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In this paper we propose two algorithms for solving both unweighted and weighted constrained two-dimensional two-staged cutting stock problems. The problem is called two-staged cutting problem because each produced (sub)optimal cutting pattern is realized by using two cut-phases. In the first cut-phase, the current stock rectangle is slit down its width (resp. length) into a set of vertical (resp. horizontal) strips and, in the second cut-phase, each of these strips is taken individually and chopped across its length (resp. width).First, we develop an approximate algorithm for the problem. The original problem is reduced to a series of single bounded knapsack problems and solved by applying a dynamic programming procedure. Second, we propose an exact algorithm tailored especially for the constrained two-staged cutting problem. The algorithm starts with an initial (feasible) lower bound computed by applying the proposed approximate algorithm. Then, by exploiting dynamic programming properties, we obtain good lower and upper bounds which lead to significant branching cuts. Extensive computational testing on problem instances from the literature shows the effectiveness of the proposed approximate and exact approaches.  相似文献   

It is well-known that the multiple knapsack problem is NP-hard, and does not admit an FPTAS even for the case of two identical knapsacks. Whereas the 0-1 knapsack problem with only one knapsack has been intensively studied, and some effective exact or approximation algorithms exist. A natural approach for the multiple knapsack problem is to pack the knapsacks successively by using an effective algorithm for the 0-1 knapsack problem. This paper considers such an approximation algorithm that packs the knapsacks in the nondecreasing order of their capacities. We analyze this algorithm for 2 and 3 knapsack problems by the worst-case analysis method and give all their error bounds.  相似文献   

In a previous work we proposed a variable fixing heuristics for the 0-1 Multidimensional knapsack problem (01MDK). This approach uses fractional optima calculated in hyperplanes which contain the binary optimum. This algorithm obtained best lower bounds on the OR-Library benchmarks. Although it is very attractive in terms of results, this method does not prove the optimality of the solutions found and may fix variables to a non-optimal value. In this paper, we propose an implicit enumeration based on a reduced costs analysis which tends to fix non-basic variables to their exact values. The combination of two specific constraint propagations based on reduced costs and an efficient enumeration framework enable us to fix variables on the one hand and to prune significantly the search tree on the other hand. Experimentally, our work provides two main contributions: (1) we obtain several new optimal solutions on hard instances of the OR-Library and (2) we reduce the bounds of the number of items at the optimum on several harder instances.  相似文献   

In the binary single constraint Knapsack Problem, denoted KP, we are given a knapsack of fixed capacity c and a set of n items. Each item j, j = 1,...,n, has an associated size or weight wj and a profit pj. The goal is to determine whether or not item j, j = 1,...,n, should be included in the knapsack. The objective is to maximize the total profit without exceeding the capacity c of the knapsack. In this paper, we study the sensitivity of the optimum of the KP to perturbations of either the profit or the weight of an item. We give approximate and exact interval limits for both cases (profit and weight) and propose several polynomial time algorithms able to reach these interval limits. The performance of the proposed algorithms are evaluated on a large number of problem instances.  相似文献   

The 0–1 linear knapsack problem with a single continuous variable (KPC) is a natural generalization of the standard 0–1 linear knapsack problem (KP). In KPC, the capacity of the knapsack is not fixed, but can be adjusted by a continuous variable. This paper studies the approximation algorithm on KPC. Firstly, assuming that the weight of each item is at most the original capacity of the knapsack, we give a 2-approximation algorithm on KPC by generalizing the 2-approximation algorithm on KP. Then, without the above assumption, we give another 2-approximation algorithm on KPC for general cases by extending the first algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider combinatorial optimization problems whose feasible sets are simultaneously restricted by a binary knapsack constraint and a cardinality constraint imposing the exact number of selected variables. In particular, such sets arise when the feasible set corresponds to the bases of a matroid with a side knapsack constraint, for instance the weighted spanning tree problem and the multiple choice knapsack problem. We introduce the family of implicit cover inequalities which generalize the well-known cover inequalities for such feasible sets and discuss the lifting of the implicit cover inequalities. A computational study for the weighted spanning tree problem is reported.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an algorithm for the constrained two-dimensional cutting stock problem (TDC) in which a single stock sheet has to be cut into a set of small pieces, while maximizing the value of the pieces cut. The TDC problem is NP-hard in the strong sense and finds many practical applications in the cutting and packing area. The proposed algorithm is a hybrid approach in which a depth-first search using hill-climbing strategies and dynamic programming techniques are combined. The algorithm starts with an initial (feasible) lower bound computed by solving a series of single bounded knapsack problems. In order to enhance the first-level lower bound, we introduce an incremental procedure which is used within a top-down branch-and-bound procedure. We also propose some hill-climbing strategies in order to produce a good trade-off between the computational time and the solution quality. Extensive computational testing on problem instances from the literature shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The obtained results are compared to the results published by Alvarez-Valdés et al. (2002).  相似文献   

