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政府层面自上而下设置并实施的村居法律顾问制度,较大程度提升了我国少数民族地区乡村治理法治化与现代化水准,成为乡村振兴的重要抓手之一。但源于该制度设置的过分一体化及运行的过度行政化,致使其可持续发展陷入困境,制度的社会功效和法律功效远未充分激发。借助少数民族地区村寨传统社会组织、村规民约等非正式制度,求得村居法律顾问制度与少数民族村寨本土法治资源相互协调、相得益彰,方可形成制度合力,方可保障村居法律顾问制度更契合少数民族地区村寨实际,进而激发该制度的全部功效,实现其设置初衷。  相似文献   

从新制度经济学的视角分析,与一般地区相比,民族地区教育行政制度在制度环境、非正式制度、实施机制和制度规范对象等方面具有特殊性。制度环境的特殊性规定了民族地区教育行政的价值取向,同时也给制度变迁和创新提供了广阔的发展空间;非正式制度的特殊性提示我们,在进行改革和创新时要顾及社会文化背景和相关的特殊问题;实施机制的特殊性要求我们注意理顺两个行政系统的职能分工、理顺教育行政系统内部的职能分工,切实提高制度的执行力;制度规范对象的特殊性则要求处理好“民族学校”和一般学校两类学校系统之间的关系。  相似文献   

旅游业是当今世界公认的绿色产业。西藏面临着旅游业开发和生态环境保护的双重压力。用新制度经济学的分析框架来分析,发现西藏现存的一些制度安排,如正式约束中的旅游资源产权制度的不完善、对非正式约束的作用重视不够、缺乏强有力的制度实施机制等,会给旅游业开发和管理带来一系列生态环境问题。逐步建立和完善与旅游业开发和环境保护相关的法律、规章等正式约束,重视和发挥非正式约束的作用,强化与之相配套的制度实施机制,这样才能实现西藏旅游业开发和生态环境保护的协调发展。  相似文献   

从非正式制度安排的理论入手,分析西部非正式制度安排造成经济发展的"漏损现象",导致西部民营经济发展远远落后于东部并对如何实施制度创新、克服这种"漏损现象"、发展民营经济的途径进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

民族地区乡村文化产业化就其实质而言,就是现代生产方式在民族地区乡村社会的一种制度安排;现代社会在物质生产层面结构性地忽视乡村社会,在精神消费层面却又有机地依赖乡村社会的内在矛盾,构成了民族地区乡村文化产业化的社会基础;被现代社会二元结构疏离起来的民族地区乡村文化的产业化实践,为改变深刻对立的二元社会结构提供了制度融合的新的契机.  相似文献   

杨珂 《民族论坛》2009,(2):54-54
相比关于农村家族对乡村治理影响的研究而言,关于乡村民间宗教影响的研究还很少,目前的中国乡村中各种民间宗教组织很常见,影响颇多。本文对近几十年的乡村民间宗教组织的变迁和影响作了简要评析,以期对促进基层社会治理、农村非正式组织的转型和发展起到一定的作用。  相似文献   

杨军昌  杨芳琴 《民族学刊》2023,(11):125-135+170
“北侗九寨”是贵州省锦屏县西北部由九个侗族传统村落通过长期的交往交流而形成的典型的侗族山地文化区。历史上该地长期为自组织的传统社会,即通过非正式制度,特别是“款”“联款”组织以及寨老、款(团)首等乡绅的作用实现乡民社会的治理。清代,面对动荡的时局和诸多影响地方秩序的社会问题,基于力量对比、秩序维系和图存发展等方面的考量,“北侗九寨”地方“精英”引入国家力量,在特定时期实现了前所未有的相向互动及资源的有效整合,从治理秩序乱象以宁村社环境、修路建桥以利内外交通、兴起团练联防以御外患护家园、开展婚俗改革以纯社会风气和保护生态环境促进人与自然和谐共生等方面,对九寨一带的乡村治理及其秩序重构进行梳理。以碑刻与文书文献呈现出的清代西南民族乡村社会治理为个案分析,撷取可借鉴的经验,以期为当下实现民族乡村的有效治理、推进乡村振兴进程提供一定的参考和启示。  相似文献   

