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This article examines an AHRC ‘Co-Design and Co-Production’ project focussed on the decision-making processes within the ‘heritage ecology’. The project involved three UK universities and a range of heritage institutions and community organisations. The project set out to empower community organisations through an emphasis upon deliberative democracy. Heritage is conceptualised as public value because it is used to define identity and belonging in civil society. Network governance theory is used to characterise the operational capabilities and the decision-making environment in the heritage ecology. The article argues that the public value of heritage is realised through network governance when ‘human elements’, such as emotional value are authentically and legitimately represented in deliberative processes.  相似文献   

The Fukushima Daiichi accident released huge amounts of radioactive material over a wide area. We can appreciate the geographical extent of radioactive contamination from the information published online by the Japanese government. Historically, this is an unprecedented situation, which allows “natural experimentation” to estimate the causal effects of radioactive contamination on our society. This study focused on property value losses caused by the accident and analyzed changes in land appraisals around the Fukushima Daiichi plant from July 2010 to July 2011 within the framework of hedonic approach. Thus, we estimated the short‐run impact of the contamination or the change in marginal value of proximity to the plant. The results suggest that the appraisals significantly and monotonically depreciated with increasing contamination levels. However, there was no evidence to suggest changes in the marginal value of proximity to the plant. A comparison between the appraisals and transaction prices indicates that this result could be interpreted as an underestimate of actual property value losses.  相似文献   

Including real options in firms ’ value raises numerous difficulties. Limitations concerning the relevance of option pricing models outside financial markets are the most salient, but carrying out a valuation implies other assumptions, especially on firms’ governance. In particular, assessing whether a real option should be included within a firm’s boundaries and how its value should be shared, is difficult. Most of these issues result from the different property rights on real options: who creates and who can exercise the option? We discuss existing answers to these difficulties and propose a matrix based on property rights to help practitioners decide whether a real option can be valued appropriately or not by real options models. We support our discussion with a case study based on an R&;D firm valuation.  相似文献   

企业家人力资本产权界定与国有企业绩效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从企业家人力资本产权界定、企业家能力、企业家努力水平的激励动力等维度来展开分析,找出国有企业低绩效原因在于企业家人力资本产权的"残缺".并结合时代特征与中国的具体实践提出界定企业家人力资本产权,实现其人力资本产权的价值是解决国有企业低绩效根本.也是国有企业产权制度改革的突破口.  相似文献   

The city of Washington, District of Columbia (DC) will face flooding, and eventual geographic changes, in both the short‐ and long‐term future because of sea level rise (SLR) brought on by climate change, including global warming. To fully assess the potential damage, a linear model was developed to predict SLR in Washington, DC, and its results compared to other nonlinear model results. Using geographic information systems (GIS) and graphical visualization, analytical models were created for the city and its underlying infrastructure. Values of SLR used in the assessments were 0.1 m for the year 2043 and 0.4 m for the year 2150 to model short‐term SLR; 1.0 m, 2.5 m, and 5.0 m were used for long‐term SLR. All necessary data layers were obtained from free data banks from the U.S. Geological Survey and Washington, DC government websites. Using GIS software, inventories of the possibly affected infrastructure were made at different SLR. Results of the analysis show that low SLR would lead to a minimal loss of city area. Damages to the local properties, however, are estimated at an assessment value of at least US$2 billion based on only the direct losses of properties listed in real estate databases, without accounting for infrastructure damages that include military installations, residential areas, governmental property, and cultural institutions. The projected value of lost property is in excess of US$24.6 billion at 5.0 m SLR.  相似文献   

Prior agency-theory research has presented conflicting findings regarding the importance of board monitoring in motivating R&D. We reinvestigate this literature by examining the value monitoring exerts in abating both the agency costs of underinvestment and overinvestment in R&D. We argue that monitoring that relies on board independence has both benefits and costs associated with promoting R&D. While we assert that intense monitoring by the board heightens underinvestment in the US context, it can also provide discipline over a firms free cash flows. We test our theory using a longitudinal panel data set consisting of a cross-section of S&P 1500 US-firms between 1997 and 2007. On average our study finds inside directors increase overinvestment in R&D, but facilitate better resource allocation when a firm has rich growth opportunities. Also, while too much emphasis on outside directors heightens underinvestment in R&D, a more independent board encourages better resource allocation when firms have high free cash flows that need to be paid back to owners. Thus, our results suggest a more inclusive perspective of agency-theory can help managers make better R&D investment decisions.  相似文献   

