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This article focuses on first-generation migrant workers in the service sector of England’s North West and their mobile subjectivities. It combines the research on cars and driving with the mobilities agenda on transnational migrants. In this essay, we draw from both fiction and fieldwork to explore the mobile experiences of migrants who work within the region’s ‘service diaspora’. Two inter-related stories unfold about cars, care and curry. Both groups, one in a city-region, and the other rurally based, are defined heavily by their mobile labour. By placing literary and oral accounts together, disparate locations and situations suddenly appear connected as never before and driving becomes embedded in migrant worlds in both real and imaginary ways.  相似文献   

This article studies the representation of female homosexuality in the newly born erotic Spanish cinema of the 1970s, questioning the political and social implications of these first representations of lesbianism which contributed to shaping the first democratic discourses around women's sexuality. In order to do so, it looks at some of the most relevant films of the genre (most of which have never been studied before) and examines their portrayal of lesbian sex, focusing later on the figure of Ignacio F. Iquino and his film The Mask as the main representative of this genre in order to prove how the narrative construction of the eroticizing lesbian was largely based upon fascist conceptions of homosexuality.  相似文献   

收入性别差异的表现形式与特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
收入的性别差异包括很多层面,表现在诸多领域。在无收入、最低收入和最高收入的分布上存在着明显的性别差异,即使男女受教育程度相等其收入也有不同,而且这种差异也表现在行业内、职业内的男女收入上。收入性别差异的多种表现形式与特点,从一个侧面反映了男女经济地位的不平等。  相似文献   

出生性别比失调对中国未来男性婚姻挤压的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对中国2000年-2050年因出生性别失调对男性婚姻挤压的影响进行的测算结果显示,现在的出生性别失调将造就大批无法婚配的单身男性,这将对未来的婚姻市场、家庭安全、社会稳定产生极为不利的影响。出生性别比失调是人们的生育意愿、国家的生育政策、以及育龄夫妇从家庭角度进行理性选择的结果,我们应该采取综合措施包括完善生育政策来应对这一挑战。  相似文献   

庄渝霞 《南方人口》2006,21(1):41-50
目前学术界对出生性别比偏高原因的争论主要集中在出生婴儿性别次序先后与下一孩次性别关系以及计划生育政策和女婴存在漏报、瞒报的影响等三个方面,本文在对三大传统观点提出质疑的基础上,先从生物学、计划生育政策、医学技术三个方面,而后从性别偏好,最后从女性地位低这三级递进的层次,推演和探析出生性别比偏高的原因,从而明晰出生性别比偏高的终极原因在于女性地位低这一事实。并努力从女性地位、男性偏好以及出生性别比三者关系上构造出一个新的分析框架。  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(2):228-249

Although the negative consequences of subtle and blatant prejudice for the targets of prejudice are clear in the psychological literature, the impact of exposure to subtle and blatant prejudice on non-targets remains unclear. The current work examines how exposure to blatant and subtle sexual prejudice affects non-targets’ personal endorsement of prejudice and their identification with the prejudice expresser. Results suggest that relative to exposure to blatant or neutral expressions of prejudice, exposure to subtle prejudice increased prejudice levels. Individuals were also more likely to distance from the prejudice expresser when exposed to blatant compared to subtle prejudice. The implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing upon 44 in-depth interviews with men in HIV-discordant gay couples (only one man is HIV-positive) in Mexico, I explore whether being aware of the risk of primary infection or re-infection leads to protected sex. The results have policy implications, as the findings show that a significant number of men have participated in unprotected sex. An explanation is that these men perceive unprotected sex as an expression of commitment to their relationship. On the other hand, those who reported always using protection during sex perceive that guarding each other's health provides mutual benefit and shows their commitment to their relationship.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the factorstructure and item analysis of the Mini AsthmaQuality of Life Questionnaire (MiniAQLQ) in asample of 258 community-dwelling asthmaticadults between the ages of 16 and 87 years. The mean age was 56 years for males (N = 99) and50 years for females (N = 159). This studycompared the fit of three factor solutionsusing a maximum likelihood confirmatory factoranalysis. Based on the fit indices, supportwas found for a hierarchical factor structurewith a second-order factor of quality of lifeand four first-order factors of symptoms,activity limitation, emotional function andenvironmental stimuli. Given that the data fitan essentially unidimensional model, genderdifferential item functioning (DIF) wasexplored using Zumbo's (1999) ordinal logisticregression method with corresponding logisticregression effect size estimators. Aftermatching males and females on the underlyingvariable of quality of life, gender DIF wasfound on the cigarette smoke and weather or air pollution items. Thesefindings indicate that gender influences how anindividual endorses these particular items onthe MiniAQLQ.  相似文献   

本文采用2013年“中国健康与养老追踪调查”中甘肃和安徽两省追踪调查数据,运用广义线性模型、 logistic回归模型等分析方法,结合代际支持动机理论和能力理论,考察子女结构对农村养老中的资源交换机制的影响。结果发现:不管是经济支持还是情感支持,长子女和幼子女之间,儿子和女儿之间都存在分工关系和替代关系,以满足老年人的各项需求。子女的孩次、性别均对代际资源交换存在显著影响,孙子女的性别和数量对年轻一代和年老一代的代际动机产生显著影响,其中居住距离、外出务工和父母照料孙子女是不可忽略的中间因素。  相似文献   

本文分析了甘肃省农村低保制度的实施现状,基于扩展线性支出模型,以马斯洛需要层次理论为指导,测算甘肃省近五年的低保标准。发现农村低保制度实施存在覆盖范围广、水平低的不合理现象,仅能满足食品需求的低保标准仍处于较低水平,且无法满足贫困群体的多元需求等问题。提出低保制度实施要逐步采用积极的价值取向;促进低保标准与多元化需求的有机统一;拓展农村低保资金筹措渠道;充分重视基层工作建设等对策。  相似文献   

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