跨边集体林权纠纷因情况特殊、历史复杂,是乡村纠纷解决硬骨头。黔桂交界区域高频次的寨际交往培育了地方共同体情感,这为乡村情感治理提供了基础。政府创新利用地方文化创设平等对话平台,唤起正向情感和公共价值。正式制度与非正式制度互嵌融合、双方平等互惠等是情感治理实践的内在逻辑。恰当利用地域文化是关键前提,形成多元治理主体共同体是必要条件,理性治理与情感治理兼顾是基本原则。此三要素成为情感治理生效的基本机制。  相似文献   

在农村人口流动日益频繁、乡村空心化加剧的背景下,村民代表会议是村民进行民主决策、民主管理、民主监督的主要形式。宁夏“55124”村级治理模式的核心是做实村民代表会议,旨在通过加强基层民主来破解乡村治理难题。该模式在加强农村基层党建、推进村级民主、改进村干部作风、改善乡村民风方面发挥了重要作用。作为地方政府的制度创新,该模式的成功表明:党委、政府的强力推进是地方政府进行制度创新的关键;多方主体的参与是地方政府制度创新的基础;顶层设计与基层创新结合是保证制度创新切实可行的保障;制度的规范化建设是地方政府制度创新的重点;坚持久久为功、保持制度韧性,是地方政府制度创新的活力之源。  相似文献   

农村基层党组织是党在农村全部工作和战斗力的基础,是贯彻落实党的乡村振兴战略、扶贫开发政策实施和乡村社会建设工作的战斗堡垒。在青海牧区乡村,基层组织建设事关党的政策在牧区基层社会贯彻落实,事关牧区乡村社会稳定与发展,事关推进牧区基层社会治理体系和治理能力现代化。文章以青海牧区高原美丽乡村建设中的塔村为个案,观察基层党组织在乡村制度建设、文化建设和经济建设中的核心作用。文章认为,基层党组织在牧区社会中,不仅夯实了基层组织,建成了敢于担当、为民务实的党员干部队伍,还改变了村容村貌,激发了村民的主动性和积极性,有力地促进了牧区乡村社会发展。  相似文献   

论社会信任危机困境的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代中国信任危机现象产生成因源于社会的转型变革,形成于转型变革导致的人的存在危机和社会制度体制的缺失,而消除的唯一途径只能是积极地构建一种新型的社会信任保证制度体制,以强化人们对制度性承诺的信任理念意识。  相似文献   

This article explores the contemporary legitimation of institutional racism resulting from the prevailing depoliticized framework of integration, which became prominent in the 1960s and is now hegemonic in political and academic debate in Europe. Integration has helped shift the focus to the supposed cultural inadequacies of ethnically marked populations, who ought to show a willingness to pursue the modern dream; simultaneously, it has invisibilized institutional racism and made an anti-racist repertoire unavailable. This argument is illustrated through a case of white flight and school segregation in a rural area in Portugal, revealing both the enduring racism against the Roma/Gypsies – suppressed and repressed throughout the last five centuries in Europe – and its depoliticization within the normal working of institutions. It draws on qualitative research with representatives from public bodies and mediating agents (e.g. teachers and social workers), as well as on analysis of the official reports by the Portuguese state and European institutions.  相似文献   


This paper explores the challenges of outsidership faced by multinational companies (MNCs) accessing emerging economies. The paper departs from popular conceptualisations of culture drawing instead on social identity theory as part of an institutions-based view, to explain how employing a singularities approach can allow the identification of commonalities of Indianness and Australianness that can be leveraged to ameliorate negative socially embedded business norms that pose a challenge to MNC success in emerging economies. This study shows that despite recognised formal (regulatory) and informal (cultural) differences, managers of Australian MNCs operating in India were able to innovatively identify and exploit cultural commonalties/singularities to ease cultural adjustment and mitigate intergroup conflict, allowing them to achieve an innovative institutional fit. The paper discusses how, using this approach, sole-venture MNCs can access many of the benefits provided by collaborative entry modes while preserving MNC identity. We further propose that the singularities approach can provide a valuable starting point to develop culturally appropriate competence training initiatives.  相似文献   

孙信茹  赵亚净 《民族学刊》2021,12(3):64-73, 101
数字时代背景下,乡村精英也在移动互联网的影响中经历着转化。文章以云南一个白族传统村落为研究个案,考察当地乡村精英群体的微信生活。研究发现,精英身份和意识赋予他们技术使用的独特性,微信对精英群体的权威建构发挥了新的影响和作用。具体来说,乡村精英通过对微信技术的积极运用,在巩固象征性资源、拓展社会关系网络、激发公共生活的参与度等方面形成了新的权威构建方式。文章试图从新媒体技术的角度去探究微信和乡村精英权威身份构建的方式以及技术带给村落社会的重要影响和意义。  相似文献   