This paper concerns some economic aspects of innovation particularly as the source of long term growth. Economic history supplies many examples of the rejuvenation of economies which, at various points in time, could legitimately have been considered ‘ageing’. The author asks ‘Could Britain's turn come now?’  相似文献   

我国不良贷款的成因、质量和市场环境具有相当的特殊性和复杂性,因此不良贷款的转移定价一直是我国资产管理公司所关心的难点问题.本文在传统的信用贷款和抵押贷款欧式期权违约定价模型基础上,针对我国大量存在的资不抵债但负债企业需持续经营的不良贷款,提出了一种不再限定特定违约时刻,且执行价格随时间变化的不良贷款美式期权违约定价模型,该模型给出了利用企业价值、无风险利率、企业的风险、还款期限、本金摊销方式和贷款余额等因素确定不良贷款价值的方法.编制了数值计算程序,计算了一个评估案例,对不良贷款价值的利率敏感性进行了讨论.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a framework for conducting a decision analysis for a societal problem such as earthquake safety. The application deals with the formulation and evaluation of alternative policies for the seismic safety problem faced by the city of Los Angeles with regard to its old masonry buildings. A social decision analysis compares the costs and benefits of the alternative policies from the viewpoints of the impacted constituents. The emphasis is on identifying acceptable policy that considers the interests of the impacted constituents and provides incentives for their cooperation. Alternatives ranging from strict regulation to free market are examined. In order to evaluate the trade-offs between additional cost and savings in lives, a direct willingness-to-pay and an economic approach, based on property value differential, are used. Recommendations range from strict regulation for the residential and critical buildings (schools, hospitals, fire stations, etc.) to simply informing the occupants (in the case of commercial and industrial buildings) of the risks involved.  相似文献   

产学研合作中,企业方和学研方由于主体异质性,容易引发知识产权冲突,从而导致效率损失或合作破裂。对此,本文采用不完全契约理论下的参照点契约理论框架,选择实践中知识产权交易价格和知识产权成果价值两个矛盾集中点入手,基于契约参照点偏差,引入企业方和学研方在议价能力、价值认知及折减行为上的不对称假定,从事前知识产权的最优分配、事后自我履约价格区间求解以及事后最优知识产权交易价格的选取三个方面,建立了参照点契约模型,对产学研研发合作契约进行优化设计。研究表明,创新知识产权份额的分配将对产学研合作整体效率产生影响,签订弹性价格契约有助于事后价格位于自我履约区间内,从而在一定程度上提高事后效率,但仍不能完全避免折减行为,需优化选取事后价格以实现产学研合作整体效率的最优。  相似文献   

We propose a distribution‐free entropy‐based methodology to calculate the expected value of an uncertainty reduction effort and present our results within the context of reducing demand uncertainty. In contrast to existing techniques, the methodology does not require a priori assumptions regarding the underlying demand distribution, does not require sampled observations to be the mechanism by which uncertainty is reduced, and provides an expectation of information value as opposed to an upper bound. In our methodology, a decision maker uses his existing knowledge combined with the maximum entropy principle to model both his present and potential future states of uncertainty as probability densities over all possible demand distributions. Modeling uncertainty in this way provides for a theoretically justified and intuitively satisfying method of valuing an uncertainty reduction effort without knowing the information to be revealed. We demonstrate the methodology's use in three different settings: (i) a newsvendor valuing knowledge of expected demand, (ii) a short life cycle product supply manager considering the adoption of a quick response strategy, and (iii) a revenue manager making a pricing decision with limited knowledge of the market potential for his product.  相似文献   

企业科技创新战略实施方略探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨为国  金哲  杨筝 《管理学报》2008,5(4):576-582
随着我国近年来科技发展投入增加,科技发展水平有了较大提高,但从我国企业及各地区科技发展与管理水平看,仅有少数企业和地区的科技发展水平较高,大部分地区的科技发展水平仍不容乐观。基于此,通过对我国企业知识产权管理、企业知识产权保护状况及区域科技发展状况3个层面的比较和分析,探讨了企业科技创新战略中的弱势与不足,对我国企业的科技创新和知识产权实施方略提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

