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Heteroscedastic measurement error models are widely used in epidemiological, analytical chemistry, and other research areas. In this article, we propose a heteroscedastic measurement error model for replicated data under scale mixtures of normal distributions with/without equation error, which covers unpair and/or unequal replication cases. We obtain iterative formulas of maximum likelihood estimations via EM algorithm, and provide closed forms of asymptotic variances of the estimators. Simulation studies and a real data application are reported to investigate the effective and robust performances of the model and estimates.  相似文献   

This paper presents a strategy for conducting Bayesian inference in the triangular cointegration model. A Jeffreys prior is used to circumvent an identification problem in the parameter region in which there is a near lack of cointegration. Sampling experiments are used to compare the repeated sampling performance of the approach with alternative classical cointegration methods. The Bayesian procedure is applied to testing for substitution between private and public consumption for a range of countries, with posterior estimates produced via Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulators.  相似文献   

The article concerns covariance estimates in a replicated measurement error model with correlated, heteroscedastic errors. Freedman has conjectured that using more of the data will improve estimates of covariance matrices and result in a more efficient estimate of the coefficient of the regression model. The paper confirms the conjecture asymptotically for the case that all random variables are normally distributed, but the gain is not substantial.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference for multivariate gamma distributions   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The paper considers the multivariate gamma distribution for which the method of moments has been considered as the only method of estimation due to the complexity of the likelihood function. With a non-conjugate prior, practical Bayesian analysis can be conducted using Gibbs sampling with data augmentation. The new methods are illustrated using artificial data for a trivariate gamma distribution as well as an application to technical inefficiency estimation.  相似文献   

It is vital for insurance companies to have appropriate levels of loss reserving to pay outstanding claims and related settlement costs. With many uncertainties and time lags inherently involved in the claims settlement process, loss reserving therefore must be based on estimates. Existing models and methods cannot cope with irregular and extreme claims and hence do not offer an accurate prediction of loss reserving. This paper extends the conventional normal error distribution in loss reserving modeling to a range of heavy-tailed distributions which are expressed by certain scale mixtures forms. This extension enables robust analysis and, in addition, allows an efficient implementation of Bayesian analysis via Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. Various models for the mean of the sampling distributions, including the log-Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), log-Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and state space models, are considered and the straightforward implementation of scale mixtures distributions is demonstrated using OpenBUGS.  相似文献   

Bayesian MARS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Bayesian approach to multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) fitting (Friedman, 1991) is proposed. This takes the form of a probability distribution over the space of possible MARS models which is explored using reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (Green, 1995). The generated sample of MARS models produced is shown to have good predictive power when averaged and allows easy interpretation of the relative importance of predictors to the overall fit.  相似文献   

This paper considers a hierarchical Bayesian analysis of regression models using a class of Gaussian scale mixtures. This class provides a robust alternative to the common use of the Gaussian distribution as a prior distribution in particular for estimating the regression function subject to uncertainty about the constraint. For this purpose, we use a family of rectangular screened multivariate scale mixtures of Gaussian distribution as a prior for the regression function, which is flexible enough to reflect the degrees of uncertainty about the functional constraint. Specifically, we propose a hierarchical Bayesian regression model for the constrained regression function with uncertainty on the basis of three stages of a prior hierarchy with Gaussian scale mixtures, referred to as a hierarchical screened scale mixture of Gaussian regression models (HSMGRM). We describe distributional properties of HSMGRM and an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for posterior inference, and apply the proposed model to real applications with constrained regression models subject to uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper presents the Bayesian analysis of a semiparametric regression model that consists of parametric and nonparametric components. The nonparametric component is represented with a Fourier series where the Fourier coefficients are assumed a priori to have zero means and to decay to 0 in probability at either algebraic or geometric rates. The rate of decay controls the smoothness of the response function. The posterior analysis automatically selects the amount of smoothing that is coherent with the model and data. Posterior probabilities of the parametric and semiparametric models provide a method for testing the parametric model against a non-specific alternative. The Bayes estimator's mean integrated squared error compares favourably with the theoretically optimal estimator for kernel regression.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose to evaluate and compare Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to estimate the parameters in a generalized extreme value model. We employed the Bayesian approach using traditional Metropolis-Hastings methods, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), and Riemann manifold HMC (RMHMC) methods to obtain the approximations to the posterior marginal distributions of interest. Applications to real datasets and simulation studies provide evidence that the extra analytical work involved in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithms is compensated by a more efficient exploration of the parameter space.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study inference in a heteroscedastic measurement error model with known error variances. Instead of the normal distribution for the random components, we develop a model that assumes a skew-t distribution for the true covariate and a centred Student's t distribution for the error terms. The proposed model enables to accommodate skewness and heavy-tailedness in the data, while the degrees of freedom of the distributions can be different. Maximum likelihood estimates are computed via an EM-type algorithm. The behaviour of the estimators is also assessed in a simulation study. Finally, the approach is illustrated with a real data set from a methods comparison study in Analytical Chemistry.  相似文献   

