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We construct nonparametric estimators of state waiting time distribution functions in a Markov multistate model using current status data. This is a particularly difficult problem since neither the entry nor the exit times of a given state are directly observed. These estimators are obtained, using the Markov property, from estimators of counting processes of state entry and exit times, as well as, the size of “at risk” sets of state entry and transitions out of that state. Consistency of our estimators is established. Finite-sample behavior of our estimators is studied by simulation, in which we show that our estimators based on current status data compare well with those based on complete data. We also illustrate our method using a pubertal development data set obtained from the NHANES III [1997. NHANES III Reference Manuals and Reports (CD-ROM). Analytic and Reporting Guidelines: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988–94). National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hyattsville, MD] study.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the destructive length-biased Poisson cure rate model, proposed by Rodrigues et al., that presents a realistic and interesting interpretation of the biological mechanism for the recurrence of tumor in a competing causes scenario. Assuming the lifetime to follow the Weibull distribution and censoring mechanism to be non-informative, the necessary steps of the EM algorithm for the determination of the MLEs of the model parameters are developed here based on right censored data. The standard errors of the MLEs are obtained by inverting the observed information matrix. A simulation study is then carried out to examine the method of inference developed here. Finally, the proposed methodology is illustrated with a real melanoma dataset.  相似文献   

We consider studies involving the repeated occurrence of certain events, in which the emphasis is on the gaps or times between events. Interesting methodological issues arise in such situations, including the validity of semiparametric methods for multiplicative hazard-based models and the possibilities for marginal analysis of successive gap times. We discuss these and other points in conjunction with an examination of observational data on repeated shunt failures for a population of children with hydrocephalus.  相似文献   

Let X1, X2…,Xn be a random sample from [ILM0001] and let Y1, …,Yn be a random sample from [ILM0002]. Then instead of observing a complete sample X1,…Xn, we can only observe the pairs Zi. = min(Xi.,Yi) and [ILM0003] In this paper, we consider estimation of survival function [ILM0004] when [ILM0005], where β is an unknown positive real number.


This paper considers the statistical analysis for competing risks model under the Type-I progressively hybrid censoring from a Weibull distribution. We derive the maximum likelihood estimates and the approximate maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown parameters. We then use the bootstrap method to construct the confidence intervals. Based on the non informative prior, a sampling algorithm using the acceptance–rejection sampling method is presented to obtain the Bayes estimates, and Monte Carlo method is employed to construct the highest posterior density credible intervals. The simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of all the methods discussed here and one data set is analyzed.  相似文献   

Right, left or interval censored multivariate data can be represented by an intersection graph. Focussing on the bivariate case, the authors relate the structure of such an intersection graph to the support of the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate (NPMLE) of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for such data. They distinguish two types of non‐uniqueness of the NPMLE: representational, arising when the likelihood is unaffected by the distribution of the estimated probability mass within regions, and mixture, arising when the masses themselves are not unique. The authors provide a brief overview of estimation techniques and examine three data sets.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider some problems of point estimation and point prediction when the competing risks data from a class of exponential distribution are progressive type-I interval censored. The maximum likelihood estimation and mid-point approximation method are proposed for the estimations of parameters. Also several point predictors of censored units such as the maximum likelihood predictor, the best unbiased predictor and the conditional median predictor are obtained. The methods discussed here are applied when the lifetime distributions of the latent failure times are independent and Weibull-distributed. Finally a simulation study is given by using Monte-Carlo simulations to compare the performances of the different methods and one data analysis has been presented for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Let T, X and Y be non-negative random variables, where T is the time of occurrence of an event of interest, X and Y being the lefl and right censoring variables respectively.

In this paper we propose a nonparametric estimator of the survival function, ST, when T, X and Y are supposed to be independent and their corresponding hazard rates are proportionally related. In this way, our results extend Ebrahimi's work (1985) to the doubly censored data case.  相似文献   

The dynamical aspects of single ion channel gating can be modelled by a semi-Markov process. There is aggregation of states, corresponding to the receptor channel being open or closed, and there is time interval omission, brief sojourns in either the open or closed classes of states not being detected. This paper is concerned with the computation of the probability density functions of observed open (closed) sojourn-times incorporating time interval omission. A system of Volterra integral equations is derived, whose solution governs the required density function. Numerical procedures, using iterative and multistep methods, are described for solving these equations. Examples are given, and in the special case of Markov models results are compared with those obtained by alternative methods. Probabilistic interpretations are given for the iterative methods, which also give lower bounds for the solutions.  相似文献   

In clinical trials, it may be of interest taking into account physical and emotional well-being in addition to survival when comparing treatments. Quality-adjusted survival time has the advantage of incorporating information about both survival time and quality-of-life. In this paper, we discuss the estimation of the expected value of the quality-adjusted survival, based on multistate models for the sojourn times in health states. Semiparametric and parametric (with exponential distribution) approaches are considered. A simulation study is presented to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimator and the jackknife resampling method is used to compute bias and variance of the estimator.  相似文献   

