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北京正在实施首都创新战略,努力在全国率先建设创新型城市。本研究对中国台湾学者应用的OCP调查问卷进行修订,对北京市的30家科技组织进行调查,对北京地区科技组织创新文化现状进行总结,同时对创新文化的作用机制进行研究,探讨北京科技组织创新文化建设的规律和方法,以达到推进首都科技创新文化建设的目的。  相似文献   

中小企业全面创新管理模式的关键维度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高创新能力是我国中小企业发展的关键.从我国实际情况来看,在经济全球化大背景下占全国企业总数99.8%以上的中小企业创新正面临着严峻的考验,关于中小企业创新管理和能力建设的许多理论和实践问题亟待进行深入系统的理论与实证研究.中小企业的TIM创新管理模式是企业充分利用已有创新资源并克服自身劣势,突破企业技术发展瓶颈的有效途径之一,也是构建中国未来经济核心竞争力的手段之一.本研究以问题为导向,从全面创新管理理论、企业能力理论、中小企业创新管理理论等不同理论与方法出发,研究我国中小企业进行创新管理的关键子维度,及其对企业创新绩效的作用机理.在实证研究部分,作者以杭州X电器有限公司等三家企业为例进行了案例分析,梳理了企业在创新管理模式构建与实施过程中的关键问题与取得的成效.  相似文献   

We develop and test a model of innovation behavior in the hotel industry. The model relates four types of innovation—i.e., management, external communication, service scope and back-office—to the key determinants: service provider characteristics, customer competences and the market drivers. Using statistical probit models and cross-sectional survey data from a stratified sample of hotels in the Balearic Islands (N=331) we were able to verify the model including innovation types determinants and the innovation impact on hotels performance. Main findings verify the model indicating the effects of these determinants on innovation and the positive impact of the innovation on the hotels performance. Hence, innovation decisions determinants are: the additional services on offer, that bookings are made through tour operators, that hotels are part of a hotel chain and that the owners of the hotel run the business.  相似文献   

企业创新管理系统的特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
企业的创新活动是提高组织效率的一个重要途径,对创新活动的有效管理是企业创新活动能否发挥应有作用的一个重要方面。本文针对目前创新管理研究中,只注重对单一创新活动的讨论而缺乏系统思想的不足,提出了要在企业中建立创新管理系统的问题,并借鉴国外的研究成果,从需求导向的创新系统观点出发,对创新管理系统的概念、输入与输出进行了研究,描述了创新管理系统的结构。在此基础上,通过对系统概念模型的抽象,初步阐述了创新管理系统运行的交互学习机制。  相似文献   

本研究基于探索/利用双元分析框架,将管理创新划分为利用式管理创新和探索式管理创新两个维度,并将知识搜寻和认知评价的理论观点整合到现有管理创新采纳与实施过程理论模型中,构建了一个研究模型,以考察双元管理创新的采纳过程及其实施对企业绩效的影响。本文以我国华南地区468家制造型企业为问卷调查对象,对上述研究模型进行实证检验,结果表明:(1)科学型知识搜寻主要促进探索式管理创新;市场型知识搜寻对利用式和探索式管理创新均有正向影响;供应链型知识搜寻主要促进利用式管理创新;(2)科学型知识搜寻与探索式管理创新间的关系同时受到风险性认知(负向)、匹配性认知(正向)和复杂性认知(负向)的调节效应影响;市场型知识搜寻与利用式管理创新间的关系仅受到复杂性认知的负向调节效应影响;供应链型知识搜寻与利用式管理创新间的关系同时受到风险性认知(负向)、匹配性认知(正向)和复杂性认知(正向)的调节效应影响,但其与探索式管理创新间的关系仅受到匹配性认知的负向调节效应影响;(3)利用式管理创新与企业绩效呈倒U型关系;探索式管理创新与企业绩效呈正U型关系。研究结论对于厘清管理创新的复杂采纳过程及其实施机理有一定的理论贡献,同时对企业顺利开展管理创新具有一定的实践启示意义。  相似文献   

探索式创新、利用式创新与绩效:战略和环境的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本文基于397家中国企业的样本数据,对探索式创新、利用式创新与企业绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究,着重考察了探索式创新、利用式创新的内部匹配关系以及这两类创新行为与企业战略和环境的外部匹配关系。结果表明,两类创新行为分别对企业绩效有直接的正向影响,两类创新行为之间的内部匹配对绩效无显著影响,两类创新行为与企业战略和环境竞争性的外部匹配关系对绩效有显著影响。  相似文献   