This paper studies the nonparametric identification of the first‐price auction model with risk averse bidders within the private value paradigm. First, we show that the benchmark model is nonindentified from observed bids. We also derive the restrictions imposed by the model on observables and show that these restrictions are weak. Second, we establish the nonparametric identification of the bidders' utility function under exclusion restrictions. Our primary exclusion restriction takes the form of an exogenous bidders' participation, leading to a latent distribution of private values that is independent of the number of bidders. The key idea is to exploit the property that the bid distribution varies with the number of bidders while the private value distribution does not. We then extend these results to endogenous bidders' participation when the exclusion restriction takes the form of instruments that do not affect the bidders' private value distribution. Though derived for a benchmark model, our results extend to more general cases such as a binding reserve price, affiliated private values, and asymmetric bidders. Last, possible estimation methods are proposed.  相似文献   

The single crossing property plays a crucial role in economic theory, yet there are important instances where the property cannot be directly assumed or easily derived. Difficulties often arise because the property cannot be aggregated: the sum or convex combination of two functions with the single crossing property need not have that property. We introduce a new condition characterizing when the single crossing property is stable under aggregation, and also identify sufficient conditions for the preservation of the single crossing property under multidimensional aggregation. We use our results to establish properties of objective functions (convexity, logsupermodularity), the monotonicity of optimal decisions under uncertainty, and the existence of monotone equilibria in Bayesian games.  相似文献   

绿色食品信息、价值属性对绿色购买行为影响实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据EKB模型、H-S模型和消费价值模型,结合绿色食品自身特征,构建了绿色信息传播、绿色产品属性、消费者购买行为3个构面的模型。通过问卷调查,分析了绿色信息传播和绿色产品属性的直接关系程度,以及绿色信息传播、绿色产品属性对消费者购买行为的影响。主要研究结论:绿色信息传播对绿色产品属性有普遍直接影响,绿色信息传播、绿色产品价值属性对消费者购买行为有直接影响。  相似文献   

论货币自由兑换的制度基础   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文认为 ,实现货币的自由兑换不只是一个货币问题 ,更是一个制度问题;货币自由兑换的先决条件是合理的制度;实现本国货币的自由兑换既不是最终目标 ,也不是最后的改革步骤 ,而只是一个过渡性的制度变革;中国要积极、稳妥地成功实现人民币的自由兑换 ,就必须首先进行彻底的产权改革。  相似文献   

Innovation contests are increasingly adopting a format where submissions are viewable by all contestants and the information structure changes during the contest. In such an “unblind” format, contestants must weigh the costs of revealing their submissions against the benefits of improving their submissions through emerging information. We take a closer look at how contestants solve problems in innovation contests with public submission of solutions—that is, unblind contests, by examining the implications of their submission behavior for contest outcomes. We analyze the submission behavior in terms of three dimensions: the position of first submission by the contestant, the number of submissions the contestant makes, and the length of active participation by the contestant. The econometric analysis of a large dataset of unblind innovation contests and participating contestants indicates that, despite the potential for free riding and intellectual property loss from disclosure of submissions, contestants who have a lower position of first submission are more likely to succeed in the contest. Further, we find some evidence of a curvilinear relationship between a contestant's number of submissions and her likelihood of success, indicating a potential “quality–quantity” trade‐off in unblind innovation contests. Finally, our findings indicate that increasing the length of participation in a contest has a positive effect on a contestant's likelihood of success. Departing from prior studies on innovation contests, where a contestant's success is assumed to be a function of her prior experience and problem‐solving skills, our study provides new empirical evidence that, in innovation contests with public submissions, the submission behavior of a contestant also plays an explanatory role in a contestant's success.  相似文献   

The paper analyses to what extent ownership structure, capital structure, and dividend policy as corporate governance mechanisms drive the firm value. From a data panel of publicly quoted Chilean firms for the years 2002–2010, we find that there is an inverse U-shaped relationship between ownership concentration and firm value. The positive slope is supported by the supervision hypothesis; whilst the negative relation between ownership concentration and firm value is supported by the expropriation hypothesis. We also find that there is a positive impact of both leverage and the dividend pay-out on the firm value. In this case, these two mechanisms reduce the free cash flows which otherwise might be used opportunistically by managers in their own interests (free rider problem). Contrary to the previous empirical literature in Chile, it is found that the mere fact that a firm is affiliated to a business group/conglomerate impacts positively its value. This positive effect is basically driven by the development of intragroup capital markets, and the governance imposed by the rules of the conglomerate.  相似文献   

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