This article investigates the ruin probabilities of a discrete time risk model with dependent claim sizes and dependent relation between insurance risks and financial risks. The risk-free and risky investments of an insurer lead to stochastic discount factors {θn}n ? 1. The claim sizes are assumed to follow a one-sided linear process with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) innovations {?n}n ? 1. The i.i.d. random pairs {(?n, θn)}n ? 1 follow a common bivariate Sarmanov-dependent distribution. When the common distribution of the innovations is heavy tailed, we establish some asymptotic estimates for the ruin probabilities of this discrete time risk model.  相似文献   

We use semi-parametric efficiency theory to derive a class of estimators for the state occupation probabilities of the continuous-time irreversible illness-death model. We consider both the setting with and without additional baseline information available, where we impose no specific functional form on the intensity functions of the model. We show that any estimator in the class is asymptotically linear under suitable assumptions about the estimators of the intensity functions. In particular, the assumptions are weak enough to allow the use of data-adaptive methods, which is important for making the identifying assumption of coarsening at random plausible in realistic settings. We suggest a flexible method for estimating the transition intensity functions of the illness-death model based on penalized Poisson regression. We apply this method to estimate the nuisance parameters of an illness-death model in a simulation study and a real-world application.  相似文献   

Boag (1949) and Berkson and Gage (1952) proposed a mixture model for the analysis of survival time data when aproportion of treated patients are cured. This paper presents a derivation of the Boag/Berkson-Gage mixture model as well as a eneralization of the model based on the theory of competing risks. The assumptions underlying the model are stated and discussed and a general likelihood function is obtained. Use of the model is illustrated ith data from the Stanford Heart Transplant Program.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop procedures to test hypotheses concerning transition probability matrices arising from certain nonhomogeneous Markov processes. It is assumed that the data consist of sample paths, some of which are observed until a certain terminal state, and the other paths are censored. Problems of this type arise in the context of multi-state models relevant to Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and Competing Risks. The test statistic is based on the estimator for the associated intensity matrix. We show that the asymptotic null distribution of the proposed statistic is Gaussian, and demonstrate how the procedure can be adopted for HRQoL studies and competing risks model using real data sets. Finally, we establish that the test statistic for the HRQoL has greatest local asymptotic power against a sequence of proportional hazards alternatives converging to the null hypothesis.  相似文献   

A detailed simulation study is reported on the application of l1:estimations to a seasonal moving average model. It is found that the asymptotic normal distribution is a nonapproximation to the finite sample distribution. However, the expected benefits of l1:estimation relative to l2:are partially realised for nonnormal innovative distributions.  相似文献   

The author proposes a nonparametric test for checking the lack of fit of the quantile function of survival time given the covariates; she assumes that survival time is subjected to random right censoring. Her test statistic is a kemel‐based smoothing estimator of a moment condition. The test statistic is asymptotically Gaussian under the null hypothesis. The author investigates its behavior under local alternative sequences. She assesses its finite‐sample power through simulations and illustrates its use with the Stanford heart transplant data.  相似文献   

Summary.  Controversy has intensified regarding the death-rate from cancer that is induced by a dose of radiation. In the models that are usually considered the hazard function is an increasing function of the dose of radiation. Such models can mask local variations. We consider the models of excess relative risk and of absolute risk and propose a nonparametric estimation of the effect of the dose by using a model selection procedure. This estimation deals with stratified data. We approximate the function of the dose by a collection of splines and select the best one according to the Akaike information criterion. In the same way between the models of excess relative risk or excess absolute risk, we choose the model that best fits the data. We propose a bootstrap method for calculating a pointwise confidence interval of the dose function. We apply our method for estimating the solid cancer and leukaemia death hazard functions to Hiroshima.  相似文献   

We discuss the estimation of the expected value of the quality-adjusted survival, based on multistate models. We generalize an earlier work, considering the sojourn times in health states are not identically distributed, for a given vector of covariates. Approaches based on semiparametric and parametric (exponential and Weibull distributions) methodologies are considered. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimator and the jackknife resampling method is used to estimate the variance of such estimator. An application to a real data set is also included.  相似文献   

We examine the properties of the distribution of the number of drug abusers in a previously free community assuming that initiators enter the community during a ‘latent’ period in which they randomly infect other members of the community, and that during the subsequent ‘control’ period the spread of abuse follows a linear birth and death process. The form of distribution is shown to be unaltered by a series of steady changes in the birth and death parameters. The distribution can be regarded as the convolution of three distributions:pseudo-binomial or binomial, negative binomial, and Polya-Aeppli. Special cases include the Laguerre series distribution.  相似文献   

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