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Many financial decisions such as portfolio allocation, risk management, option pricing and hedge strategies are based on the forecast of the conditional variances, covariances and correlations of financial returns. Although the decisions depend on the forecasts covariance matrix little is known about effects of outliers on the uncertainty associated with these forecasts. In this paper we analyse these effects on the context of dynamic conditional correlation models when the uncertainty is measured using bootstrap methods. We also propose a bootstrap procedure to obtain forecast densities for return, volatilities, conditional correlation and Value-at-Risk that is robust to outliers. The results are illustrated with simulated and real data.  相似文献   

In this paper we apply the sequential bootstrap method proposed by Collet et al. [Bootstrap Central Limit theorem for chains of infinite order via Markov approximations, Markov Processes and Related Fields 11(3) (2005), pp. 443–464] to estimate the variance of the empirical mean of a special class of chains of infinite order called sparse chains. For this process, we show that we are able to compute numerically the true value of the standard error with any fixed error.

Our main goal is to present a comparison, for sparse chains, among sequential bootstrap, the block bootstrap method proposed by Künsch [The jackknife and the Bootstrap for general stationary observations, Ann. Statist. 17 (1989), pp. 1217–1241] and improved by Liu and Singh [Moving blocks jackknife and Bootstrap capture week dependence, in Exploring the limits of the Bootstrap, R. Lepage and L. Billard, eds., Wiley, New York, 1992, pp. 225–248] and the bootstrap method proposed by Bühlmann [Blockwise bootstrapped empirical process for stationary sequences, Ann. Statist. 22 (1994), pp. 995–1012].  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of the parametric component, which is of primary interest, in the heteroscedastic semi-varying coefficient models. Based on the bootstrap technique, we present a procedure for estimating the parameters, which can provide a reliable approximation to the asymptotic distribution of the profile least-square (PLS) estimator. Furthermore, a bootstrap-type estimator of covariance matrix is developed, which is proved to be a consistent estimator of the covariance matrix. Moreover, some simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the finite sample performance for the proposed methodology. Finally, the Australia CPI dataset is analyzed to demonstrate the application of the methods.  相似文献   


The bootstrap is typically less reliable in the context of time-series models with serial correlation of unknown form than when regularity conditions for the conventional IID bootstrap apply. It is, therefore, useful to have diagnostic techniques capable of evaluating bootstrap performance in specific cases. Those suggested in this paper are closely related to the fast double bootstrap (FDB) and are not computationally intensive. They can also be used to gauge the performance of the FDB itself. Examples of bootstrapping time series are presented, which illustrate the diagnostic procedures, and show how the results can cast light on bootstrap performance.  相似文献   

This paper discusses method for constructing the prediction intervals for time series model with trend using the sieve bootstrap procedure. Gasser–Müller type of kernel estimator is used for trend estimation and prediction. The boundary modification of the kernel is applied to control the edge effect and to construct the predictor of a trend.  相似文献   

Zhuqing Yu 《Statistics》2017,51(2):277-293
It has been found, under a smooth function model setting, that the n out of n bootstrap is inconsistent at stationary points of the smooth function, but that the m out of n bootstrap is consistent, provided that a correct convergence rate is specified of the plug-in smooth function estimator. By considering a more general moving-parameter framework, we show that neither of the above bootstrap methods is consistent uniformly over neighbourhoods of stationary points, so that anomalies often arise of coverages of bootstrap sets over certain subsets of parameter values. We propose a recentred bootstrap procedure for constructing confidence sets with uniformly correct coverages over compact sets containing stationary points. A weighted bootstrap procedure is also proposed as an alternative under more general circumstances. Unlike the m out of n bootstrap, both procedures do not require knowledge of the convergence rate of the smooth function estimator. Empirical performance of our procedures is illustrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

Calculation of the bootstrap and the jackknife estimators of the variance of a statistic often relies on approximation techniques because the exact values are difficult if not impossible to obtain analytically. For the special case where the statistic is a linear combination of order statistics we propose to calculate the exact values combinatorically, thus completely eliminating the second-stage simulation error.  相似文献   

