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刘正球 《探求》2015,(1):65-70
区域发展模式是当前我国经济社会发展的重要形式,它的产生、发展都需要以一定的法治环境为基础。如何建设良好的法制环境,关系区域发展模式的命运。在区域发展模式背景中,建设法治环境是一个复杂的系统工程,其重点是要加强地方立法,完善主要机制,以建设好行政法制环境、司法法治环境和社会法治环境。  相似文献   

政党文化是在一定思想文化环境和经济社会环境中产生并走向成熟的有机文化系统,因此,其建设应是一个系统工程.政党政治的实践表明,政党文化建设不仅是必要的,而且是可能的,但它需要设定一个基本的建设体系构架和以政党法治为基本模式的理性建设模式.  相似文献   

本文探讨了法治对精神文明建设的作用 ,包括精神文明建设为什么需要法治 ,法治如何对精神文明建设发挥作用以及在理解和操作中应注意的问题  相似文献   

大学生法治素养对我国社会主义法治国家建设具有重要影响。高校对大学生法律意识的提高、法律信仰的树立和法律思维的培植负有重要责任。当前大学生法治素养存在一些问题,应探究提升大学生法治素养的路径,要更新法治教育的理念、创造灵活多样的课堂教学模式,拓展法治教育实践环节,建设全方位的法治环境。  相似文献   

主持人语:人性尊严在中国的重拾与中国社会的发展密切相关。人性尊严的实现需要和谐稳定的社会环境作为背景,需要健康有序的经济发展,也需要健全的政治环境,其实现不仅仅是法治本身所能承担的任务。但是,并不能因此而否定法治在实现人性尊严、构建和谐社会中的作用,相反,法治乃是其中最重  相似文献   

党的十八届四中全会提出将建设社会主义法治文化作为一项重要任务。由于民族地区在地理位置、历史环境、民族习俗等方面的特殊性,致使民族地区法治文化建设过程中受到不同程度影响。因此,本文试图从经济、宗教、民族习惯法和法律执行等因素对民族地区法治文化建设的制约和影响作用进行分析,以便从中找到阻碍民族地区法治文化建设的根源,进而有针对性地进行民族地区法治文化建设。  相似文献   

##正##党的十八大提出到2020年基本建成法治政府,十八届四中全会进一步明确提出了法治政府建设共6个层面、24个字的基本标准,即要建设"职能科学、权责法定、执法严明、公开公正、廉洁高效、守法诚信"的法治政府。这体现为三个方面的需要:第一是全面推进依法治国,加快建设社会主义法治国家,需要加  相似文献   

全面推进依法治国是加强党自身建设的重要途径,是发展社会主义市场经济的必然要求,是推进全面深化改革的迫切需要。当前我国全面推进依法治国仍面临立法质量不高、法律实施机制不完善、地方与部门保护主义的困扰、公民及部分领导干部法治意识淡薄方面的困境,要全面推进依法治国,需要依法全面从严治党,坚持依法执政;全面提升立法质量,做到有法可依、有法能依;切实加强宪法和法律的有效实施,维护法治的权威与尊严;深入推进依法行政,加快建设法治政府;全面深化司法体制改革,大力加强司法队伍建设;增强全民法治观念和法治意识,推进法治社会建设。  相似文献   

转型时期的中国社会使当下中国的法治建设以及指导法治建设的中国法律哲学的建构成为重大时代课题.因此,需要从理论参照和现实依据两个方面入手,探寻一种能够对当下中国社会进行诊断、回应乃至型构的社会转型时期的中国法律哲学,以此指导并推动中国当下的法治建设进程.  相似文献   

学习贯彻党的二十大精神需要深刻领会习近平关于生态文明法治建设重要论述,充分认识其时代价值。从基本理念来看,重要论述深刻揭示了人与自然关系的本质,为实现人与自然和谐共生提供了根本遵循。从价值追求来看,重要论述彻底实现了以人民为中心的生态观与法治观的内在统一,为建设美丽中国确立了价值准则。从实现路径来看,重要论述系统推进了生态文明建设与法治建设的深度融合,为全面提升生态文明建设法治化水平铺就了基本路径。从国际视野来看,重要论述站在构建人类命运共同体的高度审视生态文明法治建设,为通过国际法治实现全球生态正义指明了前进方向。科学、完整地理解习近平关于生态文明法治建设重要论述的时代价值,不仅需要从上述四个方面进行探讨,还必须放眼未来,结合生态文明法治建设的长远发展来认识。  相似文献   

论中关村科技园区的发展问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中关村科技园区作为中国第一个高新技术产业开发区,历经18年的发展取得了巨大的成就,不仅带动了本地经济的发展,还为其它高新技术产业开发区的发展起到了示范作用。但在这些成就的背后仍有一些问题制约着园区的发展,涉及园区环境建设、土地使用、创新能力、组织机制、产业选择等诸多方面。如果这些问题得不到妥善解决,不仅园区核心竞争力的提高受到限制,北京市整体发展目标的实现以及环渤海地区整体实力的提升均会受到影响。  相似文献   

在高科技产业发展中 ,行业协会发挥着重要作用。中关村科技园区积极促进行业协会的发展。本文认为 ,行业协会的发展和作用的发挥 ,需要有公共政策的制定过程利益群体发挥作用的机制存在。否则 ,行业协会难以发挥令企业满意的功能。为此 ,本文提出几项政策建议。  相似文献   