The role of public officials in asylum procedures is generally a critical concern in scholarly and political debates. Focusing on the asylum system in Germany, this paper seeks to understand asylum procedures with regard to officially claimed standards and the still varying practices of decision-making. It draws on the findings of a qualitative study based on a multi-method design and carried out in the asylum administration. Based on a sociology of knowledge approach, the paper shows that administrative practices are largely a matter of how decision-makers on the ground interpret legal and political regulations. We demonstrate that decision-makers utilise shifting strategies to handle official claims and cope with local settings in their daily work, from defining the applicant to reaching decisions about asylum requests. The administration of asylum applications is discussed as a field that uses and (re-)produces both authorised and informal knowledge. Caseworkers develop a pragmatic knowledge of how to deal with the discrepancies between official standards and local working conditions. However, it is the asylum institution that provides the context in which they navigate the pitfalls and challenges of the asylum procedure.  相似文献   

The main objective of the paper is to examine the relationship between various transitional justice mechanisms established in the aftermath of the Bosnian War from 1992 to 1995 and recent reflections on political and social instability in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). With this objective, the post-conflict peace-building initiatives are analyzed for their crucial role in the establishment of peace and reconciliation, while recognizing that responses to the peace building initiatives have shown difference from one society to another. BiH is the country where transitional justice mechanisms such as the establishment of local courts and ad hoc tribunals, truth and reconciliation commissions, providing reparations for war victims and institutional reform process have been only partially applied. This demonstrates an obvious need for an inclusive approach that brings all four transitional justice mechanisms together, not as opponents but rather components of each other. In this article, transitional justice mechanisms such as local courts and international ad hoc tribunals, truth and reconciliation commissions, reparation initiatives and institutional reform processes are analyzed in the post-war context of BiH and their methods of implementation are comparatively examined. The study also provides a brief overview of the implementation of transitional justice initiatives as peace building efforts in BiH together with possible future developments.  相似文献   

加快西部地区农村小康建设,是全面建设小康社会的关键内容。西部地区农村小康建设面临许多问题和矛盾,存在一些制约因素和有利条件。西部地区农村小康建设,应当以党的农村政策为指导和依据,从地区实际出发,多途径多形式搞好农业生产,发展农村经济,西部地区农村小康建设是一个过程。  相似文献   

Twenty years after Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa, deeply entrenched inequalities and injustices are still at the core of the country’s social fabric. South Africa’s public and private sectors continue to battle with the situation and higher education institutions are no exception. The South African Ministry of Education has identified systemic problems within the institutional cultures of universities as one of the key obstacles to change. This article focuses on a racist incident that occurred at the University of the Free State (UFS) in South Africa in 2007. The incident shook the university’s institutional culture to the core and became a catalyst for change for universities across the country. We portray the institutional culture of the UFS on the basis of a series of interviews with management and student leaders who personally played key roles in handling the incident in 2008. The interviews reveal some of the ‘story stock’ within the institutional culture and highlight four interrelated dimensions of contestation. The stories also show that the interviewees frequently situate and justify their beliefs and actions in an intergenerational chain. Finally we consider some of the implications of our findings for the ongoing reconstruction of post-apartheid institutional cultures in higher education.  相似文献   

This article explores processes of identity-building and claims-making by rural social groups in the context of recent multicultural and plurinational reforms in Bolivia, focusing on an analysis of the narrative apparatus that underpins a paradigmatic land conflict between an indigenous organization and a peasant union in the Bolivian Amazon. The institutional shift that characterized the country after Evo Morales’ election has been reflected and absorbed at the local level. Here, however, the new claims for recognition cannot be understood only through the –often abused – lenses of ‘resistance struggle’, ‘cultural oppression’ and ‘political discrimination of minorities’. In fact, these claims are the result of a complex interaction between institutional changes, and social actors’ ability to respond to them, proposing powerful narratives that provide society and individuals with new shared meanings and mechanisms of self-identification.  相似文献   

以广西恭城瑶族自治县东面村为例,对农村妇女现代农业知识习得方式进行了调查与分析,认为目前农村妇女更多的是通过"不正式"方式即大众传播媒介、人际关系网络等途径来学习现代农业科技.由于学习效果与文化程度的正相关性,使得一些文化程度较低的农村妇女在其中往往处在弱势地位.因此,促使农村妇女转变为文化农民的关键还在于提高她们的文化程度.  相似文献   

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