We study an integrated inventory-location problem with service requirements faced by an aerospace company in designing its service parts logistics network. Customer demand is Poisson distributed and the service levels are time-based leading to highly non-linear, stochastic service constraints and a nonlinear, mixed-integer optimization problem. Unlike previous work in the literature, which propose approximations for the nonlinear constraints, we present an exact solution methodology using logic-based Benders decomposition. We decompose the problem to separate the location decisions in the master problem from the inventory decisions in the subproblem. We propose a new family of valid cuts and prove that the algorithm is guaranteed to converge to optimality. This is the first attempt to solve this type of problem exactly. Then, we present a new restrict-and-decompose scheme to further decompose the Benders master problem by part. We test on industry instances as well as random instances. Using the exact algorithm and restrict-and-decompose scheme we are able to solve industry instances with up to 60 parts within reasonable time, while the maximum number of parts attempted in the literature is 5.  相似文献   

We consider stochastic variants of the NP-hard 0/1 knapsack problem in which item values are deterministic and item sizes are independent random variables with known, arbitrary distributions. Items are placed in the knapsack sequentially, and the act of placing an item in the knapsack instantiates its size. The goal is to compute a policy for insertion of the items, that maximizes the expected value of the set of items placed in the knapsack. These variants that we study differ only in the formula for computing the value of the final solution obtained by the policy. We consider both nonadaptive policies (that designate a priori a fixed subset or permutation of items to insert) and adaptive policies (that can make dynamic decisions based on the instantiated sizes of the items placed in the knapsack thus far). Our work characterizes the benefit of adaptivity. For this purpose we use a measure called the adaptivity gap: the supremum over instances of the ratio between the expected value obtained by an optimal adaptive policy and the expected value obtained by an optimal non-adaptive policy. We show that while for the variants considered in the literature this quantity is bounded by a constant there are other variants where it is unbounded.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a branch-and-cut algorithm and a branch-and-price algorithm to solve the pickup and delivery problem with loading cost (PDPLC), which is a new problem derived from the classic pickup and delivery problem (PDP) by considering the loading cost in the objective function. Applications of the PDPLC arise in healthcare transportation where the objective function is customer-centric or service-based. In the branch-and-price algorithm, we devise an ad hoc label-setting algorithm to solve the pricing problem and employ the bounded bidirectional search strategy to accelerate the label-setting algorithm. The proposed algorithms were tested on a set of instances generated by a common data generator in the literature. The computational results showed that the branch-and-price algorithm outperformed the branch-and-cut algorithm by a large margin, and can solve instances with 40 requests to optimality in a reasonable time frame.  相似文献   

A Simulated Annealing Approach to Communication Network Design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the use of the meta-heuristic search algorithm Simulated Annealing for solving a minimum cost network synthesis problem. This problem is a common one in the design of telecommunication networks. The formulation we use models a number of practical problems with hop-limit, degree and capacity constraints. Emphasis is placed on a new approach that uses a knapsack polytope to select amongst a number of pre-computed traffic routes in order to synthesise the network. The advantage of this approach is that a subset of the best routes can be used instead of the whole set, thereby making the process of designing large networks practicable. Using simulated annealing, we solve moderately large networks (up to 30 nodes) efficiently.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first give the definition of randomized time-varying knapsack problems (\(\textit{RTVKP}\)) and its mathematic model, and analyze the character about the various forms of \(\textit{RTVKP}\). Next, we propose three algorithms for \(\textit{RTVKP}\): (1) an exact algorithm with pseudo-polynomial time based on dynamic programming; (2) a 2-approximation algorithm for \(\textit{RTVKP}\) based on greedy algorithm; (3) a heuristic algorithm by using elitists model based on genetic algorithms. Finally, we advance an evaluation criterion for the algorithm which is used for solving dynamic combinational optimization problems, and analyze the virtue and shortage of three algorithms above by using the criterion. For the given three instances of \(\textit{RTVKP}\), the simulation computation results coincide with the theory analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a branch-and-bound algorithm for solving a particular integer quadratic multi-knapsack problem. The problem we study is defined as the maximization of a concave separable quadratic objective function over a convex set of linear constraints and bounded integer variables. Our exact solution method is based on the computation of an upper bound and also includes pre-procedure techniques in order to reduce the problem size before starting the branch-and-bound process. We lead a numerical comparison between our method and three other existing algorithms. The approach we propose outperforms other procedures for large-scaled instances (up to 2000 variables and constraints). A extended abstract of this paper appeared in LNCS 4362, pp. 456–464, 2007.  相似文献   


The 0-1 cubic knapsack problem (CKP), a generalization of the classical 0-1 quadratic knapsack problem, is an extremely challenging NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. An effective exact solution strategy for the CKP is to reformulate the nonlinear problem into an equivalent linear form that can then be solved using a standard mixed-integer programming solver. We consider a classical linearization method and propose a variant of a more recent technique for linearizing 0-1 cubic programs applied to the CKP. Using a variable reordering strategy, we show how to improve the strength of the linear programming relaxation of our proposed reformulation, which ultimately leads to reduced overall solution times. In addition, we develop a simple heuristic method for obtaining good-quality CKP solutions that can be used to provide a warm start to the solver. Computational tests demonstrate the effectiveness of both our variable reordering strategy and heuristic method.