In this study, an attempt has been made to improve the sampling strategy incorporating spatial dependency at estimation stage considering usual aerial sampling scheme, such as simple random sampling, when the underlying population is finite and spatial in nature. Using the distances between spatial units, an improved method of estimation, viz. spatial estimation procedure, has been proposed for the estimation of finite population mean. Further, rescaled spatial bootstrap (RSB) methods have been proposed for approximately unbiased estimation of variance of the proposed spatial estimator (SE). The properties of the proposed SE and its corresponding RSB methods were studied empirically through simulation.  相似文献   

The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test is one of the principal tools to detect ARCH and GARCH effects in financial data analysis. However, when the underlying data are non‐normal, which is often the case in practice, the asymptotic LM test, based on the χ2‐approximation of critical values, is known to perform poorly, particularly for small and moderate sample sizes. In this paper we propose to employ two re‐sampling techniques to find critical values of the LM test, namely permutation and bootstrap. We derive the properties of exactness and asymptotically correctness for the permutation and bootstrap LM tests, respectively. Our numerical studies indicate that the proposed re‐sampled algorithms significantly improve size and power of the LM test in both skewed and heavy‐tailed processes. We also illustrate our new approaches with an application to the analysis of the Euro/USD currency exchange rates and the German stock index. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 405–426; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Tobias Niebuhr 《Statistics》2017,51(5):1118-1131
We consider time series being observed at random time points. In addition to Parzen's classical modelling by amplitude modulating sequences, we state another modelling using an integer-valued sequence as the observation times. Limiting results are presented for the sample mean and are generalized to the class of functions of smooth means. Motivated by the complicated limiting behaviour, (moving) block bootstrap possibilities are investigated. Conditional on the used modelling for the irregular spacings, one is lead to different interpretations for the block length and hence bootstrap approaches. The block length either can be interpreted as the time (resulting in an observation string of fixed length containing a random number of observations) or as the number of observations (resulting in an observation string of variable length containing a fixed number of values). Both bootstrap approaches are shown to be asymptotically valid for the sample mean. Numerical examples and an application to real-world ozone data conclude the study.  相似文献   

A smoothed bootstrap method is presented for the purpose of bandwidth selection in nonparametric hazard rate estimation for iid data. In this context, two new bootstrap bandwidth selectors are established based on the exact expression of the bootstrap version of the mean integrated squared error of some approximations of the kernel hazard rate estimator. This is very useful since Monte Carlo approximation is no longer needed for the implementation of the two bootstrap selectors. A simulation study is carried out in order to show the empirical performance of the new bootstrap bandwidths and to compare them with other existing selectors. The methods are illustrated by applying them to a diabetes data set.  相似文献   

The problem of multicollinearity and outliers in the data set produce undesirable effects on the ordinary least squares estimator. Therefore, robust two parameter ridge estimation based on M-estimator (ME) is introduced to deal with multicollinearity and outliers in the y-direction. The proposed estimator outperforms ME, two parameter ridge estimator and robust ridge M-estimator according to mean square error criterion. Moreover, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation experiment are presented.  相似文献   

A new, fully data-driven bandwidth selector with a double smoothing (DS) bias term and a data-driven variance estimator is developed following the bootstrap idea. The data-driven variance estimation does not involve any additional bandwidth selection. The proposed bandwidth selector convergences faster than a plug-in one due to the DS bias estimate, whereas the data-driven variance improves its finite sample performance clearly and makes it stable. Asymptotic results of the proposals are obtained. A comparative simulation study was done to show the overall gains and the gains obtained by improving either the bias term or the variance estimate, respectively. It is shown that the use of a good variance estimator is more important when the sample size is relatively small.  相似文献   

A modified bootstrap estimator of the population mean is proposed which is a convex combination of the sample mean and sample median, where the weights are random quantities. The estimator is shown to be strongly consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. The small- and moderate-sample-size behavior of the estimator is investigated and compared with that of the sample mean by means of Monte Carlo studies. It is found that the newly proposed estimator has much smaller mean squared errors and also yields significantly shorter confidence intervals for the population mean.  相似文献   