肖永红 《创新》2011,5(1):90-94,128
市场经济是信用经济,征信制度由来已久。我国的个人征信还处于起步阶段,需要不断完善和发展。在个人征信中,信息个人享有充分的权益,如知情权、隐私权等。对此,应采取法律措施给予充分保护,并注意处理好私人权益与社会整体利益的矛盾,在尊重、维护私人权益的前提下,促进社会整体利益的持续稳定发展。  相似文献   

中关村的文化生态与功能定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代中关村的崛起固然与科研院所的贡献分不开,这里高校密集的人文地理环境也在很大程度上为其崛起创造了条件。老中关村地区有着极其复杂的文化生态,无论是主流的精英群体还是其他普通人群都没有完全脱去其“中国”与“本土”的草根文化本色。实证研究表明,当下的中关村文化的原生态正在面临“大公司化”、“硅谷化”的威胁。  相似文献   

盛美军 《求是学刊》2007,34(2):81-84
法律文化是人为了实现其绝对意义的全部本质,而在国家强制力保障实施的行为规范领域中,从历史和思辨中凝结出的内存于观念中、外显于言行中的相对意义的合理的生存方式。公平正义是和谐社会的重要特征,是法律文化应然性的价值取向,法律文化在实现公平正义中发挥着基础性作用,具体体现为舆论造势、启蒙教化、规范设计、实践落实和催化保障作用。法律文化发挥作用应具备相应条件,即倡导积极的法律文化、培养理性的法律人、建立良性的法律文化运行机制。  相似文献   

This article offers a general review of the development of national policies on child protection in China. It offers an in‐depth analysis of related legislation enacted between 2010 and 2015 that have had an impact on child protection and related historical, cultural and legal issues. Furthermore, in the study we examined the emerging role of social work in preventing and responding to child abuse and neglect in China. Major findings of the research include: (i) policies concerning child protection have been highly influenced by Confucianism and its perspective of the child as family property; (ii) child protection regulations on accident reporting, custody transfer, and surrogate care are gradually being refined and improved, although the legal system for child protection is still incomplete and needs further substantiation; and (iii) the involvement of non‐governmental organisations (NGOs) and social workers has enhanced the child protection system. Key Practitioner Message: ? Policies concerning child protection have been subject to an immense impact by Confucianism, placing strong responsibility on family members in providing childcare although the child is viewed as part of the family's property; ? After 1949, the newly founded socialist political structure began to exert a significant influence on welfare and child welfare policies. Because the Confucian perspective emphasised family and parental responsibility, government in China has traditionally not been heavily involved in policies that interfere in the internal workings of families; ? Since the shift toward an open‐door policy in 1979, child protection policies in China have begun to develop, with a child welfare network gradually spreading to cover the majority of children. Moreover, child protection is generally supported by the legal system, within which regulations on accident reporting, custody transfer and surrogate care are gradually being refined and improved. However, despite the huge progress achieved in recent years, there are significant deficits in its implementation and monitoring; ? The involvement of non‐governmental organisations (NGOs) and professional social work services has promoted a child protection system.  相似文献   

Working with the families of origin of children and adolescents (CA) who are in the CA protection system is essential to achieve reunification, which is the ultimate objective when planning foster care; it is a scientific, social and professional challenge that must be included in the legislation of each country. For this, it is essential that the laws consider and regulate the participation of families in decision-making during foster care and subsequent reunification processes. We analysed 22 laws enacted through Spanish legislation, both national and regional, that regulate the protection of children. The study focuses on analysing how the Spanish legislation contemplates the participation of parents during foster care and subsequent reunification. The Spanish legislative texts do not expressly, clearly and effectively include the participation of parents. They are limited to the punctual recognition of acts of notification and hearing and, where appropriate, of opposition to certain resolutions. Spain lacks a general legal framework that supports and guarantees the necessary participation of the family in the protection system. The focus on the recognition of the rights of CA in laws as a result of international pressure has relegated the legal protection of the rights of parents, mainly in their right to be heard.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze international experience and legislation on the protection of children's rights, to assess the state of this issue in the national space of Kazakhstan, to conduct a comparative analysis and the level of implementation of the provisions of international conventions. To achieve the set goals and tasks, to ensure the reliability of the results and conclusions obtained, a system of methods of scientific cognition was used, which, in conjunction with general logical methods and techniques, made it possible to comprehensively and effectively investigate the administrative and legal support for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of child protection. The formation of the international legal framework for the formation of a system for the protection of children's rights is studied. The level of Kazakhstan's accession to the implementation of international documents in the field of children's rights protection has been determined. The main directions of non-compliance with international regulations in Kazakhstan according to the conclusions of the UN (United Nations) committees are described. The level of priority of this direction of state policy for the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its normative regulation is assessed. The system of juvenile justice in the country and the situation of children in the Republic of Kazakhstan is analyzed according to the reports of the relevant authorities.  相似文献   

股东派生诉权保护:东亚经验及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律实施质量与制度构建同样重要。股东代表诉讼在东亚实施效果不明显主要原因是诉讼成本过高。近年来,东亚改革动向表明,股东代表诉讼要在实践中真正发挥效果,既需整体的制度构建,更要从细微处入手。应针对中小股东实力薄弱的特点,降低诉讼成本,建立适宜的起诉门槛、案件受理费标准以及股东了解诉讼审理进程的知情机制,并应研究借鉴NPO在股东保护方面的作用,从制度变革到维权组织建设二方面促进股东派生诉权保护。  相似文献   

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