This paper explores the moderating role of cultural values on relationships between participation satisfaction (PS) and employees’ organizational commitment (OC). A survey of 1390 employees of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, a Government of India Public Sector Undertaking providing telecommunication services across India, shows that PS is directly related to OC, and is moderated by employees’ cultural values at individual level. The form of moderation reveals: positive and insignificant relationship between PS and affective commitment for employees high in uncertainty avoidance; positive and significant relationship between PS and normative commitment for employees high in individualism/collectivism, low in masculinity/femininity, and low in power distance. No moderation has been found in the relationship between PS and continuance commitment.  相似文献   


'The capability to adjust to new conditions quickly has developed into a decisive competitive advantage. You cannot waste any time if you want to be successful.' (Emeritus Professor Dr h. c. mult. Changing conditions in the market place issue new challenges to small- and medium-sized enterprises. Organization and qualification of employees have to be adjusted to the modified situation. If the only steady factor is change, the management of change is going to be the outstanding role of the leader. The successful structuring of change processes requires powerful methods and tools: to make business processes transparent and lean; to find a common 'corporate language' based upon customers benefits and shareholders value; Dr-Ing. G. Spur) to bring together process know-how in a central information base. This contribution summarizes the experiences from several projects. We will show how the synchronization of necessary reengineering measures makes corporate knowledge active, e.g. to improve the shareholders value, reduce investment costs, and shorten the duration of projects. As successful examples two medium-sized companies are described.  相似文献   


Analysis of the literature and examination of the various models of integration and testing in the field, have revealed five key issues relating to management system integration. This paper examines the recently published ISO 9001 : 2000 quality management system standard to see how it addresses these issues, under the headings of compatibility, scope and organizational culture. The examination reveals that while compatibility with the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards has been improved in some areas, a different approach and model of a management system has been used. The paper suggests that differences in the scope of the standards are also likely to give rise to different sub-cultures which will hinder integration, and scope and culture are more important than compatibility. This leads the authors to conclude that new models of integration should be based on an approach and definitions which can be used in any management system, as well as an integrated one. Models of an integrated management system should also emphasize the need for no significant differences in the scope of the integrated systems, and a strong culture which supports the main requirements of TQM.  相似文献   

学习、知识整合与创新的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究企业的学习导向、知识整合、技术创新和管理创新之间相互影响的机制和路径,并以我国华南地区的196家企业为样本进行实证研究.学术贡献在于明确了上述变量之间的影响路径和作用机制,我们也发现学习导向对知识整合有显著的直接正向影响,学习导向必须通过知识的整合才能促进技术创新和管理创新.本文的结果对于正确理解组织的学习与创新过程以及知识整合在企业的学习与创新实践中的作用有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

面向创新的项目导向型企业体制与机制的集成模型与方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过对天津、河北和山东部分企业的研究发现,我国现有企业在自主创新方面存在企业组织体制和管理机制方面的问题.为解决这些问题,我国企业需要建设一种面向创新的项目导向型企业模式.国际最新的研究结果可以证明,这种新型企业是我国创新型国家建设和知识经济发展所需项目导向型社会的基本单元.本文全面讨论了这种面向创新的项目导向型企业组织体制和管理机制问题,以及建设这种自主创新企业所需的集成模型和方法.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study which examines the co-alignment between Total Quality Management (TQM) and technology/research and development (R&D) management in predicting organizational performance in terms of quality and innovation. This study improves our understanding of the relationship between TQM and innovation based on the following two major issues. First, this study contributes to the understanding of the co-alignment between TQM and technology management along with R&D management by bridging the gap between the two areas which are often addressed in a separate fashion. Second, this study also examines the impact of the integration between TQM and technology/R&D on quality and innovation performance which have been considered as the primary sources of a competitive advantage. The empirical data was drawn from 194 Australian organizations and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. The findings indicate that TQM shows a strong predictive power against quality performance but no significant relationship against innovation performance. On the other hand, technology and R&D management shows a significant relationship with quality performance but at a lower level than that of TQM, and shows much stronger relationship with innovation performance. In addition, there is strong and positive correlation between TQM and technology/R&D management. The major implication of this study is that technology/R&D management is an appropriate resource to be used in harmony with TQM to enhance organizational performance, particularly innovation.  相似文献   