We consider a Bayesian deterministically trending dynamic time series model with heteroscedastic error variance, in which there exist multiple structural changes in level, trend and error variance, but the number of change-points and the timings are unknown. For a Bayesian analysis, a truncated Poisson prior and conjugate priors are used for the number of change-points and the distributional parameters, respectively. To identify the best model and estimate the model parameters simultaneously, we propose a new method by sequentially making use of the Gibbs sampler in conjunction with stochastic approximation Monte Carlo simulations, as an adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm. The numerical results are in favor of our method in terms of the quality of estimates.  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel and efficient algorithm for Bayesian inference in inverse Gamma stochastic volatility models. It is shown that by conditioning on auxiliary variables, it is possible to sample all the volatilities jointly directly from their posterior conditional density, using simple and easy to draw from distributions. Furthermore, this paper develops a generalized inverse gamma process with more flexible tails in the distribution of volatilities, which still allows for simple and efficient calculations. Using several macroeconomic and financial datasets, it is shown that the inverse gamma and generalized inverse gamma processes can greatly outperform the commonly used log normal volatility processes with Student’s t errors or jumps in the mean equation.  相似文献   

A stationary bilinear (SB) model can be used to describe processes with a time-varying degree of persistence that depends on past shocks. This study develops methods for Bayesian inference, model comparison, and forecasting in the SB model. Using monthly U.K. inflation data, we find that the SB model outperforms the random walk, first-order autoregressive AR(1), and autoregressive moving average ARMA(1,1) models in terms of root mean squared forecast errors. In addition, the SB model is superior to these three models in terms of predictive likelihood for the majority of forecast observations.  相似文献   

Summary.  We present an approach for correcting for interobserver measurement error in an ordinal logistic regression model taking into account also the variability of the estimated correction terms. The different scoring behaviour of the 16 examiners complicated the identification of a geographical trend in a recent study on caries experience in Flemish children (Belgium) who were 7 years old. Since the measurement error is on the response the factor 'examiner' could be included in the regression model to correct for its confounding effect. However, controlling for examiner largely removed the geographical east–west trend. Instead, we suggest a (Bayesian) ordinal logistic model which corrects for the scoring error (compared with a gold standard) using a calibration data set. The marginal posterior distribution of the regression parameters of interest is obtained by integrating out the correction terms pertaining to the calibration data set. This is done by processing two Markov chains sequentially, whereby one Markov chain samples the correction terms. The sampled correction term is imputed in the Markov chain pertaining to the regression parameters. The model was fitted to the oral health data of the Signal–Tandmobiel® study. A WinBUGS program was written to perform the analysis.  相似文献   

In the literature, assuming independence of random variables X and Y, statistical estimation of the stress–strength parameter R = P(X > Y) is intensively investigated. However, in some real applications, the strength variable X could be highly dependent on the stress variable Y. In this paper, unlike the common practice in the literature, we discuss on estimation of the parameter R where more realistically X and Y are dependent random variables distributed as bivariate Rayleigh model. We derive the Bayes estimates and highest posterior density credible intervals of the parameters using suitable priors on the parameters. Because there are not closed forms for the Bayes estimates, we will use an approximation based on Laplace method and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique to obtain the Bayes estimate of R and unknown parameters. Finally, simulation studies are conducted in order to evaluate the performances of the proposed estimators and analysis of two data sets are provided.  相似文献   

The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method generates samples from the posterior distribution and uses these samples to approximate expectations of quantities of interest. For the process, researchers have to decide whether the Markov chain has reached the desired posterior distribution. Using convergence diagnostic tests are very important to decide whether the Markov chain has reached the target distribution. Our interest in this study was to compare the performances of convergence diagnostic tests for all parameters of Bayesian Cox regression model with different number of iterations by using a simulation and a real lung cancer dataset.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Bayesian inference and prediction of the two-parameter Weibull distribution when the data are Type-II censored data. The aim of this paper is twofold. First we consider the Bayesian inference of the unknown parameters under different loss functions. The Bayes estimates cannot be obtained in closed form. We use Gibbs sampling procedure to draw Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samples and it has been used to compute the Bayes estimates and also to construct symmetric credible intervals. Further we consider the Bayes prediction of the future order statistics based on the observed sample. We consider the posterior predictive density of the future observations and also construct a predictive interval with a given coverage probability. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare different methods and one data analysis is performed for illustration purposes.  相似文献   

Very often, the likelihoods for circular data sets are of quite complicated forms, and the functional forms of the normalising constants, which depend upon the unknown parameters, are unknown. This latter problem generally precludes rigorous, exact inference (both classical and Bayesian) for circular data.Noting the paucity of literature on Bayesian circular data analysis, and also because realistic data analysis is naturally permitted by the Bayesian paradigm, we address the above problem taking a Bayesian perspective. In particular, we propose a methodology that combines importance sampling and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) in a very effective manner to sample from the posterior distribution of the parameters, given the circular data. With simulation study and real data analysis, we demonstrate the considerable reliability and flexibility of our proposed methodology in analysing circular data.  相似文献   

Bayesian semiparametric inference is considered for a loglinear model. This model consists of a parametric component for the regression coefficients and a nonparametric component for the unknown error distribution. Bayesian analysis is studied for the case of a parametric prior on the regression coefficients and a mixture-of-Dirichlet-processes prior on the unknown error distribution. A Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is developed to compute the features of the posterior distribution. A model selection method for obtaining a more parsimonious set of predictors is studied. The method adds indicator variables to the regression equation. The set of indicator variables represents all the possible subsets to be considered. A MCMC method is developed to search stochastically for the best subset. These procedures are applied to two examples, one with censored data.  相似文献   

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