作用上,与这些城市现有的基础条件和实力。与其未来的发展和进步息息相关。之所以选择南宁、贵港、梧州、佛山、云浮和肇庆六个城市作对比,不仅因为上述六市是《梧州共识》协议的签署者,而且是西江水道沿江最主要的六个城市,能够代表西江水道沿江经济带的现有水平和发展趋势。  相似文献   

李令福 《唐都学刊》2012,28(2):5-14
为了充实都城所在关中地区的经济实力,西汉政府特别重视漕运交通的建设。首先整治利用了前人开辟的渭汧两大自然河流的水路联运道路;其次在汉武帝元光六年(前129)于渭水南岸开凿了东西三百余里的漕渠,大为成功。不久又兴修了褒斜道漕渠线路,惜因自然原因无法通漕。在关中内部渭河北岸,也有连接洛渭两水之人工运河的修凿,它沟通了都城长安与邑漕仓的联系,作用巨大。自然河流与人工运河的相互沟通与漕运,使西汉关中的水运交通发展到其古代历史上的最高峰。  相似文献   

Objective. I examine where Texas students send their SAT scores in 1998 to identify their revealed preferences for higher education and determine if race/ethnicity influences their decision. Methods. Using data from the Texas Schools Microdata Panel, I estimate the influence of race/ethnicity on various college choice sets using a multinomial logit model. Results. The empirical estimation indicates that minorities perceive their opportunities at Texas public institutions to be different from whites. Furthermore, although blacks and Hispanics are less likely than whites to send their SAT scores to selective Texas institutions, they are more likely to send their scores to selective institutions out of state. Conclusion. Although the reasons for this are currently unclear, a possible suspect is the Hopwood v. Texas decision, a court ruling ending affirmative action initiatives in the admissions decisions of all Texas public colleges and universities.  相似文献   

This article discusses the findings of a consumer-oriented survey to ascertain the perceptions of Texas nursing home residents, their families, and nursing home administrators about what factors they believe contribute to quality of care. The findings from previous studies and established practice standards are then used to further delineate the practice roles and functions of social workers in nursing facilities (NFs) and to inform social work curriculum.  相似文献   

In Chinese cities, about 1.45 million migrant workers stay away from their home villages for longer than six months. The total will reach 230 million if those who work less than six months outside their home villages are also included ( National Bureau of Statistics PRC 2010 ). The scale of migration has put huge pressure on urban housing. Apart from a few local exceptions, little state effort has been dedicated to improve migrant housing for a long time. Existing studies of migrant housing in Chinese cities have focused on the necessity for the state to remove discriminatory policies and offer equal access to urban housing benefits. However, few studies have examined carefully who are the most vulnerable and what are the causes of some of the problems. The authors of this article argue that without proper understanding of the interaction between the state and the private providers, equal access to urban housing benefits may not lead to improved housing conditions for migrant workers. We use three surveys in three cities, Tianjin, Taiyuan and Lanzhou in China to support our argument.  相似文献   

从生态足迹看全球变化、城市的可持续性与潜在的危机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以生态足迹为其分析工具,探讨了城市可持续性的内涵及其发展。生态足迹概念的提出,拓宽了人们对城市与区域关系的认识,指明城市必须依托于更大范围的区域而持续。同时,文章也建议为了保持城市生态系统,城市应该向乡村进行补偿。  相似文献   

金代女真人在其建国前饮食的主要来源是渔猎、农业和家畜饲养.据有中原后,其饮食发生了很大变化.金代女真人农业主要种植粟、麦、黍等,主食就是由这些农作物加工成的米、面制品.女真人的副食主要是各种蔬菜、肉类和水产品,调味品也在女真人的烹饪中广泛使用,大量制作腌制和干调类果蔬和肉制品是女真人饮食中的一大特点.水果则是女真人日常生活的必需品.酒与茶是女真人比较偏爱的饮品.  相似文献   

北京是全国网络最发达的城市之一。推动北京文化大发展大繁荣,应充分发挥首都网络的技术优势和文化优势,进一步提高管理理念,转变和创新首都网络文化的发展方式,提高网络建设的文化自觉、文化创新和科技创新。  相似文献   

张群 《学术交流》2006,(8):156-159
黄河和长江孕育的华夏文化,自一产生就和“水”结下了不解之缘。由于古老传统的浸染和熏陶,先秦时代的哲学家,特别是儒道诸子具有浓厚的水情结。孔子、孟子、荀子等以水比德,用水的特性比附儒家所倡导的道德风范和君子人格。老子、庄子以水喻“道”,赋予水以比喻和象征意蕴,创造了众多与水有关的意象和寓言故事,极大地丰富了中国文学形象的画廊。  相似文献   

刘发全 《社会工作》2009,(22):18-20
新市民群体是城市中一类特殊人群,他们由于自身知识技能的不足和城市人的社会排斥而难以融入城市社会,因而有强烈的自卑感。以助人自助为理念的社会工作对新市民群体的介入对他们提高自身技能和认知,消除市民和新市民之间的隔阂,以更好的融人城市生活十分有益。本文以天津市妇联城乡部新市民社区学习中心的社工服务为例,阐述嵌入式社会工作在促进新市民群体融入城市过程中的角色定位,以期探索行之有效的社工介入模式。  相似文献   

江苏省张家港市东山村崧泽文化早中期大墓的发现,证明长江下游在距今五千七、八百年以前已存在明显的社会分化,初级王权已经产生,社会已进入“古国”^1阶段。在中国古代文明演进过程中,率先开始社会重大转型的不是黄河中游的中原地区,也不是以古长城地带为中心的北方地区,而是崧泽文化所在的长江下游地区。该遗址的发现还表明,在文明化进程中,中国古代最早出现的“古国”的性质和表现形式并不完全一样,有的是神权至上,有的是王权至上,从而导致其发展方向和发展前途的不同。  相似文献   

东京都是日本的政治、经济和文化等中心及信息的输出源头,它早在上个世纪60年代就与美国的纽约市缔结为友好城市,开始了城市外交路线。在与友好城市的交流过程中,东京都注重以文化交流和民间交流为基础,来推动城市的各方面建设,不断提升自身的国际化水平,经过20年的对外交流与发展,终于成为一座国际化大都市。考究东京都与友好城市交流的形式和状况,对于正处于向国际化大都市发展过程中的北京来说,是十分及时且必要的。因此,本文通过对东京都与友好城市之间的交流状况的分析,阐释友好城市交流在城市的国际化进程中所起的重要推动作用,以供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

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