This paper develops a bootstrap hypothesis test for the existence of finite moments of a random variable, which is nonparametric and applicable to both independent and dependent data. The test is based on a property in bootstrap asymptotic theory, in which the m out of n bootstrap sample mean is asymptotically normal when the variance of the observations is finite. Consistency of the test is established. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance and compare it with alternative methods available in the literature. Applications to financial data are performed for illustration.  相似文献   

The generalized bootstrap is a parametric bootstrap method in which the underlying distribution function is estimated by fitting a generalized lambda distribution to the observed data. In this study, the generalized bootstrap is compared with the traditional parametric and non-parametric bootstrap methods in estimating the quantiles at different levels, especially for high quantiles. The performances of the three methods are evaluated in terms of cover rate, average interval width and standard deviation of width of the 95% bootstrap confidence intervals. Simulation results showed that the generalized bootstrap has overall better performance than the non-parametric bootstrap in high quantile estimation.  相似文献   

The present paper introduces a general notion and presents results of bootstrapped empirical estimators of the semi-Markov kernels and of the conditional transition distributions for semi-Markov processes with countable state space, constructed by exchangeably weighting the sample. Our proposal provides a unification of bootstrap methods in the semi-Markov setting including, in particular, Efron's bootstrap. Asymptotic properties of these generalised bootstrapped empirical distributions are obtained, under mild conditions by a martingale approach. We also obtain some new results on the weak convergence of the empirical semi-Markov processes. We apply these general results in several statistical problems such as the construction of confidence bands and the goodness-of-fit tests where the limiting distributions are derived under the null hypothesis. Finally, we introduce the quantile estimators and their bootstrapped versions in the semi-Markov framework and we establish their limiting laws by using the functional delta methods. Our theoretical results and numerical examples by simulations demonstrate the merits of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   

There is currently much discussion about lasso-type regularized regression which is a useful tool for simultaneous estimation and variable selection. Although the lasso-type regularization has several advantages in regression modelling, owing to its sparsity, it suffers from outliers because of using penalized least-squares methods. To overcome this issue, we propose a robust lasso-type estimation procedure that uses the robust criteria as the loss function, imposing L1-type penalty called the elastic net. We also introduce to use the efficient bootstrap information criteria for choosing optimal regularization parameters and a constant in outlier detection. Simulation studies and real data analysis are given to examine the efficiency of the proposed robust sparse regression modelling. We observe that our modelling strategy performs well in the presence of outliers.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to compare passenger (pax) demand between airports based on the arithmetic mean (MPD) and the median pax demand (MePD). A three phases approach is applied. First phase, we use bootstrap procedures to estimate the distribution of the arithmetic MPD and the MePD for each block of routes distance; second phase, we use percentile, standard, bias corrected, and bias corrected accelerated methods to calculate bootstrap confidence bands for the MPD and the MePD; and third phase, we implement Monte Carlo (MC) experiments to analyse the finite sample performance of the applied bootstrap. Our results conclude that it is more meaningful to use the estimation of MePD rather than the estimation of MPD in the air transport industry. By carrying out MC experiments, we demonstrate that the bootstrap methods produce coverages close to the nominal for the MPD and the MePD.  相似文献   

Importance sampling and control variates have been used as variance reduction techniques for estimating bootstrap tail quantiles and moments, respectively. We adapt each method to apply to both quantiles and moments, and combine the methods to obtain variance reductions by factors from 4 to 30 in simulation examples.We use two innovations in control variates—interpreting control variates as a re-weighting method, and the implementation of control variates using the saddlepoint; the combination requires only the linear saddlepoint but applies to general statistics, and produces estimates with accuracy of order n -1/2 B -1, where n is the sample size and B is the bootstrap sample size.We discuss two modifications to classical importance sampling—a weighted average estimate and a mixture design distribution. These modifications make importance sampling robust and allow moments to be estimated from the same bootstrap simulation used to estimate quantiles.  相似文献   

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