The syntenic distance between two genomes is the minimum number of fusions, fissions, and translocations that can transform one genome to the other, ignoring the gene order within chromosomes. As the problem is NP-hard in general, some particular classes of synteny instances, such as linear synteny, exact synteny and nested synteny, are examined in the literature. In this paper, we propose a new special class of synteny instances, called uncovering synteny. We first present a polynomial time algorithm to solve the connected case of uncovering synteny optimally. By performing only intra-component moves, we then solve the unconnected case of uncovering synteny. We will further calculate the diameters of connected and unconnected uncovering synteny, respectively.  相似文献   

The maximum independent set problem is one of the most important problems in theoretical analysis on time and space complexities of exact algorithms. Theoretical improvement on upper bounds on time complexity to solve this problem in low-degree graphs can lead to an improvement on that to the problem in general graphs. In this paper, we derive an upper bound \(O^*(1.1376^n)\) on the time complexity of a polynomial-space algorithm that solves the maximum independent set problem in an n-vertex graph with degree bounded by 4, improving all previous upper bounds on the time complexity of exact algorithms to this problem. Our algorithm is a branch-and-reduce algorithm and analyzed by using the measure-and-conquer method. To make an amortized analysis of the running time bound, we use an idea of “shift” to save some decrease of the measure from good branches to bad branches. Our algorithm first deals with small vertex cuts and vertices of degree \({\ge }5\), which may be created in our algorithm even if the input graph has maximum degree 4, then eliminates cycles of length 3 and 4 containing degree-4 vertices, and finally branches on degree-4 vertices. We invoke an exact algorithm for this problem in graphs with maximum degree 3 directly when the graph has no vertices of degree \({\ge }4\). Branching on degree-4 vertices on special local structures will be the bottleneck case, and we carefully design rules of choosing degree-4 vertices to branch on so that the resulting instances after branching decrease the measure effectively in the next step.  相似文献   

The linear ordering problem (LOP) is an NP\mathcal{NP}-hard combinatorial optimization problem with a wide range of applications in economics, archaeology, the social sciences, scheduling, and biology. It has, however, drawn little attention compared to other closely related problems such as the quadratic assignment problem and the traveling salesman problem. Due to its computational complexity, it is essential in practice to develop solution approaches to rapidly search for solution of high-quality. In this paper we propose a new algorithm based on a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) to efficiently solve the LOP. The algorithm is integrated with a Path-Relinking (PR) procedure and a new local search scheme. We tested our implementation on the set of 49 real-world instances of input-output tables (LOLIB instances) proposed in Reinelt (Linear ordering library (LOLIB) 2002). In addition, we tested a set of 30 large randomly-generated instances proposed in Mitchell (Computational experience with an interior point cutting plane algorithm, Tech. rep., Mathematical Sciences, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA 1997). Most of the LOLIB instances were solved to optimality within 0.87 seconds on average. The average gap for the randomly-generated instances was 0.0173% with an average running time of 21.98 seconds. The results indicate the efficiency and high-quality of the proposed heuristic procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an optimal algorithm for the Multiple-choice Multidimensional Knapsack Problem MMKP. The main principle of the approach is twofold: (i) to generate an initial feasible solution as a starting lower bound, and (ii) at different levels of the search tree to determine an intermediate upper bound obtained by solving an auxiliary problem called MMKPaux and perform the strategy of fixing items during the exploration. The approach which we develop is of best-first search strategy. The method was able to optimally solve the MMKP. The performance of the exact algorithm is evaluated on a set of small and medium instances, some of them are extracted from the literature and others are randomly generated. This algorithm is parallelizable and it is one of its important feature.  相似文献   

A Semidefinite Programming Approach to the Quadratic Knapsack Problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to gain insight into the quality of semidefinite relaxations of constrained quadratic 0/1 programming problems we study the quadratic knapsack problem. We investigate several basic semidefinite relaxations of this problem and compare their strength in theory and in practice. Various possibilities to improve these basic relaxations by cutting planes are discussed. The cutting planes either arise from quadratic representations of linear inequalities or from linear inequalities in the quadratic model. In particular, a large family of combinatorial cuts is introduced for the linear formulation of the knapsack problem in quadratic space. Computational results on a small class of practical problems illustrate the quality of these relaxations and cutting planes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quasi-human algorithm for the rectangular strip packing problem without guillotine constraint. The basic version of the algorithm works according to seven heuristic selection rules, which are designed to select a corner-occupying action. The strengthened version of the algorithm adopts a branching scheme in which the basic version of the algorithm is applied in a heuristic series of parallel branches. Computational tests carried on eight sets of well-known benchmark instances show that the algorithm is efficient for approximately solving the problem. In comparison with the best algorithms in the literature, the algorithm performs better for zero-waste instances and large scale non-zero-waste instances.  相似文献   

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