The author believes that management by recipe and imitation are dead. That way, one is predictable and vulnerable to competitors. Management should create the changing environment, not merely respond to change. He advocates methodological approaches to innovation, value added dynamics and accelerated organizational change, with particular emphasis on realizing rapid competitive benefits from implementation of strategic information systems. He believes that accelerating the innovative use of information technology will have more impact on the performance of the European IT industry that any amount of subsidized R & D.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to develop management theory that can be used to increase the likelihood of ERP implementation success. The paper argues and demonstrates that an ERP implementation can be understood as an intended radical change that can be managed to some extent. But during the use of the system, incremental changes are bound to take place, which are unintended and difficult to manage. Using, therefore, and combining positivist and constructivist viewpoints, six different propositions on ERP implementation are developed. The paper reasons that organizations that understand these propositions are more likely to implement and use ERP successfully. The findings of a longitudinal case study of the implementation and use of BaaN in a Danish company support the propositions put forward in the paper.  相似文献   

企业的创新能力、行业地位与员工离职意图的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以川东深井钻探公司的调查数据为样本进行了实证分析,主要探讨了企业的创新能力和行业地位对员工离职意图是否有影响,同时考察了组织承诺、内部社会支持和好的工作机会等因素对离职意图的影响。结果表明,企业的行业地位和上司支持对离职意图有显著的负影响,好的工作机会对离职意图有显著的正影响;企业的创新能力、组织承诺和同事支持没有对离职意图表现出显著的影响。  相似文献   

The often paradoxical relationship between investment in information technology and gains in productivity has recently been attributed to a lack of user acceptance of information technology innovations. Diverse streams of research have attempted to explain and predict user acceptance of new information technologies. A common theme underlying these various research streams is the inclusion of the perceived characteristics of an innovation as key independent variables. Furthermore, prior research has utilized different outcomes to represent user acceptance behavior. In this paper we focus on individual's perceptions about the characteristics of the target technology as explanatory and predictive variables for acceptance behavior, and present an empirical study examining the effects of these perceptions on two frequently used outcomes in the context of the innovation represented by the World Wide Web. The two outcomes examined are initial use of an innovation and intentions to continue such use in the future, that is, to routinize technology use. Two research questions motivated and guided the study. First, are the perceptions that predict initial use the same as those that predict future use intentions? Our results confirm, as hypothesized by prior research, that innovation characteristics do explain acceptance behavior. The results further reveal that the specific characteristics that are relevant for each acceptance outcome are different. The second research question asks if perceived voluntariness plays a role in technology acceptance. Results show that external pressure has an impact on adopters' acceptance behavior. Theoretical and practical implications that follow are presented.  相似文献   

Net neutrality (NN) is a widely debated policy issue that has the potential to alter the dynamics of accessing online content. The focal point of the debate lies in whether broadband service providers (BSPs) should be allowed to charge content providers for the preferential delivery of their digital content. This decision will affect broadband market coverage for end consumers as well as the issues of long‐term competition and innovation in the market of digital content. Our research aims to analyze and address these issues. We propose a game theoretical model with three players—the BSP, the content providers, and the consumers—where the BSP, in its capacity as a gatekeeper between the content providers and the consumers, is modeled as a two‐sided market platform. We find that while abandoning the principle of NN might sometimes result in increased consumer surplus and broadband market coverage, it can also hinder the ability of startups to compete against established rivals and thus reduce innovation at the edge. The results should be of great interest to policymakers as they debate on this very crucial issue.  相似文献   

技术创新网络中企业的合作绩效受到企业间依赖关系与企业开放度的影响。本文在对相关文献梳理的基础上,提出了网络内企业间依赖与开放度对合作绩效影响的理论假设,利用我国企业技术创新合作过程中的实际数据,对其进行了实证检验。结果表明,技术创新网络中企业间联合依赖与不对称依赖的程度会影响到企业在合作过程中的开放度,同时也会影响到企业的合作绩效。进而,作为企业间依赖与企业合作绩效间重要的中介,开放度也显著影响着企业合作的绩效。  相似文献   

This study investigates the interactions of innovation strategy execution and innovation‐focused human resource (HR) policy adoption on innovation performance and revenue growth. In addition, we investigate the moderating role of environmental uncertainty on the effects of innovation strategy execution and innovation‐focused HR policy on innovation performance. Results show that the interaction of innovation strategy execution and innovation‐focused HR policy is positively related to innovation performance. Results also show that environmental uncertainty positively moderates the innovation strategy execution–innovation performance relationship. Finally, innovation performance mediates the interaction of innovation strategy execution and environmental uncertainty on firms’ revenue growth. Implications of these findings for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

知识型团队是现代组织执行复杂创新任务的重要组织形式.本文从分析知识型团队与知识工作任务的匹配关系入手,在引入知识链及知识链网络等概念的基础上,探讨了基于知识链的知识型团队的动态能力构建机制,分析了围绕知识链网络的知识团队结构体系模型及创新运作机理.  